예제 #1
		public GjkConvexCast(ConvexShape convexShapeA, ConvexShape convexShapeB, VoronoiSimplexSolver solver)
			_simplexSolver = solver;

			_convexA = convexShapeA;
			_convexB = convexShapeB;
예제 #2
		public MinkowskiSumShape(ConvexShape shapeA, ConvexShape shapeB)
			_shapeA = shapeA;
			_shapeB = shapeB;
			_transformA = Matrix.Identity;
			_transformB = Matrix.Identity;
예제 #3
		public ContinuousConvexCollision(ConvexShape convexA, ConvexShape convexB,
			ISimplexSolver simplexSolver, IConvexPenetrationDepthSolver penetrationDepthSolver)
			_simplexSolver = simplexSolver;
			_penetrationDepthSolver = penetrationDepthSolver;
			_convexA = convexA;
			_convexB = convexB;
예제 #4
		public GjkPairDetector(ConvexShape objectA, ConvexShape objectB,
							   ISimplexSolver simplexSolver,
							   IConvexPenetrationDepthSolver penetrationDepthSolver)
			_cachedSeparatingAxis = new Vector3(0, 0, 1);

			_penetrationDepthSolver = penetrationDepthSolver;
			_simplexSolver = simplexSolver;
			_minkowskiA = objectA;
			_minkowskiB = objectB;
			_ignoreMargin = false;
			_lastUsedMethod = -1;
			_catchDegeneracies = 1;
예제 #5
        public bool CalculatePenetrationDepth(ISimplexSolver simplexSolver, ConvexShape convexA, ConvexShape convexB, Matrix transformA, Matrix transformB, Vector3 vector, out Vector3 ptrA, out Vector3 ptrB, IDebugDraw debugDraw)
            float radialmargin = 0;

            GjkEpaSolver.Results results;
            if (GjkEpaSolver.Collide(convexA, transformA,
                                     convexB, transformB,
                                     radialmargin, out results))
                //	debugDraw->drawLine(results.witnesses[1],results.witnesses[1]+results.normal,btVector3(255,0,0));
                ptrA = results.Witnesses[0];
                ptrB = results.Witnesses[1];
                return true;
            ptrA = new Vector3();
            ptrB = new Vector3();

            return false;
예제 #6
 public static bool Collide(ConvexShape shapeA, Matrix wtrsA,
     ConvexShape shapeB, Matrix wtrsB,
     float radialmargin,
     out Results results)
     /* Initialize					*/
     results = new Results();
     results.Witnesses = new Vector3[2];
     results.Witnesses[0] =
     results.Witnesses[1] =
     results.Normal = new Vector3();
     results.Depth = 0;
     results.ResultStatus = Results.Status.Separated;
     results.EpaIterations = 0;
     results.GjkIterations = 0;
     /* Use GJK to locate origin		*/
     GjkEpa.Gjk gjk = new GjkEpa.Gjk(wtrsA, wtrsA.Translation, shapeA,
                     wtrsB, wtrsB.Translation, shapeB,
                     radialmargin + GjkEpa.EpaAccuracy);
     bool collide = gjk.SearchOrigin();
     results.GjkIterations = gjk.Iterations + 1;
     if (collide)
         /* Then EPA for penetration depth	*/
         GjkEpa.Epa epa = new GjkEpa.Epa(gjk);
         float pd = epa.EvaluatePD();
         results.EpaIterations = epa.Iterations + 1;
         if (pd > 0)
             results.ResultStatus = Results.Status.Penetrating;
             results.Normal = epa.Normal;
             results.Depth = pd;
             results.Witnesses[0] = epa.Nearest[0];
             results.Witnesses[1] = epa.Nearest[1];
             return true;
         else { if (epa.Failed) results.ResultStatus = Results.Status.EpaFailed; }
     else { if (gjk.Failed) results.ResultStatus = Results.Status.GjkFailed; }
     return false;
예제 #7
 public void setMinkowskiB(ConvexShape minkB)
     _minkowskiB = minkB;
예제 #8
 public void setMinkowskiA(ConvexShape minkA)
     _minkowskiA = minkA;
예제 #9
        // rayTestSingle performs a raycast call and calls the resultCallback. It is used internally by rayTest.
        // In a future implementation, we consider moving the ray test as a virtual method in CollisionShape.
        // This allows more customization.
        public static void RayTestSingle(Matrix rayFromTrans, Matrix rayToTrans,
                                         CollisionObject collisionObject,
                                         CollisionShape collisionShape,
                                         Matrix colObjWorldTransform,
                                         RayResultCallback resultCallback)
            SphereShape pointShape = new SphereShape(0.0f);

