private static void Main(string[] args) { var tmpEncoding = Encoding.UTF8; System.Console.OutputEncoding = Encoding.Default; System.Console.InputEncoding = Encoding.Default; string nickname = "WhatsApiNet"; string sender = "316******3"; // Mobile number with country code (but without + or 00) string password = "******";//v2 password string target = "316********6";// Mobile number to send the message to WhatsApp wa = new WhatsApp(sender, password, nickname, true); //event bindings wa.OnLoginSuccess += wa_OnLoginSuccess; wa.OnLoginFailed += wa_OnLoginFailed; wa.OnGetMessage += wa_OnGetMessage; wa.OnGetMessageReceivedClient += wa_OnGetMessageReceivedClient; wa.OnGetMessageReceivedServer += wa_OnGetMessageReceivedServer; wa.OnNotificationPicture += wa_OnNotificationPicture; wa.OnGetPresence += wa_OnGetPresence; wa.OnGetGroupParticipants += wa_OnGetGroupParticipants; wa.OnGetLastSeen += wa_OnGetLastSeen; wa.OnGetTyping += wa_OnGetTyping; wa.OnGetPaused += wa_OnGetPaused; wa.OnGetMessageImage += wa_OnGetMessageImage; wa.OnGetMessageAudio += wa_OnGetMessageAudio; wa.OnGetMessageVideo += wa_OnGetMessageVideo; wa.OnGetMessageLocation += wa_OnGetMessageLocation; wa.OnGetMessageVcard += wa_OnGetMessageVcard; wa.OnGetPhoto += wa_OnGetPhoto; wa.OnGetPhotoPreview += wa_OnGetPhotoPreview; wa.OnGetGroups += wa_OnGetGroups; wa.OnGetSyncResult += wa_OnGetSyncResult; wa.OnGetStatus += wa_OnGetStatus; wa.OnGetPrivacySettings += wa_OnGetPrivacySettings; DebugAdapter.Instance.OnPrintDebug += Instance_OnPrintDebug; wa.Connect(); string datFile = getDatFileName(sender); byte[] nextChallenge = null; if (File.Exists(datFile)) { try { string foo = File.ReadAllText(datFile); nextChallenge = Convert.FromBase64String(foo); } catch (Exception) { }; } wa.Login(nextChallenge); ProcessChat(wa, target); Console.ReadKey(); }
static void wa_OnGetGroups(WhatsApp.GroupInfo[] groups) { Console.WriteLine("Got groups:"); foreach (WhatsAppApi.WhatsApp.GroupInfo info in groups) { Console.WriteLine("\t{0} {1}", info.subject,; } }
public void Disconnect() { clearError(); try { if (wa != null) { wa.Disconnect(); wa = null; } if (thRecv != null) { thRecv.Abort(); } } catch (Exception e) { setError(13, e); } }
public FWhatsAppAPI(WhatsApp _wa) { wa = _wa; wa.OnLoginSuccess += wa_OnLoginSuccess; wa.OnLoginFailed += wa_OnLoginFailed; wa.OnGetMessage += wa_OnGetMessage; wa.OnGetMessageReceivedClient += wa_OnGetMessageReceivedClient; wa.OnGetMessageReceivedServer += wa_OnGetMessageReceivedServer; wa.OnNotificationPicture += wa_OnNotificationPicture; wa.OnGetPresence += wa_OnGetPresence; wa.OnGetGroupParticipants += wa_OnGetGroupParticipants; wa.OnGetLastSeen += wa_OnGetLastSeen; wa.OnGetTyping += wa_OnGetTyping; wa.OnGetPaused += wa_OnGetPaused; wa.OnGetMessageImage += wa_OnGetMessageImage; wa.OnGetMessageAudio += wa_OnGetMessageAudio; wa.OnGetMessageVideo += wa_OnGetMessageVideo; wa.OnGetMessageLocation += wa_OnGetMessageLocation; wa.OnGetMessageVcard += wa_OnGetMessageVcard; wa.OnGetPhoto += wa_OnGetPhoto; wa.OnGetPhotoPreview += wa_OnGetPhotoPreview; wa.OnGetGroups += wa_OnGetGroups; wa.OnGetSyncResult += wa_OnGetSyncResult; wa.OnGetStatus += wa_OnGetStatus; wa.OnGetPrivacySettings += wa_OnGetPrivacySettings; }
