상속: WindowlessPaintControl
        public ButtonDemo()

            // we need to layer two controls on top of another: a background, with another panel containing more controls
            StackPanel stack = myHost.Control;
            OverlayPanel overlay = new OverlayPanel();

            // set up the background bitmap and control
            PlatformBitmap backgroundBitmap = PlatformBitmap.FromResource("Wallpaper.jpg");
            WindowlessImage background = new WindowlessImage(backgroundBitmap);
            background.Stretch = Stretch.Uniform;

            // set up the foreground
            StackPanel foreground = new StackPanel();

            // load the transparent images
            PlatformBitmap users = PlatformBitmap.FromResource("users.png");
            PlatformBitmap tip = PlatformBitmap.FromResource("tip.png");

            // the two buttons will be placed in a WrapPanel
            // a wrap panel will horizontally or vertically lay out elements in a given direction until it runs out of room in that direction.
            // when it runs out of room, it will "wrap" to the next line.
            // since this wrap panel is contained in a vertical stack panel, it will lay out elements horizontally, and wrap vertically to the next line.
            WrapPanel wrap = new WrapPanel();

            // focus state bitmap
            PlatformBitmap focused = PlatformBitmap.FromResource("Btn1.png");
            // normal unselected state bitmap
            PlatformBitmap unfocused = PlatformBitmap.FromResource("Btn1_Disabled.png");
            // clicked state bitmap
            PlatformBitmap clicked = PlatformBitmap.FromResource("Btn1_Pushed.png");

            // set up the image button by setting the properties manually
            ImageButton button1 = new ImageButton(unfocused, Stretch.None);
            button1.Control.FocusedBitmap = focused;
            button1.Control.ClickedBitmap = clicked;
            button1.BackColor = Color.Transparent;

            // OR set the button up by setting everything in the constructor
            ImageButton button2 = new ImageButton(unfocused, Stretch.None, focused, clicked);
            button2.BackColor = Color.Transparent;

            // add the buttons
        public HelloWorld()

            // myHost is a Control that provides a transition from System.Windows.Forms to WindowlessControls.
            // myHost.Control is the WindowlessControls.WindowlessControl that is "hosted" in the Windows.Windows.Forms.Control.
            // put all the forms contents into a scrollHost, which will resize arbitrarily to fit its contents
            VerticalStackPanelHost scrollHost = new VerticalStackPanelHost();
            StackPanel stack = scrollHost.Control;
            stack.HorizontalAlignment = WindowlessControls.HorizontalAlignment.Stretch;

            // enable auto scrolling on myHost so if the contents (scrollHost) are too big, scroll bars appear
            myHost.AutoScroll = true;

            // hello world!
            WindowlessLabel hello1 = new WindowlessLabel("Hello World!");

            // center this label and use a different font
            Font center = new Font(FontFamily.GenericSerif, 20, FontStyle.Regular);
            WindowlessLabel hello2 = new WindowlessLabel("Centered!", center);
            hello2.HorizontalAlignment = WindowlessControls.HorizontalAlignment.Center;

            // right align this control
            WindowlessLabel right = new WindowlessLabel("Right Aligned!");
            right.HorizontalAlignment = WindowlessControls.HorizontalAlignment.Right;

            // show that controls support margins
            WindowlessLabel margin = new WindowlessLabel("Margin!");
            margin.Margin = new Thickness(20, 20, 20, 20); // margins for the left, top, right, and bottom

            // nest controls within another control and center the parent
            StackPanel child = new StackPanel();
            child.Controls.Add(new WindowlessLabel("Nested"));
            child.Controls.Add(new WindowlessLabel("Controls"));
            child.HorizontalAlignment = WindowlessControls.HorizontalAlignment.Center;
            // create a clickable hyperlink
            HyperlinkButton button = new HyperlinkButton("Click Me!");
            button.WindowlessClick += (s, e) =>
            // when the hyperlink is clicked, the event will bubble up to every host in the hierarchy
            // watch for the event and handle it
            myHost.WindowlessClick += (s, e) =>
                    if (s != myHost)
                        MessageBox.Show("A click event just bubbled up to me from " + s.GetType().ToString() + "!");

            // draw a centered image
            PlatformBitmap bitmap = PlatformBitmap.FromResource("mybrainhurts.jpg");
            WindowlessImage image = new WindowlessImage(bitmap);
            image.HorizontalAlignment = WindowlessControls.HorizontalAlignment.Center;
        public ImageGallery()

            VerticalStackPanelHost scrollHost = new VerticalStackPanelHost();
            StackPanel stack = scrollHost.Control;
            stack.HorizontalAlignment = WindowlessControls.HorizontalAlignment.Stretch;

            myHost.AutoScroll = true;

            // we need to layer two controls on top of another: a background, with another panel containing more controls
            OverlayPanel overlay = new OverlayPanel();

            // set up the background bitmap and control
            PlatformBitmap backgroundBitmap = PlatformBitmap.FromResource("Wallpaper.jpg");
            WindowlessImage background = new WindowlessImage(backgroundBitmap);
            background.Stretch = Stretch.Uniform;

            // set up the foreground
            StackPanel foreground = new StackPanel();

            // set up the ItemsControl which will hold the images
            myItemsControl.BackColor = Color.Transparent;
            // the images will be contained in a wrap panel
            myItemsControl.Control = new WrapPanel();
            // this tells the ItemsControl what is used to represent the content items
            myItemsControl.ContentPresenter = typeof(ImageResourcePresenter);

            // let's get a list of image resources
            Assembly ass = Assembly.GetCallingAssembly();
            string[] names = ass.GetManifestResourceNames();
            foreach (string name in names)
                foreach (string extension in imageExtensions)
                    if (name.EndsWith(extension, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))

            // now let's search the file system for images
            foreach (string name in Directory.GetFiles("\\My Documents\\My Pictures"))
                foreach (string extension in imageExtensions)
                    if (name.EndsWith(extension, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))