            if (collisionShape.IsConvex)
                CastResult castResult = new CastResult();
                castResult.Fraction = 1f;                //??

                ConvexShape          convexShape   = collisionShape as ConvexShape;
                VoronoiSimplexSolver simplexSolver = new VoronoiSimplexSolver();
                SubsimplexConvexCast convexCaster  = new SubsimplexConvexCast(pointShape, convexShape, simplexSolver);
                //GjkConvexCast	convexCaster(&pointShape,convexShape,&simplexSolver);
                //ContinuousConvexCollision convexCaster(&pointShape,convexShape,&simplexSolver,0);

                if (convexCaster.CalcTimeOfImpact(rayFromTrans, rayToTrans, colObjWorldTransform, colObjWorldTransform, castResult))
                    //add hit
                    if (castResult.Normal.LengthSquared() > 0.0001f)
                        if (castResult.Fraction < resultCallback.ClosestHitFraction)
                            CollisionWorld.LocalRayResult localRayResult = new LocalRayResult
                                new LocalShapeInfo(),

                    if (collisionShape.IsConcave)
                        TriangleMeshShape triangleMesh = collisionShape as TriangleMeshShape;

                        Matrix worldTocollisionObject = MathHelper.InvertMatrix(colObjWorldTransform);

                        Vector3 rayFromLocal = Vector3.TransformNormal(rayFromTrans.Translation, worldTocollisionObject);
                        Vector3 rayToLocal   = Vector3.TransformNormal(rayToTrans.Translation, worldTocollisionObject);

                        BridgeTriangleRaycastCallback rcb = new BridgeTriangleRaycastCallback(rayFromLocal, rayToLocal, resultCallback, collisionObject, triangleMesh);
                        rcb.HitFraction = resultCallback.ClosestHitFraction;

                        Vector3 rayAabbMinLocal = rayFromLocal;
                        MathHelper.SetMin(ref rayAabbMinLocal, rayToLocal);
                        Vector3 rayAabbMaxLocal = rayFromLocal;
                        MathHelper.SetMax(ref rayAabbMaxLocal, rayToLocal);

