예제 #1
 public FileSystemInitView()
     mLoadIndicator = new Label
         Color = Brushes.White,
         FontSize = 35.0f,
         Multiline = true,
         Position = new Vector2(0, 0),
         Text = "Loading files...",
         HorizontalAlignment = SharpDX.DirectWrite.TextAlignment.Center,
         VerticalAlignment = SharpDX.DirectWrite.ParagraphAlignment.Center
예제 #2
        public SplashView()
            mAppTitle = new Label
                Color = Brushes.White,
                Position = new Vector2(30, 30),
                Text = Strings.SplashView_AppTitle,
                Size = new Vector2(float.MaxValue, 40.0f),
                FontSize = 35.0f

            mDescription = new Label
                Color = Brushes.White,
                Position = new Vector2(30, 110),
                Text = Strings.SplashView_AppDescription,
                FontSize = 20.0f,
                Multiline = true

            mInputPath = new EditBox
                Width = 500.0f

            mBrowseButton = new Button
                Text = "...",
                Size = new Vector2(50, 30)

            mRegistryButton = new Button
                Text = "From Registry",
                Size = new Vector2(150, 30)

            mConfirmButton = new Button
                Text = "Load!",
                Size = new Vector2(100, 30)

            mBrowseButton.OnClick += BrowseFolder;
            mRegistryButton.OnClick += LoadFromRegistry;
            mConfirmButton.OnClick += InitFilesystem;
예제 #3
        public MapSelectView()
            mTitleLabel = new Label
                FontSize = 30.0f,
                Position = new Vector2(30.0f, 15.0f),
                Size = new Vector2(float.MaxValue, 40.0f),
                Text = "Please select the map you want to edit"

            mLabelScroll = new Scrollbar
                Vertical = true

            mLabelScroll.ScrollChanged += OnScroll;