예제 #1
		/// <summary>
		/// return an array of all of the objects which should
		/// 1) be queried when looking for someone to deliver a message to
		/// 2) be potential recipients of a broadcast
		/// </summary>
		/// <returns></returns>
		public IxCoreColleague[] GetMessageTargets()
			List<IxCoreColleague> colleagues = new List<IxCoreColleague>();
			// Add current FindComboFiller & UsedByFiller.
			// Those
			return colleagues.ToArray();
예제 #2
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Gets the earliest date and time the specified check was run.
		/// </summary>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		private DateTime GetLastRunInfoForCheck(Guid checkId, out string[] bookChkInfo)
			List<string> bookChkInfoList = new List<string>();
			bookChkInfo = new string[] { };

			if (m_bookFilter.BookIds == null)
				return DateTime.MinValue;

			FdoOwningSequence<IScrBookAnnotations> booksAnnotations =

			string fmtTip =
			string fmtLastRunDate =
			string fmtLastRunNever =

			DateTime overallLastRun = DateTime.MaxValue;

			// Go through the books in the filter.
			foreach (int bookId in m_bookFilter.BookIds)
				DateTime lastRun = DateTime.MinValue;
				string lastRunText = fmtLastRunNever;
				IScrBookAnnotations annotations = booksAnnotations[bookId - 1];

				// Is there any history of this check having been run on this book?
				if (annotations.ChkHistRecsOC.Count == 0)
					overallLastRun = DateTime.MinValue;
					// Go through the records of each time this test was run for
					// this book and get the date and time of the last run. While
					// finding that time, also keep track of the earliest time the
					// check was run for all books.
					foreach (ScrCheckRun scr in annotations.ChkHistRecsOC)
						if (scr.CheckId == checkId)
							if (overallLastRun > scr.RunDate && overallLastRun != DateTime.MinValue)
								overallLastRun = scr.RunDate;

							if (lastRun < scr.RunDate)
								lastRun = scr.RunDate;

					if (lastRun > DateTime.MinValue)
						lastRunText = string.Format(fmtLastRunDate, lastRun);

					m_bookFilter.GetBookByOrd(bookId).BestUIName, lastRunText));

			bookChkInfo = bookChkInfoList.ToArray();
			return (overallLastRun == DateTime.MaxValue ? DateTime.MinValue : overallLastRun);
예제 #3
		/// <summary>
		/// Get the items to be compared against the filter.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="item"></param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		protected override int[] GetItems(ManyOnePathSortItem item)
			ISilDataAccess sda = m_cache.MainCacheAccessor;
			List<int> results = new List<int>();
			if (item.PathLength > 0 && item.PathFlid(0) == kflidMsas)
				// sorted by MSA, match just the one MSA.
				// I don't think this path can occur with the current XML spec where this is used.
				int hvoMsa;
				if (item.PathLength > 1)
					hvoMsa = item.PathObject(1);
					hvoMsa = item.KeyObject;
				GetItemsForMsaType(sda, ref results, hvoMsa);
			else if (item.PathLength >= 1 && item.PathFlid(0) == kflidEntrySenses)
				// sorted in a way that shows one sense per row, test that sense's MSA.
				int hvoSense;
				if (item.PathLength > 1)
					hvoSense = item.PathObject(1);
					hvoSense = item.KeyObject;
				int hvoMsa = sda.get_ObjectProp(hvoSense, (int)LexSense.LexSenseTags.kflidMorphoSyntaxAnalysis);
				GetItemsForMsaType(sda, ref results, hvoMsa);
				int hvoEntry = item.RootObject.Hvo;
				int cmsa = sda.get_VecSize(hvoEntry, kflidMsas);
				for (int imsa = 0; imsa < cmsa; imsa++)
					int hvoMsa = sda.get_VecItem(hvoEntry, kflidMsas, imsa);
					GetItemsForMsaType(sda, ref results, hvoMsa);
			return results.ToArray();
예제 #4
		/// <summary>
		/// Get the occurrences of a particular analysis in the currently interesting texts.
		/// </summary>
		private int[] GetAnalysisOccurrences(int hvo, bool includeChildren)
			int[] values;
			if (m_values.TryGetValue(hvo, out values))
				return values;
			var analysis = (IAnalysis)m_services.GetObject(hvo);
			var wf = analysis.Wordform;
			var bag = wf.OccurrencesBag;
			var valuesList = new List<int>(bag.Count);
			foreach (var seg in from item in bag.Items where BelongsToInterestingText(item) select item)
				foreach (var occurrence in seg.GetOccurrencesOfAnalysis(analysis, bag.Occurrences(seg), includeChildren))
					var hvoOcc = m_nextId--;
					m_occurrences[hvoOcc] = occurrence;
			AddAdditionalOccurrences(hvo, m_occurrences, ref m_nextId, valuesList);
			values = valuesList.ToArray();
			m_values[hvo] = values;
			return values;
예제 #5
		private void SetNewOccurrencesOfWordforms(ProgressDialogWorkingOn progress)
			Set<int> changes = new Set<int>();
			foreach (ParaChangeInfo info in m_changedParas.Values)
			if (AllChanged)
				m_newOccurrencesOldWf = new int[0]; // no remaining occurrences
				// Only some changed, need to figure m_newOccurrences
				List<int> newOccurrencesOldWf = new List<int>();
				foreach (int hvo in OldOccurrencesOfOldWordform)
					//The offsets of our occurrences have almost certainly changed.
					//Update them so that the respelling dialog view will appear correct.
					var occur = RespellSda.OccurrenceFromHvo(hvo) as LocatedAnalysisOccurrence;
					if (occur != null)

