private bool ExtractIfCurrentPage(object s) { bool iscurrentPage = false; new Thread(() => { Thread.Sleep(2000); if (isCurrentPage(s as Operation)) { // 停留在当前页面 LogManager.WriteLog("还在当前页面"); CefFrameHelper.ExtractWarnMsg(MainCefFrame); iscurrentPage = true; LogManager.WriteLog(" 释放"); GlobalVar.IsloadOkAutoResetEvent.Set(); } }).Start(); LogManager.WriteLog(" 默认阻塞,现在等待"); GlobalVar.IsloadOkAutoResetEvent.WaitOne(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10)); LogManager.WriteLog(" 阻塞"); GlobalVar.IsloadOkAutoResetEvent.Reset(); return(iscurrentPage); }
public override void ReportAccount(string isok) { tb_tasklog tlog = new tb_tasklog(currentAccount.zfbEmail, MainForm.state.ToString()); tlog.action = "buy"; tlog.actionresult = isok; var frame = MainForm.getMainframe; tlog.note += (MainForm.shoppingIndex + "|"); if (frame != null) { tlog.note += CefFrameHelper.ExtractWarnMsg(MainForm.getMainframe).Trim() + "|" + MainForm.getMainframe.Url; } if (tlog.note == "") { tlog.note = "wap"; } //email name and num string s1 = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(tlog); HaoziHelper.ReportStatus(s1, "tb_tasklog"); }
private void IsInit_wapshop() { if (IsInit_wapshop_loaded) { return; } Operation mtb = new Operation(MainCefFrame) { PerviousStatus = BusinessStatus.mtb, NextStatus = BusinessStatus.gerenzhongxin, CurrentUrl = "", index = 1, note = "登录" }; mtb.OperationHandler += (s, e) => { // if (GlobalVar.tbmode == tbModel.shopv2) { //window.onload=function(){if(window.frames.length!=0){window.location.reload();}} //ReflushIfInFrames(); // } taskRunner.LogAccontStatus("|{0}".With(MouseKeyBordHelper.CurrentIP));// #region ==========识别验证码========== //1.识别验证码 string srcs = ""; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { // //Img Id=J_StandardCode data-url srcs = CefFrameHelper.GetUrlListByHapId(MainCefFrame, "J_StandardCode", "img", "data-url").FirstOrDefault(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(srcs)) { break; } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(srcs)) { LogManager.WriteLog("重复3次后仍然无法获取图片。"); return; } string returnMess; var isVCodeOk = Vcode.GetVcodeFormImageUrl(srcs, out returnMess); //2.提交验证码 string js2run = beforejs + " mydoc.getElementById('J_UserNameTxt').value='{0}';".With(currentHaoZi.tbName) + "mydoc.getElementById('J_PassWordTxt').value='{0}';".With(currentHaoZi.tbPwd) + "mydoc.getElementById('J_AuthCodeTxt').value='{0}';".With(returnMess) + "mydoc.getElementsByClassName('c-btn-oran-big')[0].click();"; if (isVCodeOk) { // LogManager.WriteLog(js2run); CefFrameHelper.ExcuteJs(MainCefFrame, js2run); } else { LogManager.WriteLog("验证码识别出错。等待2分钟后重新执行"); } new Thread(() => { Thread.Sleep(3000); if (isCurrentPage(s as Operation)) { LogManager.WriteLog("还在当前页"); string warnmsg = CefFrameHelper.ExtractWarnMsg(MainCefFrame).Trim(); if (warnmsg == "该账户名不存在") { taskRunner.ReportAccountStatus("buy", "failed", warnmsg); ClearAndPrepareNext(); } ; } }).Start(); #endregion }; // Operation mtbloginEx = new Operation(MainCefFrame) { PerviousStatus = BusinessStatus.gerenzhongxin, NextStatus = BusinessStatus.wapshop_ex_loginerror, CurrentUrl = "", index = 2, note = "登录失败" }; mtbloginEx.OperationHandler += (s, e) => { taskRunner.ReportAccount("failed"); ClearAndPrepareNext(); }; //进入搜索页 //直接跳转 //Operation gerenzhongxin = new Operation(MainCefFrame) { // PerviousStatus = BusinessStatus.gerenzhongxin, // NextStatus = BusinessStatus.Awp_core_detail, // CurrentUrl = "", // index = 2, // note = "跳转到某货" //}; //gerenzhongxin.OperationHandler += (s, e) => { // string shaopaddress = FileHelper.RandomReadOneLine("config//goodaddress.txt");// ""; // MainCefFrame.LoadUrl(shaopaddress); //}; //跳转到搜索 Operation act_sale_searchlist = new Operation(MainCefFrame) { PerviousStatus = BusinessStatus.gerenzhongxin, NextStatus = BusinessStatus.act_sale_searchlist, CurrentUrl = "", index = 2.1, note = "跳转到搜索页面" }; act_sale_searchlist.OperationHandler += (s, e) => { string js2run = beforejs + "window.location=mydoc.getElementsByClassName('search')[0].getElementsByTagName('a')[0].getAttribute('dataurl');"; CefFrameHelper.ExcuteJs(MainCefFrame, js2run); }; //输入关键字 Operation search_htm = new Operation(MainCefFrame) { PerviousStatus = BusinessStatus.act_sale_searchlist, NextStatus = BusinessStatus.search_htm, CurrentUrl = "", index = 2.21, note = "输入搜索的关键字" }; search_htm.OperationHandler += SearchOneItem; //输入关键字2 Operation search_htm2 = new Operation(MainCefFrame) { PerviousStatus = BusinessStatus.act_sale_searchlist, NextStatus = BusinessStatus.search_htm, CurrentUrl = "", index = 2.22, note = "输入搜索的关键字" }; search_htm2.OperationHandler += SearchOneItem; //跳转到随机一个搜索结果`1 Operation search_htm2detail = new Operation(MainCefFrame) { PerviousStatus = BusinessStatus.search_htm, NextStatus = BusinessStatus.Awp_core_detail, index = 2.31, CurrentUrl = "", note = "跳转到随机一个搜索结果" }; search_htm2detail.OperationHandler += ChooseOneItem; //跳转到随机一个搜索结果`2 Operation search_htm2detail2 = new Operation(MainCefFrame) { PerviousStatus = BusinessStatus.search_htm, NextStatus = BusinessStatus.Awp_core_detail, index = 2.32, CurrentUrl = "", note = "跳转到随机一个搜索结果" }; search_htm2detail2.OperationHandler += ChooseOneItem; //end of 2 Operation Awp_core_detail = new Operation(MainCefFrame) { PerviousStatus = BusinessStatus.Awp_core_detail, NextStatus = BusinessStatus.awp_base_buy, CurrentUrl = "", index = 3, note = "确认下单" }; Awp_core_detail.OperationHandler += (s, e) => { int sleepTime = RandomManager.random.Next(2, 8); LogManager.WriteLog("暂停{0}秒".With(sleepTime)); Thread.Sleep(sleepTime * 1000); string js2run = beforejs; //随机收藏 if (RandomManager.randomBool()) { js2run += "mydoc.getElementsByClassName('dts-fav')[0].click();"; } js2run += "window.setTimeout(function(){mydoc.getElementsByClassName('c-btn-orgn dt-immbuy')[0].click();},2000); "; CefFrameHelper.ExcuteJs(MainCefFrame, js2run); ExtractIfCurrentPage(s); }; Operation awp_base_buy = new Operation(MainCefFrame) { PerviousStatus = BusinessStatus.awp_base_buy, NextStatus = BusinessStatus.exCashier, CurrentUrl = "", index = 4, note = "提交订单" }; awp_base_buy.OperationHandler += (s, e) => { var str = RandomManager.RandomReadOneLine("import//liuyan.txt"); str = str.ReplaceNum(); //返回的随机数的下界(随机数可取该下界值)。返回的随机数的上界(随机数不能取该上界值)。 