예제 #1
		public override void ViewDidLoad ()
			base.ViewDidLoad ();

			var book = new AddressBook ();

			// We must request permission to access the user's address book
			// This will prompt the user on platforms that ask, or it will validate
			// manifest permissions on platforms that declare their required permissions.
			book.RequestPermission().ContinueWith (t =>
				if (!t.Result)
					alert = new UIAlertView ("Permission denied", "User has denied this app access to their contacts", null, "Close");
                    //Add a new contact to the address book
                    var contact = new Contact();
                    contact.FirstName = "Rene";

					// Contacts can be selected and sorted using LINQ!
					// In this sample, we'll just use LINQ to sort contacts by
					// their last name in reverse order.
					list = book.OrderByDescending (c => c.LastName).ToList();

					tableView.Source = new TableViewDataSource (list);
			}, TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext());
예제 #2
		protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle)

			// We must request permission to access the user's address book
			// This will prompt the user on platforms that ask, or it will validate
			// manifest permissions on platforms that declare their required permissions.
			AddressBook.RequestPermission().ContinueWith (t =>
					if (!t.Result) {
						Toast.MakeText (this, "Permission denied, check your manifest", ToastLength.Long).Show();

					//Create new Contact
					var newContact = new Contact();
					newContact.FirstName = "Miguel";
					newContact.LastName = "de EverybodyKnows";
					newContact.Addresses = new List<Address>() { new Address() { StreetAddress = "Wili Street 1", PostalCode = "5331", City = "San Francisco" }};
					newContact.Emails = new List<Email>() { new Email() { Label = "Work", Address = "*****@*****.**" }};
					newContact.Phones = new List<Phone>() { new Phone() { Label = "Work", Number = "+1 (855) 926-2746" } };
					newContact.Organizations = new List<Organization>() { new Organization() { Name = "Xamarin" } };
					newContact.Websites = new List<Website>() { new Website() { Address = "http://www.xamarin.com" } };

					AddressBook.Save (newContact); //set WriteContacts in your manifest

					// Contacts can be selected and sorted using LINQ!
					// In this sample, we'll just use LINQ to sort contacts by
					// their last name in reverse order.
					foreach (Contact contact in AddressBook.Where (c => c.FirstName != null).OrderBy (c => c.FirstName)) {
						contacts.Add (contact.DisplayName);
						contactIDs.Add (contact.Id); // Save the ID in a parallel list

					ListAdapter = new ArrayAdapter<string> (this, Resource.Layout.list_item, contacts.ToArray());
					ListView.TextFilterEnabled = true;

					// When clicked, start a new activity to display more contact details
					ListView.ItemClick += delegate (object sender, AdapterView.ItemClickEventArgs args) {

						// To show the contact on the details activity, we
						// need to send that activity the contacts ID
						string contactId = contactIDs[args.Position];
						Intent showContactDetails = new Intent (this, typeof(ContactActivity));
						showContactDetails.PutExtra ("contactID", contactId);
						StartActivity (showContactDetails);

						// Alternatively, show a toast with the name of the contact selected
						//Toast.MakeText (Application, ((TextView)args.View).Text, ToastLength.Short).Show ();

				}, TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext());			
예제 #3
		private static void FillContactWithRow (Resources resources, Contact contact, ICursor c)
			string dataType = c.GetString (c.GetColumnIndex (ContactsContract.DataColumns.Mimetype));
			switch (dataType)
				case ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Nickname.ContentItemType:
					contact.Nickname = c.GetString (c.GetColumnIndex (ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Nickname.Name));

				case StructuredName.ContentItemType:
					contact.Prefix = c.GetString (StructuredName.Prefix);
					contact.FirstName = c.GetString (StructuredName.GivenName);
					contact.MiddleName = c.GetString (StructuredName.MiddleName);
					contact.LastName = c.GetString (StructuredName.FamilyName);
					contact.Suffix = c.GetString (StructuredName.Suffix);

				case ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.ContentItemType:
					contact.phones.Add (GetPhone (c, resources));

				case ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Email.ContentItemType:
					contact.emails.Add (GetEmail (c, resources));

				case ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Note.ContentItemType:
					contact.notes.Add (GetNote (c, resources));

				case ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Organization.ContentItemType:
					contact.organizations.Add (GetOrganization (c, resources));

				case StructuredPostal.ContentItemType:
					contact.addresses.Add (GetAddress (c, resources));

				case InstantMessaging.ContentItemType:
					contact.instantMessagingAccounts.Add (GetImAccount (c, resources));

				case WebsiteData.ContentItemType:
					contact.websites.Add (GetWebsite (c, resources));

				case Relation.ContentItemType:
					contact.relationships.Add (GetRelationship (c, resources));
예제 #4
		internal static void FillContactExtras (bool rawContact, ContentResolver content, Resources resources, string recordId, Contact contact)
			ICursor c = null;

			string column = (rawContact)
								? ContactsContract.RawContactsColumns.ContactId
								: ContactsContract.ContactsColumns.LookupKey;

				c = content.Query (ContactsContract.Data.ContentUri, null, column + " = ?", new[] { recordId }, null);
				if (c == null)

				while (c.MoveToNext())
					FillContactWithRow (resources, contact, c);
				if (c != null)
예제 #5
		internal static Contact GetContact (bool rawContact, ContentResolver content, Resources resources, ICursor cursor)
			string id = (rawContact)
							? cursor.GetString (cursor.GetColumnIndex (ContactsContract.RawContactsColumns.ContactId))
							: cursor.GetString (cursor.GetColumnIndex (ContactsContract.ContactsColumns.LookupKey));