					if (!changes.Contains(hvo))
				m_newOccurrencesOldWf = newOccurrencesOldWf.ToArray();
			List<int> newOccurrences = new List<int>(m_oldOccurrencesNewWf.Length + changes.Count);
			m_newOccurrencesNewWf = newOccurrences.ToArray();
			RespellSda.ReplaceOccurrences(OldWordform, m_newOccurrencesOldWf);
			RespellSda.ReplaceOccurrences(NewWordform, m_newOccurrencesNewWf);
예제 #6
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Gets the message targets.
		/// </summary>
		/// <returns></returns>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		public IxCoreColleague[] GetMessageTargets()

			// return list of view windows with focused window being the first one
			List<IxCoreColleague> targets = new List<IxCoreColleague>();
			foreach (RootSiteGroup group in m_groups)
				foreach (IRootSiteSlave slave in group.Slaves)
					if (slave is IxCoreColleague &&
						(((Control)slave).Contains((Control)FocusedRootSite) || slave == FocusedRootSite))

			return targets.ToArray();
예제 #7
		/// <summary>
		/// Reset the slot combo box.
		/// </summary>
		private void ResetSlotCombo()
			int matchIdx = -1;
			if (m_selectedMainPOS != null)
				// Cache items to add, which prevents prop changed being called for each add. (Fixes FWR-3083)
				List<HvoTssComboItem> itemsToAdd = new List<HvoTssComboItem>();
				foreach (var slot in GetSlots())
					string name = slot.Name.BestAnalysisAlternative.Text;
					if (name != null && name.Length > 0) // Don't add empty strings.
						HvoTssComboItem newItem = new HvoTssComboItem(slot.Hvo,
							m_tsf.MakeString(name, m_cache.ServiceLocator.WritingSystems.DefaultAnalysisWritingSystem.Handle));
						if (m_selectedSlot != null && m_selectedSlot.Hvo == newItem.Hvo)
							matchIdx = itemsToAdd.Count - 1;
			if (matchIdx == -1)
				m_fwcbSlots.SelectedIndex = -1;
				m_selectedSlot = null; // if the current proposed slot isn't possible for the POS, forget it.
					m_skipEvents = true;
					m_fwcbSlots.SelectedIndex = matchIdx;
					m_skipEvents = false;
			m_fwcbSlots.Enabled = m_fwcbSlots.Items.Count > 0;
			m_lSLots.Enabled = m_fwcbSlots.Enabled;
예제 #8
		private Property[] MakePropertyArrayForSerializing(string settingsId, string[] omitSettingIds)
			if (!Monitor.TryEnter(m_properties))
				TraceVerboseLine(">>>>>>>*****  colision: <i>  ********<<<<<<<<<<<");
			List<Property> list = new List<Property>(m_properties.Count);
			foreach (KeyValuePair<string, Property> kvp in m_properties)
				Property property = kvp.Value;
				if (!property.doPersist)
				if (!property.name.StartsWith(GetPathPrefixForSettingsId(settingsId)))

				bool fIncludeThis = true;
				foreach (string omitSettingsId in omitSettingIds)
					if (property.name.StartsWith(GetPathPrefixForSettingsId(omitSettingsId)))
						fIncludeThis = false;
				if (fIncludeThis)

			return list.ToArray();
예제 #9
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Get the possible message targets, i.e. the view(s) we are showing
		/// </summary>
		/// <returns>Message targets</returns>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		public IxCoreColleague[] GetMessageTargets()

