예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// A helper function used to retrieve individual login information from
        /// a workspace-specific spreadsheet.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="worksheetName"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private List <Common.WorkspaceInfo.LoginInfo> GetLoginInfoFromSpreadsheet(string worksheetName)
            // Error checking: make sure that the required worksheet can be found
            if (!this.Open())
                throw new Exception("Failed to open Excel workbook");
            Worksheet worksheet = this.GetWorksheetByName(worksheetName);

            if (worksheet == null)
                throw new Exception("Failed to open worksheet: '" + worksheetName + "'");

            // Create the output element
            List <Common.WorkspaceInfo.LoginInfo> loginList = new List <Common.WorkspaceInfo.LoginInfo>();

            // Do some math and set up the "column header" range (used to determine which field is which)
            int    numColumns      = worksheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count;
            int    numRows         = worksheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count;
            int    dataStartRowNum = 2;
            int    dataEndRowNum   = dataStartRowNum + numRows;
            string headerStartCell = "A1";
            string headerEndCell   = GetExcelColumnFromIndex(numColumns) + "1";
            Range  headerRange     = worksheet.get_Range(headerStartCell, headerEndCell);

            // Iterate through all of the data rows (i.e., workspaces) in the worksheet
            for (int rowNum = dataStartRowNum; rowNum < dataEndRowNum; rowNum++)
                // Create a range for this row of cells
                string dataStartCell = "A" + rowNum.ToString();
                string dataEndCell   = GetExcelColumnFromIndex(numColumns) + rowNum.ToString();
                Range  dataRange     = worksheet.get_Range(dataStartCell, dataEndCell);

                // Initialize the various values of the workspace configuration object
                string name = GetValueAsText(dataRange, FindCellMatchingText(headerRange, C_WMX_USERNAME).Column);
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
                    // Stop reading through the worksheet once we've found a row without any workspace listed

                string username    = GetValueAsText(dataRange, FindCellMatchingText(headerRange, C_DB_USERNAME).Column);
                string password    = GetValueAsText(dataRange, FindCellMatchingText(headerRange, C_DB_PASSWORD).Column);
                bool   isEncrypted = GetValueAsBool(dataRange, FindCellMatchingText(headerRange, C_IS_ENCRYPTED).Column);

                // Only base64-encoded encrypted passwords are supported by this
                // utility, so unencode the password before sending it along to
                // the WMX object
                if (isEncrypted)
                    byte[] pwBytes = System.Convert.FromBase64String(password);
                    password = System.Text.UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetString(pwBytes);

                Common.WorkspaceInfo.LoginInfo loginInfo = new Common.WorkspaceInfo.LoginInfo();
                loginInfo.WmxUsername         = name;
                loginInfo.DatabaseUsername    = username;
                loginInfo.DatabasePassword    = password;
                loginInfo.IsPasswordEncrypted = isEncrypted;

        /// <summary>
        /// Saves all of the specified workspace information to an Excel spreadsheet
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="workspaceInfo">A list containing the information for each workspace</param>
        public void SaveWorkspacesToSpreadsheet(IList <Common.WorkspaceInfo> workspaceInfo)
            // Error checking: delete the required worksheet if it already exists
            if (!this.Open())
                WmauError error = new WmauError(WmauErrorCodes.C_EXCEL_WORKBOOK_ERROR);
                m_gpMessages.AddError(error.ErrorCodeAsInt, error.Message);
                throw new Exception(error.Message);
            Worksheet worksheet = this.GetWorksheetByName(C_DB_WORKSHEET_NAME);

            if (worksheet != null)

            // Create a new worksheet with the appropriate header row
            worksheet = m_workbook.Worksheets.Add(
                Type.Missing, Type.Missing, 1, XlWBATemplate.xlWBATWorksheet) as Worksheet;
            worksheet.Name = C_DB_WORKSHEET_NAME;
            Range headerRange = CreateHeaderRow(worksheet, C_HEADER_COLUMNS);

            // Get a mapping of which attribute name maps to which excel column
            Dictionary <string, int> columnMap = new Dictionary <string, int>();

            for (int i = 0; i < C_HEADER_COLUMNS.Length; i++)
                Range tempRange = FindCellMatchingText(headerRange, C_HEADER_COLUMNS[i]);
                columnMap[C_HEADER_COLUMNS[i]] = tempRange.Column;

            // Fill in the contents of the worksheet based on the info for each of the
            // workspaces
            int currentRow = 2;

            foreach (Common.WorkspaceInfo workspace in workspaceInfo)
                // Get a handle to the correct range
                string startCell = "A" + currentRow.ToString();
                string endCell   = GetExcelColumnFromIndex(C_HEADER_COLUMNS.Length) + currentRow.ToString();
                Range  tempRange = worksheet.get_Range(startCell, endCell);

                // Set the values of the cells within the range
                SetValueAsText(tempRange, columnMap[C_DB_ALIAS], workspace.Name);
                SetValueAsText(tempRange, columnMap[C_SERVER], workspace.Server);
                SetValueAsText(tempRange, columnMap[C_INSTANCE], workspace.Instance);
                SetValueAsText(tempRange, columnMap[C_DATABASE], workspace.Database);
                SetValueAsText(tempRange, columnMap[C_VERSION], workspace.Version);
                SetValueAsText(tempRange, columnMap[C_OS_AUTH], workspace.UseOsAuthentication.ToString());
                SetValueAsText(tempRange, columnMap[C_INDIVIDUAL_LOGINS], workspace.UseIndividualLogins.ToString());
                if (!workspace.UseOsAuthentication && !workspace.UseIndividualLogins)
                    if (workspace.Logins.Count > 0)
                        Common.WorkspaceInfo.LoginInfo tempLogin = workspace.Logins.ElementAt(0);
                        SetValueAsText(tempRange, columnMap[C_USERNAME], tempLogin.DatabaseUsername);

                        // Save out the password in base64 format so as to not end up putting binary
                        // info into the Excel spreadsheet
                        byte[] passwordAsBytes = System.Text.UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(tempLogin.DatabasePassword);
                        string password64      = System.Convert.ToBase64String(passwordAsBytes);
                        SetValueAsText(tempRange, columnMap[C_PASSWORD], password64);

                        SetValueAsText(tempRange, columnMap[C_IS_ENCRYPTED], true.ToString());
                else if (workspace.UseIndividualLogins)
                    SaveLoginInfoToSpreadsheet(workspace.Name, workspace.Logins);

                // This "auto fit" shouldn't really be done in here, but the range already
                // exists, so...

