private void btnCheckConnectivity_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.Text = TITLE_VERIFYING;//temporary chnage due to cnnection lblWarning.Visible = false; lblWarning.ForeColor = Color.Red; if (txtUrl.Text.Trim().Equals("")) { lblWarning.Text = "ERROR: Web Site URL cannot be blank. Please enter valid web site URL"; lblWarning.Visible = true; } else if (cbUseWindowsSessionCreds.Checked != true) { //check for the default credentails if (txtUserName.Text.Trim().Equals("")) { lblWarning.Text = "ERROR: User name cannot be blank. Please enter valid user name"; lblWarning.Visible = true; } else if (txtPassword.Text.Trim().Equals("")) { lblWarning.Text = "ERROR: Password cannot be blank. Please enter valid password"; lblWarning.Visible = true; } }//end: else String webServiceEndPointURL = ""; if (lblWarning.Visible == false) { if (txtUrl.Text.EndsWith("/")) { webServiceEndPointURL = txtUrl.Text + "_vti_bin/GSSiteDiscovery.asmx"; } else { webServiceEndPointURL = txtUrl.Text + "/_vti_bin/GSSiteDiscovery.asmx"; } try { GSPSiteDiscoveryWS.SiteDiscovery customser = new GSPSiteDiscoveryWS.SiteDiscovery(); customser.Url = webServiceEndPointURL; //Check: if the user is using the default credentials if (cbUseWindowsSessionCreds.Checked == true) { customser.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials; } else { customser.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(txtUserName.Text, txtPassword.Text, txtDomain.Text); } String val = customser.CheckConnectivity(); if (!val.ToLower().Equals("success")) { lblWarning.Text = "ERROR: Connection to Google Services for SharePoint failed"; lblWarning.Visible = true; } } catch (Exception) { lblWarning.Text = "ERROR: Connection to Google Services for SharePoint failed"; lblWarning.Visible = true; } //case of bulkWS if (lblWarning.Visible == false) { if (txtUrl.Text.EndsWith("/")) { webServiceEndPointURL = txtUrl.Text + "_vti_bin/GSBulkAuthorization.asmx"; } else { webServiceEndPointURL = txtUrl.Text + "/_vti_bin/GSBulkAuthorization.asmx"; } try { GSPBulkWS.BulkAuthorization bulkWs = new GSPBulkWS.BulkAuthorization(); bulkWs.Url = webServiceEndPointURL; //Check: if the user is using the default credentials if (cbUseWindowsSessionCreds.Checked == true) { bulkWs.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials; } else { bulkWs.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(txtUserName.Text, txtPassword.Text, txtDomain.Text); } //bulkWs.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(txtUserName.Text, txtPassword.Text, txtDomain.Text); String val = bulkWs.CheckConnectivity(); if (!val.ToLower().Equals("success")) { lblWarning.Text = "ERROR: Connection to Google Services for SharePoint failed"; lblWarning.Visible = true; } } catch (Exception ee) { //lblWarning.Text = "ERROR: Connection to Google Services for SharePoint failed"; lblWarning.Text = ee.Message; lblWarning.Visible = true; } } //case of ACL WS if (lblWarning.Visible == false) { if (txtUrl.Text.EndsWith("/")) { webServiceEndPointURL = txtUrl.Text + "_vti_bin/GssAcl.asmx"; } else { webServiceEndPointURL = txtUrl.Text + "/_vti_bin/GssAcl.asmx"; } try { GSPAclWS.GssAclMonitor aclWS = new GSPAclWS.GssAclMonitor(); aclWS.Url = webServiceEndPointURL; //Check: if the user is using the default credentials if (cbUseWindowsSessionCreds.Checked == true) { aclWS.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials; } else { aclWS.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(txtUserName.Text, txtPassword.Text, txtDomain.Text); } String val = aclWS.CheckConnectivity(); if (!val.ToLower().Equals("success")) { lblWarning.Text = "ERROR: Connection to Google Services for SharePoint failed"; lblWarning.Visible = true; } } catch (Exception ee) { lblWarning.Text = ee.Message; lblWarning.Visible = true; } } } if (lblWarning.Visible == false) { //check if the operation completed successfully lblWarning.ForeColor = Color.Green; lblWarning.Text = "Connection to Google Services for SharePoint succeeded"; lblWarning.Visible = true; } this.Text = TITLE;//restore the original title }