int getStickEnd(ushort[] depthData, Kinect.CameraSpacePoint handCameraPoint, Kinect.DepthSpacePoint handDepthPoint) { //depthData = (ushort[])depthData.Clone(); //cutDepthData(depthData, (int)handDepthPoint.Y + 100, (int)(handCameraPoint.Z * 1000)); return(DFS(depthData, (int)handDepthPoint.X, (int)handDepthPoint.Y)); }
private float getDistanceWithDepthSpacePoint(Kinect.DepthSpacePoint p, Kinect.DepthSpacePoint q, ushort[] depthData) { Kinect.CameraSpacePoint P = _Mapper.MapDepthPointToCameraSpace(p, depthData[Pos2Idx((int)p.X, (int)p.Y)]); Kinect.CameraSpacePoint Q = _Mapper.MapDepthPointToCameraSpace(q, depthData[Pos2Idx((int)q.X, (int)q.Y)]); return(Mathf.Sqrt((P.X - Q.X) * (P.X - Q.X) + (P.Y - Q.Y) * (P.Y - Q.Y) + (P.Z - Q.Z) * (P.Z - Q.Z))); }
public void Update(KinectManager manager, Kinect.CameraSpacePoint leftTip, Kinect.CameraSpacePoint rightTip) { leftHandPos = Utility.CameraSpacePointToWorld(leftTip); rightHandPos = Utility.CameraSpacePointToWorld(rightTip); leftKneePos = Utility.CameraSpacePointToWorld(manager.JointData[Windows.Kinect.JointType.KneeLeft].Position); rightKneePos = Utility.CameraSpacePointToWorld(manager.JointData[Windows.Kinect.JointType.KneeRight].Position); if (prevTime == 0) { prevLeftHandPos = leftHandPos; prevRightHandPos = rightHandPos; prevLeftKneePos = leftKneePos; prevRightKneePos = rightKneePos; } // vel float currTime = Time.time; float timeDiff = currTime - prevTime; leftHandVel = (leftHandPos - prevLeftHandPos) / timeDiff; rightHandVel = (rightHandPos - prevRightHandPos) / timeDiff; leftKneeVel = (leftKneePos - prevLeftKneePos) / timeDiff; rightKneeVel = (rightKneePos - prevRightKneePos) / timeDiff; // update prev, lasttime prevLeftHandPos = leftHandPos; prevRightHandPos = rightHandPos; prevLeftKneePos = leftKneePos; prevRightKneePos = rightKneePos; prevTime = currTime; checkFootDrum(); checkHandClear(); }
private void RefreshBodyObject(Kinect.Body body, GameObject bodyObject) { filter.UpdateFilter(ref body); for (Kinect.JointType jt = Kinect.JointType.SpineBase; jt <= Kinect.JointType.HandRight; jt++) { //Kinect.Joint sourceJoint = body.Joints [jt]; GameObject avatarSpineBase = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag(Kinect.JointType.SpineBase.ToString())[0]; Transform jointObj = bodyObject.transform.FindChild(jt.ToString()); Kinect.CameraSpacePoint jointPosition = filter.FilteredJoints[jt].Position; jointPosition.Z = -jointPosition.Z; jointDataRecorder.Append(string.Format("{0},{1},{2},{3}", System.DateTime.Now, jointPosition.X, jointPosition.Y, jointPosition.Z)); if (jt == Kinect.JointType.SpineBase) { transformDistance = new Vector3(jointPosition.X - avatarSpineBase.transform.position.x, jointPosition.Y - avatarSpineBase.transform.position.y, jointPosition.Z - avatarSpineBase.transform.position.z); } jointObj.position = new Vector3((jointPosition.X - transformDistance.x), (jointPosition.Y - transformDistance.y), (jointPosition.Z - transformDistance.z)); /*if (jt <= Kinect.JointType.ShoulderLeft || jt == Kinect.JointType.ShoulderRight) { * GameObject avatarJoint = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag (jt.ToString ()) [0]; * avatarJoint.transform.position = jointObj.transform.position; * }*/ } jointDataRecorder.Append("\n"); }
private Vector3 GetVector3FromJoint(Kinect.Joint joint) { // x and y in [-1,1], I think Kinect.CameraSpacePoint cameraPoint = joint.Position; // x and y in [0, 1080] Kinect.ColorSpacePoint colorPoint = _Sensor.CoordinateMapper.MapCameraPointToColorSpace(cameraPoint); // Match format for hold bounding box float[] coordinates = new float[] { colorPoint.X, colorPoint.Y, 0, 0 }; // 0, 0 is filler for the bounding box float[] projectorBounds = StateManager.instance.getProjectorBounds(); // Transform into the appropriate coordinates to project float[] transformedCoordinates = transformOpenCvToUnitySpace(projectorBounds, coordinates); // Now convert back into unity space so joints can be added to the scene float camHeight = 2f * this.mainCam.orthographicSize; float camWidth = camHeight * this.mainCam.aspect; float x = transformedCoordinates[0] * camWidth - camWidth / 2f; float y = transformedCoordinates[1] * camHeight - camHeight / 2f; return(new Vector3(-1f * x, -1f * y, 0)); }
