public string view_students(string co_code) { tmp.loadfile(); tmp.string_edit(); Console.Write("Enter the Course code :"); string code; code = co_code; string s = ""; for (int i = 0; i < tmp.objdata.Count; i++) { if (tmp.objdata[i].course_prog.Length > 6) { List <string> cpl = new List <string>(); // courses progressed list. string spl = ""; int count = -1; while (true) { count++; if (tmp.objdata[i].course_prog[count] == ' ') { cpl.Add(spl); spl = ""; continue; } spl += tmp.objdata[i].course_prog[count]; if (count == tmp.objdata[i].course_prog.Length - 1) { cpl.Add(spl); break; } } for (int k = 0; k < cpl.Count; k++) { if (code == cpl[k]) { s += tmp.objdata[i].name; s += " " + tmp.objdata[i].Id; s += "\n"; } } } else if (code == tmp.objdata[i].course_prog) { s += tmp.objdata[i].name; s += " " + tmp.objdata[i].Id; s += "\n"; } } return(s); }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { student s1 = new student(); s1.loadfile(); s1.string_edit(); string X = textBox1.Text; string y = textBox2.Text; if (s1.login(X, y, ref index)) { this.Hide(); Form2 m = new Form2(index, s1); m.Show(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Invalid username or password,Please check and try again !"); } }
private void button1_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e) { student s1 = new student(); s1.loadfile(); s1.string_edit(); string X = textBox1.Text; string y = textBox2.Text; if (X == "admin" && y == "admin") { this.Hide(); Form8 m = new Form8(); m.Show(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Invalid username or password,Please check and try again !"); } }