public void refreshLabel1() { string X = ""; string O = ""; if (GameForm.aiGame == true) { log.Debug("It is one player game"); X = OnePlayerForm.getPlayerXValue(); O = "Computer"; } else if (GameForm.aiGame == false) { log.Debug("It is two player game"); X = TwoPlayersForm.getPlayerXValue(); O = TwoPlayersForm.getPlayerOValue(); } String newText = "It is "; if (theBoard.getPlayerForTurn() == Board.X) { newText += X; log.Debug("It is player X turn"); } else { newText += O; log.Debug("It is player O turn"); } newText += "'s Turn\n"; newText += X + " has won " + theBoard.getXwins() + " times.\n" + O + " has Won " + theBoard.getOwins() + " times"; label1.Text = newText; }
private void TwoPlayerButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { TwoPlayersForm f = new TwoPlayersForm(); f.Show(); this.Hide(); }
public void refreshtable(DataGridView d) { string X = ""; string O = ""; Player playerX; Player playerO; if (GameForm.aiGame == true) { X = OnePlayerForm.getPlayerXValue(); O = "Computer"; } else if (GameForm.aiGame == false) { X = TwoPlayersForm.getPlayerXValue(); O = TwoPlayersForm.getPlayerOValue(); } DataSet ds = new DataSet(); Database db; playerO = new Player(O); if (O != "Computer") { playerO.setWins(theBoard.getOwins()); playerO.setLosses(theBoard.getXwins()); playerO.setHighScore(theBoard.getOwins()); db = new Database(playerO); } playerX = new Player(X); playerX.setWins(theBoard.getXwins()); playerX.setLosses(theBoard.getOwins()); playerX.setHighScore(theBoard.getXwins()); db = new Database(playerX); db.fillTable(db.getConnection(), ds); d.DataSource = ds.Tables[0]; d.Refresh(); }
public void detectHit(Point loc) { //check if the board is clicked log.Debug("check if the board is clicked"); if (loc.Y <= 500) { int x = 0; int y = 0; if (loc.X < 167) { x = 0; } else if (loc.X > 167 && loc.X < 334) { x = 1; } else if (loc.X > 334) { x = 2; } if (loc.Y < 167) { y = 0; } else if (loc.Y > 167 && loc.Y < 334) { y = 1; } else if (loc.Y > 334 && loc.Y < 500) { y = 2; } if (holders[x, y].getValue() == B && !isBoardFull()) { log.Debug("check player turn"); //it's X's turn if (movesMade % 2 == 0 && holders[x, y].getValue() == B) { GFX.drawX(new Point(x, y)); holders[x, y].setValue(X); if (detectRow()) { if (GameForm.aiGame == true) { MessageBox.Show("you have won, " + OnePlayerForm.getPlayerXValue()); } else if (GameForm.aiGame == false) { MessageBox.Show("you have won, " + TwoPlayersForm.getPlayerXValue()); } Xwins++; reset(); GFX.setUpCanvas(); } if (GameForm.getAIgame() && !detectRow() && !isBoardFull()) { Holder aiMove = ComputerLogic.determineAndPlaceMark(holders); GFX.drawO(aiMove.getLocation()); holders[aiMove.getLocation().X, aiMove.getLocation().Y].setValue(O); if (detectRow()) { MessageBox.Show("Compuetr has won"); Owins++; reset(); GFX.setUpCanvas(); } movesMade++; playersTurn = X; } playersTurn = O; } else { GFX.drawO(new Point(x, y)); holders[x, y].setValue(O); if (detectRow()) { MessageBox.Show("you have won, " + TwoPlayersForm.getPlayerOValue()); Owins++; reset(); GFX.setUpCanvas(); } playersTurn = X; } movesMade++; } if (isBoardFull()) { MessageBox.Show("It is tie, Play again"); reset(); GFX.setUpCanvas(); } } }