			// return list of view windows with focused window being the first one
			List<IxCoreColleague> targets = new List<IxCoreColleague>();
			foreach (Control control in m_rgClientViews.Values)
				IxCoreColleague view = control as IxCoreColleague;
				if (view != null && control != null)
					if (control.Focused || control == ActiveView)
						targets.InsertRange(0, view.GetMessageTargets());
					else if (control.Visible || control.ContainsFocus)
			return targets.ToArray();
예제 #10
		/// <summary>
		/// return an array of all of the objects which should
		/// 1) be queried when looking for someone to deliver a message to
		/// 2) be potential recipients of a broadcast
		/// </summary>
		/// <returns></returns>
		public IxCoreColleague[] GetMessageTargets()

			Control first = FirstControl;
			if (first != null && first.FindForm() == null)
				first = null;
			Control second = SecondControl;
			if (second != null && second.FindForm() == null)
				second = null;

			var targets = new List<IxCoreColleague> {this};

			if (m_prioritySecond)
				if (first != null)
					targets.Insert(0, first as IxCoreColleague);
				if (second != null)
					targets.Insert(0, second as IxCoreColleague);
				if (second != null)
					targets.Insert(0, second as IxCoreColleague);
				if (first != null)
					targets.Insert(0, first as IxCoreColleague);

			return targets.ToArray();
예제 #11
		protected ContextMenu MakeSliceContextMenu(Slice slice, bool fHotLinkOnly)//, bool retrieveDoNotShow)
			XmlNode configuration =slice.ConfigurationNode;
			XmlNode caller = slice.CallerNode;
			string menuId = null;
			if (caller != null)
				menuId = ShowContextMenu2Id(caller, fHotLinkOnly);
			if (menuId == null || menuId.Length == 0)
				menuId = ShowContextMenu2Id(configuration, fHotLinkOnly);

			XWindow window = (XWindow)m_mediator.PropertyTable.GetValue("window");

			//an empty menu attribute means no menu
			if (menuId != null && menuId.Length== 0)
				return null;

			/*			//a missing menu attribute means "figure out a default"
						if (menuId == null)
							//todo: this is probably too simplistic
							//we are trying to select out just atomic objects
							//of this will currently also select "place keeping" nodes
								//					configuration.HasChildNodes /*<-- that's dumb
								//					&& configuration.SelectSingleNode("seq")== null
								//					&& !(e.Slice.Object.Hvo == slice.Container.RootObjectHvo))
							else //we could not figure out a default menu for this item, so fall back on the auto menu
							{	//todo: this must not be used in the final product!
								// return m_dataEntryForm.GetAutoMenu(sender, e);
								return null;
						if (menuId == "")
							return null;	//explicitly stated that there should not be a menu

			//ChoiceGroup group;
				return	window.GetWindowsFormsContextMenu(menuId);
				//string[] menus = new string[2];
				List<string> menus = new List<string>();
				if (slice is MultiStringSlice)
					new Point(Cursor.Position.X, Cursor.Position.Y),
					null, // Don't care about a temporary colleague
					null); // or MessageSequencer
				return null;

			//			group.ConfigurationNode.AppendChild(group.ConfigurationNode.OwnerDocument.ImportNode(addon,true));
			// This causes the menu to be actually populated with the items. It's a rather
			// ugly way to do it...happens all over again when the menu pops up...but we
			// need to know the actual items for various purposes, such as populating a
			// summary slice's command list. Refactoring is complicated because part of
			// the code is in a DotNetBar UiAdapter class that I can't easily modify.
			//			group.OnDisplay(null, new EventArgs());
			//			return menu;
예제 #12
		/// <summary>
		/// return an array of all of the objects which should
		/// 1) be queried when looking for someone to deliver a message to
		/// 2) be potential recipients of a broadcast
		/// </summary>
		/// <returns></returns>
		public IxCoreColleague[] GetMessageTargets()

			//note: we just let navigation commands go straight to the clerk, which will then send us a message.

