public RouteViewModel() { HttpResponseMessage response; WebApiHelper skladisteService = new WebApiHelper("http://localhost:2618/", "api/Skladista"); List <Skladista> skla = new List <Skladista>(); response = skladisteService.GetResponse(); if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { skla = response.Content.ReadAsAsync <List <Skladista> >().Result; } _locations = new ObservableCollection <Location>(); foreach (Skladista x in skla) { if (x.Latitude != null && x.Longitude != null) { Location a = new Location(x.Naziv, x.Adresa, new Position(Convert.ToDouble(x.Longitude), Convert.ToDouble(x.Latitude))); _locations.Add(a); } Skladistalist.Add(x); } mapa = new Xamarin.Forms.Maps.Map(); services = new OSRMRouteService(); dr = new RouteHlpClass(); GetRouteCommand = new Command(async() => await loadRouteAsync(Skladiste, Destinacija)); RouteDistance = RouteDuration = "0"; }
public MapPage() { InitializeComponent(); _restService = new Trkr.RestServices.RestService(); // create Map to view! var map = new Xamarin.Forms.Maps.Map( MapSpan.FromCenterAndRadius( // ZHAW Winterthur 47.496848 / 8.729818 new Position(47.496848, 8.729818), Distance.FromKilometers(0.45))) { IsShowingUser = true, // note sure if Height and WidthRequest is necessary //HeightRequest = 100, //WidthRequest = 960, VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand }; if (IsLocationAvailable()) { GetPosition(); //map.MoveToRegion(MapSpan.FromCenterAndRadius(_position, Distance.FromKilometers(0.45))); } map.MapType = MapType.Street; var stack = new StackLayout { Spacing = 0 }; stack.Children.Add(map); Content = stack; }
public MapPage() { InitializeComponent(); CAPI = new CovidAPI(); map = new Xamarin.Forms.Maps.Map(); map.HasZoomEnabled = false; //disable zoom on the map map.HasScrollEnabled = false; //disable Scroll on the map map.Pins.Clear(); // clear all the pins form the map mainStackLayout = new StackLayout(); // the main layout country = new Entry { Placeholder = "Enter in the Country", PlaceholderColor = Color.Olive }; findLocationBTN = new Button { Text = "Check Covid-19 in this Country" }; findLocationBTN.Clicked += getLoction; // get the country location // add all the elements to the main layout mainStackLayout.Children.Add(map); mainStackLayout.Children.Add(country); mainStackLayout.Children.Add(findLocationBTN); Content = mainStackLayout; // add main layout to the page // Thread.Sleep(2000); // _ = FindTheLocation("", "", "New Zealand"); }
public MapPage(string latitude, string longitude) { _latitude = (Convert.ToDouble(latitude)); _longitude = (Convert.ToDouble(longitude)); var map55 = new Xamarin.Forms.Maps.Map( MapSpan.FromCenterAndRadius( new Position(Convert.ToDouble(latitude), Convert.ToDouble(longitude)), Distance.FromMiles(0.3))) { IsShowingUser = true, HeightRequest = 100, WidthRequest = 960, VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand }; var btn = new Button(); btn.Text = "Save Favorite"; var stack = new StackLayout { Spacing = 0 }; stack.Children.Add(map55); stack.Children.Add(btn); btn.Clicked += Btn_Clicked1;; Content = stack; }
async Task CrearMapa() { var nombrePueblo = txtNombre.Text; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(nombrePueblo)) { UserDialogs.Instance.Alert(Constantes.TitlePuebloRequired + " A continuación guarde el nombre antes de empezar a " + "crear contenido.", "Advertencia", "OK"); return; } MapSpan mapSpan = await GeocoderPueblo(); Mapa = new Map(mapSpan) { WidthRequest = -1, HeightRequest = 350, HasScrollEnabled = true, HasZoomEnabled = true }; Pin pin = new Pin { Label = nombrePueblo, Type = PinType.Place, Position = mapSpan.Center }; Mapa.Pins.Add(pin); stackMapa.Children.Add(Mapa); }
