예제 #1
 public HourSummaryGrid(ISessionColumnCollection collection, DataTable data, SessionColumnType sheartype
                        , HourAxis axis)
     _collection = collection;
     _rowdata    = data.AsDataView();
예제 #2
 public CreateHourSummaryGrid(List <XbyYCoincidentRow> filtereddata, HourAxis axis,
                              double upperwsht, double lowerwsht, double shearht, SessionColumnType sheartype)
     _axis         = axis;
     _filtereddata = filtereddata;
     _upperwsht    = upperwsht;
     _lowerwsht    = lowerwsht;
     _shearht      = shearht;
     _sheartype    = sheartype;
예제 #3

        protected override List <XbyYCoincidentRow> FilterRows(int axiselement)
            HourAxis houraxis = (HourAxis)_axis;

            var result = from p in _filtereddata.AsEnumerable()
                         where p.Date.Hour == houraxis.AxisValues [axiselement]
                         select p;

            //Console.WriteLine("element " + axiselement + " count " + result.ToList().Count +
            //    " Hour=" + _axis.AxisValues [axiselement ]);

            if (result.Count() == 0)
                return(new List <XbyYCoincidentRow>()
                    new XbyYCoincidentRow()
예제 #4
        public bool CalculateWindSpeed(double shearht, out ShearCalculationGridCollection gridcollection)
                //make sure there are axis vals set
                if (_xaxis == null || _yaxis == null)
                    Console.WriteLine(" shear not calculated because no axes were provided");
                    gridcollection = null;

                //Console.WriteLine(" x axis " + _xaxis.AxisValues.Length + " y axis " + _yaxis.AxisValues.Length);

                HourAxis          hourAxis  = null;
                MonthAxis         monthAxis = null;
                WindDirectionAxis wdAxis    = null;

                //add axes to a list for easier parsing
                List <IAxis> AssignedAxis = new List <IAxis>();
                bool useWD = false;

                foreach (IAxis a in AssignedAxis)
                    switch (a.AxisType)
                    case AxisType.Hour:
                        hourAxis = (HourAxis)a;

                    case AxisType.Month:
                        monthAxis = (MonthAxis)a;

                    case AxisType.WD:
                        wdAxis = (WindDirectionAxis)a;
                        useWD  = true;

                        throw new NotImplementedException("shear by WD not yet developed");


                // Console.WriteLine("assigned axis types");

                _data.Sort = Settings.Default.TimeStampName;
                DateTime t       = DateTime.Now;
                double   missing = Settings.Default.MissingValue;

                //get a date at the beginning of the dataset provided
                DateTime start = DateTime.Parse(_data[2][_collection.DateIndex].ToString());

                //get a list of the columns for this config sorted ascending by height
                SortedDictionary <double, ISessionColumn> orderedWsCols
                    = _collection.GetColumnsByType(SessionColumnType.WSAvg, start, true);

                if (orderedWsCols.Count == 0)
                    throw new ApplicationException("No WS Composite columns were found in MonthHourShear class. Config boundary dates may have been passed incorrectly");

                //sort columns descending by height

                //put the column indexes into a list for coincident values constructor
                SortedDictionary <double, int> TopCols = new SortedDictionary <double, int>();

                foreach (KeyValuePair <double, ISessionColumn> kv in orderedWsCols)
                    //Console.WriteLine("passed to getrows as ws idx:" + kv.Value.ColName);
                    TopCols.Add(kv.Key, _collection[kv.Value.ColName].ColIndex);
                List <double> SensorHts = TopCols.Keys.ToList();
                //Console.WriteLine("first row after sort " + _data[1][0] + " " + _[SensorHts [1]] + " " + _data[1][SensorHts[0]]);

                //pass the column list and the dataview to get only  coincident rows for the columns passed
                XbyYShearCoincidentRowCollection coincident
                    = new XbyYShearCoincidentRowCollection(_collection.DateIndex, TopCols, _data);

                int wdColIndex = 0;
                List <XbyYCoincidentRow> coincidentValues = new List <XbyYCoincidentRow>();
                if (_collection["WDAvgComposite"] != null)
                    wdColIndex = _collection["WDAvgComposite"].ColIndex;

                    //Console.WriteLine("Shear.CalculateWS:wd comp index=" + wdColIndex );

                    coincidentValues = coincident.GetRows(wdColIndex);