			 * important note about messages and record clerk: see the top of the recordClerk.cs file.
			List<IxCoreColleague> targets = new List<IxCoreColleague>();
			// HACK: This needs to be controlled better, since this method is being called,
			// while the object is being disposed, which causes the call to the Clerk property to crash
			// with a null reference exception on the mediator.
			if (m_mediator != null)
				// Additional targets are typically child windows that should have a chance to intercept
				// messages before the Clerk sees them.
			return targets.ToArray();
예제 #13
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Create a view with multiple LexEntry objects.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="rghvoEntries"></param>
		/// <param name="cache"></param>
		/// <param name="styleSheet"></param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		private XmlView CreateSummaryView(List<int> rghvoEntries, FdoCache cache, IVwStylesheet styleSheet)
			// Make a decorator to publish the list of entries as a fake property of the LexDb.
			int kflidEntriesFound = 8999950; // some arbitrary number not conflicting with real flids.
			var sda = new ObjectListPublisher(cache.DomainDataByFlid as ISilDataAccessManaged, kflidEntriesFound);
			int hvoRoot = RootHvo;
			sda.CacheVecProp(hvoRoot, rghvoEntries.ToArray());
			//TODO: Make this method return a GeckoBrowser control, and generate the content here.
			// The name of this property must match the property used by the publishFound layout.
			sda.SetOwningPropInfo(LexDbTags.kflidClass, "LexDb", "EntriesFound");

			// Make an XmlView which displays that object using the specified layout.
			XmlView xv = new XmlView(hvoRoot, "publishFound", null, false, sda);
			xv.Cache = cache;
			xv.Mediator = m_mediator;
			xv.StyleSheet = styleSheet;
			return xv;
예제 #14
		private bool TryParseGenDate(string sData, List<string> rgsFmt, out GenDate gdt)
			GenDate.PrecisionType prec = GenDate.PrecisionType.Exact;
			if (sData[0] == '~')
				prec = GenDate.PrecisionType.Approximate;
				sData = sData.Substring(1).Trim();
			else if (sData[0] == '<')
				prec = GenDate.PrecisionType.Before;
				sData = sData.Substring(1).Trim();
			else if (sData[0] == '>')
				prec = GenDate.PrecisionType.After;
				sData = sData.Substring(1).Trim();
			if (sData.Length == 0)
				gdt = new GenDate();
				return false;
			int year = 0;
			bool fAD = true;
			DateTime dt;
			if (DateTime.TryParseExact(sData, rgsFmt.ToArray(), null, DateTimeStyles.None, out dt))
				if (dt.Year > 0)
					year = dt.Year;
					year = -dt.Year;
					fAD = false;
				gdt = new GenDate(prec, dt.Month, dt.Day, year, fAD);
				return true;
			foreach (string sFmt in rgsFmt)
				GenDateInfo gdi;
				string sResidue = ParseFormattedDate(sData, sFmt, out gdi);
				if (!gdi.error)
					year = gdi.year;
					if (prec == GenDate.PrecisionType.Exact)
						if (sResidue.Trim().StartsWith("?"))
							prec = GenDate.PrecisionType.Approximate;
							prec = gdi.prec;
					if (year < 0)
						year = -year;
						fAD = false;
					gdt = new GenDate(prec, gdi.ymon, gdi.mday, year, fAD);
					return true;
			gdt = new GenDate();
			return false;
예제 #15
		/// <summary>
		/// Reset the list of matching items.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="searchKey"></param>
		protected override void ResetMatches(string searchKey)
			Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;
				if (m_oldSearchKey == searchKey)
					return; // Nothing new to do, so skip it.
					btnOK.Enabled = false; // disable Go button until we rebuild our match list.