private static void ProcessChat(WhatsApp wa, string dst) { var thRecv = new Thread(t => { try { while (wa != null) { wa.PollMessages(); Thread.Sleep(100); continue; } } catch (ThreadAbortException) { } }) {IsBackground = true}; thRecv.Start(); WhatsUserManager usrMan = new WhatsUserManager(); var tmpUser = usrMan.CreateUser(dst, "User"); while (true) { string line = Console.ReadLine(); if (line == null && line.Length == 0) continue; string command = line.Trim(); switch (command) { case "/query": //var dst = dst//trim(strstr($line, ' ', FALSE)); Console.WriteLine("[] Interactive conversation with {0}:", tmpUser); break; case "/accountinfo": Console.WriteLine("[] Account Info: {0}", wa.GetAccountInfo().ToString()); break; case "/lastseen": Console.WriteLine("[] Request last seen {0}", tmpUser); wa.RequestLastSeen(tmpUser.GetFullJid()); break; case "/exit": wa = null; thRecv.Abort(); return; case "/start": wa.WhatsSendHandler.SendComposing(tmpUser.GetFullJid()); break; case "/pause": wa.WhatsSendHandler.SendPaused(tmpUser.GetFullJid()); break; default: Console.WriteLine("[] Send message to {0}: {1}", tmpUser, line); wa.Message(tmpUser.GetFullJid(), line); break; } } }
public SendImageParams(string mid, User user, WhatsApp wa, string phoneNum, string sendFileName) { this.mid = mid; this.user = user; this.wa = wa; this.phoneNum = phoneNum; this.sendFileName = sendFileName; }
private void btnReceive_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { txtStatus.Clear(); var thread = new Thread(t => { UpdateTextBox textbox = UpdateDataTextBox; WhatsApp wa = new WhatsApp(txtPhoneNumber.Text, txtPassword.Text, txtUserName.Text, true); wa.OnConnectSuccess += () => { if (txtStatus.InvokeRequired) { Invoke(textbox, txtStatus, "Connected..."); } wa.OnLoginSuccess += (phone, data) => { if (txtStatus.InvokeRequired) { Invoke(textbox, txtStatus, "\r\nConnection Success !"); wa.pollMessage(); } }; wa.OnGetMessage += (node, from, id, name, message, receipt_sent) => { if (txtStatus.InvokeRequired) { Invoke(textbox, txtStatus, string.Format("\r\nName = {0}, Message = {1}", name, message)); } }; wa.OnLoginFailed += (data) => { if (txtStatus.InvokeRequired) { Invoke(textbox, txtStatus, string.Format("\r\nLogin Failed {0}", data)); } }; wa.Login(); }; wa.OnConnectFailed += (ex) => { if (txtStatus.InvokeRequired) { Invoke(textbox, txtStatus, string.Format("\r\nConnect Failed {0}", ex.StackTrace)); } }; wa.Connect(); }) { IsBackground = true }; thread.Start(); }
public Login(WhatsApp wa) { InitializeComponent(); LoadData(); if ( { if (CheckData()) { SetData(); = true; this.accept = true; } } }
public frmForm(string num, string pass, string nick) { this.phoneNum = num; this.phonePass = pass; this.phoneNick = nick; InitializeComponent(); this.userList = new Dictionary<string, User>(); this.isRunning = true; this.bgWorker = new BackgroundWorker(); this.bgWorker.DoWork += ProcessMessages; this.bgWorker.ProgressChanged += NewMessageArrived; this.bgWorker.WorkerSupportsCancellation = true; this.bgWorker.WorkerReportsProgress = true; this.wa = new WhatsApp(this.phoneNum, this.phonePass, this.phoneNick); this.messageHandler = new WhatsMessageHandler(); }
private static void Main(string[] args) { var tmpEncoding = Encoding.UTF8; System.Console.OutputEncoding = Encoding.Default; System.Console.InputEncoding = Encoding.Default; string nickname = "WhatsApiNet"; string sender = "316******3"; // Mobile number with country code (but without + or 00) string password = "******";//v2 password string target = "316********6";// Mobile number to send the message to WhatsApp wa = new WhatsApp(sender, password, nickname, true); //event bindings wa.OnLoginSuccess += wa_OnLoginSuccess; wa.OnLoginFailed += wa_OnLoginFailed; wa.OnGetMessage += wa_OnGetMessage; wa.OnGetMessageReceivedClient += wa_OnGetMessageReceivedClient; wa.OnGetMessageReceivedServer += wa_OnGetMessageReceivedServer; wa.OnNotificationPicture += wa_OnNotificationPicture; wa.OnGetPresence += wa_OnGetPresence; wa.OnGetGroupParticipants += wa_OnGetGroupParticipants; wa.OnGetLastSeen += wa_OnGetLastSeen; wa.OnGetTyping += wa_OnGetTyping; wa.OnGetPaused += wa_OnGetPaused; wa.OnGetMessageImage += wa_OnGetMessageImage; wa.OnGetMessageAudio += wa_OnGetMessageAudio; wa.OnGetMessageVideo += wa_OnGetMessageVideo; wa.OnGetMessageLocation += wa_OnGetMessageLocation; wa.OnGetMessageVcard += wa_OnGetMessageVcard; wa.OnGetPhoto += wa_OnGetPhoto; wa.OnGetPhotoPreview += wa_OnGetPhotoPreview; wa.OnGetGroups += wa_OnGetGroups; wa.OnGetSyncResult += wa_OnGetSyncResult; wa.Connect(); wa.Login(); ProcessChat(wa, target); Console.ReadKey(); }