public void CreateCustomizeMenuDrum(Kinect.CameraSpacePoint position) { Vector3 neckPos = Utility.CameraSpacePointToWorld(position); menuDrum = (GameObject)GameObject.Instantiate(Resources.Load("Prefabs/MenuDrum")); menuDrum.transform.Translate(neckPos); Camera.SetupCurrent(drum.GetComponentInChildren <Camera>()); }
private static Kinect.CameraSpacePoint Vector3ToSkeletonPoint(Vector3 position) { //Kinect.Joint joint = new Kinect.Joint(); Kinect.CameraSpacePoint Position = new Kinect.CameraSpacePoint(); Position.X = position.x / 10f; Position.Y = position.y / 10f; Position.Z = position.z / 10f; return(Position); }
public void DisplayPlayer(KinectManager manager, Kinect.CameraSpacePoint leftTip, Kinect.CameraSpacePoint rightTip) { Kinect.CameraSpacePoint leftHand = manager.JointData[Kinect.JointType.HandLeft].Position; Kinect.CameraSpacePoint rightHand = manager.JointData[Kinect.JointType.HandRight].Position; leftStick.transform.position = Utility.CameraSpacePointToWorld(leftHand); rightStick.transform.position = Utility.CameraSpacePointToWorld(rightHand); leftStick.transform.LookAt(Utility.CameraSpacePointToWorld(leftTip)); rightStick.transform.LookAt(Utility.CameraSpacePointToWorld(rightTip)); }
private float jointDistance(Kinect.Joint a, Kinect.Joint b) { Kinect.CameraSpacePoint _a = a.Position; Kinect.CameraSpacePoint _b = b.Position; float dx = _a.X - _b.X; float dy = _a.Y - _b.Y; float dz = _a.Z - _b.Z; return(Mathf.Sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz)); }
// ==================================== <summary> // kinect座標型をvector3に変換 // </summary> =================================== private Vector3 kinectPointToVector3(Kinect.CameraSpacePoint _pos, Vector3?_offset = null) { Vector3 offset = _offset ??; Vector3 pos = new Vector3( _pos.X + offset.x, _pos.Y + offset.y, _pos.Z + offset.z ); return(pos); }
private Vector3 transformKinectToUnitySpace(Kinect.CameraSpacePoint point, float depth, Camera cam, int kinectWidth, int kinectHeight) { Kinect.ColorSpacePoint colorPoint = _Sensor.CoordinateMapper.MapCameraPointToColorSpace(point); float newX = ((2 * colorPoint.X - kinectWidth) / kinectWidth) * (cam.orthographicSize * cam.aspect); float newY = ((kinectHeight - 2 * colorPoint.Y) / kinectHeight) * cam.orthographicSize; if (!StateManager.instance.debugView) { newX = newX * -1; } return(new Vector3(newX, newY, depth)); }
public StickRecognizer(KinectManager manager) { _Width = manager.DepthFrameDesc.Width; _Height = manager.DepthFrameDesc.Height; _LeftTipCache = new Kinect.CameraSpacePoint(); _RightTipCache = new Kinect.CameraSpacePoint(); _LeftCacheElapsedFrame = 10; _RightCacheElapsedFrame = 10; _Mapper = manager.Mapper; //debugPlane = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Plane); //debugPlane.transform.Translate(-10, 2, 0); //debugPlane.transform.Rotate(-90, 180, 0); //debugTexture = new Texture2D(manager.DepthFrameDesc.Width, manager.DepthFrameDesc.Height, TextureFormat.RGB24, false); }
bool[] getStickIndex(ushort[] depthData) { bool[] stickIndex = new bool[depthData.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < depthData.Length; i++) { stickIndex[i] = false; } Kinect.CameraSpacePoint leftHandCameraPoint = joints[Kinect.JointType.HandLeft].Position; Kinect.DepthSpacePoint leftHandDepthPoint = mapper.MapCameraPointToDepthSpace(leftHandCameraPoint); Kinect.CameraSpacePoint rightHandCameraPoint = joints[Kinect.JointType.HandRight].Position; Kinect.DepthSpacePoint rightHandDepthPoint = mapper.MapCameraPointToDepthSpace(rightHandCameraPoint); depthData = (ushort[])depthData.Clone(); cutDepthData(depthData, (int)Mathf.Min(leftHandDepthPoint.Y, rightHandDepthPoint.Y) + 