public ConnectionData(NodePortData Port1, NodePortData Port2) { port1 = Port1; port2 = Port2; port1ID = Port1.portID; port2ID = Port2.portID; }
public bool RecordConnection(NodePortData portData1, NodePortData portData2) { if (!portData1.connections.Contains(portData2)) { portData1.connections.Add(portData2); } if (!portData2.connections.Contains(portData1)) { portData2.connections.Add(portData1); } if (!connections.Exists((ConnectionData conData) => conData.hasPort(portData1) && conData.hasPort(portData2))) { ConnectionData conData = new ConnectionData(portData1, portData2); connections.Add(conData); return(true); } return(false); }
public NodeGraphData ConvertToNodeGraphData(NodeGraph graph) { NodeGraphData nodeGraphData = new NodeGraphData(graph); Dictionary <NodePort, NodePortData> portDatas = new Dictionary <NodePort, NodePortData>(); foreach (Node node in graph.nodes) { if (node == null) { continue; } // Create node data NodeData nodeData = new NodeData(node); nodeGraphData.nodes.Add(nodeData); foreach (NodePort nodePort in node.Ports) { NodePortData portData = new NodePortData(nodeData, nodePort); nodeData.ports.Add(portData); portDatas.Add(nodePort, portData); } } foreach (NodePortData portData in portDatas.Values) { foreach (NodePort conPort in portData.port.GetConnections()) { NodePortData conPortData; // Get portData associated with the connection port if (portDatas.TryGetValue(conPort, out conPortData)) { nodeGraphData.RecordConnection(portData, conPortData); } } } return(nodeGraphData); }
public override NodeGraphData ImportData(string serializedData) { NodeGraphData returnData = null; JSONNode root = JSON.Parse(serializedData); Dictionary <int, object> references = new Dictionary <int, object>(); Dictionary <NodePort, NodePortData> portDatas = new Dictionary <NodePort, NodePortData>(); List <string> ignoredFields = new List <string> { "name", "graph", "ports", "nodes" }; JSONObject graphJObject; if (root.HasKey("graph")) { graphJObject = root["graph"].AsObject; int id = graphJObject["id"]; string graphTypeS = graphJObject["type"]; Type graphType = Type.GetType(graphTypeS); NodeGraph graph = (NodeGraph)Activator.CreateInstance(graphType); = graphJObject["name"]; references.Add(id, graph); returnData = new NodeGraphData(graph); //Debug.Log("Basic graph OK!"); } else { Debug.LogWarning("Basic graph KO!"); return(returnData); } if (root.HasKey("nodes")) { JSONArray nodesJArray = root["nodes"].AsArray; foreach (JSONObject nodeJObject in nodesJArray.Values) { int id = nodeJObject["id"]; string nodeTypeS = nodeJObject["type"]; Type nodeType = Type.GetType(nodeTypeS); Node node = (Node)Activator.CreateInstance(nodeType); = nodeJObject["name"]; object nodeOBJ = (object)node; SimpleJSONExtension.FromJSON(ref nodeOBJ, nodeType, nodeJObject, ignoredFields, references); node.graph = returnData.graph; NodeData nodeData = new NodeData(node); JSONArray nodePortsArray = nodeJObject["ports"].AsArray; foreach (var nodePort in nodePortsArray.Values) { bool dynamic = nodePort["dynamic"].AsBool; string portName = nodePort["name"]; NodePort port = null; int portId = 0; if (dynamic) { if (!node.HasPort(portName)) { Type dynamicType = Type.GetType(nodePort["valueType"]); Node.TypeConstraint constraint = (Node.TypeConstraint)nodePort["typeConstraint"].AsInt; Node.ConnectionType connectionType = (Node.ConnectionType)nodePort["connectionType"].AsInt; NodePort.IO direction = (NodePort.IO)nodePort["direction"].AsInt; if (direction == NodePort.IO.Input) { port = node.AddInstanceInput(dynamicType, connectionType, constraint, portName); } else { port = node.AddInstanceOutput(dynamicType, connectionType, constraint, portName); } } else { Debug.LogWarning("Ignoring port bc is already created"); } } port = node.GetPort(nodePort["name"]); if (port == null) { Debug.Log("Port is null? " +; foreach (var p in node.Ports) { Debug.Log(p.fieldName); } } portId = nodePort["id"]; NodePortData portData = new NodePortData(nodeData, port); nodeData.ports.Add(portData); portDatas.Add(port, portData); references.Add(portId, port); } references.Add(id, node); returnData.nodes.Add(nodeData); } //Debug.Log("Basic Nodes OK!"); } else { Debug.LogWarning("Basic Nodes KO!"); return(returnData); } if (root.HasKey("connections")) { JSONArray connectionsJArray = root["connections"].AsArray; foreach (JSONObject connectionJObject in connectionsJArray.Values) { int port1ID = connectionJObject["port1ID"].AsInt; int port2ID = connectionJObject["port2ID"].AsInt; if (references.ContainsKey(port1ID) && references.ContainsKey(port2ID)) { NodePort p1 = (NodePort)references[port1ID]; NodePort p2 = (NodePort)references[port2ID]; p1.Connect(p2); } else { Debug.LogWarning("Error recovering one connection"); } } //Debug.Log("Connections OK!"); } else { Debug.LogWarning("Connections KO!"); return(returnData); } object graphObject = returnData.graph; SimpleJSONExtension.FromJSON(ref graphObject, returnData.graph.GetType(), graphJObject, ignoredFields, references); return(returnData); }
public bool hasPort(NodePortData port) { return(port1ID == port.portID || port2ID == port.portID); }