예제 #1
        private void SetPerformanceInfo(PerformanceRecord record)
            _isLoading = true;
            if (_objectMode == ObjectModes.Server)
                var cpuBusyCurrent = record.Value1;
                var ioBusyCurrent = record.Value2;
                var currentRead = record.Value3;
                var currentWrite = record.Value4;
                var connectionsCurrent = record.Value7;
                var ioBusyTotal = record.Value8;
                txtPerformanceIO.Text = string.Format("{0} / {1}", ioBusyTotal, ioBusyCurrent);

                var cpuBusyTotal = record.Value9;
                txtPerformanceCPU.Text = string.Format("{0} / {1}", cpuBusyTotal, cpuBusyCurrent);

                var totalRead = record.Value10;
                txtPerformanceRead.Text = string.Format("{0} / {1}", totalRead, currentRead);

                var totalWrite = record.Value11;
                txtPerformanceWrite.Text = string.Format("{0} / {1}", totalWrite, currentWrite);

                var packetsReceivedTotal = record.Value12;
                var packetsSentTotal = record.Value13;
                txtPerformancePackets.Text = string.Format("{0} / {1}", packetsReceivedTotal, packetsSentTotal);

                var connectionsTotal = record.Value14;
                txtPerformanceConnections.Text = string.Format("{0} / {1}", connectionsTotal, connectionsCurrent);
                var dbIsStall = record.Value13;
                var dbNumberReads = record.Value1;
                var dbBytesRead = record.Value2;
                var dbNumberWrites = record.Value3;
                var dbBytesWritten = record.Value4;
                var dbStartDate = record.Value16;
                var dbFileCount = record.Value15;

                var logIsStall = record.Value14;
                var logNumberReads = record.Value7;
                var logBytesRead = record.Value8;
                var logNumberWrites = record.Value9;
                var logBytesWritten = record.Value10;

                txtPerformanceCPU.Text = dbStartDate.ToString();
                txtPerformanceIO.Text = string.Format("{0} / {1}", dbIsStall, logIsStall);
                if (dbIsStall >= QueryEngine.DbStallThreshold
                    || logIsStall >= QueryEngine.DbStallThreshold)
                    txtPerformanceIO.BackColor = Color.Red;
                    ttInfo.SetToolTip(txtPerformanceIO, "Potential performance bottleneck due to hard disk IO delay, check using database analysis.");
                    llPerformanceIO.Enabled = true;
                txtPerformanceRead.Text = string.Format("{0} / {1}", dbNumberReads, Utils.FormatSize(dbBytesRead));
                txtPerformanceWrite.Text = string.Format("{0} / {1}", dbNumberWrites, Utils.FormatSize(dbBytesWritten));
                txtPerformancePackets.Text = string.Format("{0} / {1}", logNumberReads, Utils.FormatSize(logBytesRead));
                txtPerformanceConnections.Text = string.Format("{0} / {1}", logNumberWrites, Utils.FormatSize(logBytesWritten));
            if (record.Value16 > DateTime.MinValue)
                dtpPerformanceStartDate.Value = record.Value16;
            _isLoading = false;
예제 #2
        private void AddPerformanceHistoryRecord(PerformanceRecord record, DateTime date, DateTime min, DateTime max)
            if (_objectMode == ObjectModes.Server)
                var cpuBusyCurrent = record.Value1;
                var ioBusyCurrent = record.Value2;
                var currentRead = record.Value3;
                var currentWrite = record.Value4;
                var packetsReceivedCurrent = record.Value5;
                var packetsSentCurrent = record.Value6;
                var connectionsCurrent = record.Value7;
                Series cpu;
                Series io;
                Series read;
                Series write;
                Series packetsSent;
                Series packetsReceived;
                Series connections;
                if (chPerformance.Series.Count == 0)
                    chPerformance.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.Minimum = min.ToOADate();
                    chPerformance.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.Maximum = max.ToOADate();

