public Engine(Config config) { this.config = config; this.colorimeter = new Colorimeter(); this.xml = new Xml(this.config.ScriptName); if (!this.config.IsSimulation) { this.fixture = new Fixture(this.config.FixturePortName); //this.ca310Pipe = new Ca310Pipe(System.Windows.Forms.Application.StartupPath); IDevice intergrate = new IntegratingSphere(this.fixture, this.config.LCP3005PortName); DevManage.Instance.AddDevice(fixture); DevManage.Instance.AddDevice(intergrate); } dut = (DUT)Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetType("DUTclass." + this.config.ProductType)); mode = (TestMode)Enum.Parse(typeof(TestMode), this.config.TestMode); ip = new imagingpipeline(); args = new DataChangeEventArgs(); tableArgs = new TableViewEventArgs(); tableArgs.Items = xml.Items; log = new Testlog(); SerialNumber = ""; if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(IMAGE_SAVE_PATH)) { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(IMAGE_SAVE_PATH); } }
public void FocusCalibrate(Action callBack) { new Action(delegate() { IntegratingSphere intergrate = (IntegratingSphere)DevManage.Instance.SelectDevice(typeof(IntegratingSphere).Name); if (fixture != null) { fixture.RotateOff(); fixture.IntegratingSphereUp(); intergrate.Lighten(); fixture.HoldIn(); fixture.BatteryOn(); while (!dut.CheckDUT()) { Thread.Sleep(100); } Thread.Sleep(8000); dut.ChangePanelColor(255, 255, 255); colorimeter.StopVideo(); } if (callBack != null) { callBack(); } }).BeginInvoke(null, null); }
public void LvCalibrate(Action callBack, System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox cavaus) { float exposure = 4096; float runExp = exposure; float maxExp = exposure; float minExp = 1; new Action(delegate() { IntegratingSphere sphere = (IntegratingSphere)DevManage.Instance.SelectDevice(typeof(IntegratingSphere).Name); try { if (ca310Hanle == null) { ca310Hanle = new KonicaCa310(); ca310Hanle.Initiaze(); if (ca310Pipe.ErrorMessage == "") { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Please switch Ca310 to initial mode."); ca310Hanle.Zero(); System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Please switch Ca310 to measure mode."); } } fixture.HoldOut(); fixture.IntegratingSphereUp(); sphere.Lighten(); System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Software will waitting 5 minutes"); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(300000); fixture.RotateOn(); // CIE1931Value value = ca310Pipe.GetCa310Data(); CIE1931Value value = ca310Hanle.GetCa310Data(); fixture.RotateOff(); fixture.CameraDown(); fixture.MotorMove(150000); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(26000); foreach (TestItem item in Items) { if (item.RGB == Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255)) { do { colorimeter.ExposureTime = runExp; System.Drawing.Bitmap bitmap = colorimeter.GrabImage(); if (cavaus != null) { cavaus.Image = System.Drawing.Image.FromHbitmap(bitmap.GetHbitmap()); } double[] rgbMean = this.Mean(ip.bmp2rgb(bitmap)); if (rgbMean[0] > 230 || rgbMean[1] > 230 || rgbMean[2] > 230) { maxExp = runExp; runExp = (runExp + minExp) / 2; } else if (rgbMean[0] < 215 || rgbMean[1] < 215 || rgbMean[2] < 215) { minExp = runExp; runExp = (runExp + maxExp) / 2; } else { optimalExp = runExp; item.Exposure = optimalExp; } if (Math.Abs(minExp) == Math.Abs(maxExp)) { throw new Exception("Luminance calibration fail."); } }while (true); } else { double faction = (redWeight * item.RGB.R + greenWeight * item.RGB.G + blueWeight * item.RGB.B) / 255; if (faction == 0) { item.Exposure = 4000; } item.Exposure = (float)(optimalExp / faction); } } if (callBack != null) { callBack(); } } catch (Exception e) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(e.Message); } finally { if (sphere != null) { sphere.Lightoff(); } if (fixture != null) { fixture.IntegratingSphereDown(); fixture.CameraUp(); fixture.Reset(); } xml.SaveScript(); } }).BeginInvoke(null, null); }
public IntegratingSpherePanel(IntegratingSphere sphere) { InitializeComponent(); this.sphere = sphere; }
public LuminanceCalibration(KonicaCa310 pipe, Fixture fixture, Colorimeter colorimeter, IntegratingSphere integrate) { this.ca310Pipe = pipe; this.fixture = fixture; = colorimeter; this.integrate = integrate; this.ReadProfile(); }