bool annoymous = RandomManager.random.Next(1, 3) > 1; ; bool isCurrentPage = false; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { LogManager.WriteLog("#第{0}次购买".With(i)); // string js2run = beforejs + "mydoc.getElementsByClassName('c-form-txt-normal')[1].value='{0}';".With(str); if (annoymous) { js2run += "mydoc.getElementsByName('anonymous')[0].checked=true;"; } js2run += "mydoc.getElementsByClassName('submit-only c-btn-oran')[0].click();"; CefFrameHelper.ExcuteJs(MainCefFrame, js2run); // // new Thread(() => { Thread.Sleep(3000); lock (wap_tmp) { //if (!isCurrentPage(s as Operation)) { isCurrentPage = ExtractAndReloadIfCurrentPage(s); // //不停留在当前页面,则表示没问题 //} else { // LogManager.WriteLog("刷新并等待4秒"); // MainCefFrame.Browser.Reload(); // Thread.Sleep(4000); //} } if (!isCurrentPage) { break; } // }).Start(); } }; Operation exCashier = new Operation(MainCefFrame) { PerviousStatus = BusinessStatus.exCashier, NextStatus = BusinessStatus.asyn_payment_result, CurrentUrl = "", index = 4, note = "付款方式1" }; exCashier.OperationHandler += (s, e) => { //检查 //<span class="price">0.01元</span> float maxPrice; bool isOverPrice; var priceFloat = PriceFloat(out maxPrice, out isOverPrice); if (isOverPrice) { LogManager.WriteLog("{0}超出maxPrice:{1},停止购买".With(priceFloat, maxPrice)); return; } // //付款 string js2run = beforejs + "mydoc.getElementById('couponPayment').checked=true;" + "mydoc.getElementsByName('paymentPassword')[0].value='{0}';".With(currentHaoZi.zfbPayPwd) + "mydoc.getElementsByClassName('ui-button ui-button-submit')[0].click();"; CefFrameHelper.ExcuteJs(MainCefFrame, js2run); ExtractIfCurrentPage(s); }; Operation exCashier2 = new Operation(MainCefFrame) { PerviousStatus = BusinessStatus.exCashier, NextStatus = BusinessStatus.asyn_payment_result, CurrentUrl = "", index = 5, note = "付款方式2" }; exCashier2.OperationHandler += (s, e) => { string js2run = beforejs + "mydoc.getElementById('pwd').value='{0}';".With(currentHaoZi.zfbPayPwd) + "mydoc.getElementsByClassName('J-button-submit')[0].click()"; CefFrameHelper.ExcuteJs(MainCefFrame, js2run); ExtractIfCurrentPage(s); }; #region ==========该次购买结束1、2========== Operation payok = new Operation(MainCefFrame) { PerviousStatus = BusinessStatus.asyn_payment_result, NextStatus = BusinessStatus.TB_shop_V2_Ready, CurrentUrl = "", index = 6.1, note = "该次购买结束1", }; payok.OperationHandler += finishOneShop; Operation cashierPay = new Operation(MainCefFrame) { PerviousStatus = BusinessStatus.asyn_payment_result, NextStatus = BusinessStatus.TB_shop_V2_Ready, CurrentUrl = "", index = 6.2, note = "该次购买结束2", }; cashierPay.OperationHandler += finishOneShop; //购买失败 Operation accessDenied = new Operation(MainCefFrame) { PerviousStatus = BusinessStatus.asyn_payment_result, NextStatus = BusinessStatus.ready, CurrentUrl = "", index = 6.3, note = "无权访问,重试pay" }; accessDenied.OperationHandler += (s, e) => { lock (lockobject) { MainCefFrame.Browser.GoBack(); Thread.Sleep(3000); state = BusinessStatus.exCashier; MainCefFrame.Browser.Reload(); } }; // #endregion opsList.Add(mtb); // opsList.Add(gerenzhongxin); //搜索进店 opsList.Add(act_sale_searchlist); opsList.Add(search_htm); opsList.Add(search_htm2detail); opsList.Add(search_htm2detail2); //end of 搜索进店 opsList.Add(Awp_core_detail); opsList.Add(awp_base_buy); opsList.Add(exCashier); opsList.Add(exCashier2); // opsList.Add(payok); //成功方式一 opsList.Add(cashierPay); //成功方式二 opsList.Add(accessDenied); // opsList.Add(mtbloginEx); }