예제 #1
        void ApplyNewLayout(CircularList <BufferLine> lines, int [] newLayout)
            var newLayoutLines = new CircularList <BufferLine> (lines.Length);

            for (int i = 0; i < newLayout.Length; i++)
                newLayoutLines.Push(lines [newLayout [i]]);

            // Rearrange the list
            for (int i = 0; i < newLayoutLines.Length; i++)
                lines [i] = newLayoutLines [i];

            lines.Length = newLayout.Length;
예제 #2
        LayoutResult CreateNewLayout(CircularList <BufferLine> lines, int [] toRemove)
            var layout = new CircularList <int> (lines.Length);

            // First iterate through the list and get the actual indexes to use for rows
            int nextToRemoveIndex = 0;
            int nextToRemoveStart = toRemove [nextToRemoveIndex];
            int countRemovedSoFar = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++)
                if (nextToRemoveStart == i)
                    int countToRemove = toRemove [++nextToRemoveIndex];

                    // Tell markers that there was a deletion
                    //lines.onDeleteEmitter.fire ({
                    //	index: i - countRemovedSoFar,
                    //	amount: countToRemove

                    i += countToRemove - 1;
                    countRemovedSoFar += countToRemove;

                    nextToRemoveStart = int.MaxValue;
                    if (nextToRemoveIndex < toRemove.Length - 1)
                        nextToRemoveStart = toRemove [++nextToRemoveIndex];

            return(new LayoutResult()
                Layout = layout.ToArray(),
                RemovedCount = countRemovedSoFar,
예제 #3
 protected static int GetWrappedLineTrimmedLength(CircularList <BufferLine> lines, int row, int cols)
     return(GetWrappedLineTrimmedLength(lines [row], row == lines.Length - 1 ? null : lines [row + 1], cols));
예제 #4
        void Rearrange(List <InsertionSet> toInsert, int countToInsert)
            // Rearrange lines in the buffer if there are any insertions, this is done at the end rather
            // than earlier so that it's a single O(n) pass through the buffer, instead of O(n^2) from many
            // costly calls to CircularList.splice.
            if (toInsert.Count > 0)
                // Record buffer insert events and then play them back backwards so that the indexes are
                // correct
                List <int> insertEvents = new List <int> ();

                // Record original lines so they don't get overridden when we rearrange the list
                CircularList <BufferLine> originalLines = new CircularList <BufferLine> (Buffer.Lines.MaxLength);
                for (int i = 0; i < Buffer.Lines.Length; i++)
                    originalLines.Push(Buffer.Lines [i]);

                int originalLinesLength = Buffer.Lines.Length;

                int          originalLineIndex = originalLinesLength - 1;
                int          nextToInsertIndex = 0;
                InsertionSet nextToInsert      = toInsert [nextToInsertIndex];
                Buffer.Lines.Length = Math.Min(Buffer.Lines.MaxLength, Buffer.Lines.Length + countToInsert);

                int countInsertedSoFar = 0;
                for (int i = Math.Min(Buffer.Lines.MaxLength - 1, originalLinesLength + countToInsert - 1); i >= 0; i--)
                    if (!nextToInsert.IsNull && nextToInsert.Start > originalLineIndex + countInsertedSoFar)
                        // Insert extra lines here, adjusting i as needed
                        for (int nextI = nextToInsert.Lines.Length - 1; nextI >= 0; nextI--)
                            Buffer.Lines [i--] = nextToInsert.Lines [nextI];


                        // Create insert events for later
                        //insertEvents.Add ({
                        //	index: originalLineIndex + 1,
                        //	amount: nextToInsert.newLines.length

                        countInsertedSoFar += nextToInsert.Lines.Length;
                        if (nextToInsertIndex < toInsert.Count - 1)
                            nextToInsert = toInsert [++nextToInsertIndex];
                            nextToInsert = InsertionSet.Null;
                        Buffer.Lines [i] = originalLines [originalLineIndex--];

