public void CheckStatus() { //This checks the status of the Employee from the database. //Sets the top menu bar values equal to the values in the database for the employee. using (StaffLogin login = new StaffLogin()) using (SqlConnection myConnection = new SqlConnection(str)) using (SqlDataAdapter employeePin = new SqlDataAdapter($"SELECT * FROM Employees WHERE PIN = {}", myConnection)) { DataTable userPin = new DataTable(); myConnection.Open(); employeePin.Fill(userPin); myConnection.Close(); for (int row = 0; row < userPin.Rows.Count; row++) { string FirstName = (string)userPin.Rows[row]["FName"]; string LastName = (string)userPin.Rows[row]["LName"]; bool Status = (bool)userPin.Rows[row]["Status"]; this.topInfoBar1.StaffNameLabel.Text = "Name: " + FirstName + " " + LastName; if (Status == false) { this.topInfoBar1.StatusLabel.Text = "Status: " + "Clocked Out"; } else if (Status == true) { this.topInfoBar1.StatusLabel.Text = "Status: " + "Clocked In"; } } } }
private void CreateEditSchedule_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { CheckStatus(); // adds new schedule and edit schedule to new and edit combo box newEditcmb.Items.Add("New Schedule"); newEditcmb.Items.Add("Edit Schedule"); using (StaffLogin login = new StaffLogin()) using (SqlConnection myConnection = new SqlConnection(str)) { // selects from employees using (SqlDataAdapter employeeInfo = new SqlDataAdapter($"SELECT * FROM Employees", myConnection)) { // creates new empty table DataTable employee = new DataTable(); // fills employee table with employee information myConnection.Open(); employeeInfo.Fill(employee); myConnection.Close(); for (int row = 0; row < employee.Rows.Count; row++) { // adds fristname and lastname to the select employee combobox string FirstName = (string)employee.Rows[row]["FName"]; string LastName = (string)employee.Rows[row]["LName"]; SelectEmployeeComboBox.Items.Add(FirstName + " " + LastName); } } } }
//This function grabs the employee information and populates the top status bar public void CheckStatus() { using (StaffLogin login = new StaffLogin()) using (SqlConnection myConnection = new SqlConnection(str)) // select statement for grabbing employee login pin using (SqlDataAdapter employeePin = new SqlDataAdapter($"SELECT * FROM Employees WHERE PIN = {}", myConnection)) { DataTable userPin = new DataTable(); myConnection.Open(); employeePin.Fill(userPin); myConnection.Close(); for (int row = 0; row < userPin.Rows.Count; row++) { string FirstName = (string)userPin.Rows[row]["FName"]; string LastName = (string)userPin.Rows[row]["LName"]; bool Status = (bool)userPin.Rows[row]["Status"]; this.topInfoBar1.StaffNameLabel.Text = "Name: " + FirstName + " " + LastName; if (Status == false) { this.topInfoBar1.StatusLabel.Text = "Status: " + "Clocked Out"; } else if (Status == true) { this.topInfoBar1.StatusLabel.Text = "Status: " + "Clocked In"; } } } }
private void CreateEditEmployee_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // checks status on every load CheckStatus(); using (StaffLogin login = new StaffLogin()) using (SqlConnection myConnection = new SqlConnection(str)) { // Adds a new Employee option to the combo box EmployeeNameComboBox.Items.Add("New Employee"); // gets all employees from database using (SqlDataAdapter employeeInfo = new SqlDataAdapter($"SELECT * FROM Employees", myConnection)) { //creates empty table DataTable employee = new DataTable(); // opens connection and populates table myConnection.Open(); employeeInfo.Fill(employee); myConnection.Close(); // for every employee in employees it adds to the employee combo box for (int row = 0; row < employee.Rows.Count; row++) { string FirstName = (string)employee.Rows[row]["FName"]; string LastName = (string)employee.Rows[row]["LName"]; EmployeeNameComboBox.Items.Add(FirstName + " " + LastName); } } } }
public void CheckStatus() { //grabs the login though an instance of sStaff login using (StaffLogin login = new StaffLogin()) using (SqlConnection myConnection = new SqlConnection(str)) // selects all from employees where employee pin is equal to login pin using (SqlDataAdapter employeePin = new SqlDataAdapter($"SELECT * FROM Employees WHERE PIN = {}", myConnection)) { // makes new empty table for userpin DataTable userPin = new DataTable(); // opens and filll userpin with employee information myConnection.Open(); employeePin.Fill(userPin); myConnection.Close(); for (int row = 0; row < userPin.Rows.Count; row++) { //grabs first name, last name and status string FirstName = (string)userPin.Rows[row]["FName"]; string LastName = (string)userPin.Rows[row]["LName"]; bool Status = (bool)userPin.Rows[row]["Status"]; //puts the user information of first name, last name and status and changes the top info bar this.topInfoBar1.StaffNameLabel.Text = "Name: " + FirstName + " " + LastName; if (Status == false) { this.topInfoBar1.StatusLabel.Text = "Status: " + "Clocked Out"; } else if (Status == true) { this.topInfoBar1.StatusLabel.Text = "Status: " + "Clocked In"; } } } }
private void ManagerMainMenuClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e) { var staffLogin = new StaffLogin(); Hide(); staffLogin.Show(); }
//Run this code when ClockIn button is clicked. private void ClockInButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (StaffLogin login = new StaffLogin()) using (SqlConnection myConnection = new SqlConnection(str)) using (SqlDataAdapter ClockAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter($"SELECT * FROM ClockInClockOut", myConnection)) using (SqlDataAdapter employeePin = new SqlDataAdapter($"SELECT * FROM Employees WHERE PIN = {}", myConnection)) { DataTable userPin = new DataTable(); myConnection.Open(); employeePin.Fill(userPin); for (int row = 0; row < userPin.Rows.Count; row++) { int EmployeeId = (int)userPin.Rows[row]["EmployeeId"]; bool Status = (bool)userPin.Rows[row]["Status"]; if (Status == false) { DateTime Clock = DateTime.Now; DateTime Date = DateTime.Today; Label ClockIn = new Label(); ClockIn.AutoSize = true; ClockIn.Dock = DockStyle.Top; ClockIn.Text = "Clock In At: " + Clock.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy" + " " + "HH:mm:ss"); ClockInOutPanel.Controls.Add(ClockIn); //Inserting Data into database ClockInClockOut Table SqlCommand InsertClockinData = new SqlCommand("insert into ClockInClockOut (EmployeeID, StartTime, EndTime, Date) values ('" + EmployeeId + "', '" + Clock + "', '" + Clock.AddHours(8) + "', '" + Date + "');", myConnection); //Update Status Data In Database with New Data. SqlCommand UpdateEmployeeStatus = new SqlCommand("update Employees Set Status = '" + 1 + "' WHERE EmployeeID = '" + EmployeeId + "' ", myConnection); InsertClockinData.ExecuteNonQuery(); UpdateEmployeeStatus.ExecuteNonQuery(); myConnection.Close(); CheckStatus(); } else if (Status == true) { DateTime Clock = DateTime.Now; DateTime Date = DateTime.Today; Label ClockOut = new Label(); ClockOut.AutoSize = true; ClockOut.Dock = DockStyle.Top; ClockOut.Text = "Clock Out At: " + Clock.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy" + " " + "HH:mm:ss"); ClockInOutPanel.Controls.Add(ClockOut); //Update EndTime in database ClockInClockOut Table with new EndTime Data. SqlCommand UpdateEndTime = new SqlCommand("update ClockInClockOut Set EndTime = '" + Clock + "' WHERE EmployeeID = '" + EmployeeId + "' AND Date = '" + Date + "' ", myConnection); //Update Status in database Employee Table with new Status Data SqlCommand UpdateEmployeeStatus = new SqlCommand("update Employees Set Status = '" + 0 + "' WHERE EmployeeID = '" + EmployeeId + "' ", myConnection); UpdateEndTime.ExecuteNonQuery(); UpdateEmployeeStatus.ExecuteNonQuery(); CheckStatus(); } } } }
private void WorkSchedule_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (SqlConnection myConnection = new SqlConnection(str)) { CheckStatus(); int employeeID = 0; using (StaffLogin login = new StaffLogin()) using (SqlDataAdapter employeePin = new SqlDataAdapter($"SELECT * FROM Employees WHERE PIN = {}", myConnection)) { DataTable userPin = new DataTable(); myConnection.Open(); employeePin.Fill(userPin); myConnection.Close(); for (int row = 0; row < userPin.Rows.Count; row++) { employeeID = (int)userPin.Rows[row]["EmployeeID"]; string FirstName = (string)userPin.Rows[row]["FName"]; string LastName = (string)userPin.Rows[row]["LName"]; this.topInfoBar1.StaffNameLabel.Text = "Name: " + FirstName + " " + LastName; nameLabel.Text = FirstName + " " + LastName; } } //Checks employee id to make sure only the employee who is currently signed in can view their pay stubs using (SqlDataAdapter clientPayStubAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter($"SELECT * FROM Schedule WHERE EmployeeID = {employeeID}", myConnection)) { DataTable clientPayStub = new DataTable(); myConnection.Open(); clientPayStubAdapter.Fill(clientPayStub); myConnection.Close(); for (int row = 0; row < clientPayStub.Rows.Count; row++) { DateTime startDateTime = (DateTime)clientPayStub.Rows[row]["StartDateTime"]; DateTime endDateTime = (DateTime)clientPayStub.Rows[row]["EndDateTime"]; //pushing pay stubs to list box scheduleListBox.Items.Add($"Start: {startDateTime,-20} End: {endDateTime,-20}"); } } } }