				m_oldSearchKey = searchKey;
				List<ExtantWfiWordformInfo> matches = ExtantWfiWordformInfo.ExtantWordformInfo(m_cache, searchKey,
					StringUtils.GetWsAtOffset(m_tbForm.Tss, 0));
				List<int> rghvo = new List<int>(matches.Count);
				foreach (ExtantWfiWordformInfo match in matches)
					bool isFiltered = false;
					foreach (ExtantWfiWordformInfo ewi in m_filteredEntries)
						if (match.ID == ewi.ID)
							isFiltered = true;
					if (!isFiltered)
				(Clerk as MatchingItemsRecordClerk).UpdateList(rghvo.ToArray());
				if (rghvo.Count == 0)
					(this.matchingEntries as BrowseViewer).SelectedIndex = -1;
					m_selEntryID = 0;
					(this.matchingEntries as BrowseViewer).SelectedIndex = Clerk.CurrentIndex;
					m_selEntryID = Clerk.CurrentObject.Hvo;
				this.matchingEntries.TabStop = rghvo.Count > 0;
				btnOK.Enabled = (m_selEntryID > 0);
				matchingEntries_RestoreFocus(null, null);
				Cursor = Cursors.Default;
예제 #16
		private void LaunchFilterTextsDialog(object sender, EventArgs args)
			IFilterTextsDialog<IStText> dlg = null;
				var interestingTextsList = InterestingTextsDecorator.GetInterestingTextList(m_mediator, m_cache.ServiceLocator);
				var textsToChooseFrom = new List<IStText>(interestingTextsList.InterestingTexts);
				if (!FwUtils.IsOkToDisplayScriptureIfPresent)
				{   // Mustn't show any Scripture, so remove scripture from the list
					textsToChooseFrom = textsToChooseFrom.Where(text => !ScriptureServices.ScriptureIsResponsibleFor(text)).ToList();
				var interestingTexts = textsToChooseFrom.ToArray();
				if (FwUtils.IsOkToDisplayScriptureIfPresent)
					dlg = new FilterTextsDialogTE(m_cache, interestingTexts, m_mediator.HelpTopicProvider, m_bookImporter);
					dlg = new FilterTextsDialog(m_cache, interestingTexts, m_mediator.HelpTopicProvider);
				// LT-12181: Was 'PruneToSelectedTexts(text) and most others were deleted.
				// We want 'PruneToInterestingTextsAndSelect(interestingTexts, selectedText)'
				dlg.PruneToInterestingTextsAndSelect(interestingTexts, (IStText)m_objRoot);
				dlg.TreeViewLabel = ITextStrings.ksSelectSectionsExported;
				if (dlg.ShowDialog(this) == DialogResult.OK)
				if (dlg != null)
예제 #17
		public SelLevInfo[] GetLevelInfo(object ctxt, int cellIndex)
			List<SelLevInfo> levels = new List<SelLevInfo>();
			if (!m_patternModel.Root.IsLeaf)
				ComplexConcPatternNode node = (ComplexConcPatternNode) ctxt;
				int i = cellIndex;
				while (node != null)
					levels.Add(new SelLevInfo {tag = ComplexConcPatternSda.ktagChildren, ihvo = i});
					i = GetNodeIndex(node);
					node = node.Parent;
			return levels.ToArray();
예제 #18
		/// <summary>
		/// return an array of all of the objects which should
		/// 1) be queried when looking for someone to deliver a message to
		/// 2) be potential recipients of a broadcast
		/// </summary>
		/// <returns></returns>
		public IxCoreColleague[] GetMessageTargets()

			if (m_list != null && m_list is IxCoreColleague) // JohnT: currently I don't think any subclass is?
				// optimize JohnT: probably faster to use Array.Copy, but I don't think this branch is ever used anyway.
				var listColleagues = new List<IxCoreColleague>(((IxCoreColleague) m_list).GetMessageTargets());
				return listColleagues.ToArray();
			return new IxCoreColleague[] {this};
예제 #19
		private Property[] MakePropertyArrayForSerializingForNewProjectName(string oldSettingsId, string newSettingsId)
			if (!Monitor.TryEnter(m_properties))
				TraceVerboseLine(">>>>>>>*****  colision: <i>  ********<<<<<<<<<<<");
			List<Property> list = new List<Property>(m_properties.Count);
			foreach (KeyValuePair<string, Property> kvp in m_properties)
				Property property = kvp.Value;
				if (!property.doPersist)
				if (!property.name.StartsWith(GetPathPrefixForSettingsId(oldSettingsId)))

