A binding proxy class that accepts bindings and forwards them to a normal property. Based on: and
상속: System.Windows.FrameworkElement
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public override object FormatOutput(TargetInfo endPoint, TargetInfo info)
            //if (!info.IsDependencyObject)
            //    throw new NotSupportedException("A Binding can only be applied to a DependencyObject!");

            if (endPoint == null)

            DependencyObject obj     = (DependencyObject)endPoint.TargetObject;
            Binding          binding = new Binding();
            object           src     = source;

            if ((src == null) || ((src is string) && (".".CompareTo(src) == 0)))
                if (obj is FrameworkElement fe)
                    src = fe.DataContext;
                else if (obj is FrameworkContentElement fce)
                    src = fce.DataContext;

                if (src == null)
                //throw new ArgumentNullException("Neither a source was specified, nor it could be retrieved from the DataContext!");

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(path) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(path.Trim()))
            //throw new ArgumentNullException("No path was specified!");

            binding.Source             = src;
            binding.Path               = new PropertyPath(path);
            binding.Converter          = converter;
            binding.ConverterParameter = converterParameter;

            object ret;

            if (info.IsDependencyObject)
                ret = binding.ProvideValue(new SimpleProvideValueServiceProvider(endPoint.TargetObject, endPoint.TargetProperty, endPoint.TargetPropertyType, endPoint.TargetPropertyIndex));
                BindingProxy proxy = new BindingProxy();
                proxy.Source = binding.ProvideValue(new SimpleProvideValueServiceProvider(proxy, BindingProxy.SourceProperty, null, -1));
                proxy.Target = info;
                ret          = proxy.TargetValue;

        public override object FormatOutput(TargetInfo endPoint, TargetInfo info)
            //if (!info.IsDependencyObject)
            //    throw new NotSupportedException("A Binding can only be applied to a DependencyObject!");

            if (endPoint == null)
                return null;

            DependencyObject obj = (DependencyObject)endPoint.TargetObject;
            Binding binding = new Binding();
            object src = source;

            if ((src == null) || (".".CompareTo(src) == 0))
                if (obj is FrameworkElement)
                    src = ((FrameworkElement)obj).DataContext;
                else if (obj is FrameworkContentElement)
                    src = ((FrameworkContentElement)obj).DataContext;

                if (src == null)
                    return null;
                    //throw new ArgumentNullException("Neither a source was specified, nor it could be retrieved from the DataContext!");

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(path) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(path.Trim()))
                return null;
                //throw new ArgumentNullException("No path was specified!");

            binding.Source = src;
            binding.Path = new PropertyPath(path);
            binding.Converter = converter;
            binding.ConverterParameter = converterParameter;

            object ret = null;

            if (info.IsDependencyObject)
                ret = binding.ProvideValue(new SimpleProvideValueServiceProvider(endPoint.TargetObject, endPoint.TargetProperty, endPoint.TargetPropertyType, endPoint.TargetPropertyIndex));
                BindingProxy proxy = new BindingProxy();
                proxy.Source = binding.ProvideValue(new SimpleProvideValueServiceProvider(proxy, BindingProxy.SourceProperty, null, -1));
                proxy.Target = info;
                ret = proxy.TargetValue;

            return ret;