ManualResetEvent m_deviceSelected; // Tells the app a device is selected public TestApplication() { m_threadLock = new object(); m_inOperation = false; m_deviceSelected = new ManualResetEvent(false); ProtocolVersion version = new ProtocolVersion10(); WS2007HttpBinding binding = new WS2007HttpBinding( new HttpTransportBindingConfig("urn:uuid:3cb0d1ba-cc3a-46ce-b416-212ac2419b06", 15337)); m_simpleServiceClient = new SimpleServiceClientProxy(binding, new ProtocolVersion10()); binding = new WS2007HttpBinding(new HttpTransportBindingConfig("urn:uuid:3cb0d1ba-cc3a-46ce-b416-212ac2419b07", 15338)); m_eventingServiceClient = new EventingServiceClientProxy(binding, version, new EventingClientImplementation()); binding = new WS2007HttpBinding(new HttpTransportBindingConfig("urn:uuid:3cb0d1ba-cc3a-46ce-b416-212ac2419b08", 15339)); m_attachmentServiceClient = new AttachmentServiceClientProxy(binding, version); // Turn listening to this IP on m_simpleServiceClient.IgnoreRequestFromThisIP = false; m_eventingServiceClient.IgnoreRequestFromThisIP = false; m_attachmentServiceClient.IgnoreRequestFromThisIP = false; m_discoClient = new DiscoClient(m_simpleServiceClient); m_random = new Random(); }
public LibraryController(ILibraryView view) { this.state = InnerState.INITIAL; binding = new WS2007HttpBinding(new HttpTransportBindingConfig(new Uri("http://" + IP_ADDRESS + "/LibraryWS/Service.svc"))); View = view; View.Controller = this; View.ShowLoginPage(); }
public void Run() { Uri remoteEp = new Uri("http://localhost:8084/ServiceHelloWCF.svc"); WS2007HttpBinding binding = new WS2007HttpBinding(new HttpTransportBindingConfig(remoteEp)); ProtocolVersion ver = new ProtocolVersion11(); // To enable WSDiscoveryApril2005 and Soap12WSAddressingAugust2004 //ProtocolVersion ver = new ProtocolVersion10(); /// ProtocolVersion11 can be used if the corresponding WCF desktop server application /// WcfServer uses wsHttpBinding instead of the custom binding "Soap11AddressingBinding" m_clientProxy = new ServiceHelloWCFClientProxy(binding, ver); m_clientProxy.IgnoreRequestFromThisIP = false; if (!Discover(m_clientProxy)) { Debug.Print("Discovery failed, trying direct address"); } HelloWCF req = new HelloWCF(); = "World"; try { HelloWCFResponse resp = m_clientProxy.HelloWCF(req); Debug.Print("\n\n*****************"); Debug.Print(resp.HelloWCFResult); Debug.Print("*****************\n\n"); } catch (WsFaultException ex) { Debug.Print("DPWS Fault: " + ex.Message); } finally { m_clientProxy.Dispose(); } }
public void Run() { Uri remoteEp = new Uri("http://localhost:8001/ServiceHelloWCF"); WS2007HttpBinding binding = new WS2007HttpBinding(new HttpTransportBindingConfig(remoteEp)); /// ProtocolVersion11 can be used if the corresponding WCF desktop server application /// WcfServer uses wsHttpBinding instead of the custom binding "Soap11AddressingBinding" m_clientProxy = new ServiceHelloWCFClientProxy(binding, new ProtocolVersion11()); m_clientProxy.IgnoreRequestFromThisIP = false; if (!Discover(m_clientProxy)) { Debug.Print("Discovery failed, trying direct address"); m_clientProxy.EndpointAddress = "http://localhost:8084/319D0A4D-2253-47DC-AC4A-C1951FF6667D"; } HelloWCF req = new HelloWCF(); = "World"; try { HelloWCFResponse resp = m_clientProxy.HelloWCF(req); Debug.Print("\n\n*****************"); Debug.Print(resp.HelloWCFResult); Debug.Print("*****************\n\n"); } catch (WsFaultException ex) { Debug.Print("DPWS Fault: " + ex.Message); } m_clientProxy.Dispose(); }
