예제 #1
        public void StartAuthentication(string clientId, string scope, string appSecret, Uri authorizeUrl, Uri redirectUrl, Uri tokenUrl, bool codeChallengeMethod)
            Xamarin.Auth.OAuth2Authenticator oAuth2 = new Xamarin.Auth.OAuth2Authenticator(clientId,
            oAuth2.Completed += OnOAuth2Completed;
            oAuth2.Error     += OnOAuth2Error;

            Android.Content.Context context = Android.App.Application.Context;
            Android.Content.Intent  loginUI = oAuth2.GetUI(context);
        // IOAuthAuthorizeHandler.AuthorizeAsync implementation
        public Task <IDictionary <string, string> > AuthorizeAsync(Uri serviceUri, Uri authorizeUri, Uri callbackUri)
            // If the TaskCompletionSource is not null, authorization may already be in progress and should be cancelled
            if (_taskCompletionSource != null)
                // Try to cancel any existing authentication task

            // Create a task completion source
            _taskCompletionSource = new TaskCompletionSource <IDictionary <string, string> >();
#if __ANDROID__ || __IOS__
#if __ANDROID__
            // Get the current Android Activity
            Activity activity = (Activity)Android.App.Application.Context;
#if __IOS__
            // Get the current iOS ViewController
            var viewController = Xamarin.Forms.Platform.iOS.Platform.GetRenderer(this).ViewController;
            // Create a new Xamarin.Auth.OAuth2Authenticator using the information passed in
            Xamarin.Auth.OAuth2Authenticator authenticator = new Xamarin.Auth.OAuth2Authenticator(
                clientId: AppClientId,
                scope: "",
                authorizeUrl: authorizeUri,
                redirectUrl: callbackUri)
                ShowErrors = false

            // Allow the user to cancel the OAuth attempt
            authenticator.AllowCancel = true;

            // Define a handler for the OAuth2Authenticator.Completed event
            authenticator.Completed += (sender, authArgs) =>
#if __IOS__
                    // Dismiss the OAuth UI when complete
                    viewController.DismissViewController(true, null);

                    // Check if the user is authenticated
                    if (authArgs.IsAuthenticated)
                        // If authorization was successful, get the user's account
                        Xamarin.Auth.Account authenticatedAccount = authArgs.Account;

                        // Set the result (Credential) for the TaskCompletionSource
                        throw new Exception("Unable to authenticate user.");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    // If authentication failed, set the exception on the TaskCompletionSource

                    // Cancel authentication
#if __ANDROID__
                    // Dismiss the OAuth login

            // If an error was encountered when authenticating, set the exception on the TaskCompletionSource
            authenticator.Error += (sndr, errArgs) =>
                // If the user cancels, the Error event is raised but there is no exception ... best to check first
                if (errArgs.Exception != null)
                    // Login canceled: dismiss the OAuth login
                    if (_taskCompletionSource != null)
#if __ANDROID__

                // Cancel authentication

            // Present the OAuth UI so the user can enter user name and password
#if __ANDROID__
            var intent = authenticator.GetUI(activity);
            activity.StartActivityForResult(intent, 99);
#if __IOS__
            // Present the OAuth UI (on the app's UI thread) so the user can enter user name and password
            Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() =>
                viewController.PresentViewController(authenticator.GetUI(), true, null);
            // Return completion source task so the caller can await completion
예제 #3
        // IOAuthAuthorizeHandler.AuthorizeAsync implementation.
        public Task <IDictionary <string, string> > AuthorizeAsync(Uri serviceUri, Uri authorizeUri, Uri callbackUri)
            // If the TaskCompletionSource is not null, authorization is in progress.
            if (_taskCompletionSource != null)
                // Allow only one authorization process at a time.
                throw new Exception();

            // Create a task completion source.
            _taskCompletionSource = new TaskCompletionSource <IDictionary <string, string> >();

            // Create a new Xamarin.Auth.OAuth2Authenticator using the information passed in.
            _auth = new OAuth2Authenticator(
                clientId: AppClientId,
                scope: "",
                authorizeUrl: authorizeUri,
                redirectUrl: new Uri(OAuthRedirectUrl))
                // Allow the user to cancel the OAuth attempt.
                AllowCancel = true

            // Define a handler for the OAuth2Authenticator.Completed event.
            _auth.Completed += (object sender, AuthenticatorCompletedEventArgs args) =>
                    // Dismiss the OAuth UI when complete.
                    this.DismissViewController(true, null);

                    // Throw an exception if the user could not be authenticated.
                    if (!args.IsAuthenticated)
                        throw new Exception("Unable to authenticate user.");

                    // If authorization was successful, get the user's account.
                    Xamarin.Auth.Account authenticatedAccount = args.Account;

                    // Set the result (Credential) for the TaskCompletionSource.
                catch (Exception ex)
                    // If authentication failed, set the exception on the TaskCompletionSource.