private void RequestTimeOff_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { CheckStatus(); using (StaffLogin login = new StaffLogin()) using (SqlConnection myConnection = new SqlConnection(str)) using (SqlDataAdapter employeePin = new SqlDataAdapter($"SELECT * FROM Employees WHERE PIN = {}", myConnection)) { DataTable userPin = new DataTable(); myConnection.Open(); employeePin.Fill(userPin); myConnection.Close(); for (int row = 0; row < userPin.Rows.Count; row++) { string FirstName = (string)userPin.Rows[row]["FName"]; string LastName = (string)userPin.Rows[row]["LName"]; this.topInfoBar1.StaffNameLabel.Text = "Name: " + FirstName + " " + LastName; } } }
private void GetData() { dbConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["WorkerPunchClock.Properties.Settings.WorkersConnectionString"].ConnectionString; using (StaffLogin login = new StaffLogin()) using (SqlConnection myConnection = new SqlConnection(dbConnectionString)) using (SqlDataAdapter employeePin = new SqlDataAdapter($"SELECT * FROM Employees WHERE PIN = {}", myConnection)) { DataTable userPin = new DataTable(); myConnection.Open(); employeePin.Fill(userPin); myConnection.Close(); for (int row = 0; row < userPin.Rows.Count; row++) { string FirstName = (string)userPin.Rows[row]["FName"]; string LastName = (string)userPin.Rows[row]["LName"]; StaffNameLabel.Text = "Name: " + FirstName + " " + LastName; } } }
//On load calls checkstatus private void PayStub_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { CheckStatus(); using (SqlConnection myConnection = new SqlConnection(str)) { int employeeID = 0; using (StaffLogin login = new StaffLogin()) using (SqlDataAdapter employeePin = new SqlDataAdapter($"SELECT * FROM Employees WHERE PIN = {}", myConnection)) { DataTable userPin = new DataTable(); myConnection.Open(); employeePin.Fill(userPin); myConnection.Close(); for (int row = 0; row < userPin.Rows.Count; row++) { employeeID = (int)userPin.Rows[row]["EmployeeID"]; string FirstName = (string)userPin.Rows[row]["FName"]; string LastName = (string)userPin.Rows[row]["LName"]; this.topInfoBar1.StaffNameLabel.Text = "Name: " + FirstName + " " + LastName; } } using (SqlDataAdapter clientPayStubAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter($"SELECT * FROM Paystub WHERE EmployeeID = {employeeID}", myConnection)) { DataTable clientPayStub = new DataTable(); myConnection.Open(); clientPayStubAdapter.Fill(clientPayStub); myConnection.Close(); for (int row = 0; row < clientPayStub.Rows.Count; row++) { int payStubID = (int)clientPayStub.Rows[row]["PayStubID"]; decimal totalHours = (decimal)clientPayStub.Rows[row]["TotalHours"]; decimal totalPay = (decimal)clientPayStub.Rows[row]["TotalPay"]; payStubListBox.Items.Add($"ID: {payStubID, -20} Total Hours: {totalHours, -20} Total Pay: {totalPay, -20} "); } } } }
private void Request_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (StaffLogin login = new StaffLogin()) using (SqlConnection myConnection = new SqlConnection(str)) using (SqlDataAdapter employeePin = new SqlDataAdapter($"SELECT * FROM Employees WHERE PIN = {}", myConnection)) { DataTable userPin = new DataTable(); myConnection.Open(); employeePin.Fill(userPin); myConnection.Close(); for (int i = 0; i < userPin.Rows.Count; i++) { int employeeID = (int)userPin.Rows[i]["EmployeeID"]; var startDate = StartTimeOff.Value.Date; var endDate = EndTimeOff.Value.Date; var status = "false"; string insert = "INSERT into RequestTimeOff (EmployeeID, StartDate, EndDate, Status) " + "VALUES (" + employeeID + ", '" + startDate + "', '" + endDate + "', '" + status + "')"; var Days = (endDate - startDate).TotalDays; MessageBox.Show("You have requested " + Days + " days off"); using (SqlCommand s = new SqlCommand(insert)) { s.Connection = myConnection; myConnection.Open(); s.ExecuteNonQuery(); myConnection.Close(); } } } }