ManualResetEvent m_deviceSelected; // Tells the app a device is selected public TestApplication() { m_threadLock = new object(); m_inOperation = false; m_deviceSelected = new ManualResetEvent(false); m_version = new ProtocolVersion11(); // To enable WSDiscoveryApril2005 and Soap12WSAddressingAugust2004 //m_version = new ProtocolVersion10(); m_eventSubscriptionAddress = ""; m_deviceEndpointAddress = ""; m_simpleServiceClient = new SimpleServiceClientProxy(new WS2007HttpBinding(), m_version); // Event handling requires that we have a defined port (other than 8084) WS2007HttpBinding binding = new WS2007HttpBinding(new HttpTransportBindingConfig("urn:uuid:3cb0d1ba-cc3a-46ce-b416-212ac2419b07", 15338, true)); m_eventingServiceClient = new EventingServiceClientProxy(binding, m_version, new EventingClientImplementation()); m_attachmentServiceClient = new AttachmentServiceClientProxy(new WS2007HttpBinding(), m_version); // Turn listening to this IP on m_simpleServiceClient.IgnoreRequestFromThisIP = false; m_eventingServiceClient.IgnoreRequestFromThisIP = false; m_attachmentServiceClient.IgnoreRequestFromThisIP = false; m_discoClient = new DiscoClient(m_simpleServiceClient); m_random = new Random(); }
private void TestMtomService() { try { WS2007HttpBinding binding = new WS2007HttpBinding( new HttpTransportBindingConfig(new Uri("http://*****:*****@"A bedtime story is a traditional form of storytelling, where a story is told to a child at bedtime to prepare them for sleep. Bedtime stories have many advantages, for parents/adults and children alike. The fixed routine of a bedtime story before sleeping has a relaxing effect, and the soothing voice of a person telling a story makes the child fall asleep more easily. The emotional aspect creates a bond between the storyteller and the listener, often a parent and child. Bedtime stories can be read from a book, or rather, fictional stories made up by the storyteller. The stories are mostly rather short, between one and five minutes, and have a happy ending. A different form of bedtime reading is using longer stories, but dividing them up, thus creating cliffhangers. Children will look forward to their bedtime story, and a fixed routine is installed. "); m_proxy.SetData(req); GetData req2 = new GetData(); // get bytes < 1000 to test Base64 req2.value = 0; GetDataResponse resp = m_proxy.GetData(req2); Debug.Print(new string(System.Text.UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetChars(resp.GetDataResult.Data))); // to get data > 1000 bytes to test mtom req2.value = 1; resp = m_proxy.GetData(req2); Debug.Print(new string(System.Text.UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetChars(resp.GetDataResult.Data))); // to get data > 1000 (non-char) bytes to test mtom req2.value = 2; resp = m_proxy.GetData(req2); for (int i = 0; i < resp.GetDataResult.Data.Length; i++) { if ((byte)i != resp.GetDataResult.Data[i]) { Debug.Print("FAILURE!!!!! expected incrementing data byte values"); break; } } SetNestedData req3 = new SetNestedData(); = new; = new; = System.Text.UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes( @"A bedtime story is a traditional form of storytelling, where a story is told to a child at bedtime to prepare them for sleep." ); = System.Text.UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(@"Bedtime stories have many advantages, for parents/adults and children alike. The fixed routine of a bedtime story before sleeping has a relaxing effect, and the soothing