void GeneratePSM(I_PSMHasChildren current) { foreach (I_PSMHasParent child in current.Children) { //TODO: Macrocommand if (child is P_PSMClass) { //UPDATE GUI: This is wrong, but better than crash due to detected deadlock: X.l.Content = (++currentClassCount).ToString() + "/" + X.ClassesCount.ToString() + " PSM Classes"; X.p.Value = currentClassCount; if (currentClassCount % (Math.Min(25, X.ClassesCount / 10) + 1) == 0) { Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(DispatcherPriority.Background, new ThreadStart(delegate { })); } P_PSMClass C = child as P_PSMClass; ElementHolder <PSMClass> hldPSMClass = new ElementHolder <PSMClass>(); NewPSMClassCommand c0 = NewPSMClassCommandFactory.Factory().Create(DiagramController.ModelController) as NewPSMClassCommand; c0.RepresentedClass = tempPIMClass; c0.CreatedClass = hldPSMClass; c0.Execute(); C.Super = hldPSMClass.Element; //TODO commandy hldPSMClass.Element.Name = C.Name.Name; hldPSMClass.Element.ElementName = C.ElementLabel; PSMClassToDiagram_ModelCommand c1_1 = PSMClassToDiagram_ModelCommandFactory.Factory().Create(DiagramController.ModelController) as PSMClassToDiagram_ModelCommand; c1_1.Set(hldPSMClass, new HolderBase <PSMDiagram>(DiagramController.Diagram as PSMDiagram)); c1_1.Execute(); //Attributes foreach (P_PSMAttribute A in C.Attributes) { NewAttributeCommand c5 = NewAttributeCommandFactory.Factory().Create(DiagramController.ModelController) as NewAttributeCommand; c5.Owner = C.Super as PSMClass; c5.Name = A.Alias; c5.Default = A.DefaultValue; c5.Lower = A.Lower; c5.Upper = A.Upper; ElementHolder <Property> h = new ElementHolder <Property>(); c5.createdAttributeHolder = h; //Model.SimpleDataType T = DiagramController.Project.Schema.. //c5.Type.Element //XmlSchemaType.GetBuiltInSimpleType(A.type); c5.Execute(); (h.Element as PSMAttribute).Alias = A.Alias; } if (current is P_PSMDiagram) { AddPSMClassToRoots_ModelCommand c1 = AddPSMClassToRoots_ModelCommandFactory.Factory().Create(DiagramController.ModelController) as AddPSMClassToRoots_ModelCommand; c1.Set(hldPSMClass, new HolderBase <PSMDiagram>(DiagramController.Diagram as PSMDiagram)); c1.Execute(); } else { if (C.ExtensionOf != null) { NewPSMSpecializationCommand c2s = NewPSMSpecializationCommandFactory.Factory().Create(DiagramController.ModelController) as NewPSMSpecializationCommand; c2s.GeneralPSMClass = new ElementHolder <PSMClass>() { Element = (current as P_PSMClass).Super as PSMClass }; c2s.SpecificPSMClass = new ElementHolder <PSMClass>() { Element = C.Super as PSMClass }; ElementHolder <Generalization> hldGeneralization = new ElementHolder <Generalization>(); c2s.CreatedGeneralization = hldGeneralization; c2s.Execute(); ElementToDiagramCommand <Generalization, GeneralizationViewHelper> c5s = (ElementToDiagramCommand <Generalization, GeneralizationViewHelper>) ElementToDiagramCommandFactory <Generalization, GeneralizationViewHelper> .Factory().Create(DiagramController); c5s.IncludedElement = hldGeneralization; c5s.Execute(); } else { NewPSMAssociationCommand c2 = NewPSMAssociationCommandFactory.Factory().Create(DiagramController.ModelController) as NewPSMAssociationCommand; ElementHolder <PSMAssociation> hldAssoc = new ElementHolder <PSMAssociation>(); c2.Lower = C.MinOccurs; c2.Upper = C.MaxOccurs; c2.Set((current as P_PSMBase).Super, hldPSMClass.Element, hldAssoc, null); c2.Execute(); ElementToDiagramCommand <PSMAssociation, PSMAssociationViewHelper> c5 = (ElementToDiagramCommand <PSMAssociation, PSMAssociationViewHelper>) ElementToDiagramCommandFactory <PSMAssociation, PSMAssociationViewHelper> .Factory().Create(DiagramController); c5.IncludedElement = hldAssoc; c5.Execute(); } } GeneratePSM(C); } else if (!(current is P_PSMDiagram) && child is P_PSMContentChoice) { NewPSMContentChoiceCommand c3 = NewPSMContentChoiceCommandFactory.Factory().Create(DiagramController) as NewPSMContentChoiceCommand; c3.Parent = (current as P_PSMBase).Super; c3.Execute(); (child as P_PSMContentChoice).Super = c3.CreatedChoice.Element; GeneratePSM(child as P_PSMContentChoice); } else if (!