private string AreYouSure(ParsedLine line) { ClearCommandHistory(line.User.Id); commandQueue.TryAdd(line.User.Id, line); return(string.Format("Are you sure you want to run: '{0}'?", line.Raw)); }
public IObservable<string> Evaluate(ParsedLine line) { if(!line.IsCommand || line.Command.ToLower() != "reminder") { return null; } string help = "!reminder [time] [message]"; // Verify we have enough arguments if(line.Args.Length < 2) { return Observable.Return(help); } DateTimeOffset time; // Parse the arguments if(!DateTimeOffset.TryParse(line.Args[0], out time)) { return Observable.Return(help); } // We want anything entered after the time to be included in the reminder string message = line.Args.Skip(1).Aggregate(String.Empty, (s, s1) => s + (s.Length == 0 ? "" : " ") + s1); // Create an sequence that fires off single value at a specified time // and transform that value into the reminder message IObservable<string> seq = Observable.Timer(time).Select(l => message); // Add a start message return Observable.Return(String.Format("Will do - I'll remind you at {0}.", time)) .Concat(seq); }
public static string Execute(Command command, ParsedLine line) { var standardArgs = "-NoLogo -OutputFormat Text -NonInteractive -WindowStyle Hidden -NoProfile -EncodedCommand "; var cmd = ResponseFormatter.Format(command, line); cmd = Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(cmd)); var args = standardArgs + cmd; var info = new ProcessStartInfo { FileName = "powershell.exe", RedirectStandardOutput = true, UseShellExecute = false, CreateNoWindow = true, Arguments = args }; var proc = new Process {StartInfo = info}; proc.Start(); var sb = new StringBuilder(); while (!proc.StandardOutput.EndOfStream) { var s = proc.StandardOutput.ReadLine(); sb.Append(s + "\r\n"); } return sb.ToString(); }
public string Evaluate(ParsedLine line) { if(!line.IsCommand) { return string.Empty; } if(line.Command.ToLower() == "help") { return "Here are the commands I know: \n" + _commands.OrderBy(c => c.Value).Aggregate(String.Empty, (s, command) => s + (s.Length > 0 ? "\n" : "") + (String.IsNullOrEmpty(command.Help) ? ("!" + command.ChatCommand) : command.Help)); } foreach(Command command in _commands) { if(command.ChatCommand.ToLower() == line.Command.ToLower()) { if(command.Value == "FormatResponse") { return ResponseFormatter.Format(command, line); } if(command.Value == "Shell") { return Shell.Execute(command, line); } } } return null; }
public static string Format(Command command, ParsedLine line) { var formatString = command.Parameters.First().Eval(line); return String.Format(formatString, command.Parameters.Skip(1).Select(p => p.Eval(line)).ToArray()); }
public string Evaluate(ParsedLine line) { if(line.IsCommand) { return null; } foreach(PotentialResponse potentialResponse in _responses) { if(potentialResponse.ExactMatch) { if(line.Raw == potentialResponse.Trigger) { return potentialResponse.Text; } } if(potentialResponse.ExactMatch == false) { if(line.Raw.ToLower().Contains(potentialResponse.Trigger.ToLower())) { return potentialResponse.Text; } } } return null; }
public string Evaluate(ParsedLine line) { if(line.IsCommand) { return null; } if(!_users.ContainsKey(line.User)) { _users[line.User] = new User(line.User, _bot); } if(_conversing) { // Check for stop triggers if(_config.StopTriggers.Any(trigger => trigger.Matches(line.Raw))) { _conversing = false; return "Good talk, " + line.User; } } else if(_config.StartTriggers.Any(trigger => trigger.Matches(line.Raw))) { _conversing = true; return _bot.Respond(line.Raw, _users[line.User]) + " [By the way, if my chattering starts to get annoying, you can type 'Stop Talking' and I might.]"; } if(_conversing) { return _bot.Respond(line.Raw, _users[line.User]); } return null; }
private string AreYouSure(ParsedLine line) { ClearCommandHistory(line.User.Id); commandQueue.TryAdd(line.User.Id, line); return string.Format("Are you sure you want to run: '{0}'?", line.Raw); }
public void should_not_have_responses() { var plugin = new RandomChatterPlugin("no_responses.config"); var pl = new ParsedLine("This is a random line", "bob"); plugin.Evaluate(pl).Should().BeNull("No responses in loaded file"); }
