예제 #1
        public MerDictionary(long dictionarySize, int merSize)
            if (dictionarySize > maxTable)
                partitioned = true;
                keySize     = (int)Math.Ceiling(Math.Log(dictionarySize / maxTable, 4)); // find minimum key size
                if (keySize < 1)
                    keySize = 1;                                                        // must partition on at least one base
                noOfPartitions = (int)Math.Pow(4, keySize);                             // giving this many partitions
                keyBaseShift   = 64 - keySize * 2;                                      // shift right this many bits to extract the partition no.
                int partitionLength = (int)(dictionarySize / noOfPartitions);           // with this average length (but scaled to reflect canonical distributions)

                dictionaryPartitions = new kMerDictionary <TV> [noOfPartitions];
                for (int i = 0; i < noOfPartitions; i++)
                    int scaledPartitionLength = 2 * partitionLength * (noOfPartitions - i) / noOfPartitions; // =(16-I2)/16*2*(F19/16)
                    dictionaryPartitions[i] = new kMerDictionary <TV>(scaledPartitionLength, merSize);
                partitioned = false;
                dictionary  = new kMerDictionary <TV>((int)dictionarySize, merSize);

            capacity = dictionarySize;
예제 #2
        private void CopyToTable(int partitionNo, ulong[] orderedMers, TV[] orderedValues, int merCount, int merSize)
            //Console.WriteLine("starting copy for partition " + partitionNo);
            kMerDictionary <TV> pmp = new kMerDictionary <TV>(merCount, merSize);

            pmers[partitionNo] = pmp;
            for (int i = 0; i < merCount; i++)
                pmp.AddNoCheck(orderedMers[i], orderedValues[i]);
            //Console.WriteLine(merCount + " mers copied for partition " + partitionNo);
예제 #3
        int keyBaseShift = 0;               // # of bits to shift to get partition-key bases (bits)

        public MerTable(long tableSize, int merSize)
            this.merSize = merSize;
            if (tableSize > maxTable)
                partitioned = true;

                int keySizeBases = (int)Math.Ceiling(Math.Log(tableSize / maxTable, 4));    // find minimum key size
                if (keySizeBases < 1)
                    keySizeBases = 1;                                                       // must partition on at least one base
                keyBaseShift = 64 - keySizeBases * 2;
                noParts      = (int)Math.Pow(4, keySizeBases);                              // giving this many partitions
                int partitionLength       = (int)(tableSize / noParts);                     //
                int scaledPartitionLength = 2 * partitionLength;                            // rough guess as to space needed to hold the first (largest) partition of loaded kmers

                orderedMers   = new ulong[2][];
                orderedValues = new TV[2][];

                for (int b = 0; b < 2; b++)
                    orderedMers[b]   = new ulong[scaledPartitionLength];
                    orderedValues[b] = new TV[scaledPartitionLength];
                ctd = new CopyToTableDelegate(CopyToTable);

                pmers = new kMerDictionary <TV> [noParts];

                ulong fillBases = 0xffffffffffffffff >> (keySizeBases * 2);
                partitionBoundaries = new ulong[noParts];
                for (ulong k = 0; k < (ulong)noParts; k++)
                    partitionBoundaries[k] = k << keyBaseShift | fillBases;
                mers = new kMerDictionary <TV>((int)tableSize, merSize);
예제 #4
        public bool LoadFinished()
            if (dataNeedsSorting)
                Console.WriteLine("kmers being loaded into table were not in sorted order");

            if (partitioned)
                // wait for previous buffer copy to complete
                if (iarCopyToTable != null && !iarCopyToTable.IsCompleted)
                    //Console.WriteLine("waiting for copy to finish before final copy");

                // copy final buffer into its hash table partition
                //Console.WriteLine("calling copy from LoadFinished for partition " + currentPartition + " for buffer " + currentBuffer);
                CopyToTable(currentPartition, orderedMers[currentBuffer], orderedValues[currentBuffer], cpi, merSize);

                for (int p = 0; p < pmers.Length; p++)
                    if (pmers[p] == null)
                        pmers[p] = new kMerDictionary <TV>(1, merSize);

            // finished with these buffers now
            orderedMers   = null;
            orderedValues = null;

            //Console.WriteLine(mersAdded + " mers added, " + mersCopied + " mers copied");