예제 #1
파일: AI.cs 프로젝트: larossini/WHAsset
 public string Ai(long scan)//Scan contains all numerical values
     leng = scan.ToString().Length;
     bch  = currentBCHasset;
     if (leng == 6)             //WO or PO
         if (scan >= currentWO) //Its a WO
         else if (scan < currentWO)//Its a PO
         else// Nothing matched
     else if (scan < bch && scan.ToString().Length == 5)//WH Asset
         facility = 1;
     else if (scan >= bch && scan.ToString().Length == 5)//BCH Asset
         facility = 3;
         ManualEntry unknownentry = new ManualEntry();
         string      founditem    = unknownentry.manualentry(scan);
예제 #2
        public void spellchecker(string received)
            // This will correct any minor spelling errors in the words before complairing them to the location
            Int32  textlength       = (received.Length) - 1; //Grabs the length of received
            Int32  minlength        = (textlength) - 1;      //Sets a int for the least amount of character that can match
            string couldmatch       = "";                    //Temp spot for the most likley match
            Int32  x                = 0;                     //Int to walk through Array but not past Array length
            Int32  walkstart        = 0;                     // Int to walk through received letter by letter
            Int32  ticker           = 0;                     //Int ticker used to add the number of matched characters
            Int32  caught           = 0;                     //Int caught used to hold the number of matched characters to compare to future passible matches
            bool   match            = false;                 //Bool to set if a match found
            Int32  closestwordspot  = -1;                    //Int to hold the array index of closest
            Int32  closestwordcount = 0;                     //Int used to hold number of matched characters

            received = received.ToLower();                   //Sends received to all lower characters
            while (((match != true) && (x <= 8)))
            //^^Wile no match found and X is less that Array indexes
                string dictemp   = dictoinary[x];  //Temp string set to array index
                Int32  diclength = dictemp.Length; //Int set to length of DICTEMP string
                if (((diclength > walkstart) && (walkstart <= textlength)))
                //Checks if walk is less than the length of the dictionary string
                    if ((received.Substring(walkstart, 1) == dictemp.Substring(walkstart, 1)))
                    //Checks if INDIVIDUAL Characters from Dictionary and user input match
                        ticker = (ticker + 1);           //If matched ticker adds 1
                        if ((walkstart <= diclength))    //Checks if we can walk to the another character
                            walkstart = (walkstart + 1); //Walks to the righ a character
                    else if (((ticker >= minlength) && (ticker > caught)))
                    //^^If characters do not match and the ticker is longer than
                    //^^the last word
                        caught     = ticker;  //Caught becomes the new minimum to beat
                        couldmatch = dictemp; //Grabs this potential match string
                        if ((ticker >= closestwordcount))
                        //^^Checks the match characters to the old matched max
                            closestwordspot = x;    //grabs the Index of the closest word

                        x         = (x + 1); //Walks to the next word in the DIC array
                        ticker    = 0;       //Resets the match character ticker
                        walkstart = 0;       //Resets this to start at index 0 at next word
                    if ((ticker == (textlength + 1))) //Checks if full word was matched
                        match    = true;              //Sets match to true
                        received = dictoinary[x];     //Sets the temp to the found word

                    x         = (x + 1); //Walks to the right in the array
                    ticker    = 0;       //Resets the ticker for match characters
                    walkstart = 0;       //Resets the walk for the individual chartacters

                if (((ticker >= minlength) && ((ticker > caught) && (ticker != (textlength + 1)))))

                    caught          = ticker;
                    closestwordspot = x;
            ManualEntry unknownentry = new ManualEntry();

            if (((match == true) || (couldmatch != "")))    //^^Checks for a match
                received = dictoinary[x - 1].ToString();    //sets temp to matched word
                //unknownentry.manualentry(received);//Send matched word to a method that fills the label and string
                string possible = ("Did you mean " + dictoinary[closestwordspot]);
                //^^Asks if the closest word is correct
                string result = MessageBox.Show(possible, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo).ToString();
                //^^Grabs user input from messagebox
                if ((result == "yes"))                   //Checks if user selected Yes
                    received = dictoinary[x].ToString(); //Sets the temp to the Array dictionary word
                    //unknownentry.manualentry(received);//Sends the word to the method that will set the labels and strings
                else if ((result == "no"))    //If answer
                    string tryagain = MessageBox.Show("Opps something went wrong lets try again" + "Please enter the location for this scan ", "Opps", MessageBoxButtons.OK).ToString();
                    //^^General failer messgae to try again becuase no match was found
                    spellchecker(tryagain);    //Grabs new scan and self invokes
        }    //Used to check spelling of user input