예제 #1
            public Geometrical(FileGws gws, double threshold, double iXmin, double iXmax, double iYmin, double iYmax, int iXcells, int iYcells, double totalH, int numOfL)
                slabs= numOfL;

                firstCellHeightMap = MyMath.interpolatedMap(iXmin, iXmax, iYmin, iYmax, iXcells, iYcells, MyMath.SmoothedMap(HFirstCell(gws.Map(FileGws.MapType.Rough)), threshold));
                GroundHeightMap = MyMath.interpolatedMap(iXmin, iXmax, iYmin, iYmax, iXcells, iYcells, gws.Map(FileGws.MapType.Height));

                xmin = iXmin;
                xmax = iXmax;
                ymin = iYmin;
                ymax = iYmax;

                int x,y;
                x = firstCellHeightMap.data.GetLength(0);
                y = firstCellHeightMap.data.GetLength(1);

                data = new GeometricalColumn[x, y];
                for (int i = 0; i < x; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < y; j++)
                        GeometricalColumn column = new GeometricalColumn(firstCellHeightMap.data[i, j][2], totalH, numOfL, firstCellHeightMap.data[i, j][0], firstCellHeightMap.data[i, j][1], GroundHeightMap.data[i,j][2]);
                        data[i, j] = column;
예제 #2
        public FileGws ParseGws(string filepath)
            NumberStyles floatdataFormat = NumberStyles.AllowLeadingSign | NumberStyles.AllowExponent | NumberStyles.AllowLeadingWhite | NumberStyles.AllowDecimalPoint;
            NumberStyles floatdecimalFormat = NumberStyles.AllowLeadingSign | NumberStyles.AllowDecimalPoint;
            FileGws gws=null;
            if (File.Exists(filepath))

                using (TextReader tr = new StreamReader(filepath))
                    string line="";

                    bool header = true;
                        //                                               ! comments not belonging to the format
                        //WindSim version    : 430                       ! mandatory; .gws format version
                        //area name          : demo                      ! optional;  area name
                        //#nodes nxp nyp     : 21  11                    ! mandatory; number of nodes in west-east and north-south direction
                        //co-ordinate system : 3                         ! mandatory; co-ordinate system: (1)local, (3)global
                        //ext. xmin xmax     :  975000.0    977000.0     ! mandatory; min. and max extension in east-west direction
                        //ext. ymin ymax     : 7915000.0   7916000.0     ! mandatory; min. and max extension in north-south direction
                        //ext. zmin zmax     :       0.0         0.0     ! optional;  min. and max extension in vertical-direction
                        //HEIGHT             :
                    string windSimversion="", areaname="";
                    int nxp=0, nyp=0, coordinatesystem=0;
                    double xmin=0.0, xmax=0.0, ymin=0.0, ymax=0.0;
                    while (header)
                        line = tr.ReadLine();
                        string uncommented = line.Split('!')[0];
                        string a = "";

                        if (uncommented.Replace(" ", "").Length > 0)
                            a = uncommented.Substring(0, 20).Replace(" ", "").Replace(":", "");
                            if (a == "WindSimversion") { windSimversion = uncommented.Substring(21, a.Length).Replace(" ", ""); }
                            else if (a == "areaname") { areaname = uncommented.Substring(21, a.Length).Trim(); }
                            else if (a == "#nodesnxpnyp")
                                                            string[] nodesnxpnyp = Regex.Split(uncommented.Substring(21, a.Length).Trim(), @"\D+");
                                                            nxp = Convert.ToInt32(nodesnxpnyp[0]);
                                                            nyp = Convert.ToInt32(nodesnxpnyp[1]);
                            else if (a == "co-ordinatesystem") {
                                coordinatesystem = Convert.ToInt32(uncommented.Substring(21, a.Length).Trim());
                            else if (a == "ext.xminxmax") {
                                xmin = Double.Parse(uncommented.Substring(21, 10).Trim(), floatdecimalFormat);
                                xmax = Double.Parse(uncommented.Substring(31, 10).Trim(), floatdecimalFormat);
                            else if (a == "ext.yminymax")
                                ymin = Double.Parse(uncommented.Substring(21, 10).Trim(), floatdecimalFormat);
                                ymax = Double.Parse(uncommented.Substring(31, 10).Trim(), floatdecimalFormat);

                            //else if (a == "ext.zminzmax") { }
                            //  #nodes nxp nyp
                            else if (a == "HEIGHT") header = false;

                    //Inizializzo il file con le dimensioni ed i parametri...
                    gws = new FileGws(nxp, nyp, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, windSimversion, areaname, coordinatesystem);
                    //Riempo l'array delle height..
                    double nxrows = nxp / 10.0;
                    int nx_index = 0, ny_index = 0;

                    for (ny_index = 0; ny_index < nyp; ny_index++)
                        line = tr.ReadLine();
                        for (int nxrow = 0; nxrow < Math.Ceiling(nxrows); nxrow++)
                            line = tr.ReadLine();
                            for (int element = 0; element < 10 && nx_index < nxp ; element++)
                                GwsNode node = new GwsNode();
                                node.height = Double.Parse(line.Substring(14 * element, 14), floatdataFormat);
                                gws.data[nx_index,ny_index] = node;

                        nx_index = 0;

                    line = tr.ReadLine();
                    //Riempo l'array delle roughness
                    for (ny_index = 0; ny_index < nyp; ny_index++)
                        line = tr.ReadLine();
                        for (int nxrow = 0; nxrow < Math.Ceiling(nxrows); nxrow++)
                            line = tr.ReadLine();
                            for (int element = 0; element < 10 && nx_index < nxp; element++)

                                gws.data[nx_index, ny_index].rough = Double.Parse(line.Substring(14 * element, 14), floatdataFormat);


                        nx_index = 0;


            return gws;