(current is P_PSMDiagram) && child is P_PSMAttributeContainer) { NewPSMAttributeContainerCommand c4 = NewPSMAttributeContainerCommandFactory.Factory().Create(DiagramController) as NewPSMAttributeContainerCommand; PSMClass owner = null; if (current is P_PSMClass) { owner = c4.PSMClass = (current as P_PSMClass).Super as PSMClass; } else if (current is P_PSMContentChoice) { c4.PSMSuper = (current as P_PSMContentChoice).Super as PSMSuperordinateComponent; owner = c4.PSMClass = (current as P_PSMContentChoice).P_PSMClass.Super as PSMClass; } else if (current is P_PSMContentContainer) { c4.PSMSuper = (current as P_PSMContentContainer).Super as PSMSuperordinateComponent; owner = c4.PSMClass = (current as P_PSMContentContainer).P_PSMClass.Super as PSMClass; } foreach (P_PSMAttribute A in (child as P_PSMAttributeContainer).Attributes) { NewAttributeCommand c5 = NewAttributeCommandFactory.Factory().Create(DiagramController.ModelController) as NewAttributeCommand; c5.Owner = owner; c5.Name = A.Alias; c5.Default = A.DefaultValue; c5.Lower = A.Lower; c5.Upper = A.Upper; ElementHolder <Property> h = new ElementHolder <Property>(); c5.createdAttributeHolder = h; c5.Execute(); (h.Element as PSMAttribute).Alias = A.Alias; c4.PSMAttributes.Add(h.Element as PSMAttribute); } c4.Execute(); } else if ((current is P_PSMClass) && child is P_PSMComment) { NewModelCommentToDiagramCommand C = NewModelCommentaryToDiagramCommandFactory.Factory().Create(DiagramController) as NewModelCommentToDiagramCommand; C.AnnotatedElement = (current as P_PSMClass).Super; C.Text = (child as P_PSMComment).text; C.Set(DiagramController.ModelController, DiagramController.ModelController.Model); C.Execute(); } else if (!(current is P_PSMDiagram) && child is P_PSMContentContainer) { P_PSMContentContainer CC = child as P_PSMContentContainer; NewPSMContentContainerCommand C = NewPSMContentContainerCommandFactory.Factory().Create(DiagramController) as NewPSMContentContainerCommand; if (current is P_PSMBase) { C.Parent = (current as P_PSMBase).Super; } C.Name = CC.ElementLabel; C.Execute(); CC.Super = C.CreatedContainer.Element; GeneratePSM(CC); } } }
void PostProcessCCandComment(object current, int level, P_PSMDiagram diagram) { if (current is I_PSMHasChildren) { #region Content Container if (current is P_PSMClass && !((current as P_PSMClass).Parent is P_PSMDiagram) && (current as P_PSMClass).Documentation.Count > 0 && (current as P_PSMClass).Documentation[0].Equals("PSM: ContentContainer")) { P_PSMClass cPSMClass = current as P_PSMClass; if (cPSMClass.SRepresentedBy.Count == 0) { P_PSMContentContainer CC = new P_PSMContentContainer(); CC.ElementLabel = cPSMClass.ElementLabel.Equals("") ? cPSMClass.Name.Name : cPSMClass.ElementLabel; CC.Parent = cPSMClass.Parent; int index = CC.Parent.Children.IndexOf(cPSMClass); CC.Parent.Children.Remove(cPSMClass); CC.Parent.Children.Insert(index, CC); foreach (I_PSMHasParent child in cPSMClass.Children) { CC.Children.Add(child); child.Parent = CC; } if (cPSMClass.Attributes.Count > 0) { P_PSMAttributeContainer AC = new P_PSMAttributeContainer(); AC.Parent = CC; CC.Children.Insert(0, AC); foreach (P_PSMAttribute A in cPSMClass.Attributes) { AC.Attributes.Add(A); } } current = CC; } } if (current is P_PSMClass) { ClassesCount++; } #endregion #region Comment if (current is P_PSMClass && (current as P_PSMClass).Documentation.Count > 0) { P_PSMClass cPSMClass = current as P_PSMClass; foreach (string S in cPSMClass.Documentation) { P_PSMComment C = new P_PSMComment(); C.Parent = cPSMClass; C.text = S; cPSMClass.Children.Add(C); } } #endregion List <I_PSMHasParent> Children2 = (current as I_PSMHasChildren).Children.ToList <I_PSMHasParent>(); foreach (I_PSMHasParent child in Children2) { PostProcessCCandComment(child, level + 1, diagram); } } }
void GeneratePSM2(I_PSMHasChildren current) { foreach (I_PSMHasParent child in current.Children) { if (child is P_PSMClass) { //UPDATE GUI: This is wrong, but better than crash due to detected deadlock: X.l.Content = (++currentClassCount).ToString() + "/" + X.ClassesCount.ToString() + " PSM Classes"; X.p.Value = currentClassCount; if (currentClassCount % (Math.Min(25, X.ClassesCount / 10) + 1) == 0) { Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(DispatcherPriority.Background, new ThreadStart(delegate { })); } P_PSMClass C = child as P_PSMClass; PSMClass psmClass = tempPIMClass.DerivePSMClass(); C.Super = psmClass; psmClass.Name = C.Name.Name; psmClass.ElementName = C.ElementLabel; ViewHelper v = new PSMElementViewHelper(DiagramController.Diagram) { X = 0, Y = 0, Height = double.NaN, Width = double.NaN }; DiagramController.Diagram.AddModelElement(psmClass, v); psmClass.Diagram = DiagramController.Diagram as PSMDiagram; //Attributes foreach (P_PSMAttribute A in C.Attributes) { Property At = (C.Super as PSMClass).AddAttribute(); At.Name = A.Alias; At.Lower = A.Lower; /*if (Type != null && Type.Element != null) * createdAttribute.Type = Type.Element;*/ At.Upper = A.Upper; At.Default = A.DefaultValue; (At as PSMAttribute).Alias = A.Alias; } if (current is P_PSMDiagram) { (DiagramController.Diagram as PSMDiagram).Roots.Add(psmClass); } else { if (C.ExtensionOf != null) { Generalization generalization = DiagramController.ModelController.Model.Schema.SetGeneralization((current as P_PSMClass).Super as PSMClass, C.Super as PSMClass); DiagramController.Diagram.AddModelElement(generalization, new GeneralizationViewHelper(DiagramController.Diagram)); } else { PSMAssociation PSMAssoc = (PSMAssociation)(current as P_PSMBase).Super.AddComponent(PSMAssociationFactory.Instance); PSMAssoc.Child = psmClass; PSMAssoc.Upper = C.MaxOccurs; PSMAssoc.Lower = C.MinOccurs; DiagramController.Diagram.AddModelElement(PSMAssoc, new PSMAssociationViewHelper(DiagramController.Diagram)); PSMAssoc.Diagram = DiagramController.Diagram as PSMDiagram; } } GeneratePSM2(C); } else if (!(current is P_PSMDiagram) && child is P_PSMContentChoice) { PSMContentChoice psmChoice = (PSMContentChoice)(current as P_PSMBase).Super.AddComponent(PSMContentChoiceFactory.Instance); DiagramController.Diagram.AddModelElement(psmChoice, new PSMElementViewHelper(DiagramController.Diagram)); (child as P_PSMContentChoice).Super = psmChoice; GeneratePSM2(child as P_PSMContentChoice); } else if (!(current is P_PSMDiagram) && child is P_PSMAttributeContainer) { PSMClass owner = null; PSMSuperordinateComponent PSMSuper = null; PSMAttributeContainer psmAttributeContainer = null; if (current is P_PSMClass) { owner = (current as P_PSMClass).Super as PSMClass; } else if (current is P_PSMContentChoice) { PSMSuper = (current as P_PSMContentChoice).Super as PSMSuperordinateComponent; owner = (current as P_PSMContentChoice).P_PSMClass.Super as PSMClass; } else if (current is P_PSMContentContainer) { PSMSuper = (current as P_PSMContentContainer).Super as PSMSuperordinateComponent; owner = (current as P_PSMContentContainer).P_PSMClass.Super as PSMClass; } List <PSMAttribute> PSMAttributes = new List <PSMAttribute>(); foreach (P_PSMAttribute A in (child as P_PSMAttributeContainer).Attributes) { Property At = owner.AddAttribute(); At.Name = A.Alias; At.Lower = A.Lower; /*if (Type != null && Type.Element != null) * createdAttribute.Type = Type.Element;*/ At.Upper = A.Upper; At.Default = A.DefaultValue; (At as PSMAttribute).Alias = A.Alias; PSMAttributes.Add(At as PSMAttribute); owner.PSMAttributes.Remove(At as PSMAttribute); } if (PSMSuper != null) { psmAttributeContainer = (PSMAttributeContainer)PSMSuper.AddComponent(PSMAttributeContainerFactory.Instance); } else { psmAttributeContainer = (PSMAttributeContainer)owner.AddComponent(PSMAttributeContainerFactory.Instance); } foreach (PSMAttribute attribute in PSMAttributes) { psmAttributeContainer.PSMAttributes.Add(attribute); } DiagramController.Diagram.AddModelElement(psmAttributeContainer, new PSMElementViewHelper(DiagramController.Diagram)); } else if ((current is P_PSMClass) && child is P_PSMComment) { Comment C = (current as P_PSMClass).Super.AddComment(NameSuggestor <Comment> .SuggestUniqueName((current as P_PSMClass).Super.Comments, "Comment", comment => comment.Body)); C.Body = (child as P_PSMComment).text; DiagramController.Diagram.AddModelElement(C, new CommentViewHelper(DiagramController.Diagram)); } else if (!(current is P_PSMDiagram) && child is P_PSMContentContainer) { P_PSMContentContainer CC = child as P_PSMContentContainer; PSMContentContainer psmContainer = (PSMContentContainer)(current as P_PSMBase).Super.AddComponent(PSMContentContainerFactory.Instance); psmContainer.Name = CC.ElementLabel; CC.Super = psmContainer; DiagramController.Diagram.AddModelElement(psmContainer, new PSMElementViewHelper(DiagramController.Diagram)); GeneratePSM2(CC); } } }