private void btnDecode_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.algorithm_number == null) { MessageBox.Show("Select the encoding/decoding algorithm."); } else { if (Validate_Phrase_Decode(this.richTextPhrase.Text, (int)this.algorithm_number)) { if (this.algorithm_number == 1) { string value = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction.InputBox("Type the Value to proceed with the algorithm.", "Get Value", "", -1, -1); if (ValidateVigenereValue(value.Trim())) { Vigenere_Substitution vs = new Vigenere_Substitution(this.richTextPhrase.Text.Trim(), value); vs.Decode(); this.richTextPhrase.Text = vs.GetOutput_Phrase(); } else { MessageBox.Show("WRONG!"); } } else if (this.algorithm_number == 5) { string keyword = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction.InputBox("Type the Keyword to proceed with the algorithm.", "Get Keyword", "", -1, -1); if (ValidateKeyword(keyword.Trim())) { Keyword kw = new Keyword(this.richTextPhrase.Text, keyword); kw.Decode(); this.richTextPhrase.Text = kw.GetOutput_Phrase(); } else { MessageBox.Show("WRONG!"); } } else { switch (this.algorithm_number) { case 2: Binary_Code bc = new Binary_Code(this.richTextPhrase.Text); bc.Decode(); this.richTextPhrase.Text = bc.GetOutput_Phrase(); break; case 3: Phone_Code pc = new Phone_Code(this.richTextPhrase.Text); pc.Decode(); this.richTextPhrase.Text = pc.GetOutput_Phrase(); break; case 4: Transposition tr = new Transposition(this.richTextPhrase.Text); tr.Decode(); this.richTextPhrase.Text = tr.GetOutput_Phrase(); break; } } } else { MessageBox.Show("INPUT ERROR"); } } }