            // If an error was encountered when authenticating, set the exception on the TaskCompletionSource.
            _auth.Error += (object sender, AuthenticatorErrorEventArgs args) =>
                if (args.Exception != null)
                    _taskCompletionSource.TrySetException(new Exception(args.Message));

            // Present the OAuth UI (on the app's UI thread) so the user can enter user name and password.
            InvokeOnMainThread(() => { this.PresentViewController(_auth.GetUI(), true, null); });

            // Return completion source task so the caller can await completion.
예제 #4
        // IOAuthAuthorizeHandler.AuthorizeAsync implementation.
        public Task <IDictionary <string, string> > AuthorizeAsync(Uri serviceUri, Uri authorizeUri, Uri callbackUri)
            // If the TaskCompletionSource is not null, authorization may already be in progress and should be canceled.
            // Try to cancel any existing authentication process.

            // Create a task completion source.
            _taskCompletionSource = new TaskCompletionSource <IDictionary <string, string> >();

            // Create a new Xamarin.Auth.OAuth2Authenticator using the information passed in.
            _auth = new OAuth2Authenticator(
                clientId: AppClientId,
                scope: "",
                authorizeUrl: authorizeUri,
                redirectUrl: new Uri(OAuthRedirectUrl))
                ShowErrors = false,
                // Allow the user to cancel the OAuth attempt.
                AllowCancel = true

            // Define a handler for the OAuth2Authenticator.Completed event.
            _auth.Completed += (o, authArgs) =>
                    // Dismiss the OAuth UI when complete.
                    InvokeOnMainThread(() => { UIApplication.SharedApplication.KeyWindow.RootViewController.DismissViewController(true, null); });

                    // Check if the user is authenticated.
                    if (authArgs.IsAuthenticated)
                        // If authorization was successful, get the user's account.
                        Xamarin.Auth.Account authenticatedAccount = authArgs.Account;

                        // Set the result (Credential) for the TaskCompletionSource.
                        throw new Exception("Unable to authenticate user.");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    // If authentication failed, set the exception on the TaskCompletionSource.

                    // Cancel authentication.

            // If an error was encountered when authenticating, set the exception on the TaskCompletionSource.
            _auth.Error += (o, errArgs) =>
                // If the user cancels, the Error event is raised but there is no exception ... best to check first.
                if (errArgs.Exception != null)
                    // Login canceled: dismiss the OAuth login.

                // Cancel authentication.
                _auth = null;

            // Present the OAuth UI (on the app's UI thread) so the user can enter user name and password.
            InvokeOnMainThread(() => { UIApplication.SharedApplication.KeyWindow.RootViewController.PresentViewController(_auth.GetUI(), true, null); });

            // Return completion source task so the caller can await completion.
        protected override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
            // Set our view from the "main" layout resource

            spinner = FindViewById <Spinner>(Resource.Id.spinner);
            var adapter = new ArrayAdapter <string>(this, Android.Resource.Layout.SimpleSpinnerItem, new string[] { "<none>", "Profile", "Activity", "Heart Rate", "Sleep" });

            spinner.Adapter       = adapter;
            spinner.ItemSelected += (object sender, AdapterView.ItemSelectedEventArgs e) =>
                if (e.Id == 1) //get profile
                else if (e.Id == 2) //get activity
                    GetData(Constants.Fitbit.ActivityUrl.Replace("[date]", DateTime.Today.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")));
                else if (e.Id == 3) // get heart rate
                    GetData(Constants.Fitbit.HeartRateUrl.Replace("[date]", "today").Replace("[range]", "1d"));
                else if (e.Id == 4) //Sleep
                    GetData(Constants.Fitbit.SleepUrl.Replace("[date]", DateTime.Today.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")));
            spinner.Enabled = false;
            textResult      = FindViewById <EditText>(Resource.Id.editText1);

            Button button1 = FindViewById <Button>(Resource.Id.button1);

            // wire up add task button handler
            if (button1 != null)
                button1.Click += (sender, e) =>
                    Toast.MakeText(this, "Trying to authenticate with fitbit!", ToastLength.Short);

                    //store = AccountStore.Create(this, "test123");
                    //account = store.FindAccountsForService(Constants.Fitbit.AppName).FirstOrDefault();

                    /*** OAuth2Authenticator object fails to authenticate with fitbit (it works for google though). However, it fires the OnAuthError method which we can use our way to get around the authentication.
                     * we simply use it currently to present the fitbit authentication screen for the user, and make use of the OnAuthError event to proceed with our authentication mechanism.
                    authenticator = new OAuth2Authenticator(Constants.Fitbit.AndroidClientId, Constants.Fitbit.ClientSecret, Constants.Fitbit.Scope,
                                                            new Uri(Constants.Fitbit.AuthorizeUrl),
                                                            new Uri(Constants.Fitbit.AndroidRedirectUrl), new Uri(Constants.Fitbit.AccessTokenUrl), null, true);
                    authenticator.AllowCancel = true;
                    authenticator.Completed  += OnAuthCompleted;
                    authenticator.Error      += OnAuthError;

                    AuthenticationState.Authenticator = authenticator;

                    auth_ui = authenticator.GetUI(this);