public void should_not_respond_to_partial_trigger() { var plugin = new CannedResponsePlugin(); var pl = new ParsedLine("This is the exact trigger purple monkey dishwahser", "bob"); plugin.Evaluate(pl).Should().BeNull("This wasn't the exact trigger"); }
public void should_never_get_response() { var plugin = new RandomChatterPlugin("zero_percent.config"); var pl = new ParsedLine("This is a random line", "bob"); plugin.Evaluate(pl).Should().BeNull("Percent chance of response is zero"); }
public void a_trap() { var plugin = new CannedResponsePlugin(); var pl = new ParsedLine("I think it's a tRap", "bob"); plugin.Evaluate(pl).Should().Be(""); }
public void should_respond_to_partial_trigger() { var plugin = new CannedResponsePlugin(); var pl = new ParsedLine("This line contains the partial trigger fnord, which should be enough", "bob"); plugin.Evaluate(pl).Should().Be("You said fnord!"); }
public void should_hug_with_all_args() { var plugin = new CommandPlugin(); var pl = new ParsedLine("!hug Jim and his monkey", "Bob"); plugin.Evaluate(pl).Should().Be("Bob hugs Jim and his monkey"); }
public void should_hug_with_default() { var plugin = new CommandPlugin(); var pl = new ParsedLine("!hug", "Bob"); plugin.Evaluate(pl).Should().Be("Bob hugs himself"); }
public IObservable<string> Evaluate(ParsedLine line) { if(!line.IsCommand || line.Command.ToLower() != "countdown") { return null; } var options = new CountdownTimerOptions(); if(!Parser.Default.ParseArguments(line.Args, options)) { return Return(options.GetUsage()); } try { int seconds = options.DurationSeconds; int interval = options.IntervalSeconds; var unitLabels = options.ParseUnitLabels(options.IntervalString); // Create an interval sequence that fires off a value every [interval] seconds IObservable<string> seq = Interval(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(interval)) // Run that seq until the total time has exceeded the [seconds] value .TakeWhile(l => ((l + 1) * interval) < seconds) // Project each element in the sequence to a human-readable time value .Select( l => String.Format("{0} remaining...", FormatRemaining(seconds - ((l + 1) * interval), unitLabels))); // If there are any other events configured, merge them into the sequence if(options.Events.Any()) { var events = options.Events.OrderBy(@event => @event.Target); var eventTimes = Interval(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)) .TakeWhile(l => l < seconds) .Where(l => events.Any(@event => @event.Target == l)) .Select(l => events.First(@event => @event.Target == l).Message); seq = seq.Merge(eventTimes); } // Add a start and end message return Return(String.Format("{0} remaining...", FormatRemaining(seconds, options.ParseUnitLabels(options.DurationString)))) .Concat(seq) .Concat(Return(String.Join(" ", options.FinishedMessage))); } catch(ArgumentException) { return Return(options.GetUsage()); } }
public string Evaluate(ParsedLine line) { if (!this.Enabled) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("{0} is disabled, re-enable by typing !enable {0}", new[] { this.Name }); return(null); } return(EvaluateEx(line)); }
public virtual string EvaluateEx(ParsedLine line) { if (!line.IsCommand) { return(null); // this is not a command } XmppBotCommand command = GetCommand(line.Command); return(command == null ? null : command.Method(line)); }
public string Evaluate(ParsedLine line) { if (!this.Enabled) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("{0} is disabled, re-enable by typing !enable {0}", new[] { this.Name }); return null; } return EvaluateEx(line); }
public string Evaluate(ParsedLine line) { var r = new Random(); if(_responses.Length > 0 && r.Next(0, 99) >= _percentChanceOfResponse) { return _responses[r.Next(0, _responses.Length - 1)]; } return null; }
public void should_respond_to_exact_trigger() { // Default app.config; one response in file, 100% response chance var plugin = new CannedResponsePlugin(); var pl = new ParsedLine("This is the exact trigger", "bob"); plugin.Evaluate(pl) .Should() .Be("This is the exact response"); }
public void should_always_get_the_one_response() { // Default app.config; one response in file, 100% response chance var plugin = new RandomChatterPlugin(); var pl = new ParsedLine("This is a random line", "bob"); plugin.Evaluate(pl) .Should() .Be("This is the only response in the file.", "Only one response in file, 100% chance"); }
