// public double ucrt(int x, int y, int z) //{ // int ucrt_index = Array.IndexOf(variables_name, "UCRT"); // return vars_phi[x, y, z, ucrt_index]; //} //public double[] ucrt(int x, int y) //{ // ///inserire exeptions // int ucrt_index = Array.IndexOf(variables_name, "UCRT"); // double[] arr = new double[z_high_cell_face.Length]; // for (int i = 0; i < arr.Length; i++) // { // arr[i] = vars_phi[x, y, i, ucrt_index]; // } // return arr; //} ////public double z0(int x, int y) ////{ //// int len = z_high_cell_face.Length; //// double[] logz = new double[len]; //// double[] u = ucrt(x, y); //// for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) //// { //// double zcen; //// if (i == 0) zcen = z_high_cell_face[i] / 2; //// else zcen = z_high_cell_face[i] - z_high_cell_face[i - 1]; //// logz[i] = Math.Log(zcen); //// } ////} public WindField(WSProject project ,int settore) { // inistialize phi and xyz string phi_file = project.file.DirectoryName + "\\windfield\\" + settore + "_red.phi"; string xyz_file = project.file.DirectoryName + "\\windfield\\" + settore + "_red.xyz"; FileInfo phi_file_check = new FileInfo(phi_file); FileInfo xyz_file_check = new FileInfo(xyz_file); // check if required files exists if (phi_file_check.Exists && xyz_file_check.Exists) { phi = new PhiFile(phi_file); xyz = new XYZFile(xyz_file); } else { phi = null; xyz = null; } }
public void WindField_constructor_phi() { FileInfo phi_file = new FileInfo(phi_file270_path); PhiFile expected = new PhiFile(phi_file.FullName); Assert.IsTrue(expected.Equals(target.phi)); }
public void test_project_fill_phifiles_on_construct() { WSProject project = new WSProject(project_file.FullName); PhiFile settore_270 = new PhiFile(phifile270_path); Assert.IsTrue(project.WField[270].phi.Equals(settore_270)); //remeber that Phifile equals do not compare vars_phi[,,,] ! // should test if the file do not exist project_fill_phifiles_on_construct() }
//(object obj) public bool Equals(PhiFile other) { return (FileName.FullName == other.FileName.FullName) && (cartes == other.cartes) && (onephs == other.onephs) && (bfc == other.bfc) && (xcycle == other.xcycle) && (ccm == other.ccm) && (nx == other.nx) && (ny == other.ny) && (nz == other.nz) && (nphi == other.nphi) && (den1 == other.den1) && (den2 == other.den2) && (epor == other.epor) && (npor == other.npor) && (hpor == other.hpor) && (vpor == other.vpor) && (lenrec == other.lenrec) && (numblk == other.numblk) && (nmatst == other.nmatst) && (nfmak1 == other.nfmak1) && (rinner == other.rinner) && (f_nprphi == other.f_nprphi) && (f_nfmak2 == other.f_nfmak2) && (rdmat1 == other.rdmat1) && (f_idmat2 == other.f_idmat2) && Enumerable.SequenceEqual(all_variables_name, other.all_variables_name) && Enumerable.SequenceEqual(x_east_cell_face, other.x_east_cell_face) && Enumerable.SequenceEqual(y_north_cell_face, other.y_north_cell_face) && Enumerable.SequenceEqual(z_high_cell_face, other.z_high_cell_face) && Enumerable.SequenceEqual(slab_mean_pressure_correction, other.slab_mean_pressure_correction) && Enumerable.SequenceEqual(variables_name, other.variables_name); //&& Enumerable.SequenceEqual(vars_phi, other.vars_phi); }