void ColorTankMouseUp(GameObjectAnimator obj)
            // Changes tank color to white
            Renderer renderer = obj.GetComponentInChildren <Renderer>();

            renderer.sharedMaterial.color = Color.yellow;
        void RestoreTankColor(GameObjectAnimator obj)
            // Restores original tank color
            Renderer renderer  = obj.GetComponentInChildren <Renderer>();
            Color    tankColor = obj.attrib["color"];           // get back the original color from attribute bag

            renderer.sharedMaterial.color = tankColor;
        void ColorTankHover(GameObjectAnimator obj)
            // Changes tank color - but first we store original color inside its attribute bag
            Renderer renderer = obj.GetComponentInChildren <Renderer>();

            obj.attrib["color"]     = renderer.sharedMaterial.color;
            renderer.material.color = Color.yellow;             // notice how I use material and not sharedmaterial - this is to prevent affecting all clone instances - we just want to color this one, so we need to make this material unique.
        // Create tank instance and add it to the map
        GameObjectAnimator DropTankOnPosition(Vector2 mapPosition)
            GameObject         tankGO = Instantiate(Resources.Load <GameObject> ("Tank/CompleteTank"));
            GameObjectAnimator tank   = tankGO.WMSK_MoveTo(mapPosition);

            tank.autoRotation     = true;
            tank.attrib ["Color"] = tank.GetComponentInChildren <Renderer> ().sharedMaterial.color;