private void Check_Out_Stock_Item_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { int id = Globals.MStockpassing; Stock_Item itemEdited = db.Stock_Item.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Stock_ID == id); Stock_Price priceEdit = db.Stock_Price.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Stock_Price_ID == id); Stock_Type stockType = db.Stock_Type.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Stock_Type_ID == itemEdited.Stock_Type_ID); txtStockItemID.Text = Convert.ToString(itemEdited.Stock_ID); txtStockItemNamee.Text = itemEdited.Stock_Item_Name; var customers = from p in db.Check_Out_Line select new { CheckInLineID = p.Check_Out_Line_ID, StockItemName = p.Stock_Item_Name, Quantity = p.Quaantity, CheckOutID = p.Check_Out_ID, StockItemID = p.Stock_ID, }; dgvCheckOut.DataSource = customers.ToList(); dgvCheckOut.ClearSelection(); txtStockItemID.Enabled = false; txtStockItemNamee.Enabled = false; }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string phrase = txtStockQuantity.Text; double number; bool isNumeric = double.TryParse(phrase, out number); if (isNumeric == true) { if ((phrase.Length < 9) && Convert.ToInt32(txtStockQuantity.Text) > 0) { int id = Globals.MStockpassing; Stock_Item itemEdited = db.Stock_Item.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Stock_ID == id); itemEdited.Stock_Item_Quantity = itemEdited.Stock_Item_Quantity + Convert.ToInt32(txtStockQuantity.Text); db.SaveChanges(); MessageBox.Show("Stock item checked out successfully,quantity: +" + txtStockQuantity.Text); Globals.refresher = true; this.Close(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Error:Quantity less than 1 or too large"); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Error: Value entered is not in correct format(not numeric)"); } }
public void stock(int index) { stockID = index; Stock_Item i = db.Stock_Item.Where(x => x.Stock_ID == stockID).FirstOrDefault(); txtSelectStock.Text = i.Stock_Item_Name; }
private void btnCheckIn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string phrase = txtStockQuantity.Text; double number; bool isNumeric = double.TryParse(phrase, out number); if (isNumeric == true) { int id = Globals.MStockpassing; Stock_Item itemEdited = db.Stock_Item.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Stock_ID == id); Check_In checkitem = new Check_In(); Check_In_Line checkitemline = new Check_In_Line(); if ((phrase.Length < 9) && (Convert.ToInt32(txtStockQuantity.Text) <= itemEdited.Stock_Item_Quantity) && (Convert.ToInt32(txtStockQuantity.Text) > 0)) { itemEdited.Stock_Item_Quantity = itemEdited.Stock_Item_Quantity - Convert.ToInt32(txtStockQuantity.Text); checkitem.Stock_Item_Name = itemEdited.Stock_Item_Name; checkitem.Check_In_Date = DateTime.Today; checkitemline.Check_In_ID = checkitem.Check_In_ID; checkitemline.Stock_ID = itemEdited.Stock_ID; checkitemline.Quantity = Convert.ToInt32(txtStockQuantity.Text); checkitemline.Stock_Item_Name = itemEdited.Stock_Item_Name; db.Check_In_Line.Add(checkitemline); db.Check_In.Add(checkitem); db.SaveChanges(); int id2 = Globals.LogedUser; Employee emp = db.Employees.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Employee_ID == id2); Audit ad = new Audit(); ad.Audit_Name = emp.Employee_Name; ad.Audit_Table = "Stock_Item"; ad.Audit_Description = "Item_CheckIn"; ad.User_ID = Globals.LogedUser; ad.transactionNumber = checkitem.Check_In_ID; ad.auditDate = DateTime.Now; db.Audits.Add(ad); db.SaveChanges(); MessageBox.Show("Stock item checked in successfully,quantity: -" + txtStockQuantity.Text); Globals.refresher = true; this.Close(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Error:Quantity exceeds stock items available/Quantity less than 1 or too large"); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Error: Value entered is not in correct format(not numeric)"); } }
private void button1_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e) { string phrase = txtStockQuantity.Text; double number; bool isNumeric = double.TryParse(phrase, out number); if (isNumeric == true) { if ((phrase.Length < 9) && Convert.ToInt32(txtStockQuantity.Text) > 0) { int id = Globals.MStockpassing; Stock_Item itemEdited = db.Stock_Item.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Stock_ID == id); Check_Out itemout = new Check_Out(); Check_Out_Line outline = new Check_Out_Line(); itemout.Stock_Item_Name = itemEdited.Stock_Item_Name; itemout.Check_Out_Date = DateTime.Today; outline.Stock_ID = itemEdited.Stock_ID; outline.Check_Out_ID = itemout.Check_Out_ID; outline.Quaantity = Convert.ToInt32(txtStockQuantity.Text); outline.Stock_Item_Name = itemEdited.Stock_Item_Name; itemEdited.Stock_Item_Quantity = itemEdited.Stock_Item_Quantity + Convert.ToInt32(txtStockQuantity.Text); db.Check_Out.Add(itemout); db.Check_Out_Line.Add(outline); db.SaveChanges(); int id2 = Globals.LogedUser; Employee emp = db.Employees.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Employee_ID == id2); Audit ad = new Audit(); ad.Audit_Name = emp.Employee_Name; ad.Audit_Table = "Check_Out"; ad.Audit_Description = "Item_CheckOut"; ad.User_ID = Globals.LogedUser; ad.transactionNumber = itemout.Check_Out_ID; ad.auditDate = DateTime.Now; db.Audits.Add(ad); db.SaveChanges(); MessageBox.Show("Stock item checked out successfully,quantity: +" + txtStockQuantity.Text); Globals.refresher = true; this.Close(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Error:Quantity less than 1 or too large"); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Error: Value entered is not in correct format(not numeric)"); } }