public KataU() { InitializeComponent(); var mapa = new Map(MapSpan.FromCenterAndRadius(new Position(37.393355, -5.983900), Distance.FromMiles(1))) { VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand }; var pFesac = new Position(37.371861, -5.999654); var pcampoFutbol = new Position(37.384217, -5.993467); var pin1 = new Pin { Type = PinType.Place, Position = pFesac, Label = "Fesac" }; var pin2 = new Pin { Type = PinType.Place, Position = pcampoFutbol, Label = "Campo Futbol" }; mapa.Pins.Add(pin1); mapa.Pins.Add(pin2); mapaLayout.Children.Add(mapa); }
async void GetCashPoints() { var location = await Geolocation.GetLastKnownLocationAsync(); MyLat = location.Latitude; MyLong = location.Longitude; CashPoints = await accountsManager.GetCashPointsAsync(); CashPointsMap = new Xamarin.Forms.Maps.Map(); if (CashPoints != null) { foreach (var cashpoint in CashPoints) { // Place a pin on the map for each cash point CashPointsMap.Pins.Add(new Pin { Type = PinType.Place, Label = cashpoint.AccountName, Position = new Position(cashpoint.Latitude, cashpoint.Longitude) }); } } // Center the map around the list of walks entry's location CashPointsMap.MoveToRegion(MapSpan.FromCenterAndRadius(new Position(MyLat, MyLong), Distance.FromKilometers(1.0))); }
public MainPage() { GetGeo += MainPage_GetGeo; GetGeo?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty); InitializeComponent(); // var res = await GeoAsync(); var map = new Xamarin.Forms.Maps.Map(MapSpan.FromCenterAndRadius(new Position(coordinate[0], coordinate[1]), Distance.FromMiles(1))); //можно задать местоположение человека, допилим потом Content = map; string jsonString = FileReader(); var data = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Data>(jsonString); List <ConnectionWithDataBase> connection = data.Parse(); double x = 55.702845; double y = 37.530651; string name = "Moscow State University"; int numberOfBuidings = (int)data.count; map.IsShowingUser = true; foreach (ConnectionWithDataBase db in connection) { x = db.x; y = db.y; name =; var pin = new Pin() { Position = new Position(x, y), Label = name, }; pins.Add(pin); pin.MarkerClicked += Pin_MarkerClicked; map.Pins.Add(pin); } }
public MapPage() { InitializeComponent(); var position = new Position(49.673971, 20.079831); map = new CustomMap(MapSpan.FromCenterAndRadius(position, Distance.FromMiles(0.5f))) { WidthRequest = Application.Current.MainPage.Width, IsShowingUser = true }; InitPins(); GridLayout.Children.Add(map, 0, 1); Grid.SetColumnSpan(map, 3); if (App.Logged) { menuButton = new ImageButton { Source = "menu_icon.png", Padding = new Thickness(0, 18), BackgroundColor = Color.Transparent }; menuButton.Clicked += OnMenu; GridLayout.Children.Add(menuButton, 2, 0); } GetLocation(); }
public MapPage() { Xamarin.Forms.Maps.Map map = new Xamarin.Forms.Maps.Map(); Content = map; /* this was to be used for showing pins with an image * CustomMap customMap = new CustomMap * { * MapType = MapType.Street, * WidthRequest = 8, * HeightRequest=8 * }; * * var pin = new CustomPin * { * Type = PinType.Place, * Position = new Position(currentlocation.Latitude, currentlocation.Longitude), * Label = "Current Location" * * }; * customMap.CustomPins = new List<CustomPin> { pin }; * customMap.MoveToRegion(MapSpan.FromCenterAndRadius(new Position(currentlocation.Latitude, currentlocation.Longitude), Distance.FromMiles(1.0))); * * Content = customMap; */ }
public static async void CenterOnCurrentLocation(this Map map) { try { var currentLocation = await Geolocation.GetLastKnownLocationAsync(); if (currentLocation == null) { var locationRequest = new GeolocationRequest(GeolocationAccuracy.Medium); currentLocation = await Geolocation.GetLocationAsync(locationRequest); } var currentPosition = new Position(currentLocation.Latitude, currentLocation.Longitude); var mapSpan = MapSpan.FromCenterAndRadius(currentPosition, Distance.FromMiles(1)); map.MoveToRegion(mapSpan); } catch (FeatureNotSupportedException fnsEx) { // Handle not supported on device exception return; } catch (PermissionException pEx) { // Handle permission exception return; } catch (Exception ex) { // Unable to get location return; } }