				//Change the property.name's to match the new project name.
				StringBuilder strBuild = new StringBuilder("");
				String oldPathPrefix = GetPathPrefixForSettingsId(oldSettingsId);
				String newPathPrefix = GetPathPrefixForSettingsId(newSettingsId);
				strBuild.Replace(oldPathPrefix, newPathPrefix);
				property.name = strBuild.ToString();

			return list.ToArray();
예제 #20
		private void UpdateVisibleColumns()
			var results = new List<string>();
			foreach (var columnSpec in m_bvMatches.ColumnSpecs)
				var colLabel = columnSpec.GetOptionalStringAttribute("layout", null);
				if (colLabel == null)
					// In this case we are likely dealing with a dialog that does NOT use IsVisibleColumn()
					// and there will be one pre-determined SearchField
			m_visibleColumns = results.ToArray();
예제 #21
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Loads the list view, sorted by the current sort column.
		/// </summary>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		private void LoadListView(List<ListViewItem> list)
			bool sortAscending = (bool)m_lvModel.Columns[m_sortCol].Tag;

			list.Sort((x, y) => sortAscending ?
				x.SubItems[m_sortCol].Text.CompareTo(y.SubItems[m_sortCol].Text) :

		private string GetFiles(string currentFiles)
			using (var openFileDialog = new OpenFileDialogAdapter())
				openFileDialog.Filter = ResourceHelper.BuildFileFilter(FileFilterType.InterlinearSfm,
				openFileDialog.CheckFileExists = true;
				openFileDialog.Multiselect = true; // can import multiple files

				var files = SplitPaths(currentFiles);
				string dir = string.Empty;
				string initialFileName = string.Empty;
				openFileDialog.FileName = "";
				if (files.Length > 0)
					var firstFilePath = files[0].Trim();
					// LT-6620 : putting in an invalid path was causing an exception in the openFileDialog.ShowDialog()
					// Now we make sure parts are valid before setting the values in the openfile dialog.
						dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(firstFilePath);
						if (File.Exists(firstFilePath))
							initialFileName = Path.GetFileName(firstFilePath);
				if (Directory.Exists(dir))
					openFileDialog.InitialDirectory = dir;
				// It doesn't seem to be possible to open the dialog with more than one file selected.
				// However there will often be only one so that's at least somewhat helpful.
				openFileDialog.FileName = initialFileName;
				openFileDialog.Title = ITextStrings.ksSelectInterlinFile;
				while (true) // loop until approved set of files or cancel
					if (openFileDialog.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK)
						return currentFiles;
					var badFiles = new List<string>();
					foreach (var fileName in openFileDialog.FileNames)
						if (!new Sfm2Xml.IsSfmFile(fileName).IsValid)
					if (badFiles.Count > 0)
						string msg = String.Format(ITextStrings.ksInvalidInterlinearFiles,
							string.Join(", ", badFiles.ToArray()));
						DialogResult dr = MessageBox.Show(this, msg,
							MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
						if (dr == DialogResult.Yes)
							return JoinPaths(openFileDialog.FileNames);
						if (dr == DialogResult.No)
							continue; // loop and show dialog again...hopefully same files selected.
						break; // user must have chosen cancel, break out of loop
					return JoinPaths(openFileDialog.FileNames);
				return currentFiles; // leave things unchanged.
예제 #23
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Gets PronunciationWritingSystems.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="cache">The cache.</param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		public static ILgWritingSystem[] PronunciationWritingSystems(FdoCache cache)
			// Ensure list is not empty.
			Set<NamedWritingSystem> wssPronunciation = cache.LangProject.GetPronunciationWritingSystems();
			List<int> hvosWsPronunciation = new List<int>();
			// add the "default" pronunciation at the top of our ws choice list.
			if (cache.LangProject.CurPronunWssRS.Count > 0)
			foreach (NamedWritingSystem nws in wssPronunciation)
				// add all other pronunciation wss that are not the "default"
				if (hvosWsPronunciation.Count > 0 && hvosWsPronunciation[0] != nws.Hvo)
			return WssFromHvos(hvosWsPronunciation.ToArray(), cache);
		// Split up a list in the format produced by JoinPaths. We need to handle pathological strings that could NOT be
		// so produced, too, because the user can type straight into the box.
		internal static string[] SplitPaths(string input)
			if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(input))
				return new string[0];
			var results = new List<string>();
			var remaining = input;
			for (;;)
				int index = remaining.IndexOf('"');
				if (index < 0)
					AddSimpleItems(results, remaining);
					return results.ToArray();
				var piece = remaining.Substring(0, index);
				AddSimpleItems(results, piece);
				int nextQuote = remaining.IndexOf('"', index + 1);
				if (nextQuote <= 0)
					// unmatched...ugh!
					results.Add(remaining.Substring(index + 1));
					return results.ToArray();
				results.Add(remaining.Substring(index + 1, nextQuote - index - 1));
				remaining = remaining.Substring(nextQuote+1);
예제 #25
		public IxCoreColleague[] GetMessageTargets()