300, (int)(Mathf.Max(leftHandCameraPoint.Z, rightHandCameraPoint.Z) * 1000)); // left hand int leftStickEndInd = getStickEnd(depthData, leftHandCameraPoint, leftHandDepthPoint); bool useCache = leftStickEndInd == 0; if (useCache) { return(null); } int rightStickEndInd = getStickEnd(depthData, rightHandCameraPoint, rightHandDepthPoint); useCache |= rightStickEndInd == 0; if (useCache) { return(null); } depthDataCache = (ushort[])depthData.Clone(); addStickIndex(stickIndex, depthData, leftHandDepthPoint, leftStickEndInd); // right hand addStickIndex(stickIndex, depthData, rightHandDepthPoint, rightStickEndInd); stickIndexCache = (bool[])stickIndex.Clone(); return(stickIndex); }
void ZigTrackedUserCenter(KinectOneLabelMap labelmap) { if (m_engageuser == null || m_engageuser.engagedTrackedUser == null) { trackedUserIndex = 255; return; } ZigTrackedUser _engagedUser = m_engageuser.engagedTrackedUser; Kinect.CameraSpacePoint positionPoint = new Kinect.CameraSpacePoint(); positionPoint.X = _engagedUser.Position.x; positionPoint.Y = _engagedUser.Position.y; positionPoint.Z = _engagedUser.Position.z; Kinect.DepthSpacePoint depthSpacePoint = _mapper.MapCameraPointToDepthSpace(positionPoint); short[] labelData =; int index = (int)(depthSpacePoint.Y * depthInfo.xres + depthSpacePoint.X); trackedUserIndex = (index >= 0 && index < labelData.Length) ? labelData[index] : (short)255; }
public void FindTip(KinectManager manager, out Kinect.CameraSpacePoint leftTipCameraPoint, out Kinect.CameraSpacePoint rightTipCameraPoint, out bool leftStatus, out bool rightStatus) { Kinect.CameraSpacePoint leftHandCameraPoint = manager.JointData[Kinect.JointType.HandLeft].Position; Kinect.DepthSpacePoint leftHandDepthPoint = manager.Mapper.MapCameraPointToDepthSpace(leftHandCameraPoint); Kinect.CameraSpacePoint rightHandCameraPoint = manager.JointData[Kinect.JointType.HandRight].Position; Kinect.DepthSpacePoint rightHandDepthPoint = manager.Mapper.MapCameraPointToDepthSpace(rightHandCameraPoint); byte[] colorData = new byte[3 * manager.DepthData.Length]; ushort[] tempDepthData = new ushort[manager.DepthData.Length]; tempDepthData = (ushort[])manager.DepthData.Clone(); for (int i = 0; i < tempDepthData.Length; i++) { if (tempDepthData[i] > (tempDepthData[Pos2Idx((int)leftHandDepthPoint.X, (int)leftHandDepthPoint.Y)] + 30)) { tempDepthData[i] = 0; } } int leftStickEndIdx = GetStickEnd(tempDepthData, leftHandCameraPoint, leftHandDepthPoint, ref colorData); if (leftStickEndIdx == 0) { leftTipCameraPoint = _LeftTipCache; if (_LeftCacheElapsedFrame >= 10) { leftStatus = false; } else { leftStatus = true; _LeftCacheElapsedFrame++; } } else { Kinect.DepthSpacePoint leftTipDepthPoint = new Kinect.DepthSpacePoint(); leftTipDepthPoint.X = leftStickEndIdx % _Width; leftTipDepthPoint.Y = leftStickEndIdx / _Width; leftTipCameraPoint = manager.Mapper.MapDepthPointToCameraSpace(leftTipDepthPoint, manager.DepthData[leftStickEndIdx]); _LeftTipCache = leftTipCameraPoint; _LeftCacheElapsedFrame = 0; leftStatus = true; } tempDepthData = (ushort[])manager.DepthData.Clone(); for (int i = 0; i < tempDepthData.Length; i++) { if (tempDepthData[i] > (tempDepthData[Pos2Idx((int)rightHandDepthPoint.X, (int)rightHandDepthPoint.Y)] + 30)) { tempDepthData[i] = 0; } } //int rightStickEndIdx = GetStickEnd(manager.DepthData, rightHandCameraPoint, rightHandDepthPoint); int rightStickEndIdx = GetStickEnd(tempDepthData, rightHandCameraPoint, rightHandDepthPoint, ref colorData); if (rightStickEndIdx == 0) { rightTipCameraPoint = _RightTipCache; if (_RightCacheElapsedFrame >= 10) { rightStatus = false; } else { rightStatus = true; _RightCacheElapsedFrame++; } } else { Kinect.DepthSpacePoint rightTipDepthPoint = new Kinect.DepthSpacePoint(); rightTipDepthPoint.X = rightStickEndIdx % _Width; rightTipDepthPoint.Y = rightStickEndIdx / _Width; rightTipCameraPoint = manager.Mapper.MapDepthPointToCameraSpace(rightTipDepthPoint, manager.DepthData[rightStickEndIdx]); _RightTipCache = rightTipCameraPoint; _RightCacheElapsedFrame = 0; rightStatus = true; } ushort[] depthData = manager.DepthData; //DrawDebugImg(manager, leftStickEndIdx, rightStickEndIdx); }