private static void Main(string[] args) { var tmpEncoding = Encoding.UTF8; System.Console.OutputEncoding = Encoding.Default; System.Console.InputEncoding = Encoding.Default; string nickname = "WhatsAPI Test"; string sender = "3526********"; // Mobile number with country code (but without + or 00) string password = "******";//v2 password string target = "316********";// Mobile number to send the message to WhatsApp wa = new WhatsApp(sender, password, nickname, true); wa.Connect(); wa.Login(); wa.sendNickname(nickname); wa.Disconnect(); wa.PresenceSubscription(target); wa.GetStatus(target); ProcessChat(wa, ""); Console.ReadKey(); }
public void EnviarMensagem(String NumeroDestino, String Mensagem, String Senha) { string from = this.NumeroOrigem; string to = NumeroDestino; string msg = Mensagem; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Nome)) { this.Nome = NOME_PADRAO; } WhatsApp wtsp = new WhatsApp(from, Senha, this.Nome, true, false); wtsp.OnConnectSuccess += () => { wtsp.OnLoginSuccess += (phoneNumber, data) => { wtsp.SendMessage(to, msg); wtsp.SendClose(); //TODO: gravar log }; wtsp.OnLoginFailed += (data) => { //TODO: gravar log }; wtsp.Login(); }; wtsp.OnConnectFailed += Wtsp_OnConnectFailed; wtsp.Connect(); }
private void Start() { this.isRunning = true; //this.BackupDB(); System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory("multimedia"); Database.CheckDatabase(); Database.CleanDatabase(); this.wa = new WhatsApp(this.phoneNum, this.phonePass, this.phoneNick, false); this.wa.Connect(); this.wa.Login(); this.wa.WhatsSendHandler.SendActive(); this.bgWorker.RunWorkerAsync(); this.dispatcherTimer.Start(); this.wa.sendNickname(this.phoneNick); this.wa.WhatsSendHandler.SendGetPhoto(this.phoneNum + "@" + WhatsAppApi.Settings.WhatsConstants.WhatsAppServer, false); this.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible; this.LoadPrintUsers(); }
private void init() { var tmpEncoding = Encoding.UTF8; WhatsApp wa = new WhatsApp(sender, password, nickname, true); wa.OnGetMessage += wa_OnGetMessage; //wa.OnGetPhoto += wa_OnGetPhoto; wa.OnGetMessageImage += wa_OnGetMessageImage; wa.OnConnectFailed += new WhatsEventBase.ExceptionDelegate(Instance_OnConnectFailed); WhatsAppApi.Helper.DebugAdapter.Instance.OnPrintDebug += Instance_OnPrintDebug; wa.Connect(); string datFile = getDatFileName(sender); byte[] nextChallenge = null; if (File.Exists(datFile)) { try { string foo = File.ReadAllText(datFile); nextChallenge = Convert.FromBase64String(foo); } catch (Exception) { }; } //wa.Login(nextChallenge); try { wa.Login(); } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show(this, "Login failed resone: " + e, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); Application.Exit(); return; } if (wa.ConnectionStatus != WhatsAppApi.WhatsApp.CONNECTION_STATUS.LOGGEDIN) { MessageBox.Show(this, "Login failed resone: " + wa.ConnectionStatus, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } ProcessChat(wa, target); }
public static void Create(string phoneNum, string imei, string nick, bool debug) { _instance = new WhatsApp(phoneNum, imei, nick, debug); }
