예제 #1
파일: WplIndex.cs 프로젝트: Fav/testww
            /// <summary>
            /// Implements IComparer.Compare. Will compare either a WplIndexEntry or its numeric index (int)
            /// to a string (the name being searched for.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="x">The WplIndexEntry itself or its offset as an int</param>
            /// <param name="y">The name bein searched for as string</param>
            /// <returns></returns>
            public int Compare(object x, object y)
                WplIndexEntry ie;

                // support comparing of index index or index entries directly
                if (x.GetType() == typeof(int))
                    // a numeric index was provided, retrieve corresponding entry
                    ie = myWplIndex.m_indexEntries[(int)x];
                    // we got an entry, just cast
                    ie = (WplIndexEntry)x;
                // Read place item, omitting metadata as we're interested in the name only
                PlaceItem pi = myWplIndex.GetPlaceItemFromIndexEntry(ie, MetaDataAction.Omit);

                if (!partialAllowed)
                    return(String.Compare(pi.pn.Name, (string)y, true));
                string strSearch = (string)y;

                return(String.Compare(pi.pn.Name, 0, strSearch, 0, strSearch.Length, true));
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Fills a PlaceListSettings class (used to serialize places) with all the places in the list
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pls">The PlaceListSettings class that will receive the places</param>
        public void FillSettingsFromList(PlaceListSettings pls)
            pls.places = new PlaceListSettings.PlaceData [this.Items.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < this.Items.Count; i++)
                PlaceItem pi = (PlaceItem)this.Items[i].Tag;
                PlaceListSettings.PlaceData pd = new PlaceListSettings.PlaceData();
                pd.Name = pi.pn.Name;
                pd.Lat  = pi.pn.Lat;
                pd.Lon  = pi.pn.Lon;

                int mdCount = pi.pn.metaData == null ? 0 : pi.pn.metaData.Count;

                pd.metadata = new PlaceListSettings.MetaDataEntry [mdCount];
                int j = 0;
                if (pi.pn.metaData != null)
                    foreach (DictionaryEntry de in pi.pn.metaData)
                        pd.metadata[j]       = new PlaceListSettings.MetaDataEntry();
                        pd.metadata[j].name  = de.Key.ToString();
                        pd.metadata[j].value = de.Value.ToString();
                pls.places[i] = pd;
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        ///  Saves places to a file in GPX format, given pathname
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="strGpxPath">The file (with full path) to save to</param>
        public void SaveToGpx(string strGpxPath)
            gpxType gpx = new gpxType();

            gpx.creator = "NASA World Wind";
            gpx.version = "1.1";

            gpx.wpt = new wptType [this.Items.Count];
            int i = 0;

            foreach (ListViewItem lvi in this.Items)
                PlaceItem pi = (PlaceItem)lvi.Tag;
                wptType   wp = new wptType();
                wp.name      = pi.pn.Name;
                wp.lat       = (decimal)pi.pn.Lat;
                wp.lon       = (decimal)pi.pn.Lon;
                wp.sym       = "Waypoint";
                gpx.wpt[i++] = wp;

            XmlSerializer ser = new XmlSerializer(typeof(gpxType));
            TextWriter    tw  = new StreamWriter(strGpxPath);

            ser.Serialize(tw, gpx);
예제 #4
        // perform a full search in a placename set, with attributes
        bool PlaceNameSetFullSearch(string [] searchTokens, IndexedTiledPlaceNameSet curIndexedTiledSet)
            DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(Path.GetDirectoryName(

            // ignore this set if the corresponding directory does not exist for some reason
            if (!dir.Exists)

            // loop over all WWP files in directory
            foreach (FileInfo placenameFile in dir.GetFiles("*.wwp"))
                using (BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(placenameFile.OpenRead()))
                    int placenameCount = reader.ReadInt32();

                    // loop over all places
                    for (int i = 0; i < placenameCount; i++)
                        // return false if stop requested
                        if (CheckStopRequested())

                        // instantiate and read current placename
                        WorldWindPlacename pn = new WorldWindPlacename();
                        WplIndex.ReadPlaceName(reader, ref pn, WplIndex.MetaDataAction.Store);

                        // if we have a match ...
                        if (isPlaceMatched(searchTokens, pn))
                            if (CheckMaxResults())

                            PlaceItem pi = new PlaceItem();
                            pi.pn = pn;
                            pi.placeDescriptor = curIndexedTiledSet.placenameSet;

