private static void SignTransaction(PrivateKeyAccountClient acc, Transactions.TransactionData t, string multisigAcc) { Console.WriteLine("signing transaction"); try { acc.BeginSignatureTransactionAsync(ar => { try { if (ar.Content.Code == 1) { var sum = new TxSummary() { AccAddress = multisigAcc, DateOfTx = DateTime.Now, Amount = t.transaction.otherTrans.amount }; TxSummaryController.AddSummaryForAccount(sum); } else { Console.WriteLine(ar.Content.Code); } Console.WriteLine(ar.Content.Message); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex); } }, new MultisigSignatureTransactionData { Deadline = int.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["deadline"]) == 0 ? 82800 : int.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["deadline"]), TransactionHash =, MultisigAddress = new Address(multisigAcc), }).AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); SignTransaction(acc, t, multisigAcc); } }
internal bool ScanTxAgainstRuleSet(Transactions.TransactionData t) { var multisigAccInfo = new AccountClient(Con); var valid = true; multisigAccInfo.BeginGetAccountInfoFromPublicKey(ar => { if (_black.Count > 0 && _black.Contains(StringUtils.GetResultsWithoutHyphen(t.transaction.otherTrans.recipient))) { Console.WriteLine("failed on blacklist"); valid = false; } if (_white.Count > 0 && !_white.Contains(StringUtils.GetResultsWithoutHyphen(t.transaction.otherTrans.recipient))) { Console.WriteLine("failed on white list"); valid = false; } if (long.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["maxTx"]) != 0 && t.transaction.otherTrans.amount >= long.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["maxTx"]) * 1000000) { Console.WriteLine("failed max transaction size"); valid = false; } if (long.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["minTx"]) != 0 && t.transaction.otherTrans.amount <= long.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["minTx"]) * 1000000) { Console.WriteLine("failed on min transaction size"); valid = false; } if (long.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["maxBal"]) != 0 && ar.Content.Account.Balance >= long.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["maxBal"]) * 1000000) { Console.WriteLine("failed on max balance"); valid = false; } if (long.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["minBal"]) != 0 && ar.Content.Account.Balance <= long.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["minBal"]) * 1000000) { Console.WriteLine("failed on min balance"); valid = false; } if (ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["secretCode"] != "" && t.transaction.otherTrans.message.payload != ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["secretCode"]) { Console.WriteLine("failed on secret code"); valid = false; } var sum1 = TxSummaryController.GetSummaryForAccount(ar.Content.Account.Address, 1); if (int.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["maxDayTx"]) != 0 && sum1 != null && sum1.Count >= int.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["maxDayTx"])) { Console.WriteLine("failed on daily max transactions"); valid = false; } var sum7 = TxSummaryController.GetSummaryForAccount(ar.Content.Account.Address, 7); if (int.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["maxWeekTx"]) != 0 && sum7 != null && sum7.Count >= int.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["maxWeekTx"])) { Console.WriteLine("failed on weekly max transactions"); valid = false; } var sum31 = TxSummaryController.GetSummaryForAccount(ar.Content.Account.Address, 31); if (int.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["maxMonthTx"]) != 0 && sum31 != null && sum31.Count >= int.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["maxMonthTx"])) { Console.WriteLine("failed on monthly max transactions"); valid = false; } if (long.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["maxDayAmount"]) != 0 && sum1 != null && sum1.Sum(tx => tx.Amount) >= long.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["maxDayAmount"]) * 1000000) { Console.WriteLine("failed on daily max transactions"); valid = false; } if (long.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["maxWeekAmount"]) != 0 && sum7 != null && sum7.Sum(tx => tx.Amount) >= long.