                    cpu = AddPerformanceSerie("CPU", Color.Green);
                    io = AddPerformanceSerie("IO", Color.Blue);
                    read = AddPerformanceSerie("Read", Color.Red);
                    write = AddPerformanceSerie("Write", Color.Salmon);
                    packetsReceived = AddPerformanceSerie("Packet Received", Color.Tan);
                    packetsSent = AddPerformanceSerie("Packet Sent", Color.Pink);
                    connections = AddPerformanceSerie("Connections", Color.Yellow);
                    cpu = chPerformance.Series[0];
                    io = chPerformance.Series[1];
                    read = chPerformance.Series[2];
                    write = chPerformance.Series[3];
                    packetsReceived = chPerformance.Series[4];
                    packetsSent = chPerformance.Series[5];
                    connections = chPerformance.Series[6];
                AddPerformanceValue(date, cpu, cpuBusyCurrent);
                AddPerformanceValue(date, io, ioBusyCurrent);
                AddPerformanceValue(date, read, currentRead);
                AddPerformanceValue(date, write, currentWrite);
                AddPerformanceValue(date, packetsReceived, packetsReceivedCurrent);
                AddPerformanceValue(date, packetsSent, packetsSentCurrent);
                AddPerformanceValue(date, connections, connectionsCurrent);
                var dbCurrentNumberReads = record.Value5;
                var dbCurrentNumberWrites = record.Value6;

                var logCurrentNumberReads = record.Value11;
                var logCurrentNumberWrites = record.Value12;

                Series dbReads;
                Series dbWrites;
                Series logReads;
                Series logWrites;
                if (chPerformance.Series.Count == 0)
                    chPerformance.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.Minimum = min.ToOADate();
                    chPerformance.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.Maximum = max.ToOADate();

                    dbReads = AddPerformanceSerie("DB Read", Color.Red);
                    dbWrites = AddPerformanceSerie("DB Write", Color.Salmon);
                    logReads = AddPerformanceSerie("Log Read", Color.Green);
                    logWrites = AddPerformanceSerie("Log Write", Color.Blue);
                    dbReads = chPerformance.Series[0];
                    dbWrites = chPerformance.Series[1];
                    logReads = chPerformance.Series[2];
                    logWrites = chPerformance.Series[3];
                AddPerformanceValue(date, dbReads, dbCurrentNumberReads);
                AddPerformanceValue(date, dbWrites, dbCurrentNumberWrites);
                AddPerformanceValue(date, logReads, logCurrentNumberReads);
                AddPerformanceValue(date, logWrites, logCurrentNumberWrites);
예제 #3
 private void OnUpdateServerInfo(PerformanceRecord Record, ServerInfo server, bool isServer)
     UpdateServerInfo(this, new PerformanceRecordEventArgs() { Data = Record, Server = server });
     if (Settings.Instance.LogHistory)
         var record = new HistoryRecord(Record)
             Date = DateTime.Now.ToString(),
             Key = History.GetKey(server, isServer)
         History.AddRecords(new List<HistoryRecord> { record });
예제 #4
        private void CheckPerformanceItem(ServerInfo server, bool isServer)
            if (server.IsAzure)

            PerformanceRecord record;
            if (isServer)
                var sql = @"declare @now 		datetime
            declare @cpu_busy 	bigint
            declare @io_busy	bigint
            declare @idle		bigint
            declare @pack_received	bigint
            declare @pack_sent	bigint
            declare @pack_errors	bigint
            declare @connections	bigint
            declare @total_read	bigint
            declare @total_write	bigint
            declare @total_errors	bigint

            declare @oldcpu_busy 	bigint	/* used to see if DataServer has been rebooted */
            declare @interval	bigint
            declare @mspertick	bigint	/* milliseconds per tick */

            **  Set @mspertick.  This is just used to make the numbers easier to handle
            **  and avoid overflow.
            select @mspertick = convert(int, @@timeticks / 1000.0)

            **  Get current monitor values.
            @now = getdate(),
            @cpu_busy = @@cpu_busy,
            @io_busy = @@io_busy,
            @idle = @@idle,
            @pack_received = @@pack_received,
            @pack_sent = @@pack_sent,
            @connections = @@connections,
            @pack_errors = @@packet_errors,
            @total_read = @@total_read,
            @total_write = @@total_write,
            @total_errors = @@total_errors

            **  Check to see if DataServer has been rebooted.  If it has then the
            **  value of @@cpu_busy will be less than the value of spt_monitor.cpu_busy.
            **  If it has update spt_monitor.
            select @oldcpu_busy = cpu_busy
            from master.dbo.spt_monitor
            if @oldcpu_busy > @cpu_busy
            update master.dbo.spt_monitor
            lastrun = @now,
            cpu_busy = @cpu_busy,
            io_busy = @io_busy,
            idle = @idle,
            pack_received = @pack_received,
            pack_sent = @pack_sent,
            connections = @connections,
            pack_errors = @pack_errors,
            total_read = @total_read,
            total_write = @total_write,
            total_errors = @total_errors