public static void SetDefaultView(this Map map) { var defaultMapCenter = new Position(40, -95); var defaultMapSpan = MapSpan.FromCenterAndRadius(defaultMapCenter, Distance.FromMiles(500)); map.MoveToRegion(defaultMapSpan); }
public CreateStopViewModel() { Map = new Xamarin.Forms.Maps.Map(); Map.MapClicked += Map_Clicked; Map.MapType = MapType.Street; Map.HasZoomEnabled = true; Map.IsShowingUser = true; }
public MapsViewModel() { Visible = false; MainMap = new Xamarin.Forms.Maps.Map() { IsShowingUser = true }; }
public MapViewModel(Xamarin.Forms.Maps.Map map, IEnumerable itemsSource, SearchBar searchBar) { = map; sB = searchBar; currentProducts = (IEnumerable <Product>)itemsSource; ExecuteLoadPinsCommand(); }
public AbsenViewModel(Xamarin.Forms.Maps.Map mapView) { ViewCommand = new Command(() => { Shell.Current.Navigation.PushAsync(new AbsenView()); }); AbsenCommand = new Command(AbsenAction, CanAAbsen); map = mapView; CrossGeolocator.Current.PositionChanged += Current_PositionChanged; Load(); }
public CustomerProfileViewModel(Xamarin.Forms.Maps.Map map, Customer cust) { IsBusy = true; SaveCommand = new Command(SaveAction); SetLocationCommand = new Command(SetLocation); _map = map; Model = cust; Load(); }
public void InitializeMap(Xamarin.Forms.Maps.Map map) { map.MapType = MapType.Street; Position point = new Position(37.334789, -121.888138); var mapSpan = new MapSpan(point, 5, 5); map.MoveToRegion(mapSpan); map.Pins.Clear(); }
public AddItemViewModel(Map map) { LoadPin = new Command(async() => await RunPin()); Place = new CreatePlaceRequest(); image = new ImageItem(); byteimage = new byte[4]; Map = map; LoadPin.Execute(null); }
public void GetData() { mapPosition = new Position(userLocation.Latitude, userLocation.Longitude); MapSpan mapSpan = new MapSpan(mapPosition, 0.1, 0.1); map = new Map(mapSpan); map.IsShowingUser = true; PopulatePins(); }
public RegisterActivityViewModel(INavigation nav, Xamarin.Forms.Maps.Map map) { _nav = nav; viewMap = map; dialogs = UserDialogs.Instance; Model = new RecordActivityModel(); locator = CrossGeolocator.Current; Activity = new ActivityTimer(OnTimerTick, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)); LoadCommands(); }
private async void FindMe() { Xamarin.Forms.Maps.Map map = this.FindByName <Xamarin.Forms.Maps.Map>("map"); var locator = CrossGeolocator.Current; Plugin.Geolocator.Abstractions.Position position = new Plugin.Geolocator.Abstractions.Position(); position = await locator.GetPositionAsync(); map.MoveToRegion(MapSpan.FromCenterAndRadius(new Position(position.Latitude, position.Longitude), Distance.FromMiles(1))); }
public GuideMapViewModel(string guide_id) { Map = new Xamarin.Forms.Maps.Map { MapType = MapType.Street, HasZoomEnabled = true, IsShowingUser = true }; this.guide_id = guide_id; }
public CustomerProfileViewModel(Xamarin.Forms.Maps.Map map) { IsBusy = true; SaveCommand = new Command(SaveAction); SetLocationCommand = new Command(SetLocation); _map = map; var profile = Account.GetProfile().Result; Model = Customers.Get(profile.Id).Result; Load(); }
public FullMapPage(List <RealEstate> realEstate) { InitializeComponent(); var position = new Position(55.1694, 23.8813); var mapSpan = new MapSpan(position, 4, 4); var map = new Xamarin.Forms.Maps.Map(mapSpan); map = AddPinsToMap(realEstate, map); container.Children.Add(map); }
private Map GetMap() { Position independanceSquare = new Position(50.450555, 30.5210808); MapSpan mapSpan = new MapSpan(independanceSquare, 0.01, 0.01); Map map = new Map(mapSpan) { IsShowingUser = true, Scale = 1 }; return(map); }
async Task RunPin() { Map.Pins.Add(new Pin { Label = "" }); var locator = await Geolocation.GetLastKnownLocationAsync(); Map.Pins[0].Position = new Position(locator.Latitude, locator.Longitude); Map.MoveToRegion(MapSpan.FromCenterAndRadius(new Position(Map.Pins[0].Position.Latitude, Map.Pins[0].Position.Longitude), Distance.FromMiles(0.5))); }
private Map GetMap() { Position cubic = new Position(50.383203, 30.471007); //cubic) MapSpan mapSpan = new MapSpan(cubic, 0.01, 0.01); Map map = new Map(mapSpan) { IsShowingUser = true, Scale = 1 }; return(map); }