                            // add item via delegate to avoid MT issues
                            listViewResults.Invoke(listViewResults.addPlaceDelegate, new object[] { pi });
            return(true); // go on
예제 #5
        // adds a place (given by index) found via binary search to the list, and adds places above and below it
        // in the sort order as long as they match
        bool AddIndexAndVicinity(int nPos, IndexedTiledPlaceNameSet itps, string strSearch, bool bPartialAllowed)
            PlaceItem pi = itps.wplIndex.GetPlaceItem(nPos); // get the place from the index

            // add item via delegate to avoid MT issues
            listViewResults.Invoke(listViewResults.addPlaceDelegate, new object[] { pi });

            // instantiate our special comparer - will compare search string to a place given by index - this is the same one
            // we're using in the binary search
            WplIndex.IndexEntryToStringComparer cmp = new WplIndex.IndexEntryToStringComparer(itps.wplIndex, bPartialAllowed);
            int nBelow = nPos - 1; // left neighbour in search order (if any)
            int nAbove = nPos + 1; // right neighbour in search order (if any)

            bool bFoundOne;        // keeps track if "expansion mechanism" still found something

                // return false if stop requested or too many results
                if (CheckStopRequested() || CheckMaxResults())

                bFoundOne = false;
                if (itps.wplIndex.IsValidIndex(nBelow) && cmp.Compare(nBelow, strSearch) == 0)
                {                                            // left neighbour index valid and matched
                    pi = itps.wplIndex.GetPlaceItem(nBelow); // get the data

                    // add item via delegate to avoid MT issues
                    listViewResults.Invoke(listViewResults.addPlaceDelegate, new object[] { pi });

                    --nBelow; // expand to the left
                    bFoundOne = true;

                if (itps.wplIndex.IsValidIndex(nAbove) && cmp.Compare(nAbove, strSearch) == 0)
                {                                            // right neighbour index valid and matched
                    pi = itps.wplIndex.GetPlaceItem(nAbove); // get the data

                    // add item via delegate to avoid MT issues
                    listViewResults.Invoke(listViewResults.addPlaceDelegate, new object[] { pi });

                    ++nAbove; // expand to the left
                    bFoundOne = true;
            } while(bFoundOne); // keep expanding until nothing new on both sides

            return(true);       // keep searching
예제 #6
        // Someone clicked on a search result line
        void placelistView_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            WWPlaceListView plw = (WWPlaceListView)sender;

            if (plw.SelectedItems.Count == 0 ||        // ignore if no entries in list ..
                plw.SelectedItems[0].Tag == null)
                return;                                         // ... or if selected entry has no attached placename info
            PlaceItem pi = (PlaceItem)plw.SelectedItems[0].Tag; // retrieve info

            // set lat, lon and altitude
            this.numericUpDownLatitude.Value  = (decimal)pi.pn.Lat;
            this.numericUpDownLongitude.Value = (decimal)pi.pn.Lon;
            this.numericUpDownAltitude.Value  = (decimal)(pi.Altitude / 1000.0);

            // and go there.
            this.worldWindow.GotoLatLonViewRange(pi.pn.Lat, pi.pn.Lon, 90.0f);
예제 #7
파일: WplIndex.cs 프로젝트: Fav/testww
        // add the places from a single wwp file to our places array
        // note that nNextEntry is passed by reference - the total count is accumulated here
        void AddSingleWwpPlaces(int nFileNbr, ref int nNextEntry)
            // open reader
            using (BinaryReader brWwp = OpenWwpReader(nFileNbr))
                int nEntryCount = brWwp.ReadInt32();                 // read number of entries

                for (int i = 0; i < nEntryCount; i++)
                    IndexedPlace ip = new IndexedPlace();                      // allocate indexed place class to store entries
                    ip.pn = new WorldWindPlacename();
                    ip.placeDescriptor       = this.m_placeNameSet;            // "inherit" placeNameSet
                    ip.indexEntry.fileNumber = (System.Int16)nFileNbr;         // remember file number
                    ip.indexEntry.seekOffset = (int)brWwp.BaseStream.Position; // and location in file
                    PlaceItem pi = ip;
                    ReadPlaceName(brWwp, ref pi.pn, MetaDataAction.Skip);      // skipping the metadata is faster
                    this.m_indexedPlaces[nNextEntry++] = ip;                   // remember this indexed place
예제 #8
파일: WplIndex.cs 프로젝트: Fav/testww
        // given an index descriptor, seek to and return place information
        PlaceItem GetPlaceItemFromIndexEntry(WplIndexEntry ie, MetaDataAction metaDataAction)
            using (BinaryReader brWwp = OpenWwpReader(ie.fileNumber))
                // seek to the relevant info
                brWwp.BaseStream.Seek(ie.seekOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin);