                        triangleMesh.ProcessAllTriangles(rcb, rayAabbMinLocal, rayAabbMaxLocal);
                        //todo: use AABB tree or other BVH acceleration structure!
                        if (collisionShape.IsCompound)
                            CompoundShape compoundShape = collisionShape as CompoundShape;
                            for (int i = 0; i < compoundShape.ChildShapeCount; i++)
                                Matrix         childTrans          = compoundShape.GetChildTransform(i);
                                CollisionShape childCollisionShape = compoundShape.GetChildShape(i);
                                Matrix         childWorldTrans     = colObjWorldTransform * childTrans;
                                RayTestSingle(rayFromTrans, rayToTrans,
예제 #10
 public SubsimplexConvexCast(ConvexShape shapeA, ConvexShape shapeB, ISimplexSolver simplexSolver)
     _simplexSolver = simplexSolver;
     _convexA = shapeA;
     _convexB = shapeB;
예제 #11
파일: GjkEpa.cs 프로젝트: tikibeast/orkid
 public Gjk(Matrix wrotationA, Vector3 positionA, ConvexShape shapeA,
            Matrix wrotationB, Vector3 positionB, ConvexShape shapeB)
     : this(wrotationA, positionA, shapeA, wrotationB, positionB, shapeB, 0)
예제 #12
 public SubsimplexConvexCast(ConvexShape shapeA, ConvexShape shapeB, ISimplexSolver simplexSolver)
     _simplexSolver = simplexSolver;
     _convexA       = shapeA;
     _convexB       = shapeB;
예제 #13
		public void setMinkowskiB(ConvexShape minkB)
			_minkowskiB = minkB;
예제 #14
		public void setMinkowskiA(ConvexShape minkA)
			_minkowskiA = minkA;
        public bool CalculatePenetrationDepth(ISimplexSolver simplexSolver, ConvexShape convexA, ConvexShape convexB, Matrix transformA, Matrix transformB, Vector3 vector, out Vector3 ptrA, out Vector3 ptrB, IDebugDraw debugDraw)
            float radialmargin = 0;

            GjkEpaSolver.Results results;
            if (GjkEpaSolver.Collide(convexA, transformA,
                                     convexB, transformB,
                                     radialmargin, out results))
                //	debugDraw->drawLine(results.witnesses[1],results.witnesses[1]+results.normal,btVector3(255,0,0));
                ptrA = results.Witnesses[0];
                ptrB = results.Witnesses[1];
            ptrA = new Vector3();
            ptrB = new Vector3();

예제 #16
        public bool CalculatePenetrationDepth(ISimplexSolver simplexSolver,
            ConvexShape convexA, ConvexShape convexB,
            Matrix transformA, Matrix transformB,
            Vector3 v, out Vector3 pa, out Vector3 pb, IDebugDraw debugDraw)
            pa = new Vector3();
            pb = new Vector3();
            //just take fixed number of orientation, and sample the penetration depth in that direction
            float minProj = 1e30f;
            Vector3 minNorm = new Vector3();
            Vector3 minA = new Vector3(), minB = new Vector3();
            Vector3 seperatingAxisInA, seperatingAxisInB;
            Vector3 pInA, qInB, pWorld, qWorld, w;

            Vector3[] supportVerticesABatch = new Vector3[UnitSpherePointsCount + ConvexShape.MaxPreferredPenetrationDirections * 2];
            Vector3[] supportVerticesBBatch = new Vector3[UnitSpherePointsCount + ConvexShape.MaxPreferredPenetrationDirections * 2];
            Vector3[] seperatingAxisInABatch = new Vector3[UnitSpherePointsCount + ConvexShape.MaxPreferredPenetrationDirections * 2];
            Vector3[] seperatingAxisInBBatch = new Vector3[UnitSpherePointsCount + ConvexShape.MaxPreferredPenetrationDirections * 2];

            int numSampleDirections = UnitSpherePointsCount;

            for (int i = 0; i < numSampleDirections; i++)
                Vector3 norm = penetrationDirections[i];
                seperatingAxisInABatch[i] = Vector3.TransformNormal((-norm), transformA);
                seperatingAxisInBBatch[i] = Vector3.TransformNormal(norm, transformB);

                int numPDA = convexA.PreferredPenetrationDirectionsCount;
                if (numPDA != 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < numPDA; i++)
                        Vector3 norm;
                        convexA.GetPreferredPenetrationDirection(i, out norm);
                        norm = Vector3.TransformNormal(norm, transformA);
                        penetrationDirections[numSampleDirections] = norm;
                        seperatingAxisInABatch[numSampleDirections] = Vector3.TransformNormal((-norm), transformA);
                        seperatingAxisInBBatch[numSampleDirections] = Vector3.TransformNormal(norm, transformB);