voice of a person telling a story makes the child fall asleep more easily. The emotional aspect creates a bond between the storyteller and the listener, often a parent and child."); m_proxy.SetNestedData(req3); GetNestedData req4 = new GetNestedData(); GetNestedDataResponse resp8 = m_proxy.GetNestedData(req4); Debug.Print(new string(System.Text.UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetChars(resp8.GetNestedDataResult.MyData))); for (int i = 0; i < resp8.GetNestedDataResult.MTData.Data.Length; i++) { if ((byte)i != resp8.GetNestedDataResult.MTData.Data[i]) { Debug.Print("FAILURE!!!!! expected incrementing data byte values"); break; } } SetFileInfo sfi = new SetFileInfo(); sfi.files = new; sfi.files.FileInfo = new[2]; sfi.files.FileInfo[0] = new; sfi.files.FileInfo[0].Name = "MyBook"; sfi.files.FileInfo[0].Size = 340; sfi.files.FileInfo[1] = new; sfi.files.FileInfo[1].Name = "MyBook2"; sfi.files.FileInfo[1].Size = 341; m_proxy.SetFileInfo(sfi); } catch (System.IO.IOException) { // Is the web service down??? Debug.Print("Warning: could not connect to stocks web service"); } finally { if (m_proxy != null) m_proxy.Dispose(); } }
public MFTestResults Start() { MFTestResults testResult = MFTestResults.Pass; try { //System.Ext.Console.Verbose = true; // Also start a local client on this device ProtocolVersion ver = new ProtocolVersion10(); WS2007HttpBinding binding = new WS2007HttpBinding(new HttpTransportBindingConfig("urn:uuid:3cb0d1ba-cc3a-46ce-b416-212ac2419b51", 8084)); Device.Initialize(binding, ver); // Set device information //Device.EndpointAddress = "urn:uuid:3cb0d1ba-cc3a-46ce-b416-212ac2419b51"; Device.ThisModel.Manufacturer = "Microsoft Corporation"; Device.ThisModel.ManufacturerUrl = ""; Device.ThisModel.ModelName = "SimpleService Test Device"; Device.ThisModel.ModelNumber = "1.0"; Device.ThisModel.ModelUrl = ""; Device.ThisModel.PresentationUrl = ""; Device.ThisDevice.FriendlyName = "SimpleService"; Device.ThisDevice.FirmwareVersion = "alpha"; Device.ThisDevice.SerialNumber = "12345678"; // Add a Host service type Device.Host = new SimpleDeviceHost(); // Add DPWS hosted services to the device Device.HostedServices.Add(new SimpleService()); Device.HostedServices.Add(new EventingService()); Device.HostedServices.Add(new AttachmentService()); Log.Comment("Start the Client"); client = new SimpleServiceClient(); client.IgnoreRequestFromThisIP = false; Thread.Sleep(500); // Set to true to ignore the local client's requests Device.IgnoreLocalClientRequest = false; // Start the device stack Log.Comment("Start the Device"); ServerBindingContext ctx = new ServerBindingContext(ver); Device.Start(ctx); int timeOut = 600000; // The Client should be done intergoating the service within 10 minutes if (!client.arHello.WaitOne(timeOut, false)) { Log.Comment("Client not done interogating the service for '" + timeOut + "' milliseconds"); } } catch (Exception e) { Log.Comment("Unexpected Exception e: " + e.ToString()); } finally { try { Log.Comment("Stopping the service"); Device.Stop(); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Comment("Caught : " + ex.Message); } Log.Comment("Waiting and verifying client received messages"); // Sleep for 15 seconds to let the client receive the bye events. client.arBye.WaitOne(15000, false); if (client != null) { if (!client.m_receivedHelloEvent) { Log.Comment("Did not get HelloEvent."); testResult = MFTestResults.Fail; } if (!client.m_getMex) { Log.Comment("Did not get GetMex."); testResult = MFTestResults.Fail; } if (!client.m_twoWay) { Log.Comment("Did not get TwoWay."); testResult = MFTestResults.Fail; } if (!client.m_receivedByeEvent) { Log.Comment("Did not get ByeEvent."); testResult = MFTestResults.Fail; } client.Dispose(); } } return testResult; }
