protected void Button2_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { DateTime dated; dated = DateTime.Now; try { test = new CCWordApp(); test.Open(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["WordMod"] + ""); test.GoToTheTable(1); test.GoToDownCell(); test.InsertText(Riga1Text1.Text); test.GoToRightCell(); test.InsertText(Riga1Text2.Text); test.SaveAs(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["WordDoc"] + DocName.Text + ".doc"); // Save in html format test.SaveAsHtml(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["WordDoc"] + DocName.Text + ".html"); test.Quit(); } catch (Exception exc) { StatusMessage.Text = exc.Message; StatusMessage.Visible = true; test.Quit(); } }
private void Button2_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { try { test = new CCWordApp(); //test.Open (ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["WordMod"] + ""); test.Open(); test.SetFontName("Arial"); test.SetFontSize(14); test.SetAlignment("Center"); test.SetFont("Bold"); test.InsertText(DocName.Text + ".doc"); test.SetFont("nothing"); test.SetAlignment("Left"); test.InsertLineBreak(5); test.SetFontSize(8); test.InsertText(Text.Text); test.SaveAs(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["WordDoc"] + DocName.Text + ".doc"); // Save in html format test.SaveAsHtml(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["WordDoc"] + DocName.Text + ".html"); test.Quit(); } catch (Exception exc) { StatusMessage.Text = exc.Message; StatusMessage.Visible = true; test.Quit(); } }
private void Button2_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { DateTime dated; dated = DateTime.Now; try { test = new CCWordApp(); test.Open(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["WordDoc"] + DocName.Text + ".doc"); test.GoToTheEnd(); test.SetAlignment("Right"); test.SetFont("nothing"); test.InsertText(dated.ToShortDateString()); test.InsertLineBreak(); test.InsertText(Text.Text); test.Save(); // Save in html format test.SaveAsHtml(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["WordDoc"] + DocName.Text + ".html"); test.Quit(); } catch (Exception exc) { StatusMessage.Text = exc.Message; StatusMessage.Visible = true; test.Quit(); } }
private void Button2_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { DateTime dated; dated = DateTime.Now; try { test = new CCWordApp(); test.Open(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["WordMod"] + ""); test.SetAlignment("Center"); test.GotoBookMark("Title"); test.SetFont("Bold"); test.InsertText(TextTitle.Text); test.SetFont("nothing"); test.GotoBookMark("name"); test.SetFont("Italic"); test.InsertText(TextName.Text); test.SetFont("nothing"); test.GotoBookMark("address"); test.SetAlignment("Right"); test.InsertText(dated.ToShortDateString()); test.InsertLineBreak(); test.InsertText(TextAddress.Text); test.SetFont("nothing"); test.SaveAs(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["WordDoc"] + DocName.Text + ".doc"); // Save in html format test.SaveAsHtml(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["WordDoc"] + DocName.Text + ".html"); test.Quit(); } catch (Exception exc) { StatusMessage.Text = exc.Message; StatusMessage.Visible = true; test.Quit(); } }
protected void btnSaveAuthorizeLetter_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { string strPath = string.Empty; strPath = Server.MapPath("~/MailTemplate" + "/AuthorizeLetter.docx"); string strPath2 = string.Empty; string SaveLoc = Server.MapPath("~/NoticeCopies/" + Session["CBViewNoticeID"].ToString() + "/"); strPath2 = Server.MapPath("~/NoticeCopies/" + Session["CBViewNoticeID"].ToString() + "/AuthorizeLetter.doc"); test = new CCWordApp(); test.Open(); string str = test.GetContent(); string NewLine = string.Empty; NewLine = txtgenMailText.Text; test.InsertText(NewLine); if (System.IO.Directory.Exists(SaveLoc) == false) { // Try to create the directory. System.IO.DirectoryInfo di = System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(SaveLoc); } if (System.IO.File.Exists(strPath2)) { System.IO.File.Delete(strPath2); } test.SaveAs(strPath2); int FiletypeID = 1; string FilePath = "NoticeCopies/" + Session["CBViewNoticeID"].ToString() + "/AuthorizeLetter.doc"; int DocumentTypeID = 1; int IsEditable = 1; DataSet dsData = objdropdownBL.SaveCBDocumnetsForProcess(Convert.ToInt32(Session["CBViewNoticeID"]), FiletypeID, FilePath, Convert.ToInt32(Session[Constants.USER_ID].ToString()), DocumentTypeID, IsEditable); test.Quit(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public string AuthroizationLetter(ref string strMailFormat, string CBViewNoticeID, string Agentname) { DataSet dsDate = objdropdownBL.GetDatetime(); DateTime ToDayDate = Convert.ToDateTime(dsDate.