/// <summary> /// ** Experimental ** May disappear from future versions ** not recommeneded for use in applications /// Construct a sculpt mesh from a 2D array of floats /// </summary> /// <param name="zMap"></param> /// <param name="xBegin"></param> /// <param name="xEnd"></param> /// <param name="yBegin"></param> /// <param name="yEnd"></param> /// <param name="viewerMode"></param> public SculptMesh(float[,] zMap, float xBegin, float xEnd, float yBegin, float yEnd, bool viewerMode) { float xStep, yStep; float uStep, vStep; int numYElements = zMap.GetLength(0); int numXElements = zMap.GetLength(1); try { xStep = (xEnd - xBegin)/(numXElements - 1); yStep = (yEnd - yBegin)/(numYElements - 1); uStep = 1.0f/(numXElements - 1); vStep = 1.0f/(numYElements - 1); } catch (DivideByZeroException) { return; } coords = new List<Coord>(); faces = new List<Face>(); normals = new List<Coord>(); uvs = new List<UVCoord>(); viewerFaces = new List<ViewerFace>(); int p1, p2, p3, p4; int x, y; int xStart = 0, yStart = 0; for (y = yStart; y < numYElements; y++) { int rowOffset = y*numXElements; for (x = xStart; x < numXElements; x++) { /* * p1-----p2 * | \ f2 | * | \ | * | f1 \| * p3-----p4 */ p4 = rowOffset + x; p3 = p4 - 1; p2 = p4 - numXElements; p1 = p3 - numXElements; Coord c = new Coord(xBegin + x*xStep, yBegin + y*yStep, zMap[y, x]); this.coords.Add(c); if (viewerMode) { this.normals.Add(new Coord()); this.uvs.Add(new UVCoord(uStep*x, 1.0f - vStep*y)); } if (y > 0 && x > 0) { Face f1, f2; if (viewerMode) { f1 = new Face(p1, p4, p3, p1, p4, p3) {uv1 = p1, uv2 = p4, uv3 = p3}; f2 = new Face(p1, p2, p4, p1, p2, p4) {uv1 = p1, uv2 = p2, uv3 = p4}; } else { f1 = new Face(p1, p4, p3); f2 = new Face(p1, p2, p4); } this.faces.Add(f1); this.faces.Add(f2); } } } if (viewerMode) calcVertexNormals(SculptType.plane, numXElements, numYElements); }
private void _SculptMesh(List<List<Coord>> rows, SculptType sculptType, bool viewerMode, bool mirror, bool invert) { coords = new List<Coord>(); faces = new List<Face>(); normals = new List<Coord>(); uvs = new List<UVCoord>(); sculptType = (SculptType) (((int) sculptType) & 0x07); if (mirror) invert = !invert; viewerFaces = new List<ViewerFace>(); int width = rows[0].Count; int p1, p2, p3, p4; int imageX, imageY; if (sculptType != SculptType.plane) { if (rows.Count%2 == 0) { foreach (List<Coord> t in rows) t.Add(t[0]); } else { int lastIndex = rows[0].Count - 1; foreach (List<Coord> t in rows) t[0] = t[lastIndex]; } } Coord topPole = rows[0][width/2]; Coord bottomPole = rows[rows.Count - 1][width/2]; if (sculptType == SculptType.sphere) { if (rows.Count%2 == 0) { int count = rows[0].Count; List<Coord> topPoleRow = new List<Coord>(count); List<Coord> bottomPoleRow = new List<Coord>(count); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { topPoleRow.Add(topPole); bottomPoleRow.Add(bottomPole); } rows.Insert(0, topPoleRow); rows.Add(bottomPoleRow); } else { int count = rows[0].Count; List<Coord> topPoleRow = rows[0]; List<Coord> bottomPoleRow = rows[rows.Count - 1]; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { topPoleRow[i] = topPole; bottomPoleRow[i] = bottomPole; } } } if (sculptType == SculptType.torus) rows.Add(rows[0]); int coordsDown = rows.Count; int coordsAcross = rows[0].Count; float widthUnit = 1.0f/(coordsAcross - 1); float heightUnit = 1.0f/(coordsDown - 1); for (imageY = 0; imageY < coordsDown; imageY++) { int rowOffset = imageY*coordsAcross; for (imageX = 0; imageX < coordsAcross; imageX++) { /* * p1-----p2 * | \ f2 | * | \ | * | f1 \| * p3-----p4 */ p4 = rowOffset + imageX; p3 = p4 - 1; p2 = p4 - coordsAcross; p1 = p3 - coordsAcross; this.coords.Add(rows[imageY][imageX]); if (viewerMode) { this.normals.Add(new Coord()); this.uvs.Add(new UVCoord(widthUnit*imageX, heightUnit*imageY)); } if (imageY > 0 && imageX > 0) { Face f1, f2; if (viewerMode) { if (invert) { f1 = new Face(p1, p4, p3, p1, p4, p3) {uv1 = p1, uv2 = p4, uv3 = p3}; f2 = new Face(p1, p2, p4, p1, p2, p4) {uv1 = p1, uv2 = p2, uv3 = p4}; } else { f1 = new Face(p1, p3, p4, p1, p3, p4) {uv1 = p1, uv2 = p3, uv3 = p4}; f2 = new Face(p1, p4, p2, p1, p4, p2) {uv1 = p1, uv2 = p4, uv3 = p2}; } } else { if (invert) { f1 = new Face(p1, p4, p3); f2 = new Face(p1, p2, p4); } else { f1 = new Face(p1, p3, p4); f2 = new Face(p1, p4, p2); } } this.faces.Add(f1); this.faces.Add(f2); } } } if (viewerMode) calcVertexNormals(sculptType, coordsAcross, coordsDown); }
private Coord SurfaceNormal(Face face) { return SurfaceNormal(coords[face.v1], coords[face.v2], coords[face.v3]); }
internal Profile(int sides, float profileStart, float profileEnd, float hollow, int hollowSides, bool createFaces, bool calcVertexNormals) { this.calcVertexNormals = calcVertexNormals; coords = new List<Coord>(); faces = new List<Face>(); vertexNormals = new List<Coord>(); us = new List<float>(); faceUVs = new List<UVCoord>(); faceNumbers = new List<int>(); Coord center = new Coord(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); List<Coord> hollowCoords = new List<Coord>(); List<Coord> hollowNormals = new List<Coord>(); List<float> hollowUs = new List<float>(); if (calcVertexNormals) { outerCoordIndices = new List<int>(); hollowCoordIndices = new List<int>(); cut1CoordIndices = new List<int>(); cut2CoordIndices = new List<int>(); } bool hasHollow = (hollow > 0.0f); bool hasProfileCut = (profileStart > 0.0f || profileEnd < 1.0f); AngleList angles = new AngleList(); AngleList hollowAngles = new AngleList(); float xScale = 0.5f; float yScale = 0.5f; if (sides == 4) // corners of a square are sqrt(2) from center { xScale = 0.707f; yScale = 0.707f; } float startAngle = profileStart*twoPi; float stopAngle = profileEnd*twoPi; try { angles.makeAngles(sides, startAngle, stopAngle); } catch (Exception ex) { errorMessage = "makeAngles failed: Exception: " + ex + "\nsides: " + sides.ToString() + " startAngle: " + startAngle.ToString() + " stopAngle: " + stopAngle.ToString(); return; } numOuterVerts = angles.angles.Count; // flag to create as few triangles as possible for 3 or 4 side profile bool simpleFace = (sides < 5 && !hasHollow && !hasProfileCut); if (hasHollow) { if (sides == hollowSides) hollowAngles = angles; else { try { hollowAngles.makeAngles(hollowSides, startAngle, stopAngle); } catch (Exception ex) { errorMessage = "makeAngles failed: Exception: " + ex + "\nsides: " + sides.ToString() + " startAngle: " + startAngle.ToString() + " stopAngle: " + stopAngle.ToString(); return; } } numHollowVerts = hollowAngles.angles.Count; } else if (!simpleFace) { coords.Add(center); //hasCenter = true; if (this.calcVertexNormals) vertexNormals.Add(new Coord(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f)); us.Add(0.0f); } const float z = 0.0f; Angle angle; Coord newVert = new Coord(); if (hasHollow && hollowSides != sides) { int numHollowAngles = hollowAngles.angles.Count; for (int i = 0; i < numHollowAngles; i++) { angle = hollowAngles.angles[i]; newVert.X = hollow*xScale*angle.X; newVert.Y = hollow*yScale*angle.Y; newVert.Z = z; hollowCoords.Add(newVert); if (this.calcVertexNormals) { hollowNormals.Add(hollowSides < 5 ? hollowAngles.normals[i].Invert() : new Coord(-angle.X, -angle.Y, 0.0f)); hollowUs.Add(angle.angle*hollow); } } } int index = 0; int numAngles = angles.angles.Count; for (int i = 0; i < numAngles; i++) { angle = angles.angles[i]; newVert.X = angle.X*xScale; newVert.Y = angle.Y*yScale; newVert.Z = z; coords.Add(newVert); if (this.calcVertexNormals) { outerCoordIndices.Add(coords.Count - 1); if (sides < 5) { vertexNormals.Add(angles.normals[i]); float u = angle.angle; us.Add(u); } else { vertexNormals.Add(new Coord(angle.X, angle.Y, 0.0f)); us.Add(angle.angle); } } if (hasHollow) { if (hollowSides == sides) { newVert.X *= hollow; newVert.Y *= hollow; newVert.Z = z; hollowCoords.Add(newVert); if (this.calcVertexNormals) { hollowNormals.Add(sides < 5 ? angles.normals[i].Invert() : new Coord(-angle.X, -angle.Y, 0.0f)); hollowUs.Add(angle.angle*hollow); } } } else if (!simpleFace && createFaces && angle.angle > 0.0001f) { Face newFace = new Face {v1 = 0, v2 = index, v3 = index + 1}; faces.Add(newFace); } index += 1; } if (hasHollow) { hollowCoords.Reverse(); if (this.calcVertexNormals) { hollowNormals.Reverse(); hollowUs.Reverse(); } if (createFaces) { int numTotalVerts = numOuterVerts + numHollowVerts; if (numOuterVerts == numHollowVerts) { Face newFace = new Face(); for (int coordIndex = 0; coordIndex < numOuterVerts - 1; coordIndex++) { newFace.v1 = coordIndex; newFace.v2 = coordIndex + 1; newFace.v3 = numTotalVerts - coordIndex - 1; faces.Add(newFace); newFace.v1 = coordIndex + 1; newFace.v2 = numTotalVerts - coordIndex - 2; newFace.v3 = numTotalVerts - coordIndex - 1; faces.Add(newFace); } } else { if (numOuterVerts < numHollowVerts) { Face newFace = new Face(); int j = 0; // j is the index for outer vertices int maxJ = numOuterVerts - 1; for (int i = 0; i < numHollowVerts; i++) // i is the index for inner vertices { if (j < maxJ) if (angles.angles[j + 1].angle - hollowAngles.angles[i].angle < hollowAngles.angles[i].angle - angles.angles[j].angle + 0.000001f) { newFace.v1 = numTotalVerts - i - 1; newFace.v2 = j; newFace.v3 = j + 1; faces.Add(newFace); j += 1; } newFace.v1 = j; newFace.v2 = numTotalVerts - i - 2; newFace.v3 = numTotalVerts - i - 1; faces.Add(newFace); } } else // numHollowVerts < numOuterVerts { Face newFace = new Face(); int j = 0; // j is the index for inner vertices int maxJ = numHollowVerts - 1; for (int i = 0; i < numOuterVerts; i++) { if (j < maxJ) if (hollowAngles.angles[j + 1].angle - angles.angles[i].angle < angles.angles[i].angle - hollowAngles.angles[j].angle + 0.000001f) { newFace.v1 = i; newFace.v2 = numTotalVerts - j - 2; newFace.v3 = numTotalVerts - j - 1; faces.Add(newFace); j += 1; } newFace.v1 = numTotalVerts - j - 1; newFace.v2 = i; newFace.v3 = i + 1; faces.Add(newFace); } } } } if (calcVertexNormals) { foreach (Coord hc in hollowCoords) { coords.Add(hc); hollowCoordIndices.Add(coords.Count - 1); } } else coords.AddRange(hollowCoords); if (this.calcVertexNormals) { vertexNormals.AddRange(hollowNormals); us.AddRange(hollowUs); } } if (simpleFace && createFaces) { if (sides == 3) faces.Add(new Face(0, 1, 2)); else if (sides == 4) { faces.Add(new Face(0, 1, 2)); faces.Add(new Face(0, 2, 3)); } } if (calcVertexNormals && hasProfileCut) { int lastOuterVertIndex = numOuterVerts - 1; if (hasHollow) { cut1CoordIndices.Add(0); cut1CoordIndices.Add(coords.Count - 1); cut2CoordIndices.Add(lastOuterVertIndex + 1); cut2CoordIndices.Add(lastOuterVertIndex); cutNormal1.X = coords[0].Y - coords[coords.Count - 1].Y; cutNormal1.Y = -(coords[0].X - coords[coords.Count - 1].X); cutNormal2.X = coords[lastOuterVertIndex + 1].Y - coords[lastOuterVertIndex].Y; cutNormal2.Y = -(coords[lastOuterVertIndex + 1].X - coords[lastOuterVertIndex].X); } else { cut1CoordIndices.Add(0); cut1CoordIndices.Add(1); cut2CoordIndices.Add(lastOuterVertIndex); cut2CoordIndices.Add(0); cutNormal1.X = vertexNormals[1].Y; cutNormal1.Y = -vertexNormals[1].X; cutNormal2.X = -vertexNormals[vertexNormals.Count - 2].Y; cutNormal2.Y = vertexNormals[vertexNormals.Count - 2].X; } cutNormal1.Normalize(); cutNormal2.Normalize(); } MakeFaceUVs(); hollowCoords = null; hollowNormals = null; hollowUs = null; if (calcVertexNormals) { // calculate prim face numbers // face number order is top, outer, hollow, bottom, start cut, end cut // I know it's ugly but so is the whole concept of prim face numbers int faceNum = 1; // start with outer faces outerFaceNumber = faceNum; int startVert = hasProfileCut && !hasHollow ? 1 : 0; if (startVert > 0) faceNumbers.Add(-1); for (int i = 0; i < numOuterVerts - 1; i++) //this.faceNumbers.Add(sides < 5 ? faceNum++ : faceNum); faceNumbers.Add(sides < 5 && i < sides ? faceNum++ : faceNum); //if (!hasHollow && !hasProfileCut) // this.bottomFaceNumber = faceNum++; faceNumbers.Add(hasProfileCut ? -1 : faceNum++); if (sides > 4 && (hasHollow || hasProfileCut)) faceNum++; if (sides < 5 && (hasHollow || hasProfileCut) && numOuterVerts < sides) faceNum++; if (hasHollow) { for (int i = 0; i < numHollowVerts; i++) faceNumbers.Add(faceNum); hollowFaceNumber = faceNum++; } //if (hasProfileCut || hasHollow) // this.bottomFaceNumber = faceNum++; bottomFaceNumber = faceNum++; if (hasHollow && hasProfileCut) faceNumbers.Add(faceNum++); for (int i = 0; i < faceNumbers.Count; i++) if (faceNumbers[i] == -1) faceNumbers[i] = faceNum++; numPrimFaces = faceNum; } }
/// <summary> /// Extrudes a profile along a path. /// </summary> public void Extrude(PathType pathType) { bool needEndFaces = false; coords = new List<Coord>(); faces = new List<Face>(); if (viewerMode) { viewerFaces = new List<ViewerFace>(); calcVertexNormals = true; } if (calcVertexNormals) normals = new List<Coord>(); int steps = 1; float length = pathCutEnd - pathCutBegin; normalsProcessed = false; if (viewerMode && sides == 3) { // prisms don't taper well so add some vertical resolution // other prims may benefit from this but just do prisms for now if (Math.Abs(taperX) > 0.01 || Math.Abs(taperY) > 0.01) steps = (int) (steps*4.5*length); } if (sphereMode) hasProfileCut = profileEnd - profileStart < 0.4999f; else this.hasProfileCut = this.profileEnd - this.profileStart < 0.9999f; this.hasHollow = (this.hollow > 0.001f); float twistBegin2 = twistBegin/360.0f*twoPi; float twistEnd2 = twistEnd/360.0f*twoPi; float twistTotal = twistEnd2 - twistBegin2; float twistTotalAbs = Math.Abs(twistTotal); if (twistTotalAbs > 0.01f) steps += (int) (twistTotalAbs*3.66); // dahlia's magic number float hollow2 = hollow; // sanity checks float initialProfileRot = 0.0f; if (pathType == PathType.Circular) { if (sides == 3) { initialProfileRot = (float) Math.PI; if (hollowSides == 4) { if (hollow2 > 0.7f) hollow2 = 0.7f; hollow2 *= 0.707f; } else hollow2 *= 0.5f; } else if (sides == 4) { initialProfileRot = 0.25f*(float) Math.PI; if (hollowSides != 4) hollow2 *= 0.707f; } else if (sides > 4) { initialProfileRot = (float) Math.PI; if (hollowSides == 4) { if (hollow2 > 0.7f) hollow2 = 0.7f; hollow2 /= 0.7f; } } } else { if (sides == 3) { if (hollowSides == 4) { if (hollow2 > 0.7f) hollow2 = 0.7f; hollow2 *= 0.707f; } else hollow2 *= 0.5f; } else if (sides == 4) { initialProfileRot = 1.25f*(float) Math.PI; if (hollowSides != 4) hollow2 *= 0.707f; } else if (sides == 24 && hollowSides == 4) hollow2 *= 1.414f; } Profile profile = new Profile(sides, profileStart, profileEnd, hollow2, hollowSides, true, calcVertexNormals); errorMessage = profile.errorMessage; numPrimFaces = profile.numPrimFaces; profileOuterFaceNumber = profile.outerFaceNumber; //this is always true if (!needEndFaces) profileOuterFaceNumber--; if (hasHollow) { profileHollowFaceNumber = profile.hollowFaceNumber; if (!needEndFaces) profileHollowFaceNumber--; } int cut1Vert = -1; int cut2Vert = -1; if (hasProfileCut) { cut1Vert = hasHollow ? profile.coords.Count - 1 : 0; cut2Vert = hasHollow ? profile.numOuterVerts - 1 : profile.numOuterVerts; } if (initialProfileRot != 0.0f) { profile.AddRot(new Quat(new Coord(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f), initialProfileRot)); if (viewerMode) profile.MakeFaceUVs(); } Coord lastCutNormal1 = new Coord(); Coord lastCutNormal2 = new Coord(); float lastV = 1.0f; Path path = new Path { twistBegin = twistBegin2, twistEnd = twistEnd2, topShearX = topShearX, topShearY = topShearY, pathCutBegin = pathCutBegin, pathCutEnd = pathCutEnd, dimpleBegin = dimpleBegin, dimpleEnd = dimpleEnd, skew = skew, holeSizeX = holeSizeX, holeSizeY = holeSizeY, taperX = taperX, taperY = taperY, radius = radius, revolutions = revolutions, stepsPerRevolution = stepsPerRevolution }; path.Create(pathType, steps); if (pathType == PathType.Circular) { needEndFaces = false; if (pathCutBegin != 0.0f || pathCutEnd != 1.0f) needEndFaces = true; else if (taperX != 0.0f || taperY != 0.0f) needEndFaces = true; else if (skew != 0.0f) needEndFaces = true; else if (twistTotal != 0.0f) needEndFaces = true; else if (radius != 0.0f) needEndFaces = true; } else needEndFaces = true; for (int nodeIndex = 0; nodeIndex < path.pathNodes.Count; nodeIndex++) { PathNode node = path.pathNodes[nodeIndex]; Profile newLayer = profile.Copy(); newLayer.Scale(node.xScale, node.yScale); newLayer.AddRot(node.rotation); newLayer.AddPos(node.position); if (needEndFaces && nodeIndex == 0) { newLayer.FlipNormals(); // add the top faces to the viewerFaces list here if (viewerMode) { Coord faceNormal = newLayer.faceNormal; ViewerFace newViewerFace = new ViewerFace(profile.bottomFaceNumber); int numFaces = newLayer.faces.Count; List<Face> faces2 = newLayer.faces; for (int i = 0; i < numFaces; i++) { Face face = faces2[i]; newViewerFace.v1 = newLayer.coords[face.v1]; newViewerFace.v2 = newLayer.coords[face.v2]; newViewerFace.v3 = newLayer.coords[face.v3]; newViewerFace.coordIndex1 = face.v1; newViewerFace.coordIndex2 = face.v2; newViewerFace.coordIndex3 = face.v3; newViewerFace.n1 = faceNormal; newViewerFace.n2 = faceNormal; newViewerFace.n3 = faceNormal; newViewerFace.uv1 = newLayer.faceUVs[face.v1]; newViewerFace.uv2 = newLayer.faceUVs[face.v2]; newViewerFace.uv3 = newLayer.faceUVs[face.v3]; viewerFaces.Add(newViewerFace); } } } // if (nodeIndex == 0) // append this layer int coordsLen = coords.Count; newLayer.AddValue2FaceVertexIndices(coordsLen); coords.AddRange(newLayer.coords); if (calcVertexNormals) { newLayer.AddValue2FaceNormalIndices(normals.Count); normals.AddRange(newLayer.vertexNormals); } if (node.percentOfPath < pathCutBegin + 0.01f || node.percentOfPath > pathCutEnd - 0.01f) faces.AddRange(newLayer.faces); // fill faces between layers int numVerts = newLayer.coords.Count; if (nodeIndex > 0) { Face newFace = new Face(); int startVert = coordsLen + 1; int endVert = coords.Count; if (sides < 5 || hasProfileCut || hasHollow) startVert--; for (int i = startVert; i < endVert; i++) { int iNext = i + 1; if (i == endVert - 1) iNext = startVert; int whichVert = i - startVert; newFace.v1 = i; newFace.v2 = i - numVerts; newFace.v3 = iNext - numVerts; faces.Add(newFace); newFace.v2 = iNext - numVerts; newFace.v3 = iNext; faces.Add(newFace); if (viewerMode) { // add the side faces to the list of viewerFaces here int primFaceNum = profile.faceNumbers[whichVert]; if (!needEndFaces) primFaceNum -= 1; ViewerFace newViewerFace1 = new ViewerFace(primFaceNum); ViewerFace newViewerFace2 = new ViewerFace(primFaceNum); float u1 = newLayer.us[whichVert]; float u2 = 1.0f; if (whichVert < newLayer.us.Count - 1) u2 = newLayer.us[whichVert + 1]; if (whichVert == cut1Vert || whichVert == cut2Vert) { u1 = 0.0f; u2 = 1.0f; } else if (sides < 5) { if (whichVert < profile.numOuterVerts) { // boxes and prisms have one texture face per side of the prim, so the U values have to be scaled // to reflect the entire texture width u1 *= sides; u2 *= sides; u2 -= (int) u1; u1 -= (int) u1; if (u2 < 0.1f) u2 = 1.0f; } else if (whichVert > profile.coords.Count - profile.numHollowVerts - 1) { u1 *= 2.0f; u2 *= 2.0f; //this.profileHollowFaceNumber = primFaceNum; } } if (this.sphereMode) { if (whichVert != cut1Vert && whichVert != cut2Vert) { u1 = u1 * 2.0f - 1.0f; u2 = u2 * 2.0f - 1.0f; if (whichVert >= newLayer.numOuterVerts) { u1 -= hollow; u2 -= hollow; } } } newViewerFace1.uv1.U = u1; newViewerFace1.uv2.U = u1; newViewerFace1.uv3.U = u2; newViewerFace1.uv1.V = 1.0f - node.percentOfPath; newViewerFace1.uv2.V = lastV; newViewerFace1.uv3.V = lastV; newViewerFace2.uv1.U = u1; newViewerFace2.uv2.U = u2; newViewerFace2.uv3.U = u2; newViewerFace2.uv1.V = 1.0f - node.percentOfPath; newViewerFace2.uv2.V = lastV; newViewerFace2.uv3.V = 1.0f - node.percentOfPath; newViewerFace1.v1 = coords[i]; newViewerFace1.v2 = coords[i - numVerts]; newViewerFace1.v3 = coords[iNext - numVerts]; newViewerFace2.v1 = coords[i]; newViewerFace2.v2 = coords[iNext - numVerts]; newViewerFace2.v3 = coords[iNext]; newViewerFace1.coordIndex1 = i; newViewerFace1.coordIndex2 = i - numVerts; newViewerFace1.coordIndex3 = iNext - numVerts; newViewerFace2.coordIndex1 = i; newViewerFace2.coordIndex2 = iNext - numVerts; newViewerFace2.coordIndex3 = iNext; // profile cut faces if (whichVert == cut1Vert) { newViewerFace1.n1 = newLayer.cutNormal1; newViewerFace1.n2 = newViewerFace1.n3 = lastCutNormal1; newViewerFace2.n1 = newViewerFace2.n3 = newLayer.cutNormal1; newViewerFace2.n2 = lastCutNormal1; } else if (whichVert == cut2Vert) { newViewerFace1.n1 = newLayer.cutNormal2; newViewerFace1.n2 = newViewerFace1.n3 = lastCutNormal2; newViewerFace2.n1 = newViewerFace2.n3 = newLayer.cutNormal2; newViewerFace2.n2 = lastCutNormal2; } else // outer and hollow faces { if ((sides < 5 && whichVert < newLayer.numOuterVerts) || (hollowSides < 5 && whichVert >= newLayer.numOuterVerts)) { // looks terrible when path is twisted... need vertex normals here newViewerFace1.CalcSurfaceNormal(); newViewerFace2.CalcSurfaceNormal(); } else { newViewerFace1.n1 = normals[i]; newViewerFace1.n2 = normals[i - numVerts]; newViewerFace1.n3 = normals[iNext - numVerts]; newViewerFace2.n1 = normals[i]; newViewerFace2.n2 = normals[iNext - numVerts]; newViewerFace2.n3 = normals[iNext]; } } viewerFaces.Add(newViewerFace1); viewerFaces.Add(newViewerFace2); } } } lastCutNormal1 = newLayer.cutNormal1; lastCutNormal2 = newLayer.cutNormal2; lastV = 1.0f - node.percentOfPath; if (needEndFaces && nodeIndex == path.pathNodes.Count - 1 && viewerMode) { // add the top faces to the viewerFaces list here Coord faceNormal = newLayer.faceNormal; ViewerFace newViewerFace = new ViewerFace {primFaceNumber = 0}; int numFaces = newLayer.faces.Count; List<Face> faces2 = newLayer.faces; for (int i = 0; i < numFaces; i++) { Face face = faces2[i]; newViewerFace.v1 = newLayer.coords[face.v1 - coordsLen]; newViewerFace.v2 = newLayer.coords[face.v2 - coordsLen]; newViewerFace.v3 = newLayer.coords[face.v3 - coordsLen]; newViewerFace.coordIndex1 = face.v1 - coordsLen; newViewerFace.coordIndex2 = face.v2 - coordsLen; newViewerFace.coordIndex3 = face.v3 - coordsLen; newViewerFace.n1 = faceNormal; newViewerFace.n2 = faceNormal; newViewerFace.n3 = faceNormal; newViewerFace.uv1 = newLayer.faceUVs[face.v1 - coordsLen]; newViewerFace.uv2 = newLayer.faceUVs[face.v2 - coordsLen]; newViewerFace.uv3 = newLayer.faceUVs[face.v3 - coordsLen]; viewerFaces.Add(newViewerFace); } } } // for (int nodeIndex = 0; nodeIndex < path.pathNodes.Count; nodeIndex++) }