                int numPDB = convexB.PreferredPenetrationDirectionsCount;
                if (numPDB != 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < numPDB; i++)
                        Vector3 norm;
                        convexB.GetPreferredPenetrationDirection(i, out norm);
                        norm = Vector3.TransformNormal(norm, transformB);
                        penetrationDirections[numSampleDirections] = norm;
                        seperatingAxisInABatch[numSampleDirections] = Vector3.TransformNormal((-norm), transformA);
                        seperatingAxisInBBatch[numSampleDirections] = Vector3.TransformNormal(norm, transformB);

            convexA.BatchedUnitVectorGetSupportingVertexWithoutMargin(seperatingAxisInABatch, supportVerticesABatch); //, numSampleDirections);
            convexB.BatchedUnitVectorGetSupportingVertexWithoutMargin(seperatingAxisInBBatch, supportVerticesBBatch); //, numSampleDirections);

            for (int i = 0; i < numSampleDirections; i++)
                Vector3 norm = penetrationDirections[i];
                seperatingAxisInA = seperatingAxisInABatch[i];
                seperatingAxisInB = seperatingAxisInBBatch[i];

                pInA = supportVerticesABatch[i];
                qInB = supportVerticesBBatch[i];

                pWorld = MathHelper.MatrixToVector(transformA, pInA);
                qWorld = MathHelper.MatrixToVector(transformB, qInB);
                w = qWorld - pWorld;
                float delta = Vector3.Dot(norm, w);
                //find smallest delta
                if (delta < minProj)
                    minProj = delta;
                    minNorm = norm;
                    minA = pWorld;
                    minB = qWorld;

            //add the margins
            minA += minNorm * convexA.Margin;
            minB -= minNorm * convexB.Margin;
            //no penetration
            if (minProj < 0)
                return false;

            minProj += (convexA.Margin + convexB.Margin);

            GjkPairDetector gjkdet = new GjkPairDetector(convexA, convexB, simplexSolver, null);

            float offsetDist = minProj;
            Vector3 offset = minNorm * offsetDist;

            GjkPairDetector.ClosestPointInput input = new DiscreteCollisionDetectorInterface.ClosestPointInput();

            Vector3 newOrg = transformA.Translation + offset;

            Matrix displacedTrans = transformA;
            displacedTrans.Translation = newOrg;

            input.TransformA = displacedTrans;
            input.TransformB = transformB;
            input.MaximumDistanceSquared = 1e30f;//minProj;

            IntermediateResult res = new IntermediateResult();
            gjkdet.GetClosestPoints(input, res, debugDraw);

            float correctedMinNorm = minProj - res.Depth;

            //the penetration depth is over-estimated, relax it
            float penetration_relaxation = 1;
            minNorm *= penetration_relaxation;

            if (res.HasResult)

                pa = res.PointInWorld - minNorm * correctedMinNorm;
                pb = res.PointInWorld;

            return res.HasResult;
        public bool CalculatePenetrationDepth(ISimplexSolver simplexSolver,
                                              ConvexShape convexA, ConvexShape convexB,
                                              Matrix transformA, Matrix transformB,
                                              Vector3 v, out Vector3 pa, out Vector3 pb, IDebugDraw debugDraw)
            pa = new Vector3();
            pb = new Vector3();
            //just take fixed number of orientation, and sample the penetration depth in that direction
            float   minProj = 1e30f;
            Vector3 minNorm = new Vector3();
            Vector3 minA = new Vector3(), minB = new Vector3();
            Vector3 seperatingAxisInA, seperatingAxisInB;
            Vector3 pInA, qInB, pWorld, qWorld, w;

