private void LoadGeophysiscsTextDataForPreview(string inputFilename) { IOResults ares = new IOResults(); List<ColumnMetaInfo> dbFields = GetGeophysicsFieldsFromXODB(); // talk to the database to get the column names ImportDataPreview.SetMandatoryMappingColumns(dbFields); ImportDataPreview.SetPreviewType("GEOPHYISCS"); bool firstLineIsHeader = true; if (inputFilename.ToLower().EndsWith("las")) { LASFileReader lfr = new LASFileReader(); int errCode = 0; LASFile fl = lfr.ReadLASFile(inputFilename, 0, out errCode); List<RawDataRow> dt = new List<RawDataRow>(); RawDataRow rdh = new RawDataRow(); rdh.dataItems = new List<string>(); rdh.dataItems.Add("Depth"); foreach (string ss in fl.columnHeaders) { rdh.dataItems.Add(ss); } dt.Add(rdh); foreach (LASDataRow ldr in fl.dataRows) { RawDataRow rd = new RawDataRow(); rd.dataItems.Add(""+ldr.depth); foreach (double d in ldr.rowData) { rd.dataItems.Add("" + d); } dt.Add(rd); } ImportDataPreview.ResetTable(dt, true); } else { List<RawDataRow> dt = blockRawFileReader.LoadRawDataForPreview(inputFilename, ares); ImportDataPreview.ResetTable(dt, firstLineIsHeader); } }
public LASFile GetLASFile(string inputFilename,ModelImportStatus mis ) { LASFile lf = null; try { LASFileReader lfr = new LASFileReader(); int columnOffset = 0; int errorCode = 0; lf = lfr.ReadLASFile(inputFilename, columnOffset, out errorCode); if (errorCode == 0) { mis.finalErrorCode = ModelImportStatus.OK; string res = ""; foreach (string nc in lf.columnHeaders) { res += nc + ", "; } mis.linesReadFromSource = lf.dataRows.Count; // Display error mesasges if required if (lf.errorDetails != null && lf.errorDetails.Count > 0) { string messageBoxText = "The file (" + inputFilename + ") was loaded, but issues were noted as follows:"; mis.AddWarningMessage(messageBoxText); foreach (string ed in lf.errorDetails) { string ss = "\n" + ed; mis.AddWarningMessage(ss); } } } else { string messageBoxText = "The file (" + inputFilename + ") could not be loaded. Please check that the file is " + "accessible, is not open in another application and is in the correct format."; mis.AddErrorMessage(messageBoxText); string errorCodeDetails = LASErrorCodes.LookupCode(errorCode); if (lf != null && lf.errorDetails != null) { foreach (string ed in lf.errorDetails) { string ss = "\n" + ed; mis.AddErrorMessage(ss); } } mis.finalErrorCode = ModelImportStatus.ERROR_LOADING_FILE; string caption = "Error loading file " + inputFilename; } } catch (Exception ex) { } return lf; }