                    //Console.WriteLine("coincident rows count " + coincidentValues.Count);
                    coincidentValues = coincident.GetRows(1);

                //collection to hold averages at each x y point
                gridcollection = new ShearCalculationGridCollection();

                //get number of elements in each axis
                int hour  = 0;
                int month = 0;
                int x     = _xaxis.AxisValues.Length;
                int y     = _yaxis.AxisValues.Length;
                // Console.WriteLine("assigned axis lengths " + x + ", " + y);
                if (AxisLengthsDetermined != null)
                    AxisLengthsDetermined("Assigned Alpha Grid Axis lengths " + x + " by " + y);
                //arrays to hold upper and lower avgs at each x,y point
                double[,] UpperAvgGrid = new double[x, y];
                double[,] LowerAvgGrid = new double[x, y];

                //list to hold avg values for each sensor grid at each x and y bin
                List <double> upperWsVals = new List <double>();
                List <double> lowerWSVals = new List <double>();

                for (int a = 0; a < x; a++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < y; j++)
                        int TestCount = 0;
                        if (useWD)
                            if (_xaxis.AxisType == AxisType.Hour)
                                hour = a;  month = j;
                                hour = j;  month = a;
                            hour  = (int)hourAxis.AxisValues[hour];
                            month = (int)monthAxis.AxisValues[month];
                            //Console.WriteLine("hour " + hour + ", Month " + month);
                            //find the row collection for this x,y point
                            var r = from s in coincidentValues.AsEnumerable()
                                    where s.Date.Month == month && s.Date.Hour == hour &&
                                    s.WD >= 0
                                    select s;

                            //Console.WriteLine(month + " " + hour + " value: " + r.Count());

                            double useUpperWSVal;
                            double useLowerWSVal;

                            foreach (var row in r)
                                //if (month == 11)
                                //    Console.WriteLine("date " + row.Date + " upper ws " + (double)row.UpperWS);
                                if (Double.TryParse(row.UpperWS.ToString(), out useUpperWSVal) &&
                                    Double.TryParse(row.LowerWS.ToString(), out useLowerWSVal))
                        //Console.WriteLine("upper count at " + month + ", " + hour + ": " + TestCount);
                        //add each collection  avg to the avg grids

                        //Console.WriteLine("lower average at " + month + ", " + hour + ": " + lowerWSVals.Average() + "/n");
                        if (upperWsVals.Count > 0 && lowerWSVals.Count > 0)
                            UpperAvgGrid[a, j] = upperWsVals.Average();
                            // Console.WriteLine( a + " by " + j + "           " + upperWsVals.Count);

                            LowerAvgGrid[a, j] = lowerWSVals.Average();
                            UpperAvgGrid[a, j] = 0;
                            LowerAvgGrid[a, j] = 0;


                        //Console.WriteLine("Upper average at " + a + ", " + hour + " "+ UpperAvgGrid[a, j]);
                        //Console.WriteLine("Lower average at " + month + ", " + hour + " " + LowerAvgGrid[a, j]);
                gridcollection.LowerAvg = LowerAvgGrid;
                gridcollection.UpperAvg = UpperAvgGrid;

                //calculate each alpha value and assign to  a single grid
                double[,] alphaGrid = new double[x, y];

                //fill alpha table

                for (int a = 0; a < x; a++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < y; j++)
                        //Console.WriteLine(" x=" + a.ToString() + " y=" + j.ToString());
                        alphaGrid[a, j] = Math.Log(gridcollection.UpperAvg [a, j] / gridcollection.LowerAvg [a, j])
                                          / Math.Log(SensorHts[1] / SensorHts[0]);
                        //Console.WriteLine("Alpha in grid=" + alphaGrid[a, j].ToString() +
                        //    " upper ws =" + gridcollection.UpperAvg[a, j].ToString() +
                        //    " Lower ws =" + gridcollection.LowerAvg[a, j].ToString() +
                        //    " upper ht " + SensorHts[1] + " lower ht " + SensorHts[0] +
                        //    " month=" + monthAxis.AxisValues[a] + " hour=" + hourAxis.AxisValues[j]);
                        if (Double.IsNaN(alphaGrid[a, j]))
                            alphaGrid[a, j] = 0;

                gridcollection.Alpha = alphaGrid;