                // create a new PlaceItem
                PlaceItem pi = new PlaceItem();

                pi.pn = new WorldWindPlacename();

                // set placeNameSet info
                pi.placeDescriptor = this.m_placeNameSet;

                // now read the rest from the WWP file
                ReadPlaceName(brWwp, ref pi.pn, metaDataAction);
예제 #9
        /// <summary>
        /// A doubleclick goes to the corresponding place and
        /// also adds it to the history list
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        protected override void OnDoubleClick(EventArgs e)
            ListViewItem lvi = this.FocusedItem;

            if (lvi == null)

            PlaceItem pi = (PlaceItem)lvi.Tag;

            if (this.WorldWindow != null)
            if (this.RecentFinds != null)
예제 #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads places from a file in GPX format, given pathname
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="strGpxPath">The file (with full path) in GPX format to load from</param>
        public void LoadFromGpx(string strGpxPath)
            if (!File.Exists(strGpxPath))

            XmlSerializer ser = new XmlSerializer(typeof(gpxType));
            TextReader    tr  = new StreamReader(strGpxPath);

            gpxType gpx = null;

                gpx = (gpxType)ser.Deserialize(tr);
            catch (Exception caught)
                // TODO: log error


            if (gpx == null || gpx.wpt == null)

            foreach (wptType wpt in gpx.wpt)
                PlaceItem pi = new PlaceItem();
                pi.pn      = new WorldWindPlacename();
                pi.pn.Name = wpt.name;
                pi.pn.Lat  = (float)wpt.lat;
                pi.pn.Lon  = (float)wpt.lon;

예제 #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Fills the list with all the places in a PlaceListSettings class (used to serialize places)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pls">The PlaceListSettings class that contains all the places</param>
        public void FillListFromSettings(PlaceListSettings pls)
            // clear the list
            if (pls.places == null)
                return;                 // nothing to do
            foreach (PlaceListSettings.PlaceData pd in pls.places)
                PlaceItem pi = new PlaceItem();
                pi.pn      = new WorldWindPlacename();
                pi.pn.Name = pd.Name;
                pi.pn.Lat  = (float)pd.Lat;
                pi.pn.Lon  = (float)pd.Lon;

                pi.pn.metaData = new Hashtable();
                for (int i = 0; i < pd.metadata.Length; i++)
                    pi.pn.metaData.Add(pd.metadata[i].name, pd.metadata[i].value);
예제 #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a place given a PlaceItem
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pi">PlaceItem class describing the place</param>
        public void AddPlace(PlaceItem pi)
            Hashtable knv = new Hashtable(); // holds name/value pairs

            // add the "standard" attributes to the hashtable
            knv.Add("Name", pi.pn.Name);                // pi.strPlaceName);
            knv.Add("Layer", pi.placeDescriptor == null ? "" : pi.placeDescriptor.Name.Value);
            knv.Add("Latitude", pi.pn.Lat.ToString());  // pi.lat.ToString());
            knv.Add("Longitude", pi.pn.Lon.ToString()); // pi.lon.ToString());

            // now add metadata attributes
            if (pi.pn.metaData != null)
                foreach (DictionaryEntry de in pi.pn.metaData)
                    knv.Add(de.Key, de.Value);

            // add to the list via the hashtable
            ListViewItem lvi = this.AddKeysAndValues(knv);

            lvi.Tag = pi; // keep track of the placeitem
예제 #13
      /// <summary>
      /// Fills the list with all the places in a PlaceListSettings class (used to serialize places)
      /// </summary>
      /// <param name="pls">The PlaceListSettings class that contains all the places</param>
      public void FillListFromSettings(PlaceListSettings pls) 
         // clear the list
         if(pls.places == null) return; // nothing to do

         foreach(PlaceListSettings.PlaceData pd in pls.places) 
            PlaceItem pi = new PlaceItem();
            pi.pn = new WorldWindPlacename();
            pi.pn.Name = pd.Name;
            pi.pn.Lat = (float)pd.Lat;
            pi.pn.Lon = (float)pd.Lon;

            pi.pn.metaData = new Hashtable();
            for(int i=0; i < pd.metadata.Length; i++) 
               pi.pn.metaData.Add(pd.metadata[i].name, pd.metadata[i].value);
예제 #14
      /// <summary>
      /// Adds a place given a PlaceItem
      /// </summary>
      /// <param name="pi">PlaceItem class describing the place</param>
      public void AddPlace(PlaceItem pi) 
         Hashtable knv = new Hashtable(); // holds name/value pairs