public static Vector3 CameraSpacePointToWorld(Kinect.CameraSpacePoint p) { return(new Vector3(-10 * p.X, 10 * p.Y, 13 * p.Z)); }
public static Vector3 GetPosition(Kinect.CameraSpacePoint point) { return(new Vector3(point.X, point.Y, point.Z)); }
public Vector3 MapDepthPointToSpaceCoords(KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData, Vector2 depthPos, ushort depthVal) { Vector3 vPoint =; if (coordMapper != null && depthPos != { DepthSpacePoint depthPoint = new DepthSpacePoint(); depthPoint.X = depthPos.x; depthPoint.Y = depthPos.y; DepthSpacePoint[] depthPoints = new DepthSpacePoint[1]; depthPoints[0] = depthPoint; ushort[] depthVals = new ushort[1]; depthVals[0] = depthVal; CameraSpacePoint[] camPoints = new CameraSpacePoint[1]; coordMapper.MapDepthPointsToCameraSpace(depthPoints, depthVals, camPoints); CameraSpacePoint camPoint = camPoints[0]; vPoint.x = camPoint.X; vPoint.y = camPoint.Y; vPoint.z = camPoint.Z; } return vPoint; }
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // if joint is 0 it is not valid. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool JointPositionIsValid( CameraSpacePoint vJointPosition ) { return ( vJointPosition.X != 0.0f || vJointPosition.Y != 0.0f || vJointPosition.Z != 0.0f ); }
CameraSpacePoint CSVectorSubtract(CameraSpacePoint p1, CameraSpacePoint p2) { CameraSpacePoint diff = new CameraSpacePoint(); diff.X = p1.X - p2.X; diff.Y = p1.Y - p2.Y; diff.Z = p1.Z - p2.Z; return diff; }
CameraSpacePoint CSVectorScale(CameraSpacePoint p, float scale) { CameraSpacePoint point = new CameraSpacePoint(); point.X = p.X * scale; point.Y = p.Y * scale; point.Z = p.Z * scale; return point; }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (DEBUG) { // Mouse Mode mousePos = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition); transform.position = new Vector3(mousePos.x, mousePos.y); if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0) && !isHandRightClosed) { isHandRightClosed = true; m_animator.SetBool("handclosebool", true); KillMosquito(); } else if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0) && isHandRightClosed) { isHandRightClosed = false; m_animator.SetBool("handclosebool", false); } } else { // Fetch Body[] Information every time update() called bodies = bodyManager.GetBodies(); if (bodies == null) { bodyID = -1; } else if (bodyID == -1 || bodies[bodyID].IsTracked == false) { // Finding a new bodyID bodyID = -1; for (int _i = 0; _i < bodies.Length; ++_i) { if (bodies[_i].IsTracked) { bodyID = _i; break; } } } // If no any active body, byebye if (bodyID == -1) { return; } Kinect.CameraSpacePoint _cameraSpacePoint = bodies[bodyID].Joints[Kinect.JointType.HandRight].Position; Kinect.ColorSpacePoint _colorSpacePoint = coordinate.MapCameraPointToColorSpace(_cameraSpacePoint); transform.position = new Vector3(scalar_X * (_colorSpacePoint.X - solution_X) / solution_X, -scalar_Y * (_colorSpacePoint.Y - solution_Y) / solution_Y); stateInfo = m_animator.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0); if (bodies[bodyID].HandRightState == Kinect.HandState.Closed && !isHandRightClosed) { isHandRightClosed = true; m_animator.SetBool("handclosebool", true); KillMosquito(); Debug.Log("右手關起來ㄌ"); if (ActiveUIButtonList.Count != 0) { // Only invoke first ActiveUIButton HandClickEvent e = ActiveUIButtonList[0].GetComponent <HandClickEvent>(); Debug.Log("觸發 UI_Button 事件"); e.onHandClick.Invoke(); } ActiveUIButtonList.Clear(); if (isHandOnWiney) { isNormalBackground = false; Debug.Log("換背景"); background.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite = winey; winey_bgm.Play(); } else if (isHandOnMoney) { isNormalBackground = false; Debug.Log("換背景"); background.