                //create a single multi-d array from the original dictionary of values
                //values must stay in order
                List <int> CombineCols = TopCols.Values.ToList();

                //height and value of the valid ws comp at each row ordered by datetime
                double[,] result = CombineSensorVals(CombineCols);

                //Console.WriteLine("Rows in full data " + _data.Count + " rows in combined dataset " + result.GetLength (1));
                //array to store sheared ws
                List <double> ShearResult = new List <double>(result.GetLength(1));

                //add colummn to dataset and capture colindex
                string localcolname = shearht.ToString();
                localcolname += Enum.GetName(typeof(SessionColumnType), SessionColumnType.WSAvgShear);
                localcolname += x + "by" + y;
                //Console.WriteLine("X by Y shear column  will be named " + localcolname);

                int shearIndex = AddShearColumnToTable(localcolname, shearht);
                int alphaIndex = AddAlphaColumn("Alpha");

                double   thisAlpha;
                int      xVal;
                int      yVal;
                DateTime thisDate;
                double   thisWD;
                if (AddingShearValues != null)
                    AddingShearValues("Calculating " + shearht + "m Sheared Windspeed");
                //loop combined values
                for (int i = 0; i < result.GetLength(1); i++)
                    thisDate = (DateTime)_data[i][_collection.DateIndex];

                    if (useWD)
                        thisWD = (double)_data[i][wdColIndex];
                        xVal                 = monthAxis.ReturnAxisValue(thisDate);
                        yVal                 = hourAxis.ReturnAxisValue(thisDate);
                        thisAlpha            = gridcollection.Alpha [xVal, yVal];
                        _data[i][alphaIndex] = thisAlpha;
                        if (result[1, i] >= 0)
                            _data[i][shearIndex] = (result[1, i] * Math.Pow((shearht / result[0, i]), thisAlpha));
                            _data[i][shearIndex] = missing;

                DateTime t_end = DateTime.Now;
                TimeSpan dur   = t_end - t;
                //Console.WriteLine("Calculating and adding " + x + " by " + y + " shear ws takes  " + dur);
                if (AddedShearValues != null)
                    AddedShearValues("Shear Calculation Complete");

            catch (Exception e)
                throw e;
예제 #5
        public bool CalculateWindSpeed(double shearht, out ShearCalculationGridCollection gridcollection)
            //make sure there are axis vals set
            if (_xaxis == null)
                Console.WriteLine(" shear not calculated because no axis was provided");
                gridcollection = null;
            Console.WriteLine(" x axis " + _xaxis.AxisValues.Length);
            HourAxis hourAxis = (HourAxis)_xaxis;

            _data.Sort = Settings.Default.TimeStampName;
            DateTime t       = DateTime.Now;
            double   missing = Settings.Default.MissingValue;

            //get a date at the beginning of the dataset provided
            DateTime start = DateTime.Parse(_data[2][_collection.DateIndex].ToString());

            //get a list of the columns for this config sorted ascending by height
            SortedDictionary <double, ISessionColumn> orderedWsCols
                = _collection.GetColumnsByType(SessionColumnType.WSAvg, start, true);

            //sort columns descending by height

            //put the column indexes into a list for coincident values constructor
            SortedDictionary <double, int> TopCols = new SortedDictionary <double, int>();

            foreach (KeyValuePair <double, ISessionColumn> kv in orderedWsCols)
                TopCols.Add(kv.Key, kv.Value.ColIndex);
            List <double> SensorHts = TopCols.Keys.ToList();


            //pass the column list and the dataview to get only  coincident rows for the columns passed
            XbyYShearCoincidentRowCollection coincident
                = new XbyYShearCoincidentRowCollection(_collection.DateIndex, TopCols, _data);

            int wdColIndex = _collection["WDAvgComposite"].ColIndex;

            Console.WriteLine("wd comp index=" + wdColIndex);

            List <XbyYCoincidentRow> coincidentValues = coincident.GetRows(wdColIndex);

            Console.WriteLine("coincident rows count " + coincidentValues.Count);

            //collection to hold averages at each x y point
            gridcollection = new ShearCalculationGridCollection();

            //get number of elements in each axis
            int hour = 0;

            int x = _xaxis.AxisValues.Length;

