private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int tagnumber = Convert.ToInt16(txtTag.Text); TestEntities db = new TestEntities(); tblRedTag check = db.tblRedTags.Find(tagnumber); if (check == null) { MessageBox.Show("Sorry, that Tag does not exist"); } else { frmRedTag rtform = new frmRedTag(tagnumber); rtform.Show(); } }
public frmRedTag(int tagnumber) { InitializeComponent(); int iTagnumber = Convert.ToInt16(tagnumber); TestEntities db = new TestEntities(); tblRedTag rt1 = db.tblRedTags.Find(iTagnumber); Reason rs1 = new Reason(); using (var db2 = new TestEntities()) { cmbDefect.DataSource = db2.Reasons.SqlQuery("select Code from dbo.reasons where code like '%D'"); } if (rt1 != null) { txtTag.Text = rt1.ID.ToString(); if (rt1.JOB != null) { txtJob.Text = rt1.JOB; } if (rt1.Detail != null) { txtTool.Text = rt1.Detail; } if (rt1.Initiator != null) { cmbInitiator.Text = rt1.Initiator; } if (rt1.Dept != null) { cmbDept.Text = rt1.Dept; } if (rt1.Spec != null) { txtSpec.Text = rt1.Spec; } if (rt1.Condition != null) { txtCondition.Text = rt1.Condition; } if (rt1.Date != null) { dtpInspection.Text = rt1.Date.ToString(); } if (rt1.Defect != null) { cmbDefect.Text = rt1.Defect; } if (rt1.Cause != null) { cmbCause.Text = rt1.Cause; } if (rt1.Reinspection != null) { dtpReinspection.Text = rt1.Reinspection.ToString(); } if (rt1.Cost != null) { txtRework.Text = rt1.Cost.ToString(); } if (rt1.InstanceCost != null) { txtInstance.Text = rt1.InstanceCost.ToString(); } if (rt1.ScrapCost != null) { txtScrap.Text = rt1.ScrapCost.ToString(); } if (rt1.VendorPO != null) { txtVendor.Text = rt1.VendorPO; } if (rt1.Instructions != null) { txtInstructions.Text = rt1.Instructions; } if (rt1.Comment != null) { txtComments.Text = rt1.Comment; } // cmbDisposition.Text = rt1. } }
private void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int strTag = Convert.ToInt16(txtTag.Text); string strJob = txtJob.Text; string strTool = txtTool.Text; string strInitiator = cmbInitiator.Text; string strDept = cmbDept.Text; string strSpec = txtSpec.Text; string strCondition = txtCondition.Text; string strDefect = cmbDefect.Text; string strCause = cmbCause.Text; string strDisposition = cmbDisposition.Text; // string strDisposition = cmbDisposition.Text; bool bCar = chkCar.Checked; int strRework = 0; if (txtRework == null) { strRework = 0; } else { // strRework = Convert.ToInt16(txtRework.Text); strRework = 0; } int strInstance = Convert.ToInt16(txtInstance.Text); int strScrap = Convert.ToInt16(txtScrap.Text); string strVendor = txtVendor.Text; string strInstructions = txtInstructions.Text; string strComments = txtComments.Text; DateTime dtInspection = dtpInspection.Value.Date; DateTime dtReinspection = dtpReinspection.Value.Date; var db = new TestEntities(); tblRedTag rt = db.tblRedTags.Find(strTag); Job check = db.Jobs.Find(strJob); if (rt != null) { DialogResult dialogResult = MessageBox.Show("This Tag ID Already Exists. Update?", "Tag Exists!", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); if (dialogResult == DialogResult.Yes) { if (check != null) { rt.ID = strTag; rt.JOB = strJob; rt.Detail = strTool; rt.Initiator = strInitiator; rt.Dept = strDept; rt.Spec = strSpec; rt.Condition = strCondition; rt.Date = dtInspection; rt.Defect = strDefect; rt.Cause = strCause; rt.Instructions = strInstructions; rt.Comment = strComments; rt.Reinspection = dtReinspection; rt.Cost = strRework; rt.InstanceCost = strInstance; rt.ScrapCost = strScrap; rt.VendorPO = strVendor; try { // db.tblRedTags(rt) db.SaveChanges(); bool bEmail = true; Team jobTeam = db.Teams.Find(strJob); if (jobTeam != null) { bEmail = true; string strSubject = "Red Tag # " + strTag + " Updated"; string strBody = "A red tag has been updated. <br> You are receiving this email because you are part of the job team. <br><br><b>THIS IS A TEST OF THE WIPVIEWER RED TAG EMAIL SYSTEM.