			List<IxCoreColleague> targets = new List<IxCoreColleague>();
			return targets.ToArray();
예제 #26
		/// <summary>
		/// Load the information about the lexical relations that link to hvoEntry. Specifically, we want LexReferences
		/// that refer to the target Entry (hvoEntry) and also some other lexical entry.
		/// For each such thing, we store in cdaTemp the name (or, if appropriate, the reverse name) of the
		/// relationship that hvoEntry has to the other entry(s) in the lex reference, as property RelatedWordsVc.ktagName of
		/// the LexReference Hvo. Return through relsOut the list of LexReferences that are thus related to hvoEntry.
		/// Return true if there are any.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="cache"></param>
		/// <param name="hvoEntry">ID of the lexical entry we're working with</param>
		/// <param name="relsOut">an array of IDs (HVOs) for related objects</param>
		/// <param name="cdaTemp"></param>
		/// <returns>false if the entry has no associated lexical relations, or none of them are linked to any other entries.</returns>
		static private bool LoadLexicalRelationInfo(FdoCache cache, int hvoEntry, out int[] relsOut, IVwCacheDa cdaTemp)
			var relatedObjectIds = new List<int>();
			var entryRepository = cache.ServiceLocator.GetInstance<ILexEntryRepository>();
			var lexEntry = entryRepository.GetObject(hvoEntry);
			var targets = new HashSet<ICmObject>(lexEntry.AllSenses.Cast<ICmObject>()) {lexEntry};

			foreach (ILexRefType lexRefType in cache.LanguageProject.LexDbOA.ReferencesOA.ReallyReallyAllPossibilities)
				foreach (var lexReference in lexRefType.MembersOC)
					// If at least one target is the lex entry or one of its senses.
					if ((from target in lexReference.TargetsRS where targets.Contains(target) select target).FirstOrDefault() != null &&
						(from target in lexReference.TargetsRS where !targets.Contains(target) select target).FirstOrDefault() != null)

						// The name we want to use for our lex reference is either the name or the reverse name
						// (depending on the direction of the relationship, if relevant) of the owning lex ref type.
						var lexReferenceName = lexRefType.Name.BestVernacularAnalysisAlternative;

						if (lexRefType.MappingType == (int)MappingTypes.kmtEntryAsymmetricPair ||
							lexRefType.MappingType == (int)MappingTypes.kmtEntryOrSenseAsymmetricPair ||
							lexRefType.MappingType == (int)MappingTypes.kmtSenseAsymmetricPair ||
							lexRefType.MappingType == (int)MappingTypes.kmtEntryTree ||
							lexRefType.MappingType == (int)MappingTypes.kmtEntryOrSenseTree ||
							lexRefType.MappingType == (int)MappingTypes.kmtSenseTree)
							if (lexEntry.OwnOrd == 0 && lexRefType.Name != null) // the original code had a check for name length as well.
								lexReferenceName = lexRefType.ReverseName.BestVernacularAnalysisAlternative;

						cdaTemp.CacheStringProp(lexReference.Hvo, RelatedWordsVc.ktagName, lexReferenceName);