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite = money; money_bgm.Play(); } } else if (bodies[bodyID].HandRightState != Kinect.HandState.Closed && isHandRightClosed) { isHandRightClosed = false; m_animator.SetBool("handclosebool", false); Debug.Log("右手打開ㄌ"); if (!isNormalBackground) { background.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite = normalBackground; } } if (bodies[bodyID].HandLeftState == Kinect.HandState.Closed && !isHandLeftClosed) { isHandLeftClosed = true; // 左手關閉表示進入 stop if (GlobalVars.MainGameStop != 1) { mainGameFunction.Stop(); } } else if (bodies[bodyID].HandLeftState != Kinect.HandState.Closed && isHandLeftClosed) { isHandLeftClosed = false; } } GlobalVars.lastCursorPosition = GlobalVars.cursorPosition; GlobalVars.cursorPosition = transform.position; }
private Kinect.CameraSpacePoint CreateEndPoint(Kinect.CameraSpacePoint startP, float[] vec) { Kinect.CameraSpacePoint point = new Kinect.CameraSpacePoint(); point.X = startP.X + vec[0]; point.Y = startP.Y + vec[1]; point.Z = startP.Z + vec[2]; return point; }
private static Vector3 GetVector3FromCameraSpacePoint(Kinect.CameraSpacePoint point) { return(new Vector3(-point.X, point.Y, point.Z)); }
public SkeletonJoint(JointType type, int confidence, CameraSpacePoint position, Orientation orientation) { this.Type = type; this.Confidence = confidence; this.Position = new Vector3(position.X, position.Y, position.Z); this.Rotation = new Quaternion(orientation.X, orientation.Y, orientation.Z, orientation.W); this.State = 0; }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (DEBUG) { // Mouse Mode mousePos = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition); transform.position = new Vector3(mousePos.x, mousePos.y); if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0) && !isHandRightClosed) { isHandRightClosed = true; m_animator.SetBool("handclosebool", true); } else if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0) && isHandRightClosed) { isHandRightClosed = false; m_animator.SetBool("handclosebool", false); } } else { // Fetch Body[] Information every time update() called bodies = bodyManager.GetBodies(); if (bodies == null) { bodyID = -1; } else if (bodyID == -1 || bodies[bodyID].IsTracked == false) { // Finding a new bodyID bodyID = -1; for (int _i = 0; _i < bodies.Length; ++_i) { if (bodies[_i].IsTracked) { bodyID = _i; break; } } } // If no any active body, byebye if (bodyID == -1) { return; } Kinect.CameraSpacePoint _cameraSpacePoint = bodies[bodyID].Joints[Kinect.JointType.HandRight].Position; Kinect.ColorSpacePoint _colorSpacePoint = coordinate.MapCameraPointToColorSpace(_cameraSpacePoint); transform.position = new Vector3(scalar_X * (_colorSpacePoint.X - solution_X) / solution_X, -scalar_Y * (_colorSpacePoint.Y - solution_Y) / solution_Y); stateInfo = m_animator.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0); if (bodies[bodyID].HandRightState == Kinect.HandState.Closed && !isHandRightClosed) { isHandRightClosed = true; m_animator.SetBool("handclosebool", true); if (isHoldStartButton) { StartButton.onClick.Invoke(); } } else if (bodies[bodyID].HandRightState != Kinect.HandState.Closed && isHandRightClosed) { isHandRightClosed = false; m_animator.SetBool("handclosebool", false); } if (bodies[bodyID].HandLeftState == Kinect.HandState.Closed && !isHandLeftClosed) { isHandLeftClosed = true; } else if (bodies[bodyID].HandLeftState != Kinect.HandState.Closed && isHandLeftClosed) { isHandLeftClosed = false; } } GlobalVars.lastCursorPosition = GlobalVars.cursorPosition; GlobalVars.cursorPosition = transform.position; }
CameraSpacePoint CSVectorAdd(CameraSpacePoint p1, CameraSpacePoint p2) { CameraSpacePoint sum = new CameraSpacePoint(); sum.X = p1.X + p2.X; sum.Y = p1.Y + p2.Y; sum.Z = p1.Z + p2.Z; return sum; }