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Datetime"].ToString()); test = new CCWordApp(); string line = string.Empty; string strPath = string.Empty; string strPath2 = string.Empty; //DataSet dsInfo = objdropdownBL.GetPackageDetailsByUIDForAuthLetter(); strPath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/MailTemplate/AuthorizeLetter.docx"); strPath2 = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/NoticeCopies/" + CBViewNoticeID + "/AuthorizeLetter.doc"); test.Open(strPath); string str = test.GetContent(); string NewLine = string.Empty; line = str; if (line.Contains("#CustName#")) { line = line.Replace("#CustName#", ""); } if (line.Contains("#VoiceFile#")) { line = line.Replace("#VoiceFile#", ""); } if (line.Contains("#Recorddate#")) { line = line.Replace("#Recorddate#", ""); } if (line.Contains("#AgentName#")) { line = line.Replace("#AgentName#", Agentname.ToString()); } if (line.Contains("#TodayDate#")) { line = line.Replace("#TodayDate#", ToDayDate.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy")); } if (line.Contains("#CustName#")) { line = line.Replace("#CustName#", ""); } if (line.Contains("#Phone#")) { line = line.Replace("#Phone#", ""); } if (line.Contains("#Address#")) { line = line.Replace("#Address#", ""); } if (line.Contains("#VehiclesCount#")) { line = line.Replace("#VehiclesCount#", "0"); } if (line.Contains("#Amount#")) { line = line.Replace("#Amount#", "0.00"); } if (line.Contains("#Payment#")) { line = line.Replace("#Payment#", ""); } if (line.Contains("xxxxxxxxxxxx1015")) { line = line.Replace("xxxxxxxxxxxx1015", ""); } if (line.Contains("XX/XX")) { line = line.Replace("XX/XX", ""); } if (line.Contains("CVX")) { line = line.Replace("CVX", ""); } if (line.Contains("#CustEmail#")) { line = line.Replace("#CustEmail#", ""); } //address city, state zip test.Quit(); return line; }
protected void lnkbtnAuthorizationLetter_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { DataSet dsDate = objdropdownBL.GetDatetime(); DateTime ToDayDate = Convert.ToDateTime(dsDate.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Datetime"].ToString()); if ((Session["CBClaimsCustID"] == null) || (Session["CBClaimsCustID"].ToString() == "")) { //mdepCBAlert.Show(); //lblCBAlertMsg.Visible = true; //lblCBAlertMsg.Text = "User information not available for this notice"; System.Web.UI.ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Page, typeof(Page), "Script", "sample();", true); clsMailFormats format = new clsMailFormats(); string text = string.Empty; string strPath2 = string.Empty; CCWordApp testNew = new CCWordApp(); string line = string.Empty; string strPath = string.Empty; string strPath1 = string.Empty; //DataSet dsInfo = objdropdownBL.GetPackageDetailsByUIDForAuthLetter(); strPath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/MailTemplate/") + "AuthorizeLetter.docx"; strPath2 = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/NoticeCopies/" + Session["CBViewNoticeID"].ToString() + "/") + "AuthorizeLetter.doc"; testNew.Open(strPath); string str = testNew.GetContent(); string NewLine = string.Empty; line = str; if (line.Contains("#CustName#")) { line = line.Replace("#CustName#", ""); } if (line.Contains("#VoiceFile#")) { line = line.Replace("#VoiceFile#", ""); } if (line.Contains("#Recorddate#")) { line = line.Replace("#Recorddate#", ""); } if (line.Contains("#AgentName#")) { line = line.Replace("#AgentName#", Session[Constants.NAME].ToString()); } if (line.Contains("#TodayDate#")) { line = line.Replace("#TodayDate#", ToDayDate.