            Vector3[] supportVerticesABatch  = new Vector3[UnitSpherePointsCount + ConvexShape.MaxPreferredPenetrationDirections * 2];
            Vector3[] supportVerticesBBatch  = new Vector3[UnitSpherePointsCount + ConvexShape.MaxPreferredPenetrationDirections * 2];
            Vector3[] seperatingAxisInABatch = new Vector3[UnitSpherePointsCount + ConvexShape.MaxPreferredPenetrationDirections * 2];
            Vector3[] seperatingAxisInBBatch = new Vector3[UnitSpherePointsCount + ConvexShape.MaxPreferredPenetrationDirections * 2];

            int numSampleDirections          = UnitSpherePointsCount;

            for (int i = 0; i < numSampleDirections; i++)
                Vector3 norm = penetrationDirections[i];
                seperatingAxisInABatch[i] = Vector3.TransformNormal((-norm), transformA);
                seperatingAxisInBBatch[i] = Vector3.TransformNormal(norm, transformB);

                int numPDA = convexA.PreferredPenetrationDirectionsCount;
                if (numPDA != 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < numPDA; i++)
                        Vector3 norm;
                        convexA.GetPreferredPenetrationDirection(i, out norm);
                        norm = Vector3.TransformNormal(norm, transformA);
                        penetrationDirections[numSampleDirections]  = norm;
                        seperatingAxisInABatch[numSampleDirections] = Vector3.TransformNormal((-norm), transformA);
                        seperatingAxisInBBatch[numSampleDirections] = Vector3.TransformNormal(norm, transformB);

                int numPDB = convexB.PreferredPenetrationDirectionsCount;
                if (numPDB != 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < numPDB; i++)
                        Vector3 norm;
                        convexB.GetPreferredPenetrationDirection(i, out norm);
                        norm = Vector3.TransformNormal(norm, transformB);
                        penetrationDirections[numSampleDirections]  = norm;
                        seperatingAxisInABatch[numSampleDirections] = Vector3.TransformNormal((-norm), transformA);
                        seperatingAxisInBBatch[numSampleDirections] = Vector3.TransformNormal(norm, transformB);

            convexA.BatchedUnitVectorGetSupportingVertexWithoutMargin(seperatingAxisInABatch, supportVerticesABatch);             //, numSampleDirections);
            convexB.BatchedUnitVectorGetSupportingVertexWithoutMargin(seperatingAxisInBBatch, supportVerticesBBatch);             //, numSampleDirections);

            for (int i = 0; i < numSampleDirections; i++)
                Vector3 norm = penetrationDirections[i];
                seperatingAxisInA = seperatingAxisInABatch[i];
                seperatingAxisInB = seperatingAxisInBBatch[i];

                pInA = supportVerticesABatch[i];
                qInB = supportVerticesBBatch[i];

                pWorld = MathHelper.MatrixToVector(transformA, pInA);
                qWorld = MathHelper.MatrixToVector(transformB, qInB);
                w      = qWorld - pWorld;
                float delta = Vector3.Dot(norm, w);
                //find smallest delta
                if (delta < minProj)
                    minProj = delta;
                    minNorm = norm;
                    minA    = pWorld;
                    minB    = qWorld;

            //add the margins
            minA += minNorm * convexA.Margin;
            minB -= minNorm * convexB.Margin;
            //no penetration
            if (minProj < 0)

            minProj += (convexA.Margin + convexB.Margin);

            GjkPairDetector gjkdet = new GjkPairDetector(convexA, convexB, simplexSolver, null);

            float   offsetDist = minProj;
            Vector3 offset     = minNorm * offsetDist;

            GjkPairDetector.ClosestPointInput input = new DiscreteCollisionDetectorInterface.ClosestPointInput();

            Vector3 newOrg = transformA.Translation + offset;

            Matrix displacedTrans = transformA;

            displacedTrans.Translation = newOrg;

            input.TransformA             = displacedTrans;
            input.TransformB             = transformB;
            input.MaximumDistanceSquared = 1e30f;            //minProj;

            IntermediateResult res = new IntermediateResult();

            gjkdet.GetClosestPoints(input, res, debugDraw);

            float correctedMinNorm = minProj - res.Depth;