private string ExecuteConfirm(ParsedLine line) { if (commandQueue.ContainsKey(line.User.Id)) { var command = commandQueue[line.User.Id]; return(base.EvaluateEx(command)); // just execute it now that it's confirmed } else { return(null); } }
private string ExecuteConfirm(ParsedLine line) { if (commandQueue.ContainsKey(line.User.Id)) { var command = commandQueue[line.User.Id]; return base.EvaluateEx(command); // just execute it now that it's confirmed } else { return null; } }
public void should_display_directory() { var plugin = new CommandPlugin(); var pl = new ParsedLine("!dir", "Bob"); var result = plugin.Evaluate(pl); Debug.WriteLine(result); result.Should().Contain("Directory:"); }
public void should_display_help() { var plugin = new CommandPlugin(); var pl = new ParsedLine("!help", "Bob"); plugin.Evaluate(pl).Should().Contain("the commands I know"); plugin.Evaluate(pl).Should().Contain("!slap [thing]"); Debug.Write(plugin.Evaluate(pl)); }
public void stop_talking_on_partial_trigger() { // Start the conversation var line = new ParsedLine("Hey Bot, what's up?", "Bob"); _plugin.Evaluate(line).Should().NotBeNull(); // End the conversation line = new ParsedLine("Quiet, Bot, we're done talking.", "Bob"); _plugin.Evaluate(line).Should().NotBeNull(); // No more responses line = new ParsedLine("Just saying some random stuff", "Bob"); _plugin.Evaluate(line).Should().BeNull(); }
public override string EvaluateEx(ParsedLine line) { if (!line.IsCommand) return null; // this is not a command XmppBotCommand command = GetCommand(line.Command); // this is a command for this plugin, so we are going to queue it up if (command != null) { _commandQueue.Add(new QueuedCommand(line, command)); return string.Format("Queued up: {0}", line.Command); } return null; // nothing to do }
public virtual string Help(ParsedLine line) { if (this.Commands.Count <= 0) { return(""); } if (line.Args.Length == 0) { return(String.Format("{0} commands: {1}", this.Name, String.Join(",", this.Commands.Keys.ToArray()))); } XmppBotCommand command = GetCommand(line.Args.FirstOrDefault()); return(command == null ? "" : command.HelpInfo); }
public void scramble() { var plugin = new CommandPlugin(); var pl = new ParsedLine("!scramble", "Bob"); var result = plugin.Evaluate(pl); Debug.WriteLine(result); result.Should().Contain("B"); result.Should().Contain("o"); result.Should().Contain("b"); result.Trim().Length.Should().Be(3); }
public override string EvaluateEx(ParsedLine line) { if (!line.IsCommand) { return(null); // this is not a command } XmppBotCommand command = GetCommand(line.Command); // this is a command for this plugin, so we are going to queue it up if (command != null) { _commandQueue.Add(new QueuedCommand(line, command)); return(string.Format("Queued up: {0}", line.Command)); } return(null); // nothing to do }
public void finish_help_formats_default() { var scheduler = new TestScheduler(); var plugin = new CountdownTimer(scheduler); var pl = new ParsedLine("!countdown", "Bob"); IObservable<string> results = plugin.Evaluate(pl); ITestableObserver<string> obs = scheduler.Start(() => results); obs.Messages.First().Value.Value.Contains("System.String[]") .Should().BeFalse("the formatting of the default value shouldn't be System.String[]"); obs.Messages.First().Value.Value.Contains("(Default: Finished!)") .Should().BeTrue(); }
public override string EvaluateEx(ParsedLine line) { if (!line.IsCommand || line.Command.ToLower() != "countdown") { return null; } string help = "!countdown [seconds] [interval]"; // Verify we have enough arguments if (line.Args.Length < 2) { return help; } int seconds; int interval; // Parse the arguments if (!int.TryParse(line.Args[0], out seconds) || !int.TryParse(line.Args[1], out interval)) { return help; } // Create an interval sequence that fires off a value every [interval] seconds IObservable<string> seq = Observable.Interval(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(interval)) // Run that seq until the total time has exceeded the [seconds] value .TakeWhile(l => ((l + 1) * interval) < seconds) // Project each element in the sequence to a human-readable time value .Select( l => String.Format("{0} seconds remaining...", seconds - ((l + 1) * interval))) .Concat(Observable.Return("Finished!")); seq.Subscribe((msg) => { this.SendMessage(msg, line.From, BotMessageType.groupchat); }); return null; }
public string Evaluate(ParsedLine line) { if (!line.IsCommand) return string.Empty; switch (line.Command.ToLower()) { case "smack": return String.Format("{0} smacks {1} around with a large trout", line.User, line.Args.FirstOrDefault() ?? "your mom"); case "hug": return String.Format("{0} hugs {1}", line.User, line.Args.FirstOrDefault() ?? "themself"); case "help": return String.Format("Right now the only commands I know are !smack [thing] and !hug [thing]."); default: return null; } }
public void count_down_from_three_seconds() { var scheduler = new TestScheduler(); var plugin = new CountdownTimer(scheduler); var pl = new ParsedLine("!countdown -d 3 -i 1", "Bob"); long oneSecond = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1).Ticks; ITestableObserver<string> obs = scheduler.Start(() => plugin.Evaluate(pl), 11 * oneSecond); obs.Messages.AssertEqual( OnNext(201, "3 seconds remaining..."), OnNext(10000201, "2 seconds remaining..."), OnNext(20000201, "1 second remaining..."), OnNext(30000202, "Finished!"), OnCompleted<string>(30000202) ); }
public override string EvaluateEx(ParsedLine line) { // check to see if this is a confirmation if (commandQueue.Count > 0) { if (line.Raw.ToUpperInvariant() == "YES" || line.Raw.ToUpperInvariant() == "Y") { string res = ExecuteConfirm(line); ParsedLine cmdLine; commandQueue.TryRemove(line.User.Id, out cmdLine); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(res)) { return(res); } } else if ( line.Raw.ToUpperInvariant() == "NO" || line.Raw.ToUpperInvariant() == "N") { ClearCommandHistory(line.User.Id); } } // now check for a command if (!line.IsCommand) { return(null); // this is not a command } XmppBotCommand command = GetCommand(line.Command); if (command != null) { // queue this command if it is one AreYouSure(line); } return(null); }
public string Eval(ParsedLine line) { if (ParameterType == ParameterType.Argument) { if (line.Args.Count() >= Index + 1) { return line.Args[Index]; } return Default; } if (ParameterType == ParameterType.AllArguments) { if (line.Args.Any()) { return line.Args.Aggregate(String.Empty, (s, s1) => s + (s.Length > 0 ? " " : "") + s1); } return Default; } switch (ParameterType) { case ParameterType.User: return line.User; case ParameterType.Command: return line.Command; case ParameterType.Raw: return line.Raw; case ParameterType.Predefined: return Value; case ParameterType.Argument: break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } return null; }
private void xmpp_OnMessage(object sender, Message msg) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(msg.Body)) { log.InfoFormat("Message : {0} - from {1}", msg.Body, msg.From); IChatUser user = null; if (msg.Type == MessageType.groupchat) { //msg.From.Resource = User Room Name //msg.From.Bare = Room 'email' //msg.From.User = Room id user = _roster.Values.FirstOrDefault(u => u.Name == msg.From.Resource); } else { _roster.TryGetValue(msg.From.Bare, out user); } // we can't find a user or this is the bot talking if (null == user || _config.RoomNick == user.Name) { return; } ParsedLine line = new ParsedLine(msg.From.Bare, msg.Body.Trim(), msg.From.User, user, (BotMessageType)msg.Type); switch (line.Command) { case "help": var helpText = new StringBuilder(); var plist = Plugins.ToList(); plist.Sort((c1, c2) => c1.Name.CompareTo(c2.Name)); foreach (var p in plist) { var helpLine = p.Help(line); if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(helpLine)) { helpText.AppendLine(p.Help(line)); } } helpText.AppendLine("-----------------------"); helpText.AppendLine("En/Dis-able a plugin: !disable|!enable <pluginname>"); helpText.AppendLine("List plugin names: !list"); SendMessage(msg.From, helpText.ToString(), msg.Type); break; case "close": SendMessage(msg.From, "I'm a quitter...", msg.Type); Environment.Exit(1); return; case "reload": SendMessage(msg.From, LoadPlugins(), msg.Type); break; default: Task.Factory.StartNew(() => Parallel.ForEach(Plugins, plugin => SendMessage(msg.From, plugin.Evaluate(line), msg.Type) )); break; } } }
public QueuedCommand(ParsedLine line, XmppBotCommand command) { this.Line = line; this.Command = command; }