public static ProductException Create(Application app, int code, bool error, Exception innerException, TypeReference location, string message, params object [] args) { var e = new ProductException(code, error, innerException, message, args); if (location != null) { var td = location.Resolve(); if (td.HasMethods) { foreach (var method in td.Methods) { if (!method.IsConstructor) { continue; } SetLocation(app, e, method); if (e.FileName != null) { break; } } } } return(e); }
public static ProductException Create(Application app, int code, bool error, Exception innerException, MethodDefinition location, Instruction instruction, string message, params object [] args) { var e = new ProductException(code, error, innerException, message, args); if (location != null) { SetLocation(app, e, location, instruction); } return(e); }
public static void SetLocation(Application app, ProductException ex, MethodDefinition method, Instruction instruction = null) { if (!method.HasBody) { return; } if (instruction == null && method.Body.Instructions.Count == 0) { return; } if (instruction == null) { instruction = method.Body.Instructions [0]; } app.LoadSymbols(); if (!method.DebugInformation.HasSequencePoints) { return; } // Find the sequence point with the highest offset that is less than or equal to the instruction's offset SequencePoint seq = null; foreach (var pnt in method.DebugInformation.SequencePoints) { if (pnt.Offset > instruction.Offset) { continue; } if (seq != null && seq.Offset >= pnt.Offset) { continue; } seq = pnt; } if (seq == null) { return; } ex.FileName = seq.Document.Url; ex.LineNumber = seq.StartLine; }
static bool ShowInternal(Exception e) { ProductException mte = (e as ProductException); bool error = true; if (mte != null) { error = mte.Error; if (!error && GetWarningLevel(mte.Code) == WarningLevel.Disable) { return(false); // This is an ignored warning. } Console.Error.WriteLine(mte.ToString()); if (Verbosity > 1) { ShowInner(e); } if (Verbosity > 2 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(e.StackTrace)) { Console.Error.WriteLine(e.StackTrace); } } else if (IsExpectedException == null || !IsExpectedException(e)) { Console.Error.WriteLine("error " + Prefix + "0000: Unexpected error - Please file a bug report at"); Console.Error.WriteLine(e.ToString()); } else { Console.Error.WriteLine(e.ToString()); if (Verbosity > 1) { ShowInner(e); } if (Verbosity > 2 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(e.StackTrace)) { Console.Error.WriteLine(e.StackTrace); } } return(error); }