// Update is called once per frame void Update () { float deltaTime = Time.deltaTime; currentVector = transform.position; mousePosX = CrossPlatformInputManager.GetAxis ("Mouse X"); mousePosY = CrossPlatformInputManager.GetAxis ("Mouse Y"); //Debug.Log ("MouseScroll "+Input.GetAxis ("Mouse ScrollWheel")); if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown (0)) mouseClicked = true; else if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp (0)) mouseClicked = false; if (mouseClicked) { //transform.RotateAround (transform.parent.position, new Vector3 (0, 1, 0), mousePosX * 200 * deltaTime); //transform.RotateAround (transform.parent.position, new Vector3 (1, 0, 0), mousePosY * 300 * deltaTime); transform.position = Quaternion.Euler(mousePosY*200*deltaTime, mousePosX*300*deltaTime,0) * transform.position; //transform.position = Quaternion.AngleAxis(mousePosX*300*deltaTime, gameObject.transform.up) * transform.position; transform.LookAt(transform.parent.position); } transform.Translate (-currentVector*Input.GetAxis("Mouse ScrollWheel")*2*deltaTime, Space.World); transform.LookAt (transform.parent.position, transform.up); if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Escape)) { Application.LoadLevel ("SplashScreen"); } /* if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown (1)) repositioning = true; if (repositioning) { transform.RotateAround (transform.parent.position, new Vector3 (0, 1, 0), rootPosition.x * 300 * deltaTime); transform.RotateAround (transform.parent.position, new Vector3 (1, 0, 0), rootPosition.y * 300 * deltaTime); } */ //Debug.Log(gameObject.transform.rotation.x); //Kinect if (bodyManager == null) { return; } bodies = bodyManager.GetData (); if (bodies == null) { return; } foreach (var body in bodies) { if (body == null){ continue; } if (body.IsTracked) { //Cursor TrackHandMovement(body); //Click gesture Debug.Log(body.Joints[JointType.ShoulderLeft].Position.Z - body.Joints[JointType.HandLeft].Position.Z > 0.4); if (body.Joints[JointType.ShoulderLeft].Position.Z - body.Joints[JointType.HandLeft].Position.Z > 0.4) //if (body.Joints[JointType.HandTipRight].Position.X > body.Joints[JointType.WristRight].Position.X + 0.02) { Debug.Log("Click"); if (active != null) { clickTime = clickTime + deltaTime; if (clickTime > 0.5) { click = true; clickTime = 0; } } } //Debug.Log(body.Joints[JointType.HandRight].TrackingState); //Cursor end if (body.HandLeftState == HandState.Closed){ if(grab == false){ lastPos = body.Joints[JointType.HandLeft].Position; lastCameraPos = gameObject.transform.rotation; } grab = true; var pos = body.Joints[JointType.HandLeft].Position; transform.RotateAround (transform.parent.position, new Vector3 (0, 1, 0), (pos.X - lastPos.X) * multiplier); transform.RotateAround (transform.parent.position, new Vector3 (1, 0, 0), (pos.Y - lastPos.Y) * multiplier); //transform.Translate (-currentVector*(pos.Z - lastPos.Z), Space.World); transform.LookAt (transform.parent.position, transform.up); } else if (body.HandLeftState == HandState.Open){ grab = false; } if(body.HandRightState == HandState.Closed){ if(grabR == false){ lastPosR = body.Joints[JointType.HandRight].Position; } grabR = true; transform.Translate (-currentVector*((body.Joints[JointType.HandRight].Position.Z - lastPosR.Z)/4), Space.World); } else if (body.HandRightState == HandState.Open){ grabR = false; } } } //raycast Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(new Vector3((float)RightHandX + 12, Screen.height-(float)RightHandY, 0)); if (active == null) { clickTime = 0; } RaycastHit hit; if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit)) { if(active != null && active != hit.transform.gameObject) { active.GetComponent<OnClickCenterView>().OnKinectExit(); clickTime = 0; } active = hit.transform.gameObject; //active = GameObject.Find(; //Debug.Log("HIT"); //Debug.Log(hit.transform.gameObject); active.GetComponent<OnClickCenterView>().OnKinectEnter((float)RightHandX + 12, Screen.height - (float)RightHandY); if(click == true) { active.GetComponent<OnClickCenterView>().OnMouseDown(); click = false; } } else { if (active != null) { active.GetComponent<OnClickCenterView>().OnKinectExit(); active = null; clickTime = 0; } } Debug.DrawRay(ray.origin, ray.direction,; }