/// <summary> /// Global eventing Subscribe stub. /// </summary> /// <param name="header">Header object.</param> /// <param name="reader">An XmlReader positioned at the begining of the Subscribe request body element.</param> /// <param name="serviceEndpoints">A Collection of serviceEndpoints used to determine what services contain the event source specified in the filter.</param> /// <returns>Byte array containing a Subscribe response.</returns> internal WsMessage Subscribe(WsWsaHeader header, XmlReader reader, WsServiceEndpoints serviceEndpoints) { WsMessage msg = null; // Parse Subscribe Request ///////////////////////////// DpwsWseEventSink eventSink = new DpwsWseEventSink(); try { reader.ReadStartElement("Subscribe", WsWellKnownUri.WseNamespaceUri); if (reader.IsStartElement("EndTo", WsWellKnownUri.WseNamespaceUri)) { eventSink.EndTo = new WsWsaEndpointRef(reader, m_version.AddressingNamespace); } reader.ReadStartElement("Delivery", WsWellKnownUri.WseNamespaceUri); if (reader.IsStartElement("NotifyTo", WsWellKnownUri.WseNamespaceUri)) { eventSink.NotifyTo = new WsWsaEndpointRef(reader, m_version.AddressingNamespace); } else { throw new WsFaultException(header, WsFaultType.WseDeliverModeRequestedUnavailable); } reader.ReadEndElement(); if (reader.IsStartElement("Expires", WsWellKnownUri.WseNamespaceUri)) { long expires = new WsDuration(reader.ReadElementString()).DurationInSeconds; if (expires > 0) { eventSink.Expires = expires; } else { throw new WsFaultException(header, WsFaultType.WseInvalidExpirationTime); } } else { // Never Expires eventSink.Expires = -1; } if (reader.IsStartElement("Filter", WsWellKnownUri.WseNamespaceUri)) { if (reader.MoveToAttribute("Dialect") == false || reader.Value != m_version.WsdpNamespaceUri + "/Action") { throw new WsFaultException(header, WsFaultType.WseFilteringRequestedUnavailable); } reader.MoveToElement(); String filters = reader.ReadElementString(); if (filters != String.Empty) { eventSink.Filters = filters.Split(' '); } } XmlReaderHelper.SkipAllSiblings(reader); reader.ReadEndElement(); // Subscribe } catch (XmlException e) { throw new WsFaultException(header, WsFaultType.WseInvalidMessage, e.ToString()); } // Parse urn:uuid from the To address string endpointAddress = FixToAddress(header.To); // Build a temporary collection of device services that match the specified endpoint address. WsServiceEndpoints matchingServices = new WsServiceEndpoints(); for (int i = 0; i < serviceEndpoints.Count; ++i) { if (serviceEndpoints[i].EndpointAddress == endpointAddress) matchingServices.Add(serviceEndpoints[i]); } // For each service with a matching endpoint and event sources add an event sink to the // event source collection for (int i = 0; i < matchingServices.Count; ++i) { DpwsWseEventSources eventSources = ((DpwsHostedService)matchingServices[i]).EventSources; // Set the EventSinkID eventSink.ID = "urn:uuid:" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); // If subscribing to all event sources if (eventSink.Filters == null) { int count = eventSources.Count; for (int ii = 0; i < count; i++) { DpwsWseEventSource eventSource = eventSources[ii]; eventSink.StartTime = DateTime.Now.Ticks; Uri key = eventSink.NotifyTo.Address; if(m_evtChannelLookup.Contains(key)) { EventChannel ec = (EventChannel)m_evtChannelLookup[key]; eventSink.RequestChannel = ec.Channel; Interlocked.Increment(ref ec.RefCount); } else { WS2007HttpBinding binding = new WS2007HttpBinding(new HttpTransportBindingConfig(eventSink.NotifyTo.Address, m_persistEventConnections)); eventSink.RequestChannel = binding.CreateClientChannel(new ClientBindingContext(m_version)); if(m_persistEventConnections) { eventSink.RequestChannel.Open(); } m_evtChannelLookup[key] = new EventChannel(eventSink.RequestChannel); } eventSource.EventSinks.Add(eventSink); } } else { // If subscribing to a specific event based on an event filter. DpwsWseEventSource eventSource; string[] filterList = eventSink.Filters; int length = filterList.Length; for (int ii = 0; i < length; i++) { if ((eventSource = eventSources[filterList[ii]]) != null) { eventSink.StartTime = DateTime.Now.Ticks; Uri key = eventSink.NotifyTo.Address; if(m_evtChannelLookup.Contains(key)) { EventChannel ec = (EventChannel)m_evtChannelLookup[key]; eventSink.RequestChannel = ec.Channel; Interlocked.Increment(ref ec.RefCount); } else { WS2007HttpBinding binding = new WS2007HttpBinding(new HttpTransportBindingConfig(eventSink.NotifyTo.Address, m_persistEventConnections)); eventSink.RequestChannel = binding.CreateClientChannel(new ClientBindingContext(m_version)); if(m_persistEventConnections) { eventSink.RequestChannel.Open(); } m_evtChannelLookup[key] = new EventChannel(eventSink.RequestChannel); } eventSource.EventSinks.Add(eventSink); } else { throw new Exception("Event source " + filterList[ii] + " was not found."); } } } } // Generate Response ////////////////////////// using(XmlMemoryWriter xmlWriter = XmlMemoryWriter.Create()) { WsWsaHeader responseHeader = new WsWsaHeader( WsWellKnownUri.WseNamespaceUri + "/SubscribeResponse", // Action header.MessageID, // RelatesTo header.ReplyTo.Address.AbsoluteUri, // To null, null, null); // ReplyTo, From, Any msg = new WsMessage(responseHeader, null, WsPrefix.Wse, null, new WsAppSequence(Device.AppSequence, Device.SequenceID, Device.MessageID)); WsSoapMessageWriter smw = new WsSoapMessageWriter(m_version); smw.WriteSoapMessageStart(xmlWriter, msg); // write body xmlWriter.WriteStartElement(WsNamespacePrefix.Wse, "SubscribeResponse", null); xmlWriter.WriteStartElement(WsNamespacePrefix.Wse, "SubscriptionManager", null); xmlWriter.WriteStartElement(WsNamespacePrefix.Wsa, "Address", null); // Create a uri. Use the path (by default will be a uuid) for the sub manager endpoint Uri subMgrUri = new Uri(((DpwsHostedService)matchingServices[0]).EndpointAddress); xmlWriter.WriteString("http://" + Device.IPV4Address + ":" + Device.Port + "/" + subMgrUri.AbsolutePath); xmlWriter.WriteEndElement(); // End Address xmlWriter.WriteStartElement(WsNamespacePrefix.Wsa, "ReferenceParameters", null); xmlWriter.WriteStartElement(WsNamespacePrefix.Wse, "Identifier", null); xmlWriter.WriteString(eventSink.ID); xmlWriter.WriteEndElement(); // End Identifier xmlWriter.WriteEndElement(); // End ReferenceParameters xmlWriter.WriteEndElement(); // End SubscriptionManager xmlWriter.WriteStartElement(WsNamespacePrefix.Wse, "Expires", null); xmlWriter.WriteString(new WsDuration(eventSink.Expires).DurationString); xmlWriter.WriteEndElement(); // End Expires xmlWriter.WriteEndElement(); // End SubscribeResponse smw.WriteSoapMessageEnd(xmlWriter); // Return stream buffer msg.Body = xmlWriter.ToArray(); } return msg; }