			relsOut = relatedObjectIds.ToArray();
			return relsOut.Length > 0;
예제 #27
		/// <summary>
		/// Get the values we want for the occurrences of the specified LexSE HVO.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="hvo"></param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		int[] GetSenseOccurrences(int hvo)
			int[] values;
			if (m_values.TryGetValue(hvo, out values))
				return values;
			var sense = m_services.GetInstance<ILexSenseRepository>().GetObject(hvo);
			var bundles = m_services.GetInstance<IWfiMorphBundleRepository>().InstancesWithSense(sense);
			var valuesList = new List<int>();
			foreach (IWfiAnalysis wa in (from bundle in bundles select bundle.Owner).Distinct())
				var bag = ((IWfiWordform)wa.Owner).OccurrencesBag;
				foreach (var seg in from item in bag.Items where BelongsToInterestingText(item) select item)
					foreach (var occurrence in seg.GetOccurrencesOfAnalysis(wa, bag.Occurrences(seg), true))
						int hvoOcc = m_nextId--;
						m_occurrences[hvoOcc] = occurrence;
			values = valuesList.ToArray();
			m_values[hvo] = values;
			return values;
예제 #28
		/// <summary>
		/// Set up the referring semantic domains for the domains found of an entry
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="semanticDomainHvos">an array of semantic domain HVOs</param>
		void SetupDomainsForEntry(int[] semanticDomainHvos)
			m_cdaTemp.CacheVecProp(m_hvoEntry, RelatedWordsVc.ktagDomains, semanticDomainHvos, semanticDomainHvos.Length);

			var entries = new List<int>();
			var semanticDomainRepository = m_cache.ServiceLocator.GetInstance<ICmSemanticDomainRepository>();

			foreach (var semanticDomainhvo in semanticDomainHvos)
				var semanticDomain = semanticDomainRepository.GetObject(semanticDomainhvo);
				foreach (ICmObject obj in semanticDomain.ReferringObjects)
					if (obj is ILexSense && (obj as ILexSense).SemanticDomainsRC.Contains(semanticDomain))
						var entry = obj.OwnerOfClass(LexEntryTags.kClassId) as ILexEntry;
						if (entry != null && entry.LexemeFormOA != null && entry.LexemeFormOA.Form != null)
							m_cdaTemp.CacheStringProp(entry.Hvo, RelatedWordsVc.ktagName,
				if (entries.Count > 0)
					m_cdaTemp.CacheVecProp(semanticDomainhvo, RelatedWordsVc.ktagWords, entries.ToArray(), entries.Count);
예제 #29
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Get the possible message targets, i.e. the view(s) we are showing
		/// </summary>
		/// <returns>Message targets</returns>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		public IxCoreColleague[] GetMessageTargets()

			// return list of view windows with focused window being the first one
			List<IxCoreColleague> targets = new List<IxCoreColleague>();
			return targets.ToArray();
예제 #30
		/// <summary>
		/// Set up the referring lexical entries of an entry
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="lexicalRelationHvos">an array of lexical relation HVOs</param>
		private void SetupLexRelsForEntry(int[] lexicalRelationHvos)
			m_cdaTemp.CacheVecProp(m_hvoEntry, RelatedWordsVc.ktagLexRels, lexicalRelationHvos, lexicalRelationHvos.Length);

			var references = new List<int>();
			var lexRefRepository = m_cache.ServiceLocator.GetInstance<ILexReferenceRepository>();
			var lexEntry = m_cache.ServiceLocator.GetInstance<ILexEntryRepository>().GetObject(m_hvoEntry);
			var targets = new HashSet<ICmObject>(lexEntry.AllSenses.Cast<ICmObject>()) { lexEntry };

			foreach (var hvoLexRel in lexicalRelationHvos)
				var lexReference = lexRefRepository.GetObject(hvoLexRel);
				foreach (ICmObject target in lexReference.TargetsRS)
					// If at least one target is the lex entry or one of its senses.
					if ((from t in lexReference.TargetsRS where targets.Contains(t) select t).FirstOrDefault() != null &&
						(from t in lexReference.TargetsRS where !targets.Contains(t) select t).FirstOrDefault() != null)
						ILexEntry targetEntry = target is ILexSense
							? target.OwnerOfClass(LexEntryTags.kClassId) as ILexEntry
							: target as ILexEntry;
						if (targetEntry != null && targetEntry.Hvo != m_hvoEntry && targetEntry.LexemeFormOA != null && targetEntry.LexemeFormOA.Form != null)
							m_cdaTemp.CacheStringProp(targetEntry.Hvo, RelatedWordsVc.ktagName, targetEntry.HeadWord);

				if (references.Count > 0)
					m_cdaTemp.CacheVecProp(hvoLexRel, RelatedWordsVc.ktagWords, references.ToArray(), references.Count);