예제 #1
 public VideoConvertParameters(
     UFile sourcePathFromDisk,
     VideoAsset video,
     PlatformType platform)
     SourcePathFromDisk = sourcePathFromDisk;
     Video    = video;
     Platform = platform;
예제 #2
        /// <inheritdoc />
        protected override void Prepare(AssetCompilerContext context, AssetItem assetItem, string targetUrlInStorage, AssetCompilerResult result)
            VideoAsset asset = (VideoAsset)assetItem.Asset;

            AVCodecID[] listSupportedCodecNames = null;
            switch (context.Platform)
            case Core.PlatformType.Android:
                listSupportedCodecNames = new []

            VideoConvertParameters parameter = new VideoConvertParameters(GetAbsolutePath(assetItem, asset.Source), asset, context.Platform);

            result.BuildSteps = new AssetBuildStep(assetItem);
            result.BuildSteps.Add(new EncodeVideoFileCommand(targetUrlInStorage, parameter, assetItem.Package, listSupportedCodecNames));
예제 #3
            /// <inheritdoc />
            protected override async Task <ResultStatus> DoCommandOverride(ICommandContext commandContext)
                VideoAsset videoAsset = Parameters.Video;

                    // Get path to ffmpeg
                    var ffmpeg = ToolLocator.LocateTool("ffmpeg.exe")?.ToWindowsPath() ?? throw new AssetException("Failed to compile a video asset, ffmpeg was not found.");

                    // Get absolute path of asset source on disk
                    var assetDirectory = videoAsset.Source.GetParent();
                    var assetSource    = UPath.Combine(assetDirectory, videoAsset.Source);

                    //Get the info from the video codec

                    //Check if we need to reencode the video
                    var mustReEncodeVideo    = false;
                    var sidedataStripCommand = "";

                    // check that the video file format is supported
                    if (Parameters.Platform == PlatformType.Windows && videoAsset.Source.GetFileExtension() != ".mp4")
                        mustReEncodeVideo = true;

                    //Use FFmpegMedia object (need to check more details first before I can use it)
                    VideoStream videoStream = null;
                    AudioStream audioStream = null;
                    using (var media = new FFmpegMedia())

                        // Get the first video stream
                        videoStream = media.Streams.OfType <VideoStream>().FirstOrDefault();
                        if (videoStream == null)
                            throw new AssetException("Failed to compile a video asset. Did not find the VideoStream from the media.");

                        // On windows MediaEngineEx player only decode the first video if the video is detected as a stereoscopic video,
                        // so we remove the tags inside the video in order to ensure the same behavior as on other platforms (side by side decoded texture)
                        // Unfortunately it does seem possible to disable this behavior from the MediaEngineEx API.
                        if (Parameters.Platform == PlatformType.Windows && media.IsStereoscopicVideo(videoStream))
                            mustReEncodeVideo    = true;
                            sidedataStripCommand = "-vf sidedata=delete";

                        // Get the first audio stream
                        audioStream = media.Streams.OfType <AudioStream>().FirstOrDefault();
                    Size2 videoSize = new Size2(videoStream.Width, videoStream.Height);

                    //check the format
                    if (ListSupportedCodecNames != null)
                        if (Array.IndexOf(ListSupportedCodecNames, videoStream.Codec) < 0)
                            mustReEncodeVideo = true;

                    // check if video need to be trimmed
                    var videoDuration = videoAsset.VideoDuration;
                    if (videoDuration.Enabled && (videoDuration.StartTime != TimeSpan.Zero ||
                                                  videoDuration.EndTime.TotalSeconds < videoStream.Duration.TotalSeconds - MathUtil.ZeroToleranceDouble))
                        mustReEncodeVideo = true;

                    //check the video target and source resolution
                    Size2 targetSize;
                    if (videoAsset.IsSizeInPercentage)
                        targetSize = new Size2((int)(videoSize.Width * videoAsset.Width / 100.0f), (int)(videoSize.Height * videoAsset.Height / 100.0f));
                        targetSize = new Size2((int)(videoAsset.Width), (int)(videoAsset.Height));

                    // ensure that the size is a multiple of 2 (ffmpeg cannot output video not multiple of 2, at least with this codec)
                    if (targetSize.Width % 2 == 1)
                        targetSize.Width += 1;
                    if (targetSize.Height % 2 == 1)
                        targetSize.Height += 1;

                    if (targetSize.Width != videoSize.Width || targetSize.Height != videoSize.Height)
                        mustReEncodeVideo = true;