</b> <br><br>"; strBody += "<br>Here is some information about the Tag: <br>Tag Number: " + strTag + "<br>Job Number: " + strJob + "<br>Tool #: " + strTool + "<br>Initiator: " + strInitiator + "<br>Department #: " + strDept; Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.Application oApp = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.Application(); MailItem eMail = (MailItem)oApp.CreateItem(OlItemType.olMailItem); Recipients oRecips = (Recipients)eMail.Recipients; eMail.Subject = strSubject; eMail.Body = strBody; eMail.Importance = OlImportance.olImportanceLow; eMail.BodyFormat = OlBodyFormat.olFormatHTML; if (jobTeam.ProgramManager != null) { Recipient oRecip = (Recipient)oRecips.Add("*****@*****.**"); } if (jobTeam.Processor != null) { //eMail.To = "*****@*****.**"; Recipient oRecip = (Recipient)oRecips.Add("*****@*****.**"); } if (jobTeam.BuildLeader != null) { Recipient oRecip = (Recipient)oRecips.Add("*****@*****.**"); } eMail.HTMLBody = strBody; eMail.Send(); } else { bEmail = false; } if (bEmail == true) { MessageBox.Show("Success. Email Sent"); } else { MessageBox.Show("Red Tag created, but no Team for job present. No Email sent."); } } catch (System.Exception ex) { } } else { MessageBox.Show("That Job Does not exist. You may have your formatting wrong. In WipViewer, Jobs are always formatted 'XXXX9999 / 9'. If you have any questions, please contact Jacob Rotary"); } } else { } } else { if (check != null) { tblRedTag rt2 = new tblRedTag(); rt2.ID = strTag; rt2.JOB = strJob; rt2.Detail = strTool; rt2.Initiator = strInitiator; rt2.Dept = strDept; rt2.Spec = strSpec; rt2.Condition = strCondition; rt2.Date = dtInspection; rt2.Defect = strDefect; rt2.Cause = strCause; rt2.Instructions = strInstructions; rt2.Comment = strComments; rt2.Reinspection = dtReinspection; rt2.Cost = strRework; rt2.InstanceCost = strInstance; rt2.ScrapCost = strScrap; rt2.VendorPO = strVendor; rt2.Disposition = strDisposition; rt2.CAR = Convert.ToString(bCar); try { db.tblRedTags.Add(rt2); db.SaveChanges(); bool bEmail = true; Team jobTeam = db.Teams.Find(strJob); if (jobTeam != null) { bEmail = true; string strSubject = "New Red Tag created for " + strJob + " IGNORE THIS - ITS A TEST EMAIL"; string strBody = "A new red tag has been created. <br> You are receiving this email because you are part of the job team. <br><br><b>THIS IS A TEST OF THE WIPVIEWER RED TAG EMAIL SYSTEM.</b> <br><br>"; strBody += "<br>Here is some information about the Tag: <br>Tag Number: " + strTag + "<br>Job Number: " + strJob + "<br>Tool #: " + strTool + "<br>Initiator: " + strInitiator + "<br>Department #: " + strDept; Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.Application oApp = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.Application(); MailItem eMail = (MailItem)oApp.CreateItem(OlItemType.olMailItem); Recipients oRecips = (Recipients)eMail.Recipients; eMail.Subject = strSubject; eMail.Body = strBody; eMail.Importance = OlImportance.olImportanceLow; eMail.BodyFormat = OlBodyFormat.olFormatHTML; if (jobTeam.ProgramManager != null) { Recipient oRecip = (Recipient)oRecips.Add("*****@*****.**"); } if (jobTeam.Processor != null) { //eMail.To = "*****@*****.**"; Recipient oRecip = (Recipient)oRecips.Add("*****@*****.**"); } if (jobTeam.BuildLeader != null) { Recipient oRecip = (Recipient)oRecips.Add("*****@*****.**"); } eMail.HTMLBody = strBody; eMail.Send(); } else { bEmail = false; } if (bEmail == true) { MessageBox.Show("Success. Email Sent"); } else { MessageBox.Show("Red Tag created, but no Team for job present. No Email sent."); } } //catch (System.Exception ex) // { } catch (DbEntityValidationException dbEx) { foreach (var validationErrors in dbEx.EntityValidationErrors) { foreach (var validationError in validationErrors.ValidationErrors) { Trace.TraceInformation("Property: {0} Error: {1}", validationError.PropertyName, validationError.ErrorMessage); } } } } else { MessageBox.Show("That Job Does not exist. You may have your formatting wrong. In WipView, Jobs are always formatted 'XXXX9999 / 9'. If you have any questions, please contact Jacob Rotary"); } } }