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy")); } if (line.Contains("#CustName#")) { line = line.Replace("#CustName#", ""); } if (line.Contains("#Phone#")) { line = line.Replace("#Phone#", ""); } if (line.Contains("#Address#")) { line = line.Replace("#Address#", ""); } if (line.Contains("#VehiclesCount#")) { line = line.Replace("#VehiclesCount#", "0"); } if (line.Contains("#Amount#")) { line = line.Replace("#Amount#", "0.00"); } if (line.Contains("#Payment#")) { line = line.Replace("#Payment#", ""); } if (line.Contains("xxxxxxxxxxxx1015")) { line = line.Replace("xxxxxxxxxxxx1015", ""); } if (line.Contains("XX/XX")) { line = line.Replace("XX/XX", ""); } if (line.Contains("CVX")) { line = line.Replace("CVX", ""); } if (line.Contains("#CustEmail#")) { line = line.Replace("#CustEmail#", ""); } //address city, state zip testNew.Quit(); txtgenMailText.Text = line; mdepAuthorizeLetter.Show(); } else { Session.Timeout = 180; clsMailFormats format = new clsMailFormats(); string text = string.Empty; string strPath2 = string.Empty; CCWordApp testNew = new CCWordApp(); string line = string.Empty; string strPath = string.Empty; string strPath1 = string.Empty; //DataSet dsInfo = objdropdownBL.GetPackageDetailsByUIDForAuthLetter(); strPath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/MailTemplate/") + "AuthorizeLetter.docx"; strPath2 = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/NoticeCopies/" + Session["CBViewNoticeID"].ToString() + "/") + "AuthorizeLetter.doc"; if (System.IO.File.Exists(strPath2)) { testNew.Open(strPath2); string str = testNew.GetContent(); string NewLine = string.Empty; line = str; testNew.Quit(); txtgenMailText.Text = line; } else { DataSet dsPackageInfo = objdropdownBL.GetPackageDetailsByUIDForAuthLetter(Convert.ToInt32(Session["CBClaimsCustID"].ToString())); if (dsPackageInfo.Tables.Count > 0) { if (dsPackageInfo.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { testNew.Open(strPath); string str = testNew.GetContent(); string NewLine = string.Empty; line = str; string recordDate = string.Empty; if (dsPackageInfo.Tables[0].Rows[0]["PayDate"].ToString() != "") { DateTime dtRD = Convert.ToDateTime(dsPackageInfo.Tables[0].Rows[0]["PayDate"].ToString()); recordDate = dtRD.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"); } else { recordDate = ""; } if (line.Contains("#CustName#")) { line = line.Replace("#CustName#", dsPackageInfo.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Name"].ToString()); } if (line.Contains("#VoiceFile#")) { line = line.Replace("#VoiceFile#", dsPackageInfo.Tables[0].Rows[0]["VoiceRecord"].ToString()); } if (line.Contains("#Recorddate#")) { line = line.Replace("#Recorddate#", recordDate); } if (line.Contains("#AgentName#")) { line = line.Replace("#AgentName#", Session[Constants.NAME].ToString()); } if (line.Contains("#TodayDate#")) { line = line.Replace("#TodayDate#", ToDayDate.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy")); } if (line.Contains("#Phone#")) { line = line.Replace("#Phone#", dsPackageInfo.Tables[0].Rows[0]["phoneNumber"].ToString()); } string Address = dsPackageInfo.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Address"].ToString(); string City = dsPackageInfo.Tables[0].Rows[0]["City"].ToString(); string State = dsPackageInfo.Tables[0].Rows[0]["State_Code"].ToString(); string Zip = dsPackageInfo.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Zip"].ToString(); string FullAddress = string.Empty; FullAddress = Address; if (FullAddress != "") { FullAddress = FullAddress + " " + City; } else { FullAddress = City; } if (FullAddress != "") { FullAddress = FullAddress + ", " + State; } else { FullAddress = State; } if (FullAddress != "") { FullAddress = FullAddress + " " + Zip; } else { FullAddress = Zip; } if (line.Contains("#Address#")) { line = line.Replace("#Address#", FullAddress); } if (line.Contains("#VehiclesCount#")) { line = line.Replace("#VehiclesCount#", dsPackageInfo.Tables[1].Rows.Count.ToString()); } if (line.Contains("#Amount#")) { line = line.Replace("#Amount#", string.Format("{0:0.00}", Convert.ToDouble(dsPackageInfo.