private void InitializeMap(Position position) { Xamarin.Forms.Maps.Map map = new Xamarin.Forms.Maps.Map( MapSpan.FromCenterAndRadius( position, Distance.FromKilometers(0.3))) { IsShowingUser = true, HeightRequest = 100, WidthRequest = 960, MapType = MapType.Satellite, VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand }; MapStackLayout.Children.Add(map); }
public Map() { var map = new Xamarin.Forms.Maps.Map( MapSpan.FromCenterAndRadius( new Position(48.856614, 2.3522219000000177), Distance.FromMiles(0.3))) { IsShowingUser = true, HeightRequest = 100, WidthRequest = 960, VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand }; var stack = new StackLayout { Spacing = 0 }; stack.Children.Add(map); Content = stack; }
public MapViewModel(Xamarin.Forms.Maps.Map map) { mapRef = map; Contacts = new List <Person>(); PageAppearingCommand = new Command(async() => await ExecuteLoadContacts()); //PageAppearingCommand = new Command(OnPageAppearing); //PageDisappearingCommand = new Command(OnPageDisappearing); locs = new List <Location>(); mapLocsProperties = new List <MapLocation>(); //if (Application.Current.Properties.ContainsKey("id")) //{ // Console.WriteLine("Map Constructor Contains id"); // currentIds = Application.Current.Properties["id"] as string[]; //} }
public MainMapPage() { // Use our own Navigation NavigationPage.SetHasNavigationBar(this, false); // Create a map var map = new Map( MapSpan.FromCenterAndRadius( new Xamarin.Forms.Maps.Position(37,-122), Distance.FromMiles(0.3))) { IsShowingUser = true, VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand }; _map = map; // Create a custom toolbar View toolbar = new Toolbar(this); toolbar.BackgroundColor = Color.White; // Create a test button Button b = new Button { Text = "GetPosition" }; b.Clicked += (sender, ea) => GetPosition1 (); var stack = new StackLayout { Spacing = 0 }; stack.BackgroundColor = Color.White; stack.Children.Add (toolbar); stack.Children.Add(map); stack.Children.Add (b); Content = stack; //GetPosition1(); #if false try { _map = new Xamarin.Forms.Maps.Map() { VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand }; // Make map large - tried to use device size but didn't work _map.HeightRequest = 2500; //LoginPage.ScreenHeight; _map.WidthRequest = 800; //LoginPage.ScreenWidth; this.Content = _map; //_popupLayout; // Get current position GetPosition(); } catch (Exception exception) { // error } #endif }
public MainMapPage() { NavigationPage.SetHasNavigationBar(this, false); var map = new Map( MapSpan.FromCenterAndRadius( new Xamarin.Forms.Maps.Position(37,-122), Distance.FromMiles(0.3))) { IsShowingUser = true, VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand }; _map = map; //View toolbar = CreateTopMenu(); View toolbar = new Toolbar(this); //toolbar.WidthRequest = 1000; //toolbar.HeightRequest = 50; toolbar.BackgroundColor = Color.White; Button b = new Button { Text = "GetPosition" }; lblMonthCount= new Label { Text = "Month_Steps",FontSize =8 }; lbldayCount= new Label { Text = "Day_Steps",FontSize =8 }; //Timer timer = new Timer(timerDelegate, s, 1000, 1000); b.Clicked += (sender, ea) => GetPosition1 (); var stack = new StackLayout { Spacing = 0 }; stack.BackgroundColor = Color.White; stack.Children.Add (toolbar); stack.Children.Add(map); stack.Children.Add (b); stack.Children.Add (lblMonthCount); stack.Children.Add (lbldayCount); Content = stack; //GetPosition1(); #if false try { _map = new Xamarin.Forms.Maps.Map() { VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand }; // Make map large - tried to use device size but didn't work _map.HeightRequest = 2500; //LoginPage.ScreenHeight; _map.WidthRequest = 800; //LoginPage.ScreenWidth; this.Content = _map; //_popupLayout; // Get current position GetPosition(); } catch (Exception exception) { // error } #endif }
public WeatherMap(Xamarin.Forms.Maps.Map weatherMap) { _weatherMap = weatherMap; }