private void Window_Unloaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (this.typingTimer != null && this.typingTimer.IsEnabled) { this.typingTimer.Stop(); } if (this.wa != null) { this.wa.WhatsSendHandler.SendPaused(this.user.WhatsUser.GetFullJid()); } WpfsApp.MainWindow.MessageEvent -= MainWindow_MessageEvent; this.user = null; this.wa = null; this.phoneNum = null; this.messages = null; this.patternEmojis = null; Properties.Settings.Default.mwidth = this.Width; Properties.Settings.Default.mheight = this.Height; Properties.Settings.Default.mleft = this.Left; Properties.Settings.Default.mtop = this.Top; Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); }
private void Stop() { this.isRunning = false; this.lstContacts.Items.Clear(); this.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Hidden; if (this.bgWorker != null) { this.bgWorker.CancelAsync(); this.bgWorker = null; } if (this.dispatcherTimer != null && this.dispatcherTimer.IsEnabled) { this.dispatcherTimer.Stop(); } if (this.wa != null) { this.wa.WhatsSendHandler.SendClose(); this.wa.Disconnect(); this.wa = null; } this.phoneNum = ""; this.phonePass = ""; this.phoneNick = ""; }
//private static void Main(string[] args) //{ // var tmpEncoding = Encoding.UTF8; // System.Console.OutputEncoding = Encoding.Default; // System.Console.InputEncoding = Encoding.Default; // string sender = "5521966747230"; // string meuTim = "5521983486604"; // //string eeeeeeeepa = "5524993951862"; // //string vinicius = "5521976320158"; // //string ricardo = "5521981663664"; // string password = "******"; // string nickname = "Verision"; // // string sender = ""; // Mobile number with country code (but without + or 00) // // string password = "";//v2 password // string target = meuTim;// Mobile number to send the message to // WhatsApp wa = new WhatsApp(sender, password, nickname, true); // //event bindings // wa.OnLoginSuccess += wa_OnLoginSuccess; // wa.OnLoginFailed += wa_OnLoginFailed; // wa.OnGetMessage += wa_OnGetMessage; // wa.OnGetMessageReadedClient += wa_OnGetMessageReadedClient; // wa.OnGetMessageReceivedClient += wa_OnGetMessageReceivedClient; // wa.OnGetMessageReceivedServer += wa_OnGetMessageReceivedServer; // wa.OnNotificationPicture += wa_OnNotificationPicture; // wa.OnGetPresence += wa_OnGetPresence; // wa.OnGetGroupParticipants += wa_OnGetGroupParticipants; // wa.OnGetLastSeen += wa_OnGetLastSeen; // wa.OnGetTyping += wa_OnGetTyping; // wa.OnGetPaused += wa_OnGetPaused; // wa.OnGetMessageImage += wa_OnGetMessageImage; // wa.OnGetMessageAudio += wa_OnGetMessageAudio; // wa.OnGetMessageVideo += wa_OnGetMessageVideo; // wa.OnGetMessageLocation += wa_OnGetMessageLocation; // wa.OnGetMessageVcard += wa_OnGetMessageVcard; // wa.OnGetPhoto += wa_OnGetPhoto; // wa.OnGetPhotoPreview += wa_OnGetPhotoPreview; // wa.OnGetGroups += wa_OnGetGroups; // wa.OnGetSyncResult += wa_OnGetSyncResult; // wa.OnGetStatus += wa_OnGetStatus; // wa.OnGetPrivacySettings += wa_OnGetPrivacySettings; // DebugAdapter.Instance.OnPrintDebug += Instance_OnPrintDebug; // wa.Connect(); // string datFile = getDatFileName(sender); // byte[] nextChallenge = null; // if (File.Exists(datFile)) // { // try // { // string foo = File.ReadAllText(datFile); // nextChallenge = Convert.FromBase64String(foo); // } // catch (Exception) { }; // } // wa.Login(nextChallenge); // wa.SendGetServerProperties(); // ProcessChat(wa, target); // Console.ReadKey(); // wa.SendMessage(sender, "test"); // while (true) // { // wa.pollMessage(); // } //} //public static void Main(string[] args) //{ // var sender = "5521966747230"; // var target = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["destinatario"].ToString(); // var nick = "SICADv3"; // string imei = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["base64pwd"].ToString(); // string msg = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["msg"].ToString(); // var zapzap = new WhatsApp(sender, imei, nick, false); // zapzap.OnConnectSuccess += () => // { // Console.WriteLine("Conectado ao zapzap"); // zapzap.OnLoginSuccess += (numero, dados) => // { // zapzap.SendMessage(target, msg); // Console.WriteLine("zap zap enviado...