            **  Now print out old and new monitor values.
            set nocount on
            select @interval = datediff(ss, lastrun, @now)
            from master.dbo.spt_monitor
            /* To prevent a divide by zero error when run for the first
            ** time after boot up
            if @interval = 0
            select @interval = 1
            select last_run = lastrun, current_run = @now, seconds = @interval,
            cpu_busy_total = convert(bigint, (@cpu_busy / 1000.0 * @mspertick)),
            cpu_busy_current = convert(bigint, ((@cpu_busy - cpu_busy)
             / 1000.0 * @mspertick)),
            cpu_busy_percentage = convert(bigint, (((@cpu_busy - cpu_busy)
             / 1000.0 * @mspertick) / @interval * 100.0)),
            io_busy_total = convert(bigint, (@io_busy / 1000 * @mspertick)),
            io_busy_current = convert(bigint, ((@io_busy - io_busy)
             / 1000.0 * @mspertick)),
            io_busy_percentage = convert(bigint, (((@io_busy - io_busy)
             / 1000.0 * @mspertick) / @interval * 100.0)),
            idle_total = convert(bigint, (convert(bigint,@idle) / 1000.0 * @mspertick)),
            idle_current = convert(bigint, ((@idle - idle)
             / 1000.0 * @mspertick)),
            idle_percentage = convert(bigint, (((@idle - idle)
             / 1000.0 * @mspertick) / @interval * 100.0)),
            packets_received_total = @pack_received,
            packets_received_current = @pack_received - pack_received,
            packets_sent_total = @pack_sent,
            packets_sent_current = @pack_sent - pack_sent,
            packet_errors_total = @pack_errors,
            packet_errors_current = @pack_errors - pack_errors,
            total_read = @total_read,
            current_read = @total_read - total_read,
            total_write = @total_write,
            current_write =	@total_write - total_write,
            total_errors = @total_errors,
            current_errors = @total_errors - total_errors,
            connections_total = @connections,
            connections_current = @connections - connections
            from master.dbo.spt_monitor

            **  Now update spt_monitor
            update master.dbo.spt_monitor
            lastrun = @now,
            cpu_busy = @cpu_busy,
            io_busy = @io_busy,
            idle = @idle,
            pack_received = @pack_received,
            pack_sent = @pack_sent,
            connections = @connections,
            pack_errors = @pack_errors,
            total_read = @total_read,
            total_write = @total_write,
            total_errors = @total_errors";
                var serverInfo = SqlHelper.Query(sql, server);
                var row = serverInfo.Rows[0];
                record = new PerformanceRecord
                    Value1 = Convert.ToInt64(row["cpu_busy_current"]),
                    Value2 = Convert.ToInt64(row["io_busy_current"]),
                    Value3 = Convert.ToInt64(row["current_read"]),
                    Value4 = Convert.ToInt64(row["current_write"]),
                    Value5 = Convert.ToInt64(row["packets_received_current"]),
                    Value6 = Convert.ToInt64(row["packets_sent_current"]),
                    Value7 = Convert.ToInt64(row["connections_current"]),
                    Value8 = Convert.ToInt64(row["io_busy_total"]),
                    Value9 = Convert.ToInt64(row["cpu_busy_total"]),
                    Value10 = Convert.ToInt64(row["total_read"]),
                    Value11 = Convert.ToInt64(row["total_write"]),
                    Value12 = Convert.ToInt64(row["packets_received_total"]),
                    Value13 = Convert.ToInt64(row["packets_sent_total"]),
                    Value14 = Convert.ToInt64(row["connections_total"]),
                OnUpdateServerInfo(record, server, isServer);
                var data = QueryEngine.GetDatabaseIoInfo(server);
                if (_lastPerformanceData != null)
                    for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                        var row = data.Rows[i];
                        var last = _lastPerformanceData.Rows[i];
                        row["CurrentNumberReads"] = Convert.ToInt64(row["NumberReads"]) - Convert.ToInt64(last["NumberReads"]);
                        row["CurrentNumberWrites"] = Convert.ToInt64(row["NumberWrites"]) - Convert.ToInt64(last["NumberWrites"]);
                var db = data.Rows[0];
                record = new PerformanceRecord
                    Value1 = Convert.ToInt64(db["NumberReads"]),
                    Value2 = Convert.ToInt64(db["BytesRead"]),
                    Value3 = Convert.ToInt64(db["NumberWrites"]),
                    Value4 = Convert.ToInt64(db["BytesWritten"]),
                    Value5 = Convert.ToInt64(db["CurrentNumberReads"]),
                    Value6 = Convert.ToInt64(db["CurrentNumberWrites"]),
                    Value13 = Convert.ToInt64(db["IsStall"]),
                    Value16 = Convert.ToDateTime(db["StartDate"]),
                    Value15 = Convert.ToInt64(db["FileCount"])
                var hasLog = data.Rows.Count > 1;
                if (hasLog)
                    var log = data.Rows[1];
                    record.Value7 = Convert.ToInt64(log["NumberReads"]);
                    record.Value8 = Convert.ToInt64(log["BytesRead"]);
                    record.Value9 = Convert.ToInt64(log["NumberWrites"]);
                    record.Value10 = Convert.ToInt64(log["BytesWritten"]);
                    record.Value11 = Convert.ToInt64(log["CurrentNumberReads"]);
                    record.Value12 = Convert.ToInt64(log["CurrentNumberWrites"]);
                    record.Value14 = Convert.ToInt64(log["IsStall"]);
                    record.Value15 += Convert.ToInt64(log["FileCount"]);
                OnUpdateServerInfo(record, server, isServer);
                _lastPerformanceData = data;
예제 #5
 internal HistoryRecord(PerformanceRecord record)
     //damn, it's crazy! I wanted to use reflection...
     Value1 = record.Value1;
     Value2 = record.Value2;
     Value3 = record.Value3;
     Value4 = record.Value4;
     Value5 = record.Value5;
     Value6 = record.Value6;
     Value7 = record.Value7;
     Value8 = record.Value8;
     Value9 = record.Value9;
     Value10 = record.Value10;
     Value11 = record.Value11;
     Value12 = record.Value12;
     Value13 = record.Value13;
     Value14 = record.Value14;
예제 #6
        private void CheckPerformanceItem(ServerInfo server, bool isServer)
            if (server.IsAzure)

            PerformanceRecord record;

            if (isServer)
                var sql        = @"declare @now         datetime
declare @cpu_busy   bigint
declare @io_busy	bigint
declare @idle		bigint
declare @pack_received	bigint
declare @pack_sent	bigint
declare @pack_errors	bigint
declare @connections	bigint
declare @total_read	bigint
declare @total_write	bigint
declare @total_errors	bigint

declare @oldcpu_busy    bigint	/* used to see if DataServer has been rebooted */
declare @interval	bigint
declare @mspertick	bigint	/* milliseconds per tick */

**  Set @mspertick.  This is just used to make the numbers easier to handle
**  and avoid overflow.
select @mspertick = convert(int, @@timeticks / 1000.0)

**  Get current monitor values.
	@now = getdate(),
	@cpu_busy = @@cpu_busy,
	@io_busy = @@io_busy,
	@idle = @@idle,
	@pack_received = @@pack_received,
	@pack_sent = @@pack_sent,
	@connections = @@connections,
	@pack_errors = @@packet_errors,
	@total_read = @@total_read,
	@total_write = @@total_write,
	@total_errors = @@total_errors

**  Check to see if DataServer has been rebooted.  If it has then the
**  value of @@cpu_busy will be less than the value of spt_monitor.cpu_busy.
**  If it has update spt_monitor.
select @oldcpu_busy = cpu_busy
	from master.dbo.spt_monitor
if @oldcpu_busy > @cpu_busy
	update master.dbo.spt_monitor
			lastrun = @now,
			cpu_busy = @cpu_busy,
			io_busy = @io_busy,
			idle = @idle,
			pack_received = @pack_received,
			pack_sent = @pack_sent,
			connections = @connections,
			pack_errors = @pack_errors,
			total_read = @total_read,
			total_write = @total_write,
			total_errors = @total_errors

**  Now print out old and new monitor values.
set nocount on
select @interval = datediff(ss, lastrun, @now)
	from master.dbo.spt_monitor
/* To prevent a divide by zero error when run for the first
** time after boot up
if @interval = 0
	select @interval = 1
select last_run = lastrun, current_run = @now, seconds = @interval,
	cpu_busy_total = convert(bigint, (@cpu_busy / 1000.0 * @mspertick)),
	cpu_busy_current = convert(bigint, ((@cpu_busy - cpu_busy)
		 / 1000.0 * @mspertick)),
	cpu_busy_percentage = convert(bigint, (((@cpu_busy - cpu_busy)
		 / 1000.0 * @mspertick) / @interval * 100.0)),
	io_busy_total = convert(bigint, (@io_busy / 1000 * @mspertick)),
	io_busy_current = convert(bigint, ((@io_busy - io_busy)
		 / 1000.0 * @mspertick)),
	io_busy_percentage = convert(bigint, (((@io_busy - io_busy)
		 / 1000.0 * @mspertick) / @interval * 100.0)),
	idle_total = convert(bigint, (convert(bigint,@idle) / 1000.0 * @mspertick)),
	idle_current = convert(bigint, ((@idle - idle)
		 / 1000.0 * @mspertick)),
	idle_percentage = convert(bigint, (((@idle - idle)
		 / 1000.0 * @mspertick) / @interval * 100.0)),
	packets_received_total = @pack_received,
	packets_received_current = @pack_received - pack_received,
	packets_sent_total = @pack_sent,
	packets_sent_current = @pack_sent - pack_sent,
	packet_errors_total = @pack_errors,
	packet_errors_current = @pack_errors - pack_errors,
	total_read = @total_read,
	current_read = @total_read - total_read,
	total_write = @total_write,
	current_write =	@total_write - total_write,
	total_errors = @total_errors,
	current_errors = @total_errors - total_errors,
	connections_total = @connections,
	connections_current = @connections - connections
from master.dbo.spt_monitor

