public bool checkMoveValid(Level a, int x, int y) { Rectangle GBox = new Rectangle(x, y, BlockTexture.Width, BlockTexture.Height); int temp = 0; for (int z = 0; z <= a.LevelBlocks.Count - 1; z++) { Rectangle rectangleA = a.LevelBlocks[z].BBox; if (GBox.Intersects(rectangleA)) { temp = z; break; } } Rectangle rectangleB = a.LevelBlocks[temp].BBox; if (GBox.Intersects(rectangleB)) { return false; } else { return true; } }
public ProjHandler(SpriteBatch mainSpriteBatch, Camera2D mainCamera, Player mainPlayer, Level currentLevel) { spriteBatch = mainSpriteBatch; cam = mainCamera; player = mainPlayer; level = currentLevel; }
public bool checkMoveValid(Level a, int x, int y) { if (activeProjectiles.Count == 0) { return false; } Rectangle GBox = new Rectangle(); Rectangle rectangleB = new Rectangle(); int temp; foreach(projectile currentProj in activeProjectiles){ GBox = new Rectangle(x, y, currentProj.BlockTexture.Width, currentProj.BlockTexture.Height); temp = 0; for (int z = 0; z <= a.LevelBlocks.Count - 1; z++){ Rectangle rectangleA = a.LevelBlocks[z].BBox; if (GBox.Intersects(rectangleA)) { temp = z; break; } } rectangleB = a.LevelBlocks[temp].BBox; } if (GBox.Intersects(rectangleB)) { return false; } else { return true; } }
public void updatePhysicsMovement(Level lev) { if (!jumping) { if (checkMoveValid(lev, posX, posY + 1 * physcounter)) { posY += 1 * physcounter; physcounter += 1; Falling = true; grounded = false; } else { Falling = false; } }else{ if(checkMoveValid(lev, posX, posY - 1 * jumpCounter)){ posY -= 1 * jumpCounter; jumpCounter--; }else{ jumping = false; } if (!jumping && !Falling) { jumpCounter = 20; grounded = true; } } }
public void updateKeyMovement(KeyboardState a, Level lev, GameTime g) { //NON MOVEMENT(I know. Misleading method name...Sorry) if(a.IsKeyDown(Keys.R)){ if(readyToFire){ playerWeapons.Reload(); } } if(a.IsKeyDown(Keys.Space)){ if (readyToFire) {; readyToFire = false; } } if (a.IsKeyUp(Keys.Space)) { readyToFire = true; //playerWeapons.killActive(); } //END NON MOVMENT //Actual Movement //Legacy Movement /* if (a.IsKeyDown(Keys.Right)) { lookingAngle = new Vector2(10, 0); if (checkMoveValid(lev, posX + movespeed, 0)) { if (checkMoveValid(lev, posX + movespeed, posY)) posX += movespeed; moving = true; } } if (a.IsKeyDown(Keys.Left)) { lookingAngle = new Vector2(-10, 0); if (checkMoveValid(lev, posX - movespeed, posY)) posX -= movespeed; moving = true; } if (a.IsKeyUp(Keys.Right) && a.IsKeyUp(Keys.Left)) { moving = false; } if (a.IsKeyDown(Keys.Up)) { jump(lev); } else { endJump(); } /* if (a.IsKeyDown(Keys.Down)) { if (checkMoveValid(lev, posX, posY + movespeed)) posY += movespeed; } * */ //New Movment MovementTimer += (float)g.ElapsedGameTime.TotalMilliseconds; if (a.IsKeyDown(Keys.Right)) { if (MovementTimer >= MovementInterval) { MovementTimer = 0; currentMovmentModifier.X += 1; } } else if(grounded) { if (MovementTimer >= MovementInterval && currentMovmentModifier.X >= 5) { MovementTimer = 0; currentMovmentModifier.X -= 5; } } if (a.IsKeyDown(Keys.Left)) { moving = true; if (MovementTimer >= MovementInterval) { MovementTimer = 0; currentMovmentModifier.X -= 1; } } else if(grounded) { if (MovementTimer >= MovementInterval && currentMovmentModifier.X <= -5) { MovementTimer = 0; currentMovmentModifier.X += 5; } } if (a.IsKeyUp(Keys.Left) && a.IsKeyUp(Keys.Right) && grounded ) { moving = true; if (currentMovmentModifier.X < 3.5 && currentMovmentModifier.X > -3.5) { currentMovmentModifier.X = 0; } } else if (a.IsKeyUp(Keys.Left) && a.IsKeyUp(Keys.Right) && !grounded) { } currentMovmentModifier.X = MathHelper.Clamp(currentMovmentModifier.X, -20, 20); posX += (int)currentMovmentModifier.X; if (a.IsKeyDown(Keys.Up)) { jump(lev); } }
public void update(GameTime g, KeyboardState a, Level lev) { BBox = new Rectangle(posX, posY, PlayerTexture.Width/9, PlayerTexture.Height); updateKeyMovement(a, lev,g); updatePhysicsMovement(lev); playerWeapons.update(); updateAnimations(g); }
// you Must Ready the ProjHandler; mostly because the ProjHandler will use a spritebatch and has its own check for intersections public void ReadyWeapons(SpriteBatch a,Camera2D b, Level c) { readyToFire = true; playerWeapons = new ProjHandler(a, b, this, c); def = new projectile((float).1, Color.Green, pos, PlayerTexture, 0, 0); playerWeapons.addProjectile(def); }
public void performJump(Level lev) { }
// JUMPING public void jump(Level lev) { if(!Falling) jumping = true; grounded = false; /* int jumpAmount = 3 * jumpCounter; if (!Falling && jumpCounter >= 0 ) { jumping = true; if (checkMoveValid(lev, posX, posY - jumpAmount)) { posY -= jumpAmount; jumpCounter--; } } else if(jumpCounter >= 0) { jumping = false; Falling = true; jumpCounter = 0; } else{ jumping = false; Falling = true; } */ }
public bool checkIfInGameBounds(Level a) { if (BBox.Intersects(a.GameSpace)) { return true; } else { return false; } }