/// <summary> /// Return the extension mask for the given tag. /// </summary> /// <param name="tag_I"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static UInt32 GetExtensionMask(EWTXExtensionTag tag_I) { UInt32 extMask = 0; IntPtr buf = WMemUtils.AllocUnmanagedBuf(extMask); try { UInt32 extIndex = FindWTXExtensionIndex(tag_I); // Supported if extIndex != -1 if (extIndex != 0xffffffff) { int size = (int)WNativeMethods.WTInfo( (uint)EWTICategoryIndex.WTI_EXTENSIONS + extIndex, (uint)EWTIExtensionIndex.EXT_MASK, buf); extMask = WMemUtils.MarshalUnmanagedBuf <UInt32>(buf, size); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("FAILED GetExtensionMask: " + ex.ToString()); } WMemUtils.FreeUnmanagedBuf(buf); return(extMask); }
/// <summary> /// Returns extension index for given tag, if possible. /// </summary> /// <param name="tag_I">type of extension being searched for</param> /// <returns></returns> private static UInt32 FindWTXExtensionIndex(EWTXExtensionTag tag_I) { UInt32 thisTag = 0; UInt32 extIndex = 0xffffffff; IntPtr buf = WMemUtils.AllocUnmanagedBuf(thisTag); for (Int32 loopIdx = 0, size = -1; size != 0; loopIdx++) { size = (int)WNativeMethods.WTInfo( (uint)EWTICategoryIndex.WTI_EXTENSIONS + (UInt32)loopIdx, (uint)EWTIExtensionIndex.EXT_TAG, buf); if (size > 0) { thisTag = WMemUtils.MarshalUnmanagedBuf <UInt32>(buf, size); if ((EWTXExtensionTag)thisTag == tag_I) { extIndex = (UInt32)loopIdx; break; } } } WMemUtils.FreeUnmanagedBuf(buf); return(extIndex); }
/// <summary> /// Marshal unmanaged data packets into managed WintabPacket data. /// </summary> /// <param name="numPkts_I">number of packets to marshal</param> /// <param name="buf_I">pointer to unmanaged heap memory containing data packets</param> /// <returns></returns> public static WintabPacket[] MarshalDataPackets(UInt32 numPkts_I, IntPtr buf_I) { WintabPacket[] packets = new WintabPacket[numPkts_I]; if (numPkts_I == 0 || buf_I == IntPtr.Zero) { return(null); } // Marshal each WintabPacket in the array separately. // This is "necessary" because none of the other ways I tried to marshal // seemed to work. It's ugly, but it works. int pktSize = Marshal.SizeOf(new WintabPacket()); Byte[] byteArray = new Byte[numPkts_I * pktSize]; Marshal.Copy(buf_I, byteArray, 0, (int)numPkts_I * pktSize); Byte[] byteArray2 = new Byte[pktSize]; for (int pktsIdx = 0; pktsIdx < numPkts_I; pktsIdx++) { for (int idx = 0; idx < pktSize; idx++) { byteArray2[idx] = byteArray[(pktsIdx * pktSize) + idx]; } IntPtr tmp = WMemUtils.AllocUnmanagedBuf(pktSize); Marshal.Copy(byteArray2, 0, tmp, pktSize); packets[pktsIdx] = WMemUtils.MarshalUnmanagedBuf <WintabPacket>(tmp, pktSize); } return(packets); }
/// <summary> /// Returns a string containing the name of the selected stylus. /// </summary> /// <param name="index_I">indicates stylus type</param> /// <returns></returns> public static string GetStylusName(EWTICursorNameIndex index_I) { string stylusName = null; IntPtr buf = WMemUtils.AllocUnmanagedBuf(MAX_STRING_SIZE); try { int size = (int)WNativeMethods.WTInfo( (uint)index_I, (uint)EWTICursorsIndex.CSR_NAME, buf); if (size < 1) { throw new Exception("GetStylusName returned empty string."); } // Strip off final null character before marshalling. stylusName = WMemUtils.MarshalUnmanagedString(buf, size - 1); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("FAILED GetDeviceInfo: " + ex.ToString()); } WMemUtils.FreeUnmanagedBuf(buf); return(stylusName); }
/// <summary> /// Helper function to get digitizing or system default context. /// </summary> /// <param name="contextType_I">Use WTI_DEFCONTEXT for digital context or WTI_DEFSYSCTX for system context</param> /// <returns>Returns the default context or null on error.</returns> private static WContext GetDefaultContext(EWTICategoryIndex contextIndex_I) { WContext context = new WContext(); IntPtr buf = WMemUtils.AllocUnmanagedBuf(context.LogContext); try { int size = (int)WNativeMethods.WTInfo((uint)contextIndex_I, 0, buf); context.LogContext = WMemUtils.MarshalUnmanagedBuf <WintabLogContext>(buf, size); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("FAILED GetDefaultContext: " + ex.ToString()); } WMemUtils.FreeUnmanagedBuf(buf); return(context); }
/// <summary> /// Returns whether a stylus is currently connected to the active cursor. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public static bool IsStylusActive() { bool isStylusActive = false; IntPtr buf = WMemUtils.AllocUnmanagedBuf(isStylusActive); try { int size = (int)WNativeMethods.WTInfo( (uint)EWTICategoryIndex.WTI_INTERFACE, (uint)EWTIInterfaceIndex.IFC_NDEVICES, buf); isStylusActive = WMemUtils.MarshalUnmanagedBuf <bool>(buf, size); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("FAILED GetNumberOfDevices: " + ex.ToString()); } WMemUtils.FreeUnmanagedBuf(buf); return(isStylusActive); }
/// <summary> /// Returns the number of devices connected. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public static UInt32 GetNumberOfDevices() { UInt32 numDevices = 0; IntPtr buf = WMemUtils.AllocUnmanagedBuf(numDevices); try { int size = (int)WNativeMethods.WTInfo( (uint)EWTICategoryIndex.WTI_INTERFACE, (uint)EWTIInterfaceIndex.IFC_NDEVICES, buf); numDevices = WMemUtils.MarshalUnmanagedBuf <UInt32>(buf, size); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("FAILED GetNumberOfDevices: " + ex.ToString()); } WMemUtils.FreeUnmanagedBuf(buf); return(numDevices); }
/// <summary> /// Returns the default device. If this value is -1, then it also known as a "virtual device". /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public static Int32 GetDefaultDeviceIndex() { Int32 devIndex = 0; IntPtr buf = WMemUtils.AllocUnmanagedBuf(devIndex); try { int size = (int)WNativeMethods.WTInfo( (uint)EWTICategoryIndex.WTI_DEFCONTEXT, (uint)EWTIContextIndex.CTX_DEVICE, buf); devIndex = WMemUtils.MarshalUnmanagedBuf <Int32>(buf, size); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("FAILED GetDefaultDeviceIndex: " + ex.ToString()); } WMemUtils.FreeUnmanagedBuf(buf); return(devIndex); }
/// <summary> /// Returns the WintabAxis object for specified device and dimension. /// </summary> /// <param name="devIndex_I">Device index (-1 = virtual device)</param> /// <param name="dim_I">Dimension: AXIS_X, AXIS_Y or AXIS_Z</param> /// <returns></returns> public static WintabAxis GetDeviceAxis(Int32 devIndex_I, EAxisDimension dim_I) { WintabAxis axis = new WintabAxis(); IntPtr buf = WMemUtils.AllocUnmanagedBuf(axis); try { int size = (int)WNativeMethods.WTInfo( (uint)(EWTICategoryIndex.WTI_DEVICES + devIndex_I), (uint)dim_I, buf); // If size == 0, then returns a zeroed struct. axis = WMemUtils.MarshalUnmanagedBuf <WintabAxis>(buf, size); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("FAILED GetDeviceAxis: " + ex.ToString()); } WMemUtils.FreeUnmanagedBuf(buf); return(axis); }
/// <summary> /// Return max normal pressure supported by tablet. /// </summary> /// <param name="getNormalPressure_I">TRUE=> normal pressure; /// FALSE=> tangential pressure (not supported on all tablets)</param> /// <returns>maximum pressure value or zero on error</returns> public static Int32 GetMaxPressure(bool getNormalPressure_I = true) { WintabAxis pressureAxis = new WintabAxis(); IntPtr buf = WMemUtils.AllocUnmanagedBuf(pressureAxis); EWTIDevicesIndex devIdx = (getNormalPressure_I ? EWTIDevicesIndex.DVC_NPRESSURE : EWTIDevicesIndex.DVC_TPRESSURE); try { int size = (int)WNativeMethods.WTInfo( (uint)EWTICategoryIndex.WTI_DEVICES, (uint)devIdx, buf); pressureAxis = WMemUtils.MarshalUnmanagedBuf <WintabAxis>(buf, size); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("FAILED GetMaxPressure: " + ex.ToString()); } WMemUtils.FreeUnmanagedBuf(buf); return(pressureAxis.axMax); }
/// <summary> /// Returns a 3-element array describing the tablet's rotation range and resolution capabilities /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public static WintabAxisArray GetDeviceRotation(out bool rotationSupported_O) { WintabAxisArray axisArray = new WintabAxisArray(); rotationSupported_O = false; IntPtr buf = WMemUtils.AllocUnmanagedBuf(axisArray); try { int size = (int)WNativeMethods.WTInfo( (uint)EWTICategoryIndex.WTI_DEVICES, (uint)EWTIDevicesIndex.DVC_ROTATION, buf); // If size == 0, then returns a zeroed struct. axisArray = WMemUtils.MarshalUnmanagedBuf <WintabAxisArray>(buf, size); rotationSupported_O = (axisArray.array[0].axResolution != 0 && axisArray.array[1].axResolution != 0); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("FAILED GetDeviceRotation: " + ex.ToString()); } WMemUtils.FreeUnmanagedBuf(buf); return(axisArray); }
/// <summary> /// Returns a string containing device name. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public static String GetDeviceInfo() { string devInfo = null; IntPtr buf = WMemUtils.AllocUnmanagedBuf(MAX_STRING_SIZE); try { int size = (int)WNativeMethods.WTInfo( (uint)EWTICategoryIndex.WTI_DEVICES, (uint)EWTIDevicesIndex.DVC_NAME, buf); if (size < 1) { throw new Exception("GetDeviceInfo returned empty string."); } // Strip off final null character before marshalling. devInfo = WMemUtils.MarshalUnmanagedString(buf, size - 1); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("FAILED GetDeviceInfo: " + ex.ToString()); } WMemUtils.FreeUnmanagedBuf(buf); return(devInfo); }
/// <summary> /// Returns an array of Wintab data packets from the packet queue. /// </summary> /// <param name="maxPkts_I">Specifies the maximum number of packets to return.</param> /// <param name="remove_I">If true, returns data packets and removes them from the queue.</param> /// <param name="numPkts_O">Number of packets actually returned.</param> /// <returns>Returns the next maxPkts_I from the list. Note that if remove_I is false, then /// repeated calls will return the same packets. If remove_I is true, then packets will be /// removed and subsequent calls will get different packets (if any).</returns> public WintabPacket[] GetDataPackets(UInt32 maxPkts_I, bool remove_I, ref UInt32 numPkts_O) { WintabPacket[] packets = null; try { CheckForValidHCTX("GetDataPackets"); if (maxPkts_I == 0) { throw new Exception("GetDataPackets - maxPkts_I is zero."); } // Packet array is used whether we're just looking or buying. int size = (int)(maxPkts_I * Marshal.SizeOf(new WintabPacket())); IntPtr buf = WMemUtils.AllocUnmanagedBuf(size); if (remove_I) { // Return data packets and remove packets from queue. numPkts_O = WNativeMethods.WTPacketsGet(m_context.HCtx, maxPkts_I, buf); packets = WMemUtils.MarshalDataPackets(numPkts_O, buf); //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("GetDataPackets: numPkts_O: " + numPkts_O); } else { // Return data packets, but leave on queue. (Peek mode) UInt32 pktIDOldest = 0; UInt32 pktIDNewest = 0; // Get oldest and newest packet identifiers in the queue. These will bound the // packets that are actually returned. if (WNativeMethods.WTQueuePacketsEx(m_context.HCtx, ref pktIDOldest, ref pktIDNewest)) { UInt32 pktIDStart = pktIDOldest; UInt32 pktIDEnd = pktIDNewest; if (pktIDStart == 0) { throw new Exception("WTQueuePacketsEx reports zero start packet identifier"); } if (pktIDEnd == 0) { throw new Exception("WTQueuePacketsEx reports zero end packet identifier"); } // Peek up to the max number of packets specified. UInt32 numFoundPkts = WNativeMethods.WTDataPeek(m_context.HCtx, pktIDStart, pktIDEnd, maxPkts_I, buf, ref numPkts_O); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("GetDataPackets: WTDataPeek - numFoundPkts: " + numFoundPkts + ", numPkts_O: " + numPkts_O); if (numFoundPkts > 0 && numFoundPkts < numPkts_O) { throw new Exception("WTDataPeek reports more packets returned than actually exist in queue."); } packets = WMemUtils.MarshalDataPackets(numPkts_O, buf); } } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("FAILED GetPacketDataRange: " + ex.ToString()); } return(packets); }