private void button4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int id = Globals.MStockpassing; Stock_Item itemEdited = db.Stock_Item.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Stock_ID == id); db.Stock_Item.Remove(itemEdited); db.SaveChanges(); MessageBox.Show("Stock item deleted successfully"); Globals.refresher = true; this.Close(); }
private void Maintain_Stock_Item_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { int id = Globals.MStockpassing; Stock_Item itemEdited = db.Stock_Item.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Stock_ID == id); Stock_Price priceEdit = db.Stock_Price.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Stock_Price_ID == id); Stock_Type stockType = db.Stock_Type.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Stock_Type_ID == itemEdited.Stock_Type_ID); txtStockItemNameMaint.Text = itemEdited.Stock_Item_Name; txtStockItemDescriptionMaint.Text = itemEdited.Stock_Item_Description; txtCostPrice.Text = Convert.ToString(priceEdit.Stock_Price1); cmbSTypeMaint.Text = stockType.Stock_Type_Description; }
private void Take_Stock_Item_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { int id = Globals.MStockpassing; Stock_Item itemEdited = db.Stock_Item.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Stock_ID == id); Stock_Price priceEdit = db.Stock_Price.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Stock_Price_ID == id); Stock_Type stockType = db.Stock_Type.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Stock_Type_ID == itemEdited.Stock_Type_ID); txtStockItemID.Text = Convert.ToString(itemEdited.Stock_ID); txtStockItemNamee.Text = itemEdited.Stock_Item_Name; txtStockItemID.Enabled = false; txtStockItemNamee.Enabled = false; }
public void SendEmail() { Supplier s = db.Suppliers.Where(x => x.Supplier_ID == supplierID).FirstOrDefault(); Supplier_Contact_Details sc = db.Supplier_Contact_Details.Where(x => x.Supplier_Contact_ID == s.Supplier_ID).FirstOrDefault(); Stock_Item st = db.Stock_Item.Where(x => x.Stock_ID == stockID).FirstOrDefault(); Stock_Order_Line so = db.Stock_Order_Line.Where(x => x.Stock_Order_Line_ID == stockID).FirstOrDefault(); try { SmtpClient client = new SmtpClient("", 587); MailMessage message = new MailMessage(); string myEmail = "*****@*****.**"; string pswd = "@mulaudzi"; message.From = new MailAddress(myEmail); message.Subject = "Placing an order"; foreach (var order in Globals.StockOrders) { message.Body = "Dear " + s.Supplier_Name + "\nWe are very interested in making an order for the following item:\n\n" + order.StockItemName + " Quantity: " + order.sOrderQuantity + "\n\nWe look forward to your reply \n\nKind Regards Mr Mafokwane (Manager)"; } //message.Body = "Dear \n"+s.Supplier_Name+"\nWe are very interested in making an order for the following item: \n"+ // st.Stock_Item_Name +" Quantity"+ so.Stock_Order_Quantity + // "\n\nWe look forward to your reply \n\nKind Regards Mr Mafokwane (Manager)"; //message.To.Add(sc.Supplier_Email_Adress); message.To.Add(sc.Supplier_Email_Adress); client.UseDefaultCredentials = false; client.EnableSsl = true; client.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(myEmail, pswd); client.Send(message); message = null; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Error " + ex); } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string phrase = txtCostPrice.Text; double number; bool isNumeric = double.TryParse(phrase, out number); if ((phrase.Length < 9) && isNumeric == true) { int id = Globals.MStockpassing; Stock_Item itemEdited = db.Stock_Item.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Stock_ID == id); Stock_Price priceEdit = db.Stock_Price.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Stock_Price_ID == id); itemEdited.Stock_Item_Name = txtStockItemNameMaint.Text; itemEdited.Stock_Item_Description = txtStockItemDescriptionMaint.Text; priceEdit.Stock_Price1 = Convert.ToDouble(txtCostPrice.Text); if (cmbSTypeMaint.Text == "Ingredient") { Stock_Type idTracker = db.Stock_Type.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Stock_Type_Description == "Ingredient"); itemEdited.Stock_Type_ID = idTracker.Stock_Type_ID; } else if (cmbSTypeMaint.Text == "Product") { Stock_Type idTracker = db.Stock_Type.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Stock_Type_Description == "Product"); itemEdited.Stock_Type_ID = idTracker.Stock_Type_ID; } db.SaveChanges(); MessageBox.Show("Stock item updated successfully"); Globals.refresher = true; this.Close(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Error: Price value entered is not in correct format or value too large"); } }