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Price"].ToString()))); } if (line.Contains("#Payment#")) { line = line.Replace("#Payment#", dsPackageInfo.Tables[0].Rows[0]["cardType"].ToString()); } string CardNum = dsPackageInfo.Tables[0].Rows[0]["cardNumber"].ToString(); if (CardNum.Length > 0) { CardNum = CardNum.Substring(Convert.ToInt32(CardNum.Length - 4), 4); CardNum = "xxxxxxxxxxxx" + CardNum.ToString(); } else { CardNum = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"; } if (line.Contains("xxxxxxxxxxxx1015")) { line = line.Replace("xxxxxxxxxxxx1015", CardNum); } string EXpDate = dsPackageInfo.Tables[0].Rows[0]["cardExpDt"].ToString(); string expirtdt = string.Empty; if (EXpDate != "") { string[] EXpDt = EXpDate.Split(new char[] { '/' }); expirtdt = EXpDt[0].ToString() + "/" + "20" + EXpDt[1].ToString(); } else { expirtdt = EXpDate; } if (line.Contains("XX/XX")) { line = line.Replace("XX/XX", expirtdt); } if (line.Contains("CVX")) { line = line.Replace("CVX", dsPackageInfo.Tables[0].Rows[0]["cardCode"].ToString()); } if (line.Contains("#CustEmail#")) { line = line.Replace("#CustEmail#", dsPackageInfo.Tables[0].Rows[0]["UserName"].ToString()); } //test.SaveAs(strPath2); testNew.Quit(); } else { testNew.Open(strPath); string str = testNew.GetContent(); string NewLine = string.Empty; line = str; if (line.Contains("#CustName#")) { line = line.Replace("#CustName#", ""); } if (line.Contains("#VoiceFile#")) { line = line.Replace("#VoiceFile#", ""); } if (line.Contains("#Recorddate#")) { line = line.Replace("#Recorddate#", ""); } if (line.Contains("#AgentName#")) { line = line.Replace("#AgentName#", Session[Constants.NAME].ToString()); } if (line.Contains("#TodayDate#")) { line = line.Replace("#TodayDate#", ToDayDate.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy")); } if (line.Contains("#CustName#")) { line = line.Replace("#CustName#", ""); } if (line.Contains("#Phone#")) { line = line.Replace("#Phone#", ""); } if (line.Contains("#Address#")) { line = line.Replace("#Address#", ""); } if (line.Contains("#VehiclesCount#")) { line = line.Replace("#VehiclesCount#", "0"); } if (line.Contains("#Amount#")) { line = line.Replace("#Amount#", "0.00"); } if (line.Contains("#Payment#")) { line = line.Replace("#Payment#", ""); } if (line.Contains("xxxxxxxxxxxx1015")) { line = line.Replace("xxxxxxxxxxxx1015", ""); } if (line.Contains("XX/XX")) { line = line.Replace("XX/XX", ""); } if (line.Contains("CVX")) { line = line.Replace("CVX", ""); } if (line.Contains("#CustEmail#")) { line = line.Replace("#CustEmail#", ""); } //address city, state zip testNew.Quit(); } } else { testNew.Open(strPath); string str = testNew.GetContent(); string NewLine = string.Empty; line = str; if (line.Contains("#CustName#")) { line = line.Replace("#CustName#", ""); } if (line.Contains("#VoiceFile#")) { line = line.Replace("#VoiceFile#", ""); } if (line.Contains("#Recorddate#")) { line = line.Replace("#Recorddate#", ""); } if (line.Contains("#AgentName#")) { line = line.Replace("#AgentName#", Session[Constants.NAME].ToString()); } if (line.Contains("#TodayDate#")) { line = line.Replace("#TodayDate#", ToDayDate.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy")); } if (line.Contains("#CustName#")) { line = line.Replace("#CustName#", ""); } if (line.Contains("#Phone#")) { line = line.Replace("#Phone#", ""); } if (line.Contains("#Address#")) { line = line.Replace("#Address#", ""); } if (line.Contains("#VehiclesCount#")) { line = line.Replace("#VehiclesCount#", "0"); } if (line.Contains("#Amount#")) { line = line.Replace("#Amount#", "0.00"); } if (line.Contains("#Payment#")) { line = line.Replace("#Payment#", ""); } if (line.Contains("xxxxxxxxxxxx1015")) { line = line.Replace("xxxxxxxxxxxx1015", ""); } if (line.Contains("XX/XX")) { line = line.Replace("XX/XX", ""); } if (line.Contains("CVX")) { line = line.Replace("CVX", ""); } if (line.Contains("#CustEmail#")) { line = line.Replace("#CustEmail#", ""); } //address city, state zip testNew.Quit(); } //test = new CCWordApp(); //test.Open(strPath1); //test.InsertText(NewLine); //test.SaveAs(strPath2); //test.Quit(); txtgenMailText.Text = line; } mdepAuthorizeLetter.Show(); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }