public static double DiuralSMAChange(Vessel vessel) { double RateOfChangeOfSMA = 0; double InitialSMA = VesselData.FetchSMA(vessel); double Albedo = 0.12; // Work on something better for this! Currently using Worn Asphalt as a guide... double MeanMotion = (360.0) / vessel.orbitDriver.orbit.period; double Area = VesselData.FetchArea(vessel); double Mass = VesselData.FetchMass(vessel); double Radius = Math.Sqrt(Area / Math.PI); double Volume = (4.0 / 3.0) * Math.PI * Math.Pow(Radius, 3.0); double Density = Mass / Volume; double c = Math.Pow(8.0 * 10, 8); double Altitude = 0; if (vessel.orbitDriver.orbit.referenceBody == Sun.Instance.sun) // Checks for the sun { Altitude = vessel.orbitDriver.orbit.altitude; } else { Altitude = vessel.orbitDriver.orbit.referenceBody.orbit.altitude; } double SolarEnergy = (double)Math.Pow(((double)3.86 * (double)10.0), (double)26.0); double SolarConstant = 0.0; SolarConstant = SolarEnergy / ((double)4.0 * (double)Math.PI * (double)Math.Pow(Altitude, (double)2.0)); // W/m^2 double BoltzmannConstant = Math.Pow(6.68 * 10.0, -11.0); double SolarTemperature = vessel.externalTemperature; // try this! double Epsilon = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0.75f, 0.9f); double LocalForce = 0; LocalForce = (Epsilon * BoltzmannConstant * Math.Pow(SolarTemperature, 4.0)) / Albedo; double Iota = (3.0 * LocalForce) / (4.0 * Radius * Density * c); Vector3d RotationAxis = vessel.upAxis; float ObliquityOfSpinAxis = 0; double AmplitudeOfRotation = 0; double RotationPhase = 0; if (LoadingCheck.PersistentRotationInstalled) { // Add Persistent Rotation Compatibility here! //1.6.0 } else { if (vessel.isActiveVessel) { Quaternion VesselRotation = vessel.srfRelRotation; Vector3 TemporaryAxis; VesselRotation.ToAngleAxis(out ObliquityOfSpinAxis, out TemporaryAxis); Vector3 AngularSpeed = (TemporaryAxis * ObliquityOfSpinAxis); // Rotation Per Second? AmplitudeOfRotation = AngularSpeed.magnitude; RotationPhase = Vector3.Angle(RotationAxis, TemporaryAxis); } else { Quaternion VesselRotation = new Quaternion();//.Inverse(); // Issues here work out a background rotational calculation? Vector3 TemporaryAxis; VesselRotation.ToAngleAxis(out ObliquityOfSpinAxis, out TemporaryAxis); Vector3 AngularSpeed = (TemporaryAxis * ObliquityOfSpinAxis); // Rotation Per Second? AmplitudeOfRotation = AngularSpeed.magnitude; RotationPhase = Vector3.Angle(RotationAxis, TemporaryAxis); } } double RotationFrequency = AmplitudeOfRotation; double DiuralThermalParameter = 0; double Gamma = 0; double SpecificHeatCapacity = 670; // Lets not model this too far yet... maybe for 1.6.0 using c of Regolith for now double ThermalConductivity = (Math.Pow(100.0, 2.0) / (Density * SpecificHeatCapacity)); double PenetrationDepth = 0; double X = 0; DiuralThermalParameter = (Math.Sqrt(ThermalConductivity * Density * SpecificHeatCapacity * RotationFrequency) / (Epsilon * BoltzmannConstant * Math.Pow(SolarTemperature, 3.0) * Altitude)); PenetrationDepth = Math.Sqrt(ThermalConductivity / (Density * SpecificHeatCapacity * RotationFrequency)); X = (Radius * Math.Sqrt(2)) / PenetrationDepth; Gamma = DiuralThermalParameter / X; double BigOFunctionOfEccentricity = Math.Pow(vessel.orbitDriver.orbit.eccentricity, 0.0); RateOfChangeOfSMA = ((-8.0 * Albedo) / (9.0 * MeanMotion)) * Iota * ((AmplitudeOfRotation * Math.Sin(RotationPhase)) / 1.0 + Gamma) * Math.Cos(ObliquityOfSpinAxis) + 0; if (double.IsNaN(RateOfChangeOfSMA)) { RateOfChangeOfSMA = 0; } return(RateOfChangeOfSMA); }
public void ToggleSK() { VesselData.UpdateStationKeeping(this.vessel, VesselData.FetchStationKeeping(vessel)); stationKeepData.IsStationKeeping = !stationKeepData.IsStationKeeping; updatedisplayedData(); }
public static void FuelManager(Vessel vessel) { string ResourceName = ""; ResourceName = ResourceManager.GetResourceNames(vessel); double CurrentFuel = 0; CurrentFuel = ResourceManager.GetResources(vessel); double ResourceEfficiency = VesselData.FetchEfficiency(vessel);// effi calculation based on vessel engine ISP stored in stationKeepData.ISP NEED ballance double LostFuel = 0.0; LostFuel = Math.Abs((DecayManager.DecayRateAtmosphericDrag(vessel) + DecayManager.DecayRateRadiationPressure(vessel) + DecayManager.DecayRateYarkovskyEffect(vessel))) * Settings.ReadResourceRateDifficulty() * ResourceEfficiency; // * Fuel Multiplier double FuelNew = CurrentFuel - LostFuel; /// Remote tech compatibility - 1.6.0 /// bool RemoteTechInstalled = LoadingCheck.RemoteTechInstalled; bool SignalCheck = false; bool ConnectionToVessel = true; if (RemoteTechInstalled) { // Add Part Module Checks Here // Maybe 1.6.0 if (ConnectionToVessel == false) { SignalCheck = false; ScreenMessages.PostScreenMessage("Warning: " + vessel.vesselName + " has no connection to send Station Keeping command!"); VesselData.UpdateStationKeeping(vessel, false); } } else { SignalCheck = true; } if (SignalCheck == true) { if (EngineCheck(vessel) == false) // 1.3.0 { ScreenMessages.PostScreenMessage("Warning: " + vessel.vesselName + " has no operational Engines or RCS modules, Station Keeping disabled."); VesselData.UpdateStationKeeping(vessel, false); } else if (EngineCheck(vessel) == true) { if (FuelNew <= 0) { ScreenMessages.PostScreenMessage("Warning: " + vessel.vesselName + " has run out of " + ResourceName + ", Station Keeping disabled."); VesselData.UpdateStationKeeping(vessel, false); VesselData.UpdateVesselFuel(vessel, 0); } else { VesselData.UpdateVesselFuel(vessel, FuelNew); ResourceManager.RemoveResources(vessel, LostFuel); } } } }
public void InformationTab() { GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); = 16; = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; GUILayout.Label("Vessel Information", GUILayout.Width(290)); = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; = 12; GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.BeginVertical(); // 1.5.2 Filtering // GUILayout.Space(3); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); if (GUILayout.Button(GameDatabase.Instance.GetTexture("Squad/PartList/SimpleIcons/R&D_node_icon_unmannedtech", false))) { if (FilterTypes.Contains(VesselType.Probe)) { FilterTypes.Remove(VesselType.Probe); } else { FilterTypes.Add(VesselType.Probe); } } GUILayout.Space(3); if (GUILayout.Button(GameDatabase.Instance.GetTexture("Squad/PartList/SimpleIcons/R&D_node_icon_advunmanned", false))) { if (FilterTypes.Contains(VesselType.Relay)) { FilterTypes.Remove(VesselType.Relay); } else { FilterTypes.Add(VesselType.Relay); } } GUILayout.Space(3); if (GUILayout.Button(GameDatabase.Instance.GetTexture("Squad/PartList/SimpleIcons/RDicon_commandmodules", false))) { if (FilterTypes.Contains(VesselType.Ship)) { FilterTypes.Remove(VesselType.Ship); } else { FilterTypes.Add(VesselType.Ship); } } GUILayout.Space(3); if (GUILayout.Button(GameDatabase.Instance.GetTexture("Squad/PartList/SimpleIcons/R&D_node_icon_specializedconstruction", false))) { if (FilterTypes.Contains(VesselType.Station)) { FilterTypes.Remove(VesselType.Station); } else { FilterTypes.Add(VesselType.Station); } } GUILayout.Space(3); if (GUILayout.Button(GameDatabase.Instance.GetTexture("Squad/PartList/SimpleIcons/RDicon_telescope", false))) { if (FilterTypes.Contains(VesselType.SpaceObject)) { FilterTypes.Remove(VesselType.SpaceObject); } else { FilterTypes.Add(VesselType.SpaceObject); } if (FilterTypes.Contains(VesselType.Unknown)) { FilterTypes.Remove(VesselType.Unknown); } else { FilterTypes.Add(VesselType.Unknown); } } GUILayout.Space(3); if (GUILayout.Button(GameDatabase.Instance.GetTexture("Squad/PartList/SimpleIcons/R&D_node_icon_composites", false))) { if (FilterTypes.Contains(VesselType.Debris)) { FilterTypes.Remove(VesselType.Debris); } else { FilterTypes.Add(VesselType.Debris); } } GUILayout.Space(3); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(3); GUILayout.Label("_______________________________________"); GUILayout.EndVertical(); scrollPosition1 = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(scrollPosition1, GUILayout.Width(290), GUILayout.Height(350)); bool Realistic = Settings.ReadRD(); var ClockType = Settings.Read24Hr(); //151var Resource = Settings.ReadStationKeepingResource(); foreach (Vessel vessel in FlightGlobals.Vessels) { if (FilterTypes.Contains(vessel.vesselType)) { if (vessel.situation == Vessel.Situations.ORBITING) { var StationKeeping = VesselData.FetchStationKeeping(vessel).ToString(); var StationKeepingFuelRemaining = ResourceManager.GetResources(vessel).ToString("F3"); var Resource = ResourceManager.GetResourceNames(vessel); var ButtonText = ""; var HoursInDay = 6.0; double DaysInYear = 0; bool KerbinTime = GameSettings.KERBIN_TIME; if (KerbinTime == true) { DaysInYear = 9203545 / (60 * 60 * HoursInDay); } else { DaysInYear = 31557600 / (60 * 60 * HoursInDay); } if (StationKeeping == "True") { ButtonText = "Disable Station Keeping"; } else { ButtonText = "Enable Station Keeping"; } if (ClockType == true) { HoursInDay = 24.0; } else { HoursInDay = 6.0; } GUILayout.BeginVertical(); // GUILayout.Label("Vessels count" + VesselData.VesselInformation.CountNodes.ToString()); GUILayout.Label("Vessel Name: " + vessel.vesselName); // GUILayout.Label("Vessel Area: " + VesselData.FetchArea(vessel).ToString()); // GUILayout.Label("Vessel Mass: " + VesselData.FetchMass(vessel).ToString()); GUILayout.Space(2); GUILayout.Label("Orbiting Body: " + vessel.orbitDriver.orbit.referenceBody.GetName()); GUILayout.Space(2); if (StationKeeping == "True") { GUILayout.Label("Current Total Decay Rate: Vessel is Station Keeping"); GUILayout.Space(2); } else { double TotalDecayRatePerSecond = Math.Abs(DecayManager.DecayRateAtmosphericDrag(vessel)) + Math.Abs(DecayManager.DecayRateRadiationPressure(vessel)) + Math.Abs(DecayManager.DecayRateYarkovskyEffect(vessel)); //+ Math.Abs(DecayManager.DecayRateGravitationalPertubation(vessel)); double ADDR = DecayManager.DecayRateAtmosphericDrag(vessel); double GPDR = DecayManager.DecayRateGravitationalPertubation(vessel); double PRDR = DecayManager.DecayRateRadiationPressure(vessel); double YEDR = DecayManager.DecayRateYarkovskyEffect(vessel); GUILayout.Label("Current Total Decay Rate: " + FormatDecayRateToString(TotalDecayRatePerSecond)); GUILayout.Space(2); if (GUILayout.Button("Toggle Decay Rate Breakdown")) // Display a new window here? { subwindowVessel = vessel; DecayBreakdownVisible = !DecayBreakdownVisible; } // 1.7.0 maybe? if (Settings.ReadNB()) { GUILayout.Space(2); if (GUILayout.Button("Toggle NBody Breakdown")) // New Window for NBody { subwindowVessel = vessel; NBodyVesselAccelTimes.Clear(); NBodyBreakdownVisible = !NBodyBreakdownVisible; } } GUILayout.Space(2); double TimeUntilDecayInUnits = 0.0; string TimeUntilDecayInDays = ""; if (ADDR != 0) { TimeUntilDecayInUnits = DecayManager.DecayTimePredictionExponentialsVariables(vessel); TimeUntilDecayInDays = FormatTimeUntilDecayInDaysToString(TimeUntilDecayInUnits); } else { TimeUntilDecayInUnits = DecayManager.DecayTimePredictionLinearVariables(vessel); TimeUntilDecayInDays = FormatTimeUntilDecayInSecondsToString(TimeUntilDecayInUnits); } GUILayout.Label("Approximate Time Until Decay: " + TimeUntilDecayInDays); GUILayout.Space(2); } GUILayout.Label("Station Keeping: " + StationKeeping); GUILayout.Space(2); GUILayout.Label("Station Keeping Fuel Remaining: " + StationKeepingFuelRemaining); GUILayout.Space(2); GUILayout.Label("Using Fuel Type: " + Resource); //151 GUILayout.Space(2); //151 if (StationKeeping == "True") { double DecayRateSKL = 0; DecayRateSKL = DecayManager.DecayRateAtmosphericDrag(vessel) + DecayManager.DecayRateRadiationPressure(vessel) + DecayManager.DecayRateYarkovskyEffect(vessel); double StationKeepingLifetime = (double.Parse(StationKeepingFuelRemaining) / ((DecayRateSKL / TimeWarp.CurrentRate) * VesselData.FetchEfficiency(vessel) /*ResourceManager.GetEfficiency(Resource)*/ * Settings.ReadResourceRateDifficulty())) / (60 * 60 * HoursInDay); if (StationKeepingLifetime < -5) // SRP Fixes { GUILayout.Label("Station Keeping Fuel Lifetime: > 1000 years."); } else { if (StationKeepingLifetime > 365000 && HoursInDay == 24) { GUILayout.Label("Station Keeping Fuel Lifetime: > 1000 years."); } else if (StationKeepingLifetime > 425000 && HoursInDay == 6) { GUILayout.Label("Station Keeping Fuel Lifetime: > 1000 years."); } else { if (StationKeepingLifetime > 425 && HoursInDay == 6) { GUILayout.Label("Station Keeping Fuel Lifetime: " + (StationKeepingLifetime / 425).ToString("F1") + " years."); } else if (StationKeepingLifetime > 365 && HoursInDay == 24) { GUILayout.Label("Station Keeping Fuel Lifetime: " + (StationKeepingLifetime / 365).ToString("F1") + " years."); } else { GUILayout.Label("Station Keeping Fuel Lifetime: " + StationKeepingLifetime.ToString("F1") + " days."); } } } GUILayout.Space(3); } if (GUILayout.Button(ButtonText)) { if (StationKeeping == "True") { VesselData.UpdateStationKeeping(vessel, false); ScreenMessages.PostScreenMessage("Vessel: " + vessel.vesselName + (": Station Keeping Disabled")); } if (StationKeeping == "False") { if (StationKeepingManager.EngineCheck(vessel) == true) { if ((double.Parse(StationKeepingFuelRemaining) > 0.01)) // Good enough... { VesselData.UpdateStationKeeping(vessel, true); ScreenMessages.PostScreenMessage("Vessel: " + vessel.vesselName + (": Station Keeping Enabled")); } else { ScreenMessages.PostScreenMessage("Vessel: " + vessel.vesselName + (" has no fuel to Station Keep!")); } } else { ScreenMessages.PostScreenMessage("Vessel: " + vessel.vesselName + (" has no Engines or RCS modules on board!")); } } } GUILayout.Space(2); GUILayout.Label("_____________________________________"); GUILayout.Space(3); GUILayout.EndVertical(); } } } GUILayout.EndScrollView(); }