                 * // Update markers
                 * let insertCountEmitted = 0;
                 * for (let i = insertEvents.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                 *      insertEvents [i].index += insertCountEmitted;
                 *      this.lines.onInsertEmitter.fire (insertEvents [i]);
                 *      insertCountEmitted += insertEvents [i].amount;
                 * }
                 * const amountToTrim = Math.max (0, originalLinesLength + countToInsert - this.lines.maxLength);
                 * if (amountToTrim > 0) {
                 *      this.lines.onTrimEmitter.fire (amountToTrim);
                 * }
예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Evaluates and returns indexes to be removed after a reflow larger occurs. Lines will be removed
        /// when a wrapped line unwraps.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="lines">The buffer lines</param>
        /// <param name="oldCols">The columns before resize</param>
        /// <param name="newCols">The columns after resize</param>
        /// <param name="bufferAbsoluteY"></param>
        /// <param name="nullCharacter"></param>
        int [] GetLinesToRemove(CircularList <BufferLine> lines, int oldCols, int newCols, int bufferAbsoluteY, CharData nullCharacter)
            // Gather all BufferLines that need to be removed from the Buffer here so that they can be
            // batched up and only committed once
            List <int> toRemove = new List <int> ();

            for (int y = 0; y < lines.Length - 1; y++)
                // Check if this row is wrapped
                int        i        = y;
                BufferLine nextLine = lines [++i];
                if (!nextLine.IsWrapped)

                // Check how many lines it's wrapped for
                List <BufferLine> wrappedLines = new List <BufferLine> (lines.Length - y);
                wrappedLines.Add(lines [y]);
                while (i < lines.Length && nextLine.IsWrapped)
                    nextLine = lines [++i];

                // If these lines contain the cursor don't touch them, the program will handle fixing up wrapped
                // lines with the cursor
                if (bufferAbsoluteY >= y && bufferAbsoluteY < i)
                    y += wrappedLines.Count - 1;

                // Copy buffer data to new locations
                int destLineIndex = 0;
                int destCol       = GetWrappedLineTrimmedLength(Buffer.Lines, destLineIndex, oldCols);
                int srcLineIndex  = 1;
                int srcCol        = 0;
                while (srcLineIndex < wrappedLines.Count)
                    int srcTrimmedTineLength = GetWrappedLineTrimmedLength(wrappedLines, srcLineIndex, oldCols);
                    int srcRemainingCells    = srcTrimmedTineLength - srcCol;
                    int destRemainingCells   = newCols - destCol;
                    int cellsToCopy          = Math.Min(srcRemainingCells, destRemainingCells);

                    wrappedLines [destLineIndex].CopyCellsFrom(wrappedLines [srcLineIndex], srcCol, destCol, cellsToCopy);

                    destCol += cellsToCopy;
                    if (destCol == newCols)
                        destCol = 0;

                    srcCol += cellsToCopy;
                    if (srcCol == srcTrimmedTineLength)
                        srcCol = 0;

                    // Make sure the last cell isn't wide, if it is copy it to the current dest
                    if (destCol == 0 && destLineIndex != 0)
                        if (wrappedLines [destLineIndex - 1].GetWidth(newCols - 1) == 2)
                            wrappedLines [destLineIndex].CopyCellsFrom(wrappedLines [destLineIndex - 1], newCols - 1, destCol++, 1);
                            // Null out the end of the last row
                            wrappedLines [destLineIndex - 1].ReplaceCells(newCols - 1, 1, nullCharacter);

                // Clear out remaining cells or fragments could remain;
                wrappedLines [destLineIndex].ReplaceCells(destCol, newCols, nullCharacter);

                // Work backwards and remove any rows at the end that only contain null cells
                int countToRemove = 0;
                for (int ix = wrappedLines.Count - 1; ix > 0; ix--)
                    if (ix > destLineIndex || wrappedLines [ix].GetTrimmedLength() == 0)

                if (countToRemove > 0)
                    toRemove.Add(y + wrappedLines.Count - countToRemove);                      // index

                y += wrappedLines.Count - 1;
