public acegiak_Song ChooseSong(GameObject who) { acegiak_SongBook part2 = who.GetPart <acegiak_SongBook>(); if (!who.IsPlayer()) { return(part2.Songs.GetRandomElement()); } //IPart.AddPlayerMessage(part2.ToString()); List <acegiak_Song> ObjectChoices = new List <acegiak_Song>(); List <string> ChoiceList = new List <string>(); List <char> HotkeyList = new List <char>(); char ch = 'a'; if (part2 == null || part2.Songs.Count <= 0) { Popup.Show(who.The + who.DisplayNameOnly + who.GetVerb("doesn't") + " know any songs"); return(null); } foreach (acegiak_Song song in part2.Songs) { ObjectChoices.Add(song); HotkeyList.Add(ch); ChoiceList.Add(song.Name); ch = (char)(ch + 1); } if (ObjectChoices.Count == 0) { Popup.Show(who.The + who.DisplayNameOnly + who.GetVerb("doesn't") + " know any songs"); return(null); } int num12 = Popup.ShowOptionList(string.Empty, ChoiceList.ToArray(), HotkeyList.ToArray(), 0, "Select a song to play.", 60, bRespectOptionNewlines: false, bAllowEscape: true); if (num12 < 0) { return(null); } return(ObjectChoices[num12]); }
public void Compose(GameObject who) { List <UnityEngine.GameObject> GOs = new List <UnityEngine.GameObject>(); foreach (string voice in SoundName.Split(';')) { string[] bits = voice.Split(':'); UnityEngine.GameObject gameObject; gameObject = new UnityEngine.GameObject(); gameObject.transform.position = new Vector3(0f, 0f, 1f); = "MusicPlayer"; gameObject.AddComponent <acegiak_AudioSequencer>(); gameObject.GetComponent <acegiak_AudioSequencer>().recordVoice = bits[0]; if (bits.Length > 1) { gameObject.GetComponent <acegiak_AudioSequencer>().recordVolume = Int32.Parse(bits[1]) / 100f; } UnityEngine.Object.DontDestroyOnLoad(gameObject); GOs.Add(gameObject); } foreach (UnityEngine.GameObject GO in GOs) { acegiak_AudioSequencer component = GO.GetComponent <acegiak_AudioSequencer>(); component.Record(); } Popup.AskString("Play with 0-9", "", 300); // acegiak_ScreenBufferMaker p = delegate(ScreenBuffer sb, int charcode) // { // ConsoleChar c = new ConsoleChar(); // c.Tile = "Tiles/sw_box.bmp"; // sb[1,1] = c; // ConsoleChar f = new ConsoleChar(); // f.Tile = "Tiles/sw_box.bmp"; // sb[3,3] = f; // //IPart.AddPlayerMessage("Boxy?"); // return sb; // }; // acegiak_CustomPopup.CustomRender(p,20,10); if (XRLCore.Core.Game.Player.Body.HasSkill("acegiak_Customs_Music")) { string songname = Popup.AskString("Name this song. (leave blank to forget)", "", 140); if (songname != null && songname.Length > 0) { acegiak_SongBook book = who.GetPart <acegiak_SongBook>(); if (book == null) { Popup.Show(who.The + who.DisplayNameOnly + " can't remember songs."); } else { acegiak_Song song = new acegiak_Song(); song.Name = songname; song.Notes = GOs[0].GetComponent <acegiak_AudioSequencer>().Print(); book.Songs.Add(song); JournalAPI.AddAccomplishment("You wrote a song: " + song.Name); JournalAPI.AddObservation(song.Name, song.Name, "Songs", null, null, true); } } } who.FireEvent(Event.New("PlayedSong", "Object", ParentObject)); }