			Contact contact = new Contact (id, !rawContact, content);
			contact.DisplayName = GetString (cursor, ContactsContract.ContactsColumns.DisplayName);

			FillContactExtras (rawContact, content, resources, id, contact);

			return contact;
예제 #6
		internal static IEnumerable<Contact> GetContacts (bool rawContacts, ContentResolver content, Resources resources, string[] ids)
			ICursor c = null;

			string column = (rawContacts)
								? ContactsContract.RawContactsColumns.ContactId
								: ContactsContract.ContactsColumns.LookupKey;

			StringBuilder whereb = new StringBuilder();
			for (int i = 0; i < ids.Length; i++)
				if (i > 0)
					whereb.Append (" OR ");

				whereb.Append (column);
				whereb.Append ("=?");

			int x = 0;
			var map = new Dictionary<string, Contact> (ids.Length);

				Contact currentContact = null;

				c = content.Query (ContactsContract.Data.ContentUri, null, whereb.ToString(), ids, ContactsContract.ContactsColumns.LookupKey);
				if (c == null)
					yield break;

				int idIndex = c.GetColumnIndex (column);
				int dnIndex = c.GetColumnIndex (ContactsContract.ContactsColumns.DisplayName);
				while (c.MoveToNext())
					string id = c.GetString (idIndex);
					if (currentContact == null || currentContact.Id != id)
						// We need to yield these in the original ID order
						if (currentContact != null) {
							if (currentContact.Id == ids[x]) {
								yield return currentContact;
								map.Add (currentContact.Id, currentContact);

						currentContact = new Contact (id, !rawContacts, content);
						currentContact.DisplayName = c.GetString (dnIndex);

					FillContactWithRow (resources, currentContact, c);

				if (currentContact != null)
					map.Add (currentContact.Id, currentContact);

				for (; x < ids.Length; x++)
					yield return map[ids[x]];
				if (c != null)
예제 #7
		public DetailContactView (Contact c)
			this.contact = c;
		internal static Contact GetContact (ABPerson person)
			Contact contact = new Contact (person)
				DisplayName = person.ToString(),
				Prefix = person.Prefix,
				FirstName = person.FirstName,
				MiddleName = person.MiddleName,
				LastName = person.LastName,
				Suffix = person.Suffix,
				Nickname = person.Nickname
			contact.Notes = (person.Note != null) ? new [] { new Note { Contents = person.Note } } : new Note[0];

			contact.Emails = person.GetEmails().Select (e => new Email
				Address = e.Value,
				Type = GetEmailType (e.Label),
				Label = (e.Label != null) ? GetLabel (e.Label) : GetLabel (ABLabel.Other)
			contact.Phones = person.GetPhones().Select (p => new Phone
				Number = p.Value,
				Type = GetPhoneType (p.Label),
				Label = (p.Label != null) ? GetLabel (p.Label) : GetLabel (ABLabel.Other)
			Organization[] orgs;
			if (person.Organization != null)
				orgs = new Organization[1];
				orgs[0] = new Organization
					Name = person.Organization,
					ContactTitle = person.JobTitle,
					Type = OrganizationType.Work,
					Label = GetLabel (ABLabel.Work)
				orgs = new Organization[0];

			contact.Organizations = orgs;

			contact.InstantMessagingAccounts = person.GetInstantMessages().Select (ima => new InstantMessagingAccount()
				Service = GetImService ((NSString)ima.Value[ABPersonInstantMessageKey.Service]),
				ServiceLabel = (NSString)ima.Value[ABPersonInstantMessageKey.Service],
				Account = (NSString)ima.Value[ABPersonInstantMessageKey.Username]

			contact.Addresses = person.GetAddresses().Select (a => new Address()
				Type = GetAddressType (a.Label),
				Label = (a.Label != null) ? GetLabel (a.Label) : GetLabel (ABLabel.Other),
				StreetAddress = (NSString)a.Value[ABPersonAddressKey.Street],
				City = (NSString)a.Value[ABPersonAddressKey.City],
				Region = (NSString)a.Value[ABPersonAddressKey.State],
				Country = (NSString)a.Value[ABPersonAddressKey.Country],
				PostalCode = (NSString)a.Value[ABPersonAddressKey.Zip]
			contact.Websites = person.GetUrls().Select (url => new Website
				Address = url.Value

			contact.Relationships = person.GetRelatedNames().Select (p => new Relationship
				Name = p.Value,
				Type = GetRelationType (p.Label)

			return contact;