         // add the "standard" attributes to the hashtable
         knv.Add("Name", pi.pn.Name); // pi.strPlaceName);
         knv.Add("Layer", pi.placeDescriptor == null ? "" : pi.placeDescriptor.Name.Value);
         knv.Add("Latitude", pi.pn.Lat.ToString()); // pi.lat.ToString());
         knv.Add("Longitude", pi.pn.Lon.ToString()); // pi.lon.ToString());
         // now add metadata attributes
         if(pi.pn.metaData != null) 
            foreach(DictionaryEntry de in pi.pn.metaData) 
               knv.Add(de.Key, de.Value);

         // add to the list via the hashtable
         ListViewItem lvi = this.AddKeysAndValues(knv);
         lvi.Tag = pi; // keep track of the placeitem
예제 #15
      /// <summary>
      /// Loads places from a file in GPX format, given pathname
      /// </summary>
      /// <param name="strGpxPath">The file (with full path) in GPX format to load from</param>
      public void LoadFromGpx(string strGpxPath) 
         if(!File.Exists(strGpxPath)) return;

         XmlSerializer ser = new XmlSerializer(typeof(gpxType));
         TextReader tr = new StreamReader(strGpxPath);
         gpxType gpx = null;
            gpx = (gpxType)ser.Deserialize(tr);
         catch(Exception caught) 
            // TODO: log error


         if(gpx == null || gpx.wpt == null) return;

         foreach(wptType wpt in gpx.wpt) 
            PlaceItem pi = new PlaceItem();
            pi.pn = new WorldWindPlacename();
            pi.pn.Name = wpt.name;
            pi.pn.Lat = (float)wpt.lat;
            pi.pn.Lon = (float)wpt.lon;

예제 #16
      // perform a full search in a placename set, with attributes
      bool PlaceNameSetFullSearch(string [] searchTokens, IndexedTiledPlaceNameSet curIndexedTiledSet) 
         DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(Path.GetDirectoryName(

         // ignore this set if the corresponding directory does not exist for some reason
         if(!dir.Exists) return true;

         // loop over all WWP files in directory
         foreach(FileInfo placenameFile in dir.GetFiles("*.wwp"))
            using(BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(placenameFile.OpenRead()) ) 
               int placenameCount = reader.ReadInt32();

               // loop over all places
               for(int i = 0; i < placenameCount; i++) 
                  // return false if stop requested
                  if(CheckStopRequested()) return false;

                  // instantiate and read current placename
                  WorldWindPlacename pn = new WorldWindPlacename();
                  WplIndex.ReadPlaceName(reader, ref pn, WplIndex.MetaDataAction.Store);

                  // if we have a match ...
                  if(isPlaceMatched(searchTokens, pn)) 
                     if(CheckMaxResults()) return false;

                     PlaceItem pi = new PlaceItem();
                     pi.pn = pn;
                     pi.placeDescriptor = curIndexedTiledSet.placenameSet;

                     // add item via delegate to avoid MT issues
                     listViewResults.Invoke(listViewResults.addPlaceDelegate, new object[] { pi });
         return true; // go on 
예제 #17
      // given an index descriptor, seek to and return place information
      PlaceItem GetPlaceItemFromIndexEntry(WplIndexEntry ie, MetaDataAction metaDataAction) 
			using( BinaryReader brWwp = OpenWwpReader(ie.fileNumber) )
				// seek to the relevant info
				brWwp.BaseStream.Seek(ie.seekOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin);

				// create a new PlaceItem
				PlaceItem pi = new PlaceItem();
				pi.pn = new WorldWindPlacename();

				// set placeNameSet info
				pi.placeDescriptor = this.m_placeNameSet;

				// now read the rest from the WWP file
				ReadPlaceName(brWwp, ref pi.pn, metaDataAction);
				return pi;