                    //check the audio settings
                    int  audioChannelsTarget       = audioStream == null? 0: audioStream.ChannelCount;
                    bool mustReEncodeAudioChannels = false;
                    if (videoAsset.IsAudioChannelMono)
                        audioChannelsTarget = 1;
                        if (audioStream != null && audioStream.ChannelCount != audioChannelsTarget)
                            mustReEncodeAudioChannels = true;
                            mustReEncodeVideo         = true;

                    // Execute ffmpeg to convert source to H.264
                    string tempFile = null;
                        if (mustReEncodeVideo)
                            string targetCodecFormat = "h264";  //hardcodec for now
                            commandContext.Logger.Info(string.Format("Video Asset Compiler: \"{0}\". Re-encode the Video. Format:{1}, Size:{2}x{3}. Audio Channels:{4}",
                                                                     videoAsset.Source.GetFileName(), targetCodecFormat, targetSize.Width, targetSize.Height, audioChannelsTarget));

                            tempFile = Path.GetTempFileName();
                            string channelFlag = "";
                            if (mustReEncodeAudioChannels)
                                channelFlag = string.Format(" -ac {0}", audioChannelsTarget);

                            var startTime       = videoDuration.StartTime;
                            var duration        = videoDuration.EndTime - videoDuration.StartTime;
                            var trimmingOptions = videoDuration.Enabled ?
                                                  $" -ss {startTime.Hours:D2}:{startTime.Minutes:D2}:{startTime.Seconds:D2}.{startTime.Milliseconds:D3}" +
                                                  $" -t {duration.Hours:D2}:{duration.Minutes:D2}:{duration.Seconds:D2}.{duration.Milliseconds:D3}":

                            var commandLine = "  -hide_banner -loglevel error" +                       // hide most log output
                                              "  -nostdin" +                                           // no interaction (background process)
                                              $" -i \"{assetSource.ToWindowsPath()}\"" +               // input file
                                              $"{trimmingOptions}" +
                                              "  -f mp4 -vcodec " + targetCodecFormat +                // codec
                                              channelFlag +                                            // audio channels
                                              $"  -vf scale={targetSize.Width}:{targetSize.Height} " + // adjust the resolution
                                              sidedataStripCommand +                                   // strip of stereoscopic sidedata tag
                                                                                                       //" -an" + // no audio
                                                                                                       //" -pix_fmt yuv422p" + // pixel format (planar YUV 4:2:2, 16bpp, (1 Cr & Cb sample per 2x1 Y samples))
                                              $" -y \"{tempFile}\"";                                   // output file (always overwrite)
                            var ret = await ShellHelper.RunProcessAndGetOutputAsync(ffmpeg, commandLine, commandContext.Logger);

                            if (ret != 0 || commandContext.Logger.HasErrors)
                                throw new AssetException($"Failed to compile a video asset. ffmpeg failed to convert {assetSource}.");
                            commandContext.Logger.Info(string.Format("Video Asset Compiler: \"{0}\". No Re-encoding necessary",

                            // Use temporary file
                            tempFile = assetSource.ToWindowsPath();

                        var dataUrl = Url + "_Data";
                        var video   = new Video.Video
                            CompressedDataUrl = dataUrl,

                        // Make sure we don't compress h264 data
                        commandContext.AddTag(new ObjectUrl(UrlType.Content, dataUrl), Builder.DoNotCompressTag);

                        // Write the data
                        using (var reader = new BinaryReader(new FileStream(tempFile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)))
                            using (var outputStream = MicrothreadLocalDatabases.DatabaseFileProvider.OpenStream(dataUrl, VirtualFileMode.Create, VirtualFileAccess.Write, VirtualFileShare.Read, StreamFlags.Seekable))
                                // For now write everything at once, 1MB at a time
                                var length = reader.BaseStream.Length;
                                for (var position = 0L; position < length; position += 2 << 20)
                                    var buffer = reader.ReadBytes(2 << 20);
                                    outputStream.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);

                        var assetManager = new ContentManager(MicrothreadLocalDatabases.ProviderService);
                        assetManager.Save(Url, video);

                        if (mustReEncodeVideo)
                            if (tempFile != null)
                catch (AssetException)
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw new AssetException("Failed to compile a video asset. Unexpected exception.", ex);