**  Now update spt_monitor
update master.dbo.spt_monitor
		lastrun = @now,
		cpu_busy = @cpu_busy,
		io_busy = @io_busy,
		idle = @idle,
		pack_received = @pack_received,
		pack_sent = @pack_sent,
		connections = @connections,
		pack_errors = @pack_errors,
		total_read = @total_read,
		total_write = @total_write,
		total_errors = @total_errors"        ;
                var serverInfo = SqlHelper.Query(sql, server);
                var row        = serverInfo.Rows[0];
                record = new PerformanceRecord
                    Value1  = Convert.ToInt64(row["cpu_busy_current"]),
                    Value2  = Convert.ToInt64(row["io_busy_current"]),
                    Value3  = Convert.ToInt64(row["current_read"]),
                    Value4  = Convert.ToInt64(row["current_write"]),
                    Value5  = Convert.ToInt64(row["packets_received_current"]),
                    Value6  = Convert.ToInt64(row["packets_sent_current"]),
                    Value7  = Convert.ToInt64(row["connections_current"]),
                    Value8  = Convert.ToInt64(row["io_busy_total"]),
                    Value9  = Convert.ToInt64(row["cpu_busy_total"]),
                    Value10 = Convert.ToInt64(row["total_read"]),
                    Value11 = Convert.ToInt64(row["total_write"]),
                    Value12 = Convert.ToInt64(row["packets_received_total"]),
                    Value13 = Convert.ToInt64(row["packets_sent_total"]),
                    Value14 = Convert.ToInt64(row["connections_total"]),
                OnUpdateServerInfo(record, server, isServer);
                var data = QueryEngine.GetDatabaseIoInfo(server);
                if (_lastPerformanceData != null)
                    for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                        var row  = data.Rows[i];
                        var last = _lastPerformanceData.Rows[i];
                        row["CurrentNumberReads"]  = Convert.ToInt64(row["NumberReads"]) - Convert.ToInt64(last["NumberReads"]);
                        row["CurrentNumberWrites"] = Convert.ToInt64(row["NumberWrites"]) - Convert.ToInt64(last["NumberWrites"]);
                var db = data.Rows[0];
                record = new PerformanceRecord
                    Value1  = Convert.ToInt64(db["NumberReads"]),
                    Value2  = Convert.ToInt64(db["BytesRead"]),
                    Value3  = Convert.ToInt64(db["NumberWrites"]),
                    Value4  = Convert.ToInt64(db["BytesWritten"]),
                    Value5  = Convert.ToInt64(db["CurrentNumberReads"]),
                    Value6  = Convert.ToInt64(db["CurrentNumberWrites"]),
                    Value13 = Convert.ToInt64(db["IsStall"]),
                    Value16 = Convert.ToDateTime(db["StartDate"]),
                    Value15 = Convert.ToInt64(db["FileCount"])
                var hasLog = data.Rows.Count > 1;
                if (hasLog)
                    var log = data.Rows[1];
                    record.Value7   = Convert.ToInt64(log["NumberReads"]);
                    record.Value8   = Convert.ToInt64(log["BytesRead"]);
                    record.Value9   = Convert.ToInt64(log["NumberWrites"]);
                    record.Value10  = Convert.ToInt64(log["BytesWritten"]);
                    record.Value11  = Convert.ToInt64(log["CurrentNumberReads"]);
                    record.Value12  = Convert.ToInt64(log["CurrentNumberWrites"]);
                    record.Value14  = Convert.ToInt64(log["IsStall"]);
                    record.Value15 += Convert.ToInt64(log["FileCount"]);
                OnUpdateServerInfo(record, server, isServer);
                _lastPerformanceData = data;