private void btnRetrieve_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string phrase = txtOrderNo.Text; double number; bool isNumeric = double.TryParse(phrase, out number); if ((phrase.Length < 9) && (isNumeric == true)) { if (Convert.ToInt32(txtOrderNo.Text) > -1) { listBox1.Items.Clear(); int orderNo = Convert.ToInt32(txtOrderNo.Text); Company_Information inf = db.Company_Information.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Company_Info_ID == 1); var combos = from obj in db.DeliveryLines where (obj.orderId == orderNo) && (obj.comboItemId != null) select new { itemId = obj.comboItemId, itemQuantity = obj.comboItemQuantity }; foreach (var item in combos) { var comboId = item.itemId; Combo comb = db.Comboes.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Combo_ID == comboId); string itemAdd = "ItemName:: " + comb.Combo_Name + " Price: " + comb.Combo_Price + " Quantity: " + Convert.ToString(item.itemQuantity); Globals.vatAmountDelivery = Globals.vatAmountDelivery + comb.Combo_Price * inf.VAT_Percentage; listBox1.Items.Add(itemAdd); } var menus = from obj in db.DeliveryLines where (obj.orderId == orderNo) && (obj.menuItemId != null) select new { itemId = obj.menuItemId, itemQuantity = obj.menuItemQuantity }; foreach (var item in menus) { var Menu_Item_ID = item.itemId; Menu_Item comb = db.Menu_Item.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Menu_Item_ID == Menu_Item_ID); string itemAdd = "ItemName:: " + comb.Menu_Item_Name + " Price:: " + comb.Menu_Item_Price + " Quantity: " + Convert.ToString(item.itemQuantity); Globals.vatAmountDelivery = Globals.vatAmountDelivery + comb.Menu_Item_Price * inf.VAT_Percentage; listBox1.Items.Add(itemAdd); } var stocks = from obj in db.DeliveryLines where (obj.orderId == orderNo) && (obj.stockItemId != null) select new { itemId = obj.stockItemId, itemQuantity = obj.stockItemQuantity }; foreach (var item in stocks) { var Stock_ID = item.itemId; Stock_Item comb = db.Stock_Item.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Stock_ID == Stock_ID); string itemAdd = "ItemName:: " + comb.Stock_Item_Name + " Price: " + comb.Stock_Price + " Quantity: " + Convert.ToString(item.itemQuantity); Stock_Price pric = db.Stock_Price.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Stock_Price_ID == Stock_ID); Globals.vatAmountDelivery = Globals.vatAmountDelivery + pric.Stock_Price1 * inf.VAT_Percentage; listBox1.Items.Add(itemAdd); } if (listBox1.Items.Count != 0) { btnPay.Visible = true; } } else { MessageBox.Show("Error: Item 'ID' can't be less than one"); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Error: Item 'ID' not numeric,please anter a numeric value(integer)"); } }
private void button6_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string phrase = txtShelfId.Text; double number; bool isNumeric = double.TryParse(phrase, out number); if ((phrase.Length < 9) && (isNumeric == true)) { if (Convert.ToInt32(txtShelfId.Text) > -1) { if (numericUpDown1.Text != "0") { Globals shelf = new Globals(); int id = Convert.ToInt32(txtShelfId.Text); Stock_Item item = db.Stock_Item.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Stock_ID == id); Stock_Price price = db.Stock_Price.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Stock_Price_ID == id); if ((item != null) && (price != null) && (item.Stock_Type_ID != 2)) { shelf.OrderItemId = id; shelf.OrderItemName = item.Stock_Item_Name; shelf.OrderItemDescription = item.Stock_Item_Description; shelf.ItemType = item.Stock_Type_ID.ToString(); shelf.OrderItemPrice = price.Stock_Price1; shelf.OrderQuantity = Convert.ToInt32(numericUpDown1.Text); Globals.StockItems.Add(shelf); Globals.AmountDue = Globals.AmountDue + shelf.OrderItemPrice * shelf.OrderQuantity; lblAmountDue.Text = Convert.ToString(Globals.AmountDue); } else { MessageBox.Show("Item not found"); return; } List <Globals> something = new List <Globals>(); something = Globals.StockItems; var items = from obj in something // where obj.ItemType == "2" select new { Id = obj.OrderItemId, Name = obj.OrderItemName, Description = obj.OrderItemDescription, ItemQuantity = obj.OrderQuantity, ItemPrice = obj.OrderItemPrice }; dgvShelfItemz.DataSource = items.ToList(); dgvShelfItemz.ClearSelection(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Error:Quantity cant be zero"); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Error: Item 'ID' can't be less than one"); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Error: Item 'ID' not numeric,please anter a numeric value(integer)"); } }
