public void Test_Menu_Item_Selected(object sender, int index) { Menu m = (Menu)sender; Game1.MessageBox(new IntPtr(0), m.ItemsList[index], "Menu Item Selected", 0); test_menu.Hide(); }
public void Ok_button_clicked(object sender, FormEventData e) { if (Host_name_textbox.Text.Length > 12) { Game1.MessageBox(new IntPtr(0), "Player Name cannot more than 12 characters", "Player Name Invalid", 0); return; } if (Room_name_textbox.Text.Length > 12) { Game1.MessageBox(new IntPtr(0), "Room Name cannot more than 12 characters", "Room Name Invalid", 0); return; } try { main_game.mRoomScreen.IPAddress = ipTextBox.Text; Player player = new Player(Host_name_textbox.Text, Game1.getLocalIP()); player.Status = true; Room r = new Room(player, Room_name_textbox.Text, int.Parse(Number_of_player_textbox.Text)); ScreenEvent.Invoke(this, new SivEventArgs(4, r)); } catch (Exception ex) { main_game.mRoomScreen.End(new Command()); Game1.MessageBox(new IntPtr(0), ex.Message, "Exception", 0); } }
private void OkClick(object sender, FormEventData e) { int count = CountSelectChar(); if (count < 2) { Game1.MessageBox(new IntPtr(0), "Please select 2 Characters", "Warning!", 0); } else if (count == 2) { string s = ""; List <Character> listTemp = new List <Character>(); for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { if (charSelectBorder[i].Width == 4) { listTemp.Add(characterPlayerList[i]); s += characterPlayerList[i].CharName + "\n"; } } if (listTemp[0].CharType == listTemp[1].CharType) { Game1.MessageBox(new IntPtr(0), "Please select 2 Characters with different type", "Warning!", 0); } else { //Game1.MessageBox(new IntPtr(0), s, "Your Character", 0); if (listTemp[0].CharType == Character.Type.Servant) { room.Player_List[Player_Index].Character1 = listTemp[1]; room.Player_List[Player_Index].Character2 = listTemp[0]; } else { room.Player_List[Player_Index].Character1 = listTemp[0]; room.Player_List[Player_Index].Character2 = listTemp[1]; } //Console.WriteLine(room.Player_List[Player_Index].Character1.CharName // + " " + room.Player_List[Player_Index].Character1.MaxHealth); //Console.WriteLine(room.Player_List[Player_Index].Character2.CharName // + " " + room.Player_List[Player_Index].Character2.MaxHealth); SelectCharacter(); for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { if (charSelectBorder[i].Width == 2) { charSelectBorder[i].Visible = false; characterImage[i].Visible = false; } if (charSelectBorder[i].Width == 4) { characterImage[i].OnClick = null; } } okButton.Visible = false; } } }
private void RequestJoin(Room room) { Command c = new Command(CommandCode.Can_I_Join); byte[] data = c.Serialize(); try { tcpClient = new TcpClient(room.Player_List[room.owner_index].Address, 51002); networkStream = tcpClient.GetStream(); networkStream.Write(data, 0, data.Length); Byte[] bytes = new Byte[1024 * 16]; DateTime dt = DateTime.Now; while (true) { int i; while ((i = networkStream.Read(bytes, 0, bytes.Length)) != 0) { Command c2 = new Command(bytes); if (c2.Command_Code == CommandCode.OK_to_Join) { tcpClient.Close(); Player player = new Player(playerName.Text, Game1.getLocalIP()); room.Player_List.Add(player); ScreenEvent.Invoke(this, new SivEventArgs(4, room)); return; } else if (c2.Command_Code == CommandCode.Cant_Join_Room_Full) { tcpClient.Close(); Game1.MessageBox(new IntPtr(0), "Can't join, the room is full.", "Can not Join", 0); return; } } if ((DateTime.Now - dt) > new TimeSpan(0, 0, 3)) { tcpClient.Close(); Game1.MessageBox(new IntPtr(0), "Host is not responding", "Can not Join", 0); return; } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); Game1.MessageBox(new IntPtr(0), ex.Message, "Can not Join", 0); } }
private void Start_button_clicked(object sender, FormEventData e) { bool isAllReady = true; foreach (Player p in room.Player_List) { if (!p.Status) { isAllReady = false; break; } } if (isAllReady) { try { int Player_Index = room.findByID(Player_ID); Command c = new Command(CommandCode.Start_Game, room); byte[] data2 = c.Serialize(); for (int i = 0; i < tcpServerClient.Count; i++) { try { if (i == Player_Index) { continue; } tcpServerClient[i].GetStream().Write(data2, 0, data2.Length); } catch { } } } catch { } ScreenEvent.Invoke(this, new SivEventArgs(1)); } else { Game1.MessageBox(new IntPtr(0), "All Players in this room are not ready!", "Warning!", 0); } }
private void ClientReceiver() { Byte[] bytes = new Byte[1024 * 16]; while (receiverRun) { if (StoppedTcp) { break; } else if (receiveTcp.Pending()) { try { LastReceiveTimeFromHost = DateTime.Now; TcpClient client = receiveTcp.AcceptTcpClient(); NetworkStream stream = client.GetStream(); int i; while ((i = stream.Read(bytes, 0, bytes.Length)) != 0) { if (!connect_to_host) { client.Close(); break; } /*BinaryFormatter bin = new BinaryFormatter(); * MemoryStream mem = new MemoryStream(bytes);*/ Command c = new Command(bytes); if (c.Command_Code == CommandCode.Standby) { //do nothing } //else if (c.Command_Code == CommandCode.Chat_Message) //{ // chatDisplayTextbox.Text += c.Message; //} else if (c.Command_Code == CommandCode.Update_Room) { = (Room)c.Data1; UpdateRoom(); } else if (c.Command_Code == CommandCode.Start_Game) { room = (Room)c.Data1; ScreenEvent.Invoke(this, new SivEventArgs(1)); } else if (c.Command_Code == CommandCode.Character_Distribute) { characterPlayerList = (List <Character>)c.Data1; UpdateSelectImageList(); } } } catch { ScreenEvent.Invoke(this, new SivEventArgs(0)); Game1.MessageBox(new IntPtr(0), "Connection Error!", "Connection Error!", 0); } } else if ((DateTime.Now - LastReceiveTimeFromHost) > new TimeSpan(0, 0, 5)) { try { Command c = new Command(CommandCode.Check_Connect); c.SendData(room.Player_List[room.owner_index].Address, 51002); } catch { Game1.MessageBox(new IntPtr(0), "Disconected from host", "Disconnected", 0); ScreenEvent.Invoke(this, new SivEventArgs(0)); } } } }