float CSVectorLength(CameraSpacePoint p) { return Mathf.Sqrt(p.X * p.X + p.Y * p.Y + p.Z * p.Z); }
public Windows.Kinect.CameraSpacePoint ToKinectPosition() { CameraSpacePoint result = new CameraSpacePoint (); result.X = position.x; result.Y = position.y; result.Z = position.z; return result; }
CameraSpacePoint CSVectorSet(float x, float y, float z) { CameraSpacePoint point = new CameraSpacePoint(); point.X = x; point.Y = y; point.Z = z; return point; }
private Vector3 GetBodyPosition(Kinect.Body body, Kinect.JointType jointType) { Kinect.CameraSpacePoint pos = body.Joints[jointType].Position; return(new Vector3(pos.X, pos.Y, pos.Z)); }
CameraSpacePoint CSVectorZero() { CameraSpacePoint point = new CameraSpacePoint(); point.X = 0.0f; point.Y = 0.0f; point.Z = 0.0f; return point; }
public static Vector3 ToVector3(CameraSpacePoint cameraSpacePoint) { return new Vector3(-cameraSpacePoint.X, cameraSpacePoint.Y, cameraSpacePoint.Z); }
/// <summary> /// Maps the space point to depth coords. /// </summary> /// <returns>The space point to depth coords.</returns> /// <param name="spacePos">Space position.</param> private Vector2 MapSpacePointToDepthCoords(Vector3 spacePos) { Vector2 vPoint =; Kinect.CoordinateMapper coordMapper = m_MultiSourceManager.GetCoordinateMapper(); if (coordMapper != null) { Kinect.CameraSpacePoint camPoint = new Kinect.CameraSpacePoint(); camPoint.X = spacePos.x; camPoint.Y = spacePos.y; camPoint.Z = spacePos.z; Kinect.CameraSpacePoint[] camPoints = new Kinect.CameraSpacePoint[1]; camPoints [0] = camPoint; Kinect.DepthSpacePoint[] depthPoints = new Kinect.DepthSpacePoint[1]; coordMapper.MapCameraPointsToDepthSpace(camPoints, depthPoints); Kinect.DepthSpacePoint depthPoint = depthPoints [0]; if (depthPoint.X >= 0 && depthPoint.X < cDepthImageWidth && depthPoint.Y >= 0 && depthPoint.Y < cDepthImageHeight) { vPoint.x = depthPoint.X; vPoint.y = depthPoint.Y; } } return vPoint; }
void Update() { if (BodySourceManager == null) { return; } _BodyManager = BodySourceManager.GetComponent <BodySourceManager>(); if (_BodyManager == null) { return; } Kinect.Body[] data = _BodyManager.GetData(); if (data == null) { return; } List <ulong> trackedIds = new List <ulong>(); foreach (var body in data) { if (body == null) { continue; } if (body.IsTracked) { trackedIds.Add(body.TrackingId); const float mtoft = 100f / 30.48f; Kinect.CameraSpacePoint headPos = body.Joints[Kinect.JointType.Head].Position; float distHead = headPos.Z * mtoft; Kinect.CameraSpacePoint spineBasePos = body.Joints[Kinect.JointType.SpineBase].Position; float distSpineBase = spineBasePos.Z * mtoft; BodyDistanceText.text = string.Format("{0}\n{1}\n\n{2}\n{3}\n", distHead.ToString("0.0"), distSpineBase.ToString("0.0"), headPos.Z.ToString("0.0"), spineBasePos.Z.ToString("0.0")); } } List <ulong> knownIds = new List <ulong>(_Bodies.Keys); // First delete untracked bodies foreach (ulong trackingId in knownIds) { if (!trackedIds.Contains(trackingId)) { Destroy(_Bodies[trackingId]); _Bodies.Remove(trackingId); } } foreach (var body in data) { if (body == null) { continue; } if (body.IsTracked) { if (!_Bodies.ContainsKey(body.TrackingId)) { _Bodies[body.TrackingId] = CreateBodyObject(body.TrackingId); } RefreshBodyObject(body, _Bodies[body.TrackingId]); } } }
public Vector2 MapSpacePointToDepthCoords(KinectInterop.SensorData sensorData, Vector3 spacePos) { Vector2 vPoint =; if (coordMapper != null) { CameraSpacePoint camPoint = new CameraSpacePoint(); camPoint.X = spacePos.x; camPoint.Y = spacePos.y; camPoint.Z = spacePos.z; CameraSpacePoint[] camPoints = new CameraSpacePoint[1]; camPoints[0] = camPoint; DepthSpacePoint[] depthPoints = new DepthSpacePoint[1]; coordMapper.MapCameraPointsToDepthSpace(camPoints, depthPoints); DepthSpacePoint depthPoint = depthPoints[0]; if (depthPoint.X >= 0 && depthPoint.X < sensorData.depthImageWidth && depthPoint.Y >= 0 && depthPoint.Y < sensorData.depthImageHeight) { vPoint.x = depthPoint.X; vPoint.y = depthPoint.Y; } } return vPoint; }
public void ChangeDrum(State.Status nextStatus, Kinect.CameraSpacePoint position) { Vector3 neckPos = Utility.CameraSpacePointToWorld(position); State state = GameObject.Find("MAIN").GetComponent <main>()._State; if (drum != null) { GameObject.Destroy(drum); } string drumName = null; switch (nextStatus) { case State.Status.Menu: drumName = "Prefabs/MenuDrum"; break; case State.Status.Playing: if (state.SelectedDesign == State.CustomizeDesignOption.Standard) { drumName = "Prefabs/RealDrum"; } else { drumName = "Prefabs/BolbbalganDrum"; } break; case State.Status.CustomizeMenu: drumName = "Prefabs/CustomizeMenuDrum"; break; case State.Status.PositionCustomizing: drumName = "Prefabs/PositionCustomizeMenuDrum"; break; case State.Status.PositionMoving: drumName = "Prefabs/PositionCustomizeDrum"; break; case State.Status.SoundCustomizing: drumName = "Prefabs/SoundCustomizeDrum"; break; case State.Status.DesignCustomizing: drumName = "Prefabs/DesignCustomizeDrum"; break; default: break; } drum = (GameObject)GameObject.Instantiate(Resources.Load(drumName)); drum.transform.Translate(neckPos); if (nextStatus == State.Status.Playing || nextStatus == State.Status.PositionCustomizing || nextStatus == State.Status.PositionMoving || nextStatus == State.Status.DesignCustomizing) { customizePosition(); } if (nextStatus == State.Status.DesignCustomizing) { customizeDesign(); } Camera.SetupCurrent(drum.GetComponentInChildren <Camera>()); }
public void Play(KinectManager manager, Kinect.CameraSpacePoint left, Kinect.CameraSpacePoint right) { }
public bool Equals(CameraSpacePoint obj) { return(X.Equals(obj.X) && Y.Equals(obj.Y) && Z.Equals(obj.Z)); }
private static float VectorLength(Kinect.CameraSpacePoint currentLocation) { return(new Vector3(currentLocation.X, currentLocation.Y, currentLocation.Z).magnitude); }
private static extern RootSystem.IntPtr Windows_Kinect_CoordinateMapper_MapCameraPointToColorSpace( RootSystem.IntPtr pNative, CameraSpacePoint cameraPoint);
public bool Equals(CameraSpacePoint obj) { return X.Equals(obj.X) && Y.Equals(obj.Y) && Z.Equals(obj.Z); }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (BodySourceManager == null) { return; } _BodyManager = BodySourceManager.GetComponent<BodySourceManager>(); if (_BodyManager == null) { return; } Body[] data = _BodyManager.GetData(); if (data == null) { return; } List<ulong> trackedIds = new List<ulong>(); foreach(var body in data) { if (body == null) { continue; } if(body.IsTracked) { trackedIds.Add (body.TrackingId); } } List<ulong> knownIds = new List<ulong>(_Bodies.Keys); // First delete untracked bodies foreach(ulong trackingId in knownIds) { if(!trackedIds.Contains(trackingId)) { Destroy(_Bodies[trackingId]); _Bodies.Remove(trackingId); } } for (int i=0; i<data.Length; i++) { //foreach(var body in data) //{ if (data [i] == null) { continue; } if (data [i].IsTracked) { if(ctr==0){ initialPosition = data[i].Joints[JointType.SpineBase].Position } RefreshBodyObjectOrientation(data[i]); ctr++; } } }
private int GetStickEnd(ushort[] depthData, Kinect.CameraSpacePoint handCameraPoint, Kinect.DepthSpacePoint handDepthPoint, ref byte[] colorData) { return(DFS(depthData, (int)handDepthPoint.X, (int)handDepthPoint.Y, ref colorData)); }
public Joint(Kinect.CameraSpacePoint position, Windows.Kinect.Vector4 rotation) { this.Position = new Vector3(position.X, position.Y, position.Z); this.Rotation = new Quaternion(rotation.X, rotation.Y, rotation.Z, rotation.W); }
private static Kinect.CameraSpacePoint Vector3ToSkeletonPoint(Vector3 position) { //Kinect.Joint joint = new Kinect.Joint(); Kinect.CameraSpacePoint Position = new Kinect.CameraSpacePoint (); Position.X = position.x / 10f; Position.Y = position.y / 10f; Position.Z = position.z/ 10f; return Position; }