private void button_Click_1(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { double aux = -1; try { if (double.TryParse(textBoxc.Text, out aux)) { if (comboBox.Text == "Ordem") { atype = 0; } else if (comboBox.Text == "Prazo 6M") { atype = 1; } else if (comboBox.Text == "Prazo 1A") { atype = 2; } else if (comboBox.Text == "Prazo 3A") { atype = 3; } if (!refresh()) { return; } SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT interest from account_type where atype=" + atype); cmd.Connection = cn; double baseInterest = (double)(decimal)cmd.ExecuteScalar() * 100; double interest = 0; if (atype == 1) { double capital = Convert.ToDouble(textBoxc.Text); double jurofinal = ((capital * baseInterest) / 180) / 365; double pormes = capital * jurofinal; interest = pormes / 6; } else if (atype == 2) { double capital = Convert.ToDouble(textBoxc.Text); double jurofinal = ((capital * baseInterest) / 365) / 365; double pormes = capital * jurofinal; interest = pormes / (1 * 12); } else if (atype == 3) { double capital = Convert.ToDouble(textBoxc.Text); double jurofinal = ((capital * baseInterest) / 1095) / 365; double pormes = capital * jurofinal; interest = pormes / (3 * 12); } //make sure unique IDs are used when creating things cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT max(id) FROM ACCOUNTS"); cmd.Connection = cn; int newID = (int)cmd.ExecuteScalar() + 1; string b = aux.ToString().Replace(",", "."); string i = interest.ToString().Replace(",", "."); try { cmd = new SqlCommand("EXEC InsertAccount " + newID + ", " + b + ", " + atype + ", " + i); cmd.Connection = cn; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); if (goback == "client" && autolinkid != -1) { cmd = new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO CLIENT_ACCOUNTS (aid, cid) VALUES (" + newID + ", " + autolinkid + ")"); cmd.Connection = cn; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); ClientDetails window = new ClientDetails(); window.Show(); this.Hide(); } else { Accounts window = new Accounts(); window.Show(); this.Hide(); } } catch (SqlException) { MessageBox.Show("Error updating database: the balance might be too high."); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Invalid amount."); } } catch (OverflowException) { MessageBox.Show("The number is too big."); } }