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["maxWeekAmount"]) * 1000000) { Console.WriteLine("failed on weekly max transactions"); valid = false; } if (long.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["maxMonthAmount"]) != 0 && sum31 != null && sum31.Sum(tx => tx.Amount) >= long.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["maxMonthAmount"]) * 1000000) { Console.WriteLine("failed on monthly max transactions"); valid = false; } if (ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ICOAccountPubKey"] != "") { valid = false; // get all incoming transactions to the ICO deposit account var txs = GetTransactions(AddressEncoding.ToEncoded(Con.GetNetworkVersion(), new CSharp2nem.Model.AccountSetup.PublicKey(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ICOAccountPubKey"])), null); if ((t.transaction.type == 257 ? t.transaction.message?.payload : t.transaction.otherTrans?.message?.payload) != null) { while (!txs.Exists(e => == Encoding.UTF8.GetString(CryptoBytes.FromHexString((t.transaction.type == 257 ? t.transaction.message?.payload : t.transaction.otherTrans?.message?.payload))))) { var tx = GetTransactions(AddressEncoding.ToEncoded(Con.GetNetworkVersion(), new CSharp2nem.Model.AccountSetup.PublicKey(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ICOAccountPubKey"])), txs[txs.Count - 1]; txs.AddRange(tx); } } else { valid = false; Console.WriteLine("failed on transaction verification: missing message hash"); } // fail if deposit hash not present in payout transaction if ((t.transaction.otherTrans == null ? t.transaction.message?.payload : t.transaction.otherTrans.message?.payload) != null) { // find deposit transaction based on hash in message var tx = txs.Single(x => == Encoding.UTF8.GetString(CryptoBytes.FromHexString((t.transaction.type == 257 ? t.transaction.message.payload : t.transaction.otherTrans.message.payload)))); // initiate mosaic client var mosaicClient = new NamespaceMosaicClient(Con); var mosaicDivisibility = 0; var mosaics = ConfigurationManager.GetSection("MosaicConfigElement") as MyMosaicConfigSection; foreach (MosaicConfigElement m in mosaics.Mosaics) { // retrieve mosaic definition for rate calculation mosaicClient.BeginGetMosaicsByNameSpace(ar3 => { foreach (var m2 in t.transaction.otherTrans.mosaics) { if (!(m2.mosaicId.namespaceId == m.MosaicNameSpace && == m.MosaicID)) { continue; } if (ar3.Ex != null) { Console.WriteLine(ar3.Ex); } // if no error, set mosaic divisibility else { mosaicDivisibility = int.Parse(ar3.Content.Data[0].Mosaic.Properties[0].Value); } var depositedAmount = Calculations.GetDepositedAmount(tx); // calculate based on pre-set currency denomination if (m.CostDenomination == "USD") { // fail if no mosaics present in ico payout transaction if (t.transaction.otherTrans.mosaics != null) { // check if the mosaic quantity paid out is correct for the deposit var amountValid = Calculations.RateCalculation(depositedAmount, mosaicDivisibility, m) == m2.quantity; // check the recipient of the payout is the signer of the deposit, fail if not. if (amountValid && t.transaction.otherTrans.recipient == AddressEncoding.ToEncoded(Con.GetNetworkVersion(), new CSharp2nem.Model.AccountSetup.PublicKey(tx.transaction.otherTrans?.signer == null ? tx.transaction.signer : tx.transaction.otherTrans.signer))) { continue; } else { Console.WriteLine("failed on transaction verification: amount or recipient is invalid"); valid = false; } } else { Console.WriteLine("failed on transaction verification: invalid or missing mosaic"); } } else if (m.CostDenomination == "XEM") { // set mosaic amount paid out. var q = m2.quantity; // get amount that should be paid out for the deposit var a = Calculations.BonusCalculation(m, Math.Ceiling((depositedAmount / decimal.Parse(m.MosaicCost)) / (decimal)Math.Pow(10, 6 - mosaicDivisibility))); // if incorrect, fail valid = a == q ? true : false; if (!valid) { Console.WriteLine("failed on transaction verification: amounts do not match"); } } else { Console.WriteLine("failed on transaction verification: incorrect currency"); } } }, m.MosaicNameSpace, m.MosaicID).AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(); } } else { Console.WriteLine("failed on transaction verification: missing hash"); } } }, t.transaction.otherTrans.signer).AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(); return(valid); }