예제 #1
        private void RelocateVmWithHa(AsyncAction action, VM vm, Host host, int start, int end, int recommendationId)
            bool setDoNotRestart = false;

            if (vm.HaPriorityIsRestart())
                    XenAPI.VM.assert_agile(action.Session, vm.opaque_ref);
                catch (Failure)
                    // VM is not agile, but it is 'Protected' by HA. This is an inconsistent state (see CA-20820).
                    // Tell the user the VM will be started without HA protection.
                    Program.Invoke(Program.MainWindow, delegate()
                        new ThreeButtonDialog(
                            new ThreeButtonDialog.Details(
                                String.Format(Messages.HA_INVALID_CONFIG_RESUME, Helpers.GetName(vm).Ellipsise(500)),

                    // Set the VM to 'Do not restart'.
                    XenAPI.VM.set_ha_restart_priority(action.Session, vm.opaque_ref, XenAPI.VM.RESTART_PRIORITY_DO_NOT_RESTART);
                    setDoNotRestart = true;

            if (!setDoNotRestart && vm.HasSavedRestartPriority)
                // If HA is turned on, setting ha_always_run will cause the VM to be started by itself
                // but when the VM fails to start we want to know why, so we do a VM.start here too.
                // This will fail with a power state exception if HA has already started the VM - but in
                // that case we don't care, since the VM successfully started already.
                SetHaProtection(true, action, vm, start, end);
                    DoAction(action, vm, host, start, end, recommendationId);
                catch (Failure f)
                    if (f.ErrorDescription.Count == 4 && f.ErrorDescription[0] == Failure.VM_BAD_POWER_STATE && f.ErrorDescription[3] == "running")
                        // The VM started successfully via HA
                // HA off: just do a regular start
                DoAction(action, vm, host, start, end, recommendationId);