private void button7_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //string phrase = txtCash.Text; //double number; //bool isNumeric = double.TryParse(phrase, out number); //if ((phrase.Length < 9) && (isNumeric == true)) //{ // if (Convert.ToInt32(txtCash.Text) > -1) // { //int contact = Convert.ToInt32(txtContact.Text); Customer_Order order = new Customer_Order(); //Object Declaration---------------------------------// try { Company_Information inf = db.Company_Information.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Company_Info_ID == 1); double VatAmount = 0; if (Globals.ComboItems.Count != 0) { foreach (var item in Globals.ComboItems) { VatAmount = VatAmount + item.OrderItemPrice * inf.VAT_Percentage; } } if (Globals.ComboItems.Count != 0) { foreach (var item in Globals.MenuItems) { VatAmount = VatAmount + item.OrderItemPrice * inf.VAT_Percentage; } } if (Globals.StockItems.Count != 0) { foreach (var item in Globals.StockItems) { VatAmount = VatAmount + item.OrderItemPrice * inf.VAT_Percentage; } } //-----------------------------------------------------// VatAmount = Math.Round(VatAmount, 2); //Order Details insert------------------------------------// order.Order_Status = "N"; order.Order_Date = DateTime.Now; order.Sale_Vat_Amount = VatAmount; order.Payment_ID = Globals.SalesPaymentID; order.Delivery_Status_ID = 2; order.OrderNotes = richTextBox1.Text; order.OrderTotal = Globals.AmountDue; order.TotalItems = Globals.ComboItems.Count + Globals.MenuItems.Count + Globals.StockItems.Count; order.Cash = Convert.ToDouble(txtCash.Text); order.Change = Convert.ToDouble(txtCash.Text) - Globals.AmountDue; //order.Customer_ID = cust.Customer_ID; //---------------------------------------------------------// db.Customer_Order.Add(order); db.SaveChanges(); } catch (Exception i) { MessageBox.Show(Convert.ToString(i)); } for (int i = 0; i < Globals.ComboItems.Count; i++) { Customer_Order_Line orderLine = new Customer_Order_Line(); orderLine.Customer_Order_ID = order.Order_ID; orderLine.Combo_Quantity = Globals.ComboItems[i].OrderQuantity; orderLine.Combo_ID = Globals.ComboItems[i].OrderItemId; db.Customer_Order_Line.Add(orderLine); db.SaveChanges(); } for (int i = 0; i < Globals.StockItems.Count; i++) { Customer_Order_Line orderLine = new Customer_Order_Line(); orderLine.Customer_Order_ID = order.Order_ID; orderLine.Stock_Item_Quantity = Globals.StockItems[i].OrderQuantity; orderLine.Stock_ID = Globals.StockItems[i].OrderItemId; int id = Globals.StockItems[i].OrderItemId; Stock_Item stc = db.Stock_Item.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Stock_ID == id); stc.Stock_Item_Quantity = stc.Stock_Item_Quantity - Globals.StockItems[i].OrderQuantity; db.Customer_Order_Line.Add(orderLine); db.SaveChanges(); } for (int i = 0; i < Globals.MenuItems.Count; i++) { Customer_Order_Line orderLine = new Customer_Order_Line(); orderLine.Customer_Order_ID = order.Order_ID; orderLine.Menu_Item_Quantity = Globals.MenuItems[i].OrderQuantity; orderLine.Menu_Item_ID = Globals.MenuItems[i].OrderItemId; db.Customer_Order_Line.Add(orderLine); db.SaveChanges(); } Globals.ComboItems.Clear(); Globals.MenuItems.Clear(); Globals.StockItems.Clear(); Globals.refresher = true; Globals.AmountDue = 0; this.Close(); int id2 = Globals.LogedUser; Employee emp = db.Employees.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Employee_ID == id2); Audit ad = new Audit(); ad.Audit_Name = emp.Employee_Name; ad.Audit_Table = "Customer_Order"; ad.Audit_Description = "Order Processing"; ad.User_ID = Globals.LogedUser; ad.transactionNumber = order.Order_ID; ad.auditDate = DateTime.Now; db.Audits.Add(ad); db.SaveChanges(); MessageBox.Show("Order created successfully with order number: " + order.Order_ID.ToString()); btnEatIn.Visible = false; }
private void dgvAuditList_CellClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e) { dgvAuditDetails.DataSource = null; dgvAuditDetails.Rows.Clear(); int rowindex = dgvAuditList.CurrentCell.RowIndex; dynamic value = dgvAuditList.Rows[rowindex].Cells[0].Value; if (value != null) { int v = value; Audit t = db.Audits.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Audit_ID == v); if (t.Audit_Description == "Order Processing") { var Menus = from obj in db.Customer_Order_Line join obj2 in db.Customer_Order on obj.Customer_Order_ID equals obj2.Order_ID where (obj.Menu_Item_ID != null && obj2.Order_ID == t.transactionNumber) select new { Id = obj.Menu_Item_ID, Quantity1 = obj.Menu_Item_Quantity }; var Combos = from obj in db.Customer_Order_Line join obj2 in db.Customer_Order on obj.Customer_Order_ID equals obj2.Order_ID where (obj.Combo_ID != null && obj2.Order_ID == t.transactionNumber) select new { Id = obj.Combo_ID, Quantity1 = obj.Combo_Quantity }; var Stocks = from obj in db.Customer_Order_Line join obj2 in db.Customer_Order on obj.Customer_Order_ID equals obj2.Order_ID where (obj.Stock_ID != null && obj2.Order_ID == t.transactionNumber) select new { Id = obj.Stock_ID, Quantity1 = obj.Stock_Item_Quantity }; foreach (var i in Menus) { Menu_Item m = db.Menu_Item.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Menu_Item_ID == i.Id); this.dgvAuditDetails.Rows.Add(m.Menu_Item_Name, i.Quantity1); } foreach (var i in Combos) { Combo m = db.Comboes.