(pressione [ENTER] para finalizar)"); // Console.ReadKey(); // }; // zapzap.OnLoginFailed += (dado) => // { // Console.WriteLine("Login falhou: {0}", dado); // }; // zapzap.Login(); // }; // zapzap.OnConnectFailed += ex => // { // Console.WriteLine("deu ruim: {0}", ex.Message); // }; // zapzap.Connect(); //} public static void EnviarWhatsapp(string msg, string destinatario) { var sender = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["sender"].ToString(); string imei = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["base64pwd"].ToString(); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(sender) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(imei)) { throw new Exception("Algum parâmetro não pode ser lido do arquivo de configuração, ou o mesmo não está presente."); } var nick = "JAHU_ZapZap"; var target = destinatario; var zapzap = new WhatsApp(sender, imei, nick, false); zapzap.OnConnectSuccess += () => { Console.WriteLine("Conectado ao zapzap"); zapzap.OnLoginSuccess += (numero, dados) => { zapzap.SendMessage(target, msg); }; zapzap.OnLoginFailed += (dado) => { // falha ao logar }; zapzap.Login(); }; zapzap.OnConnectFailed += ex => { // falha ao conectar. }; zapzap.Connect(); }
private static void Main(string[] args) { var tmpEncoding = Encoding.UTF8; System.Console.OutputEncoding = Encoding.Default; System.Console.InputEncoding = Encoding.Default; string nickname = "WhatsApiNet"; string sender = ""; string password = ""; string target = ""; wa = new WhatsApp(sender, password, nickname, true); //event bindings wa.OnLoginSuccess += wa_OnLoginSuccess; wa.OnLoginFailed += wa_OnLoginFailed; wa.OnGetMessage += wa_OnGetMessage; wa.OnGetMessageReadedClient += wa_OnGetMessageReadedClient; wa.OnGetMessageReceivedClient += wa_OnGetMessageReceivedClient; wa.OnGetMessageReceivedServer += wa_OnGetMessageReceivedServer; wa.OnNotificationPicture += wa_OnNotificationPicture; wa.OnGetPresence += wa_OnGetPresence; wa.OnGetGroupParticipants += wa_OnGetGroupParticipants; wa.OnGetLastSeen += wa_OnGetLastSeen; wa.OnGetTyping += wa_OnGetTyping; wa.OnGetPaused += wa_OnGetPaused; wa.OnGetMessageImage += wa_OnGetMessageImage; wa.OnGetMessageAudio += wa_OnGetMessageAudio; wa.OnGetMessageVideo += wa_OnGetMessageVideo; wa.OnGetMessageLocation += wa_OnGetMessageLocation; wa.OnGetMessageVcard += wa_OnGetMessageVcard; wa.OnGetPhoto += wa_OnGetPhoto; wa.OnGetPhotoPreview += wa_OnGetPhotoPreview; wa.OnGetGroups += wa_OnGetGroups; wa.OnGetSyncResult += wa_OnGetSyncResult; wa.OnGetStatus += wa_OnGetStatus; wa.OnGetPrivacySettings += wa_OnGetPrivacySettings; DebugAdapter.Instance.OnPrintDebug += Instance_OnPrintDebug; wa.SendGetServerProperties(); //ISessionStore AxolotlStore wa.OnstoreSession += wa_OnstoreSession; wa.OnloadSession += wa_OnloadSession; wa.OngetSubDeviceSessions += wa_OngetSubDeviceSessions; wa.OncontainsSession += wa_OncontainsSession; wa.OndeleteSession += wa_OndeleteSession; // IPreKeyStore AxolotlStore wa.OnstorePreKey += wa_OnstorePreKey; wa.OnloadPreKey += wa_OnloadPreKey; wa.OnloadPreKeys += wa_OnloadPreKeys; wa.OncontainsPreKey += wa_OncontainsPreKey; wa.OnremovePreKey += wa_OnremovePreKey; // ISignedPreKeyStore AxolotlStore wa.OnstoreSignedPreKey += wa_OnstoreSignedPreKey; wa.OnloadSignedPreKey += wa_OnloadSignedPreKey; wa.OnloadSignedPreKeys += wa_OnloadSignedPreKeys; wa.OncontainsSignedPreKey += wa_OncontainsSignedPreKey; wa.OnremoveSignedPreKey += wa_OnremoveSignedPreKey; // IIdentityKeyStore AxolotlStore wa.OngetIdentityKeyPair += wa_OngetIdentityKeyPair; wa.OngetLocalRegistrationId += wa_OngetLocalRegistrationId; wa.OnisTrustedIdentity += wa_OnisTrustedIdentity; wa.OnsaveIdentity += wa_OnsaveIdentity; wa.OnstoreLocalData += wa_OnstoreLocalData; // Error Notification ErrorAxolotl wa.OnErrorAxolotl += wa_OnErrorAxolotl; wa.OnProcessMessageException += wa_On_ProcessMessageException; wa.Connect(); string datFile = getDatFileName(sender); byte[] nextChallenge = null; if (File.Exists(datFile)) { try { string foo = File.ReadAllText(datFile); nextChallenge = Convert.FromBase64String(foo); } catch (Exception) { }; } wa.Login(nextChallenge); wa.SendGetPrivacyList(); wa.SendGetClientConfig(); //wa.SendSetPrivacySetting(ApiBase.VisibilityCategory.Status, ApiBase.VisibilitySetting.Everyone); //wa.SendStatusUpdate("Hi"); // Hey there! I am using WhatsApp if (wa.LoadPreKeys() == null) wa.SendSetPreKeys(true); ProcessChat(wa, target); Console.ReadKey(); }
public FWhatsAppAPI connect(string sender, string password, string nickname, string nextChalange) { clearError(); try { log.DebugFormat("sender >{0}<",sender); log.DebugFormat("password >{0}<", password); log.DebugFormat("nickname >{0}<", nickname); log.DebugFormat("nextChalange >{0}<", nextChalange); WhatsApp wa; FWhatsAppAPI waapi = null; wa = new WhatsApp(sender.Trim(), password.Trim(), nickname, debug); waapi = new FWhatsAppAPI(wa); cache[sender] = waapi; wa.Connect(); byte[] datanc = null; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(nextChalange)) { datanc = Convert.FromBase64String(nextChalange); } wa.Login(datanc); return waapi; } catch (Exception e) { setError(3, e); log.Debug("error connect", e); } return new FWhatsAppAPI(); }
private void btn_send_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string from = textBox_from.Text; string to = textBox_to.Text; string msg = textBox_msg.Text; WhatsApp wa = new WhatsApp(from, "ZVY6Y07Fgepusk2tGcUiCc0v39A=", ".NET Sender", false, false); wa.OnConnectSuccess += () => { MessageBox.Show("Connected", "Status"); wa.OnLoginSuccess += (phoneNumber, data) => { wa.SendMessage(to, msg); MessageBox.Show("Message Sent", "Status"); }; wa.OnLoginFailed += (data) => { MessageBox.Show("could not login to whatsapp", data); }; wa.Login(); }; wa.OnConnectFailed += (ex) => { MessageBox.Show("failed to connect","Status"); }; wa.Connect(); }
public void SendMessage(string to, string msg) { string from = "YOUR_CEL_PHONE"; WhatsApp wa = new WhatsApp(from, "YOUR_TOKEN_PERMISSION", "PASS", false, false); wa.OnConnectSuccess += () => { wa.OnLoginSuccess += (phonenumber, data) => { wa.SendMessage(to, msg); }; wa.OnLoginFailed += (data) => { string dataex = data; }; wa.Login(); }; wa.OnConnectFailed += (ex) => { string s = ex.Message; }; wa.Connect(); }
protected void SendChatState(string to, string type) { var node = new ProtocolTreeNode("chatstate", new[] { new KeyValue("to", WhatsApp.GetJID(to)) }, new[] { new ProtocolTreeNode(type, null) }); this.SendNode(node); }
protected void SendChatState(string to, string type) { var node = new ProtocolTreeNode("chatstate", new[] { new KeyValue("to", WhatsApp.GetJID(to)) }, new [] { new ProtocolTreeNode(type, null) }); this.whatsNetwork.SendData(this.BinWriter.Write(node)); }