            Console.WriteLine("assigned axis length  1 by " + x);
            //arrays to hold upper and lower avgs at each x,y point
            double[,] UpperAvgGrid = new double[1, x];
            double[,] LowerAvgGrid = new double[1, x];

            //list to hold avg values for each sensor grid at each x and y bin
            List <double> upperWsVals = new List <double>();
            List <double> lowerWSVals = new List <double>();

            //only 1 element because this is a 1 by x shear
            for (int a = 0; a < 1; a++)
                for (int j = 0; j < x; j++)
                    int TestCount = 0;
                    //Console.WriteLine(" a " + a + " j " + j);
                    hour = (int)hourAxis.AxisValues[j];

                    //find the row collection for this x,y point
                    var r = from s in coincidentValues.AsEnumerable()
                            where s.Date.Hour == hour &&
                            s.WD >= 0
                            select s;

                    //Console.WriteLine(month + " " + hour + " value: " + r.Count());

                    double useUpperWSVal;
                    double useLowerWSVal;
                    foreach (var row in r)
                        if (Double.TryParse(row.UpperWS.ToString(), out useUpperWSVal) &&
                            Double.TryParse(row.LowerWS.ToString(), out useLowerWSVal))
                    if (upperWsVals.Count > 0 && lowerWSVals.Count > 0)
                        UpperAvgGrid[a, j] = upperWsVals.Average();
                        LowerAvgGrid[a, j] = lowerWSVals.Average();
                        UpperAvgGrid[a, j] = 0;
                        LowerAvgGrid[a, j] = 0;
            gridcollection.LowerAvg = LowerAvgGrid;
            gridcollection.UpperAvg = UpperAvgGrid;

            //calculate each alpha value and assign to  a single grid
            double[,] alphaGrid = new double[1, x];

            //fill alpha table

            for (int a = 0; a < 1; a++)
                for (int j = 0; j < x; j++)
                    //Console.WriteLine(" x=" + a.ToString() + " y=" + j.ToString());
                    alphaGrid[a, j] = Math.Log(gridcollection.UpperAvg[a, j] / gridcollection.LowerAvg[a, j])
                                      / Math.Log(SensorHts[1] / SensorHts[0]);
                    //Console.WriteLine("Alpha in grid=" + alphaGrid[a, j].ToString() +
                    //    " upper ws =" + gridcollection.UpperAvg[a, j].ToString() +
                    //    " Lower ws =" + gridcollection.LowerAvg[a, j].ToString() +
                    //    " upper ht " + SensorHts[1] + " lower ht " + SensorHts[0] +
                    //    " month=" + monthAxis.AxisValues[a] + " hour=" + hourAxis.AxisValues[j]);

            gridcollection.Alpha = alphaGrid;

            //create a single multi-d array from the original dictionary of values
            //values must stay in order
            List <int> CombineCols = TopCols.Values.ToList();

            //height and value of the valid ws comp at each row ordered by datetime
            double[,] result = CombineSensorVals(CombineCols);

            Console.WriteLine("Rows in full data " + _data.Count + " rows in combined dataset " + result.GetLength(1));
            //array to store sheared ws
            List <double> ShearResult = new List <double>(result.GetLength(1));

            //add colummn to dataset and capture colindex
            string localcolname = shearht.ToString();

            localcolname += Enum.GetName(typeof(SessionColumnType), SessionColumnType.WSAvgSingleAxisShear);
            localcolname += "1" + "by" + x;
            Console.WriteLine("X by Y shear column will be named " + localcolname);

            int shearIndex = AddShearColumnToTable(localcolname, shearht);

            double   thisAlpha;
            int      yVal;
            DateTime thisDate;

            //loop combined values
            for (int i = 0; i < result.GetLength(1); i++)
                thisDate = (DateTime)_data[i][_collection.DateIndex];

                yVal      = hourAxis.ReturnAxisValue(thisDate);
                thisAlpha = gridcollection.Alpha[0, yVal];

                if (result[0, i] > 0)
                    _data[i][shearIndex] = (result[1, i] * Math.Pow((shearht / result[0, i]), thisAlpha));
                    _data[i][shearIndex] = missing;

            DateTime t_end = DateTime.Now;
            TimeSpan dur   = t_end - t;

            Console.WriteLine("Calculating and adding 1 by " + x + " shear ws takes  " + dur);