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Combo_ID == i.Id); this.dgvAuditDetails.Rows.Add(m.Combo_Name, i.Quantity1); } foreach (var i in Stocks) { Stock_Item m = db.Stock_Item.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Stock_ID == i.Id); this.dgvAuditDetails.Rows.Add(m.Stock_Item_Name, i.Quantity1); } } else if (t.Audit_Description == "Order Saving") { var Menus = from obj in db.DeliveryLines join obj2 in db.DeliveryTables on obj.orderId equals obj2.OrderId where (obj.menuItemId != null && obj2.OrderId == t.transactionNumber) select new { Id = obj.menuItemId, Quantity1 = obj.menuItemQuantity }; var Combos = from obj in db.DeliveryLines join obj2 in db.DeliveryTables on obj.orderId equals obj2.OrderId where (obj.comboItemId != null && obj2.OrderId == t.transactionNumber) select new { Id = obj.comboItemId, Quantity1 = obj.comboItemQuantity }; var Stocks = from obj in db.DeliveryLines join obj2 in db.DeliveryTables on obj.orderId equals obj2.OrderId where (obj.stockItemId != null && obj2.OrderId == t.transactionNumber) select new { Id = obj.stockItemId, Quantity1 = obj.stockItemQuantity }; foreach (var i in Menus) { Menu_Item m = db.Menu_Item.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Menu_Item_ID == i.Id); this.dgvAuditDetails.Rows.Add(m.Menu_Item_Name, i.Quantity1); } foreach (var i in Combos) { Combo m = db.Comboes.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Combo_ID == i.Id); this.dgvAuditDetails.Rows.Add(m.Combo_Name, i.Quantity1); } foreach (var i in Stocks) { Stock_Item m = db.Stock_Item.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Stock_ID == i.Id); this.dgvAuditDetails.Rows.Add(m.Stock_Item_Name, i.Quantity1); } } else if (t.Audit_Description == "Stock_Item_Write_Off") { Stock_WriteOff_Line w = db.Stock_WriteOff_Line.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Stock_WriteOff_LineID == t.transactionNumber); Stock_Item s = db.Stock_Item.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Stock_ID == w.Stock_ID); this.dgvAuditDetails.Rows.Add(s.Stock_Item_Name, w.Quantity); } else if (t.Audit_Description == "Item_CheckIn") { Check_In_Line w = db.Check_In_Line.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Check_In_Line_ID == t.transactionNumber); Stock_Item s = db.Stock_Item.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Stock_ID == w.Stock_ID); this.dgvAuditDetails.Rows.Add(s.Stock_Item_Name, w.Quantity); } else if (t.Audit_Description == "Item_CheckOut") { Check_Out_Line w = db.Check_Out_Line.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Check_Out_ID == t.transactionNumber); Stock_Item s = db.Stock_Item.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Stock_ID == w.Stock_ID); this.dgvAuditDetails.Rows.Add(s.Stock_Item_Name, w.Quaantity); } } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string phrase = txtStockItemPrice.Text; double number; bool isNumeric = double.TryParse(phrase, out number); if ((phrase.Length < 9) && isNumeric == true) { if (cmbStockItemType.Text == "Ingredient") { Stock_Price newPrice = new Stock_Price(); newPrice.Stock_Price1 = Convert.ToDouble(txtStockItemPrice.Text); db.Stock_Price.Add(newPrice); newPrice.Stock_Price1 = Convert.ToDouble(txtStockItemPrice.Text); db.Stock_Price.Add(newPrice); Stock_Item newItem = new Stock_Item(); Stock_Type idTracker = db.Stock_Type.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Stock_Type_Description == "Ingredient"); newItem.Stock_Item_Name = txtStockItemnName.Text; newItem.Stock_Item_Description = txtStockItemDescription.Text; newItem.Stock_Item_Quantity = 0; newItem.Stock_Type_ID = idTracker.Stock_Type_ID; newItem.Stock_Price_ID = newPrice.Stock_Price_ID; db.Stock_Item.Add(newItem); db.SaveChanges(); MessageBox.Show("Stock item added successfully"); Globals.refresher = true; txtStockItemnName.Text = ""; txtStockItemDescription.Text = ""; txtStockItemPrice.Text = ""; cmbStockItemType.Text = ""; } if ((phrase.Length < 9) && cmbStockItemType.Text == "Product") { Stock_Price newPrice = new Stock_Price(); newPrice.Stock_Price1 = Convert.ToDouble(txtStockItemPrice.Text); db.Stock_Price.Add(newPrice); newPrice.Stock_Price1 = Convert.ToDouble(txtStockItemPrice.Text); db.Stock_Price.Add(newPrice); Stock_Item newItem = new Stock_Item(); Stock_Type idTracker = db.Stock_Type.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Stock_Type_Description == "Product"); newItem.Stock_Item_Name = txtStockItemnName.Text; newItem.Stock_Item_Description = txtStockItemDescription.Text; newItem.Stock_Item_Quantity = 0; newItem.Stock_Type_ID = idTracker.Stock_Type_ID; newItem.Stock_Price_ID = newPrice.Stock_Price_ID; db.Stock_Item.Add(newItem); db.SaveChanges(); MessageBox.Show("Stock item added successfully"); Globals.refresher = true; txtStockItemnName.Text = ""; txtStockItemDescription.Text = ""; txtStockItemPrice.Text = ""; cmbStockItemType.Text = ""; } } else { MessageBox.Show("Error: Price value entered is not in correct format or too large"); } }