public void Execute(params object[] list) { try { var tmpEncoding = Encoding.UTF8; System.Console.OutputEncoding = Encoding.Default; System.Console.InputEncoding = Encoding.Default; wa = new WhatsAppApi.WhatsApp(WAConfig["Sender"], WAConfig["Password"], WAConfig["NickName"], false); wa.OnLoginSuccess += wa_OnLoginSuccess; wa.OnConnectSuccess += wa_OnConnectSuccess; wa.OnError += wa_OnError; wa.OnConnectFailed += wa_ConnectFailed; wa.OnLoginFailed += wa_LoginFailed; wa.Connect(); wa.Login(); string MType = ((string)list [0]); switch (MType) { case "location": wa.SendMessageLocation(WAConfig["Target"], double.Parse((string)list [1], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat), double.Parse((string)list [2], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat), (string)(list [3]), ""); break; case "text": wa.SendMessage(WAConfig["Target"], ((string)list [1])); break; case "picture": wa.SendMessageImage(WAConfig["Target"], System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(((string)list [1])), WhatsAppApi.ApiBase.ImageType.PNG); break; case "audio": wa.SendMessageAudio(WAConfig["Target"], System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(((string)list [1])), ApiBase.AudioType.MP3); break; case "video": wa.SendMessageVideo(WAConfig["Target"], System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(((string)list [1])), ApiBase.VideoType.MP4); break; } de.SYStemiya.Helper.Logger.WriteLine("| > [WhatsApp] *** Message(" + ((string)(list [0])).ToUpper() + ") sent: " + list[1]); PluginEvent messageSent = Event; if (messageSent != null) { messageSent(this, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2); } } catch (Exception ex) { de.SYStemiya.Helper.Logger.WriteLine(ex.Message); de.SYStemiya.Helper.Logger.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace); if (ex.InnerException != null) { de.SYStemiya.Helper.Logger.WriteLine(ex.InnerException.Message); de.SYStemiya.Helper.Logger.WriteLine(ex.InnerException.StackTrace); } } }
public ActionResult MandarWhats(string cadena) { string Ocadena = cadena; char delimitador = ';'; string[] parametros = Ocadena.Split(delimitador); string from = ""; string to = parametros[1]; string message = ""; string pitchName = parametros[0]; try { WhatsAppApi.WhatsApp whats = new WhatsAppApi.WhatsApp(from, "imeistring", "nick", false, false); whats.OnConnectSuccess += () => { whats.SendMessage(to, message); Session["EnvioExitoso"] = "El mensaje fue enviado con éxito"; whats.OnLoginFailed += (data) => { Session["LogeoFallido"] = "Login failed : {0}"; }; whats.Login(); }; whats.OnConnectFailed += (ex) => { Session["EnvioFallido"] = "Conexión fallida"; }; whats.Connect(); } catch (Exception ex) { } return(View()); }
private void btnSend_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { WhatsApp wa = new WhatsApp(txtPhone.Text, txtPassword.Text, txtName.Text, true); wa.OnConnectSuccess += () => { txtStatus.Text = "Connected..."; wa.OnLoginSuccess += (phone, data) => { txtStatus.Text += "\r\nConnection Success !"; wa.SendMessage(txtTo.Text, txtMessage.Text); txtStatus.Text += "\r\nMessage Sent !"; }; wa.OnLoginFailed += (data) => { txtStatus.Text += string.Format("\r\nLoginFailed {0}", data); }; wa.Login(); }; wa.OnConnectFailed += (ex) => { txtStatus.Text += string.Format("\r\nConnect Failed {0}", ex.StackTrace); }; wa.Connect(); }
public void SendGetParticipants(string gjid) { string id = TicketCounter.MakeId(); var child = new ProtocolTreeNode("list", null); var node = new ProtocolTreeNode("iq", new[] { new KeyValue("id", id), new KeyValue("type", "get"), new KeyValue("xmlns", "w:g2"), new KeyValue("to", WhatsApp.GetJID(gjid)) }, child); this.SendNode(node); }
/// <summary> /// Make a request to retrieve all group participents /// </summary> /// <param name="gjid">The group jabber id</param> public void SendGetParticipants(string gjid) { string id = TicketCounter.MakeId("get_participants_"); var child = new ProtocolTreeNode("list", null); var node = