public Actor(ContentRegister content, MaterialLightCollection lights)
			//A ModelInstance can be created without any content...
			//However it cannot be used until the content is set

			model = new ModelInstance();
			model.LightCollection = lights;	//this class is reused by later tutorials, which require lights

			//get and create the animation controller for this model.
			animationController = model.GetAnimationController();

			//NOTE: Animations cannot be played until the model data has been loaded...


			//At this point in this tutorial, the model is now loaded.

			//get the index of the walk animation
			//this model has 4 animations, Wave, Jog, Walk and Loiter
			//The animations are stored in model.ModelData.Animations
			int animationIndex = animationController.AnimationIndex("Walk");

			//begin playing the animation, looping
			animation = animationController.PlayLoopingAnimation(animationIndex);

			//as many animations as you want can be played at any one time
			//to blend between animations, adjust their weighting with:
			//animation.Weighting = ...;
			//Combined weightings usually should add up to 1.0
			//A weighting of 0 means the animation has no effect, 1 has normal effect.
			//Values outside the 0-1 range usually produces undesirable results.

			//Animations in xen are lossy compressed.
			//For the model used here, the animation data is reduced from nearly 2mb
			//down to around 200kb. (The model geometry is less than 300kb)
			//The amount of compression change can be configured in the content's properties
			//The 'Animation Compression Tolerance' value is a percentage
			//The default is .5%. This means the animation will always be within .5%
			//of the source. Setting this value to 0 will save a lossless animation.
		public Actor(ContentRegister content, Vector3 position, float animationSpeed, int animationIndex)
			Matrix.CreateRotationZ(1-(float)animationIndex, out this.worldMatrix);
			this.worldMatrix.Translation = position;

			model = new ModelInstance();
			this.animationController = model.GetAnimationController();


			this.animation = this.animationController.PlayLoopingAnimation(animationIndex);
			this.animation.PlaybackSpeed = animationSpeed;
		private void InitaliseAnimations(UpdateManager updateManager)
			//create the controller as an asynchronous controller.
			//this will process animations as a thread task
			//This occurs between the update loop and the draw loop,
			//which is why the UpdateManager must be provided.
			control = model.GetAsyncAnimationController(updateManager);

			//these perform a linear search to find the animation index
			int idleAnimationIndex	= control.AnimationIndex("Loiter");
			int jogAnimationIndex	= control.AnimationIndex("Jog");
			int walkAnimationIndex	= control.AnimationIndex("Walk");

			//create the idle animation
			idle = control.PlayLoopingAnimation(idleAnimationIndex);

			//give it a random speed
			idle.PlaybackSpeed = (float)random.NextDouble() * 0.5f + 0.6f;

			if (moveSpeed > 0.75)
				//run animation
				move = control.PlayLoopingAnimation(jogAnimationIndex); // play a jogging animation
				move.PlaybackSpeed = 0.5f;
				//walk animation
				move = control.PlayLoopingAnimation(walkAnimationIndex); // play a walking animation
			//initially don't want the move animation being visible
			move.Weighting = 0;
		public Actor(ContentRegister content, UpdateManager updateManager)
			//load the model
			model = new ModelInstance();

			//create the animation controller
			animationController = model.GetAsyncAnimationController(updateManager);

			//create the animation modifier

			int rotateBoneIndex = model.ModelData.Skeleton.GetBoneIndexByName("Bip01_Spine2");
			this.animationModifer = new AnimationModifier(rotateBoneIndex, model.ModelData);

			//set the modifier on the animation controller
			this.animationController.AnimationBoneModifier = this.animationModifer;

			//play the run animation
			int animationIndex = animationController.AnimationIndex("Jog");
			this.animation = animationController.PlayLoopingAnimation(animationIndex);