private void button1_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e) { string phrase = txtStockQuantity.Text; double number; bool isNumeric = double.TryParse(phrase, out number); if (isNumeric == true) { int id = Globals.MStockpassing; Stock_Item itemEdited = db.Stock_Item.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Stock_ID == id); Stock_Write_Off writeoff = new Stock_Write_Off(); Stock_WriteOff_Line writeline = new Stock_WriteOff_Line(); if ((phrase.Length < 9) && (Convert.ToInt32(txtStockQuantity.Text) <= itemEdited.Stock_Item_Quantity) && Convert.ToInt32(txtStockQuantity.Text) > 0) { itemEdited.Stock_Item_Quantity = itemEdited.Stock_Item_Quantity - Convert.ToInt32(txtStockQuantity.Text); writeoff.WriteOff_Stock_Name = itemEdited.Stock_Item_Name; writeoff.WriteOff_Reason = txtReason.Text; writeoff.Stock_WriteOff_Quantity = Convert.ToInt32(txtStockQuantity.Text); writeoff.WriteOffDate = DateTime.Now; writeline.Stock_ID = itemEdited.Stock_ID; writeline.Write_Off_ID = writeoff.Write_Off_ID; writeline.Quantity = Convert.ToInt32(txtStockQuantity.Text); writeline.Stock_Item_Name = itemEdited.Stock_Item_Name; db.Stock_Write_Off.Add(writeoff); db.Stock_WriteOff_Line.Add(writeline); db.SaveChanges(); int id2 = Globals.LogedUser; Employee emp = db.Employees.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Employee_ID == id2); Audit ad = new Audit(); ad.Audit_Name = emp.Employee_Name; ad.Audit_Table = "Stock_Write_Off"; ad.Audit_Description = "Stock_Item_Write_Off"; ad.User_ID = Globals.LogedUser; ad.transactionNumber = writeoff.Write_Off_ID; ad.auditDate = DateTime.Now; db.Audits.Add(ad); db.SaveChanges(); MessageBox.Show("Stock item writen off successfully,quantity: -" + txtStockQuantity.Text); Globals.refresher = true; this.Close(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Error:Quantity exceeds available stock items/Quantity less than 1 or too large"); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Error: Value entered is not in correct format(not numeric)"); } }
void myMenu_ItemClicked(object sender, ToolStripItemClickedEventArgs e) { if (navButton == btnMenu) { if (e.ClickedItem.Name.ToString() == "Deleted") {; if (dgvSupplier.Rows.Count != 0) { int id = Globals.MenuCombopassing; Menu_Item deieteItem = db.Menu_Item.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Menu_Item_ID == id); if (deieteItem != null) { db.Menu_Item.Remove(deieteItem); db.SaveChanges(); MessageBox.Show("Stock item(" + deieteItem.Menu_Item_Name + ") deleted successfully"); } else { MessageBox.Show("Error:Stock item does not exist/No stock item selected,select a stock item"); } } } else if (e.ClickedItem.Name.ToString() == "View") {; int id = Globals.MenuCombopassing; Menu_Item item = db.Menu_Item.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Menu_Item_ID == id); if (item != null) { frmMaintainMenuItem form = new frmMaintainMenuItem(); form.ShowDialog(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Error:Stock item does not exist/No stock item selected,select a stock item"); } } } //Suppliers Right Cick Event handlers if (navButton == btnEmployees) { if (e.ClickedItem.Name.ToString() == "Deleted") {; if (dgvSupplier.Rows.Count != 0) { int id = Globals.Employeepassing; Employee deieteItem = db.Employees.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Employee_ID == id); if (deieteItem != null) { db.Employees.Remove(deieteItem); db.SaveChanges(); MessageBox.Show("Stock item(" + deieteItem.Employee_Name + ") deleted successfully"); } else { MessageBox.Show("Error:Stock item does not exist/No stock item selected,select a stock item"); } } } else if (e.ClickedItem.Name.ToString() == "View") {; int id = Globals.Employeepassing; Employee item = db.Employees.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Employee_ID == id); if (item != null) { Maintain_Employee form = new Maintain_Employee(); form.ShowDialog(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Error:Stock item does not exist/No stock item selected,select a stock item"); } } } //Suppliers Right click Handlers if (navButton == btnSuppliers11) { if (e.ClickedItem.Name.ToString() == "Deleted") {; if (dgvSupplier.Rows.Count != 0) { int id = Globals.Supplierpassing; Supplier deieteItem = db.Suppliers.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Supllier_ID == id); if (deieteItem != null) { db.Suppliers.Remove(deieteItem); db.SaveChanges(); MessageBox.Show("Stock item(" + deieteItem.Supplier_Name + ") deleted successfully"); } else { MessageBox.Show("Error:Stock item does not exist/No stock item selected,select a stock item"); } } } else if (e.ClickedItem.Name.ToString() == "View") {; int id = Globals.Supplierpassing; Supplier item = db.Suppliers.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Supllier_ID == id); if (item != null) { SupplierForm form = new SupplierForm(); form.ShowDialog(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Error:Stock item does not exist/No stock item selected,select a stock item"); } } } if (navButton == btnCombo) { if (e.ClickedItem.Name.ToString() == "Deleted") {; if (dgvSupplier.Rows.Count != 0) { int id = Globals.Combopassing; Combo deieteItem = db.Comboes.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Combo_ID == id); if (deieteItem != null) { db.Comboes.Remove(deieteItem); db.SaveChanges(); MessageBox.Show("Stock item(" + deieteItem.Combo_Description + ") deleted successfully"); } else { MessageBox.Show("Error:Stock item does not exist/No stock item selected,select a stock item"); } } } else if (e.ClickedItem.Name.ToString() == "View") {; int id = Globals.Combopassing; Combo item = db.Comboes.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Combo_ID == id); if (item != null) { frmMaintainCombo form = new frmMaintainCombo(); form.ShowDialog(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Error:Stock item does not exist/No stock item selected,select a stock item"); } } } if (navButton == btnCombo) { if (e.ClickedItem.Name.ToString() == "Deleted") {; if (dgvSupplier.Rows.Count != 0) { int id = Globals.Combopassing; Combo deieteItem = db.Comboes.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Combo_ID == id); if (deieteItem != null) { db.Comboes.Remove(deieteItem); db.SaveChanges(); MessageBox.Show("Stock item(" + deieteItem.Combo_Description + ") deleted successfully"); } else { MessageBox.Show("Error:Stock item does not exist/No stock item selected,select a stock item"); } } } else if (e.ClickedItem.Name.ToString() == "View") {; int id = Globals.Combopassing; Combo item = db.Comboes.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Combo_ID == id); if (item != null) { frmMaintainCombo form = new frmMaintainCombo(); form.ShowDialog(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Error:Stock item does not exist/No stock item selected,select a stock item"); } } } //Stock Management Click Event Handlers // //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// if (e.ClickedItem.Name.ToString() == "View") {; int id = Globals.MStockpassing; Stock_Item itemEdited = db.Stock_Item.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Stock_ID == id); if (itemEdited != null) { Maintain_Stock_Item myform = new Maintain_Stock_Item(); myform.ShowDialog(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Error:Stock item does not exist/No stock item selected,select a stock item"); } } else if (e.ClickedItem.Name.ToString() == "Check In") {; int id = Globals.MStockpassing; Stock_Item itemEdited = db.Stock_Item.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Stock_ID == id); if (itemEdited.Stock_Type_ID == 1) { if (itemEdited != null) { Check_In_Stock_Item myform = new Check_In_Stock_Item(); myform.ShowDialog(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Error:Stock item does not exist/No stock item selected,select a stock item"); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Action not allowed in such stock item"); } } else if (e.ClickedItem.Name.ToString() == "Check Out") {; int id = Globals.MStockpassing; Stock_Item itemEdited = db.Stock_Item.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Stock_ID == id); if (itemEdited.Stock_Type_ID == 1) { if (itemEdited != null) { Check_Out_Stock_Item myform = new Check_Out_Stock_Item(); myform.ShowDialog(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Error:Stock item does not exist/No stock item selected,select a stock item"); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Action not allowed in such stock item"); } } else if (e.ClickedItem.Name.ToString() == "Take") {; int id = Globals.MStockpassing; Stock_Item itemEdited = db.Stock_Item.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Stock_ID == id); if (itemEdited != null) { Take_Stock_Item myform = new Take_Stock_Item(); myform.ShowDialog(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Error:Stock item does not exist/No stock item selected,select a stock item"); } } else if (e.ClickedItem.Name.ToString() == "Write Off") {; int id = Globals.MStockpassing; Stock_Item itemEdited = db.Stock_Item.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Stock_ID == id); if (itemEdited != null) { Write_Off_stock_Item myform = new Write_Off_stock_Item(); myform.ShowDialog(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Error:Stock item does not exist/No stock item selected,select a stock item"); } } }
private void dgvOrders_CellClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e) { int rowindex = dgvOrders.CurrentCell.RowIndex; Globals.Salespassing = dgvOrders.Rows[rowindex].Cells[0].Value; int orderNo = Globals.Salespassing; Customer_Order ordeR = db.Customer_Order.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Order_ID == orderNo); txtDate.Enabled = false; txtOrderTotal.Enabled = false; txtOrdNum.Enabled = false; txtStatus.Enabled = false; txtVat.Enabled = false; rbxNotes.Enabled = false; txtDate.Text = ordeR.Order_Date.ToString(); txtOrderTotal.Text = ordeR.OrderTotal.ToString(); txtOrdNum.Text = ordeR.Order_ID.ToString(); txtStatus.Text = ordeR.Order_Status.ToString(); txtVat.Text = ordeR.Sale_Vat_Amount.ToString(); rbxNotes.Text = ordeR.OrderNotes.ToString(); var combos = from obj in db.Customer_Order_Line where (obj.Customer_Order_ID == orderNo) && (obj.Combo_ID != null) select new { itemId = obj.Combo_ID, itemQuantity = obj.Combo_Quantity }; foreach (var item in combos) { Globals it = new Globals(); dynamic num = item.itemId; int id = num; dynamic num2 = item.itemQuantity; int quant = num2; Combo comb = db.Comboes.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Combo_ID == id); it.OrderItemName = comb.Combo_Name; it.OrderQuantity = num2; it.OrderItemPrice = comb.Combo_Price; list.Add(it); } var menus = from obj in db.Customer_Order_Line where (obj.Customer_Order_ID == orderNo) && (obj.Menu_Item_ID != null) select new { itemId = obj.Menu_Item_ID, itemQuantity = obj.Menu_Item_Quantity }; foreach (var item in menus) { Globals it = new Globals(); dynamic num = item.itemId; int id = num; dynamic num2 = item.itemQuantity; int quant = num2; Menu_Item comb = db.Menu_Item.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Menu_Item_ID == id); it.OrderItemName = comb.Menu_Item_Name; it.OrderQuantity = num2; it.OrderItemPrice = comb.Menu_Item_Price; list.Add(it); } var stocks = from obj in db.Customer_Order_Line where (obj.Customer_Order_ID == orderNo) && (obj.Stock_ID != null) select new { itemId = obj.Stock_ID, itemQuantity = obj.Stock_Item_Quantity }; foreach (var item in stocks) { Globals it = new Globals(); dynamic num = item.itemId; int id = num; dynamic num2 = item.itemQuantity; int quant = num2; Stock_Item comb = db.Stock_Item.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Stock_ID == id); it.OrderItemName = comb.Stock_Item_Name; it.OrderQuantity = num2; dynamic num3 = comb.Stock_ID; int id5 = num3; Stock_Price pric = db.Stock_Price.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Stock_Price_ID == id5); it.OrderItemPrice = pric.Stock_Price1; list.Add(it); } var products = from obj in list select new { ItemName = obj.OrderItemName, ItemQuantity = obj.OrderQuantity, ItemPrice = obj.OrderItemPrice }; dataGridView1.DataSource = products.ToList(); list.Clear(); }
private void frmViewOrder_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { int orderNo = Globals.Salespassing; Customer_Order ordeR = db.Customer_Order.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Order_ID == orderNo); if (ordeR != null) { txtDate.Enabled = false; txtOrderTotal.Enabled = false; txtOrdNum.Enabled = false; txtStatus.Enabled = false; txtVat.Enabled = false; rbxNotes.Enabled = false; txtDate.Text = ordeR.Order_Date.ToString(); txtOrderTotal.Text = ordeR.OrderTotal.ToString(); txtOrdNum.Text = ordeR.Order_ID.ToString(); txtStatus.Text = ordeR.Order_Status.ToString(); txtVat.Text = ordeR.Sale_Vat_Amount.ToString(); rbxNotes.Text = ordeR.OrderNotes.ToString(); var combos = from obj in db.Customer_Order_Line where (obj.Customer_Order_ID == orderNo) && (obj.Combo_ID != null) select new { itemId = obj.Combo_ID, itemQuantity = obj.Combo_Quantity }; foreach (var item in combos) { Globals it = new Globals(); dynamic num = item.itemId; int id = num; dynamic num2 = item.itemQuantity; int quant = num2; Combo comb = db.Comboes.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Combo_ID == id); it.OrderItemName = comb.Combo_Name; it.OrderQuantity = num2; it.OrderItemPrice = comb.Combo_Price; list.Add(it); } var menus = from obj in db.Customer_Order_Line where (obj.Customer_Order_ID == orderNo) && (obj.Menu_Item_ID != null) select new { itemId = obj.Menu_Item_ID, itemQuantity = obj.Menu_Item_Quantity }; foreach (var item in menus) { Globals it = new Globals(); dynamic num = item.itemId; int id = num; dynamic num2 = item.itemQuantity; int quant = num2; Menu_Item comb = db.Menu_Item.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Menu_Item_ID == id); it.OrderItemName = comb.Menu_Item_Name; it.OrderQuantity = num2; it.OrderItemPrice = comb.Menu_Item_Price; list.Add(it); } var stocks = from obj in db.Customer_Order_Line where (obj.Customer_Order_ID == orderNo) && (obj.Stock_ID != null) select new { itemId = obj.Stock_ID, itemQuantity = obj.Stock_Item_Quantity }; foreach (var item in stocks) { Globals it = new Globals(); dynamic num = item.itemId; int id = num; dynamic num2 = item.itemQuantity; int quant = num2; Stock_Item comb = db.Stock_Item.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Stock_ID == id); it.OrderItemName = comb.Stock_Item_Name; it.OrderQuantity = num2; dynamic num3 = comb.Stock_ID; int id5 = num3; Stock_Price pric = db.Stock_Price.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Stock_Price_ID == id5); it.OrderItemPrice = pric.Stock_Price1; list.Add(it); } var products = from obj in list select new { ItemName = obj.OrderItemName, ItemQuantity = obj.OrderQuantity, ItemPrice = obj.OrderItemPrice }; dgvOrders.DataSource = products.ToList(); } else { this.Close(); MessageBox.Show("No Order selected,Select order to view"); } }