            //the penetration depth is over-estimated, relax it
            float penetration_relaxation = 1;

            minNorm *= penetration_relaxation;

            if (res.HasResult)
                pa = res.PointInWorld - minNorm * correctedMinNorm;
                pb = res.PointInWorld;

예제 #18
        public override float CalculateTimeOfImpact(CollisionObject colA, CollisionObject colB, DispatcherInfo dispatchInfo, ManifoldResult resultOut)
            //Rather then checking ALL pairs, only calculate TOI when motion exceeds threshold

            //Linear motion for one of objects needs to exceed m_ccdSquareMotionThreshold
            float resultFraction = 1f;

            float squareMotA = (colA.InterpolationWorldTransform.Translation - colA.WorldTransform.Translation).LengthSquared();
            float squareMotB = (colB.InterpolationWorldTransform.Translation - colB.WorldTransform.Translation).LengthSquared();

            if (squareMotA < colA.CcdSquareMotionThreshold &&
                squareMotB < colB.CcdSquareMotionThreshold)

            if (DisableCcd)

            //An adhoc way of testing the Continuous Collision Detection algorithms
            //One object is approximated as a sphere, to simplify things
            //Starting in penetration should report no time of impact
            //For proper CCD, better accuracy and handling of 'allowed' penetration should be added
            //also the mainloop of the physics should have a kind of toi queue (something like Brian Mirtich's application of Timewarp for Rigidbodies)

            // Convex0 against sphere for Convex1
                ConvexShape convexA = colA.CollisionShape as ConvexShape;

                SphereShape          sphereB        = new SphereShape(colB.CcdSweptSphereRadius); //todo: allow non-zero sphere sizes, for better approximation
                CastResult           result         = new CastResult();
                VoronoiSimplexSolver voronoiSimplex = new VoronoiSimplexSolver();
                //SubsimplexConvexCast ccd0(&sphere,min0,&voronoiSimplex);
                //Simplification, one object is simplified as a sphere
                GjkConvexCast ccdB = new GjkConvexCast(convexA, sphereB, voronoiSimplex);
                //ContinuousConvexCollision ccd(min0,min1,&voronoiSimplex,0);
                if (ccdB.CalcTimeOfImpact(colA.WorldTransform, colA.InterpolationWorldTransform,
                                          colB.WorldTransform, colB.InterpolationWorldTransform, result))
                    //store result.m_fraction in both bodies
                    if (colA.HitFraction > result.Fraction)
                        colA.HitFraction = result.Fraction;

                    if (colB.HitFraction > result.Fraction)
                        colB.HitFraction = result.Fraction;

                    if (resultFraction > result.Fraction)
                        resultFraction = result.Fraction;

            // Sphere (for convex0) against Convex1
                ConvexShape convexB = colB.CollisionShape as ConvexShape;

                SphereShape          sphereA        = new SphereShape(colA.CcdSweptSphereRadius); //todo: allow non-zero sphere sizes, for better approximation
                CastResult           result         = new CastResult();
                VoronoiSimplexSolver voronoiSimplex = new VoronoiSimplexSolver();
                //SubsimplexConvexCast ccd0(&sphere,min0,&voronoiSimplex);
                ///Simplification, one object is simplified as a sphere
                GjkConvexCast ccdB = new GjkConvexCast(sphereA, convexB, voronoiSimplex);
                //ContinuousConvexCollision ccd(min0,min1,&voronoiSimplex,0);
                if (ccdB.CalcTimeOfImpact(colA.WorldTransform, colA.InterpolationWorldTransform,
                                          colB.WorldTransform, colB.InterpolationWorldTransform, result))
                    //store result.m_fraction in both bodies
                    if (colA.HitFraction > result.Fraction)
                        colA.HitFraction = result.Fraction;

                    if (colB.HitFraction > result.Fraction)
                        colB.HitFraction = result.Fraction;

                    if (resultFraction > result.Fraction)
                        resultFraction = result.Fraction;