private static bool CommitWordFile(Context context, string filePath) { context.WordPart.Document.Save(); context.Word.Close(); try { var bytes = context.WordStream.ToArray(); File.WriteAllBytes(filePath, bytes); } catch (Exception ex) { context.ExitCode = 107; context.AddError("Failed to save word document.", ex.Message); } return CheckErrors(context); }
private static bool CheckErrors(Context context) { if (context.Errors.Count > 0) { Console.WriteLine("Errors occured"); Console.WriteLine("==============="); Console.WriteLine(); for (int i = 0; i < context.Errors.Count; i++) { Console.WriteLine(context.Errors[i].Message); if (context.Errors[i].Detail != null) { Console.WriteLine(context.Errors[i].Detail); } Console.WriteLine(); } Console.WriteLine(); return false; } return true; }
static void Main(string[] args) { if (args.Length == 1 && args[0].Equals("encodings", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { var encodings = Encoding.GetEncodings(); for (int i = 0; i < encodings.Length; i++) { Console.WriteLine(encodings[i].CodePage + "\t" + encodings[i].Name); } Console.WriteLine(); Environment.ExitCode = 2; return; } if (args.Length < 5) { Console.WriteLine("Usage: encodings"); Console.WriteLine(" Lists all available encodings"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Usage: <xml in> <xml encoding> <word template> <word out> <items xpath> " + "<{" + string.Join("|", Enum.GetNames(typeof(ItemStyle))) + "}{:item xpath:[attr name]:[format]}>+"); Console.WriteLine(" Reads the XML file and create a Word document."); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(" Item XPath exemples:"); Console.WriteLine(" > Header2:./Fields/Field[Name='Title']:Value"); Console.WriteLine(" Finds the <Field> element using the Name attribute."); Console.WriteLine(" Takes the value of the Value attribute"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(" > Header2:./Fields/Field[Name='DateChanged']::DateChanged: {0}"); Console.WriteLine(" Finds the <Field> element using the Name attribute."); Console.WriteLine(" Takes the value of the element."); Console.WriteLine(" The value is then formated to include a label in front of the value."); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("About <word template>"); Console.WriteLine(" A template is necessary in order to use titles."); Console.WriteLine(" You can find the default template in a path like this one:"); Console.WriteLine(@" C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office15\1033\QuickStyles\Default.dotx"); Console.WriteLine(); Environment.ExitCode = 1; return; } var context = new Context(); var result = VerifyFile(context, args[0]) && VerifyXmlEncoding(context, args[1]) && VerifyWordTemplate(context, args[2]) && ReadXmlFile(context, args[0]) && PrepareWordFile(context, args[3], args[2]) && ParseXml(context, args[4], args.Skip(5).ToArray()) && CommitWordFile(context, args[3]); if (result) { Console.WriteLine("Done."); Environment.ExitCode = 0; } else { Environment.ExitCode = context.ExitCode ?? 99; } }
private static bool VerifyXmlEncoding(Context context, string encoding) { var encodings = Encoding.GetEncodings(); switch (encoding.ToLowerInvariant()) { case "utf8": case "utf-8": context.XmlEncoding = Encoding.UTF8; break; default: var match = encodings.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name.Equals(encoding, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); if (match != null) { context.XmlEncoding = Encoding.GetEncoding(match.CodePage); } else { context.ExitCode = 102; context.AddError("Invalid encoding '" + encoding + "'."); } break; } return CheckErrors(context); }
private static bool VerifyWordTemplate(Context context, string filePath) { if (!File.Exists(filePath)) { context.AddError("File does not exist '" + filePath + "'"); context.ExitCode = 101; } return CheckErrors(context); }
private static bool VerifyFile(Context context, string filePath) { if (!File.Exists(filePath)) { context.AddError("File does not exist '" + filePath + "'"); context.ExitCode = 100; } context.Title = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filePath); return CheckErrors(context); }
private static bool ReadXmlFile(Context context, string filePath) { try { using (var file = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read)) { var reader = new StreamReader(file, context.XmlEncoding); var doc = XDocument.Load(reader); context.Xml = doc; } } catch (Exception ex) { context.ExitCode = 103; context.AddError("Failed to read XML file", ex.Message); } return CheckErrors(context); }
private static void ReadXmlAndWriteWord(Context context, IEnumerable<XElement> collection, List<ItemPath> paths) { foreach (var element in collection) { foreach (var path in paths) { string value = string.Empty; if (path.Path != null) { var valueElement = element.XPathSelectElement(path.Path); if (path.Attribute != null) { value = valueElement.Attribute(path.Attribute).Value; } else { value = valueElement.Value; } if (path.Text != null) { value = string.Format(path.Text, value); } } else if (path.Text != null) { value = path.Text; } var p = new Paragraph(); var props = p.ParagraphProperties = new ParagraphProperties(); props.Append(new ParagraphStyleId() { Val = path.Style.ToString(), }); var lines = value.Split('\n'); for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++) { if (i > 0) { p.AppendChild(new Break()); } p.AppendChild(new Run(new Text(lines[i]))); } context.WordBody.AppendChild(p); } } }
private static bool PrepareWordFile(Context context, string filePath, string templateFilePath) { context.WordStream = new MemoryStream(); try { var templateBytes = File.ReadAllBytes(templateFilePath); context.WordStream.Write(templateBytes, 0, templateBytes.Length); context.WordStream.Seek(0L, SeekOrigin.Begin); context.Word = WordprocessingDocument.Open(context.WordStream, true); context.Word.ChangeDocumentType(WordprocessingDocumentType.Document); ////var mainPart = context.WordPart = context.Word.AddMainDocumentPart(); var mainPart = context.WordPart = context.Word.MainDocumentPart; var settings = mainPart.DocumentSettingsPart; ////var templateRelationship = new AttachedTemplate { Id = "relationId1" }; ////settings.Settings.Append(templateRelationship); var templateUri = new Uri(templateFilePath, UriKind.Absolute); mainPart.AddExternalRelationship("", templateUri, "relationId1"); context.WordPart.Document = new Document(); var body = context.WordPart.Document.AppendChild(new Body()); context.WordBody = body; var h1Properties = new ParagraphProperties(); h1Properties.Append(new ParagraphStyleId() { Val = "Heading1", }); var h1 = body.AppendChild(new Paragraph()); h1.Append(h1Properties); h1.AppendChild(new Run(new Text(context.Title ?? "Title 1"))); //body.AppendChild(h1); body.AppendChild(new Paragraph(new Run(new Text("Document generated on " + DateTime.Now.ToString("o") + ". ")))); } catch (Exception ex) { context.AddError("Failed to create in-memory Word document.", ex.Message); context.ExitCode = 104; } return CheckErrors(context); }
private static List<ItemPath> ParseXmlArguments(Context context, string[] itemsPath) { var paths = new List<ItemPath>(itemsPath.Length); var chars = new char[] { ':', ';', }; foreach (var spec in itemsPath) { var path = new ItemPath(); if (spec.Count(c => c.Equals(':')) >= 3) { var parts = spec.Split(new char[] { ':', }, 4); ItemStyle style; if (Enum.TryParse<ItemStyle>(parts[0], out style)) { path.Style = style; } else { context.AddError("Invalid style in '" + spec + "'."); } path.Path = parts[1]; path.Attribute = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(parts[2]) ? null : parts[2]; path.Text = string.IsNullOrEmpty(parts[3]) ? null : parts[3]; } else { context.AddError("Not enough parameters in '" + spec + "'."); continue; } paths.Add(path); } return paths; }
private static bool ParseXml(Context context, string rootPath, string[] itemsPath) { var collection = context.Xml.Root.XPathSelectElements(rootPath); if (collection == null) { context.AddError("Cound not find root element from path '" + rootPath + "'"); context.ExitCode = 105; return false; } context.ExitCode = 106; List<ItemPath> paths; try { paths = ParseXmlArguments(context, itemsPath); } catch (Exception ex) { context.AddError("An error occured while parsing the arguments.", ex.Message); context.ExitCode = 108; return CheckErrors(context); } try { ReadXmlAndWriteWord(context, collection, paths); } catch (Exception ex) { context.AddError("An error occured while generating the document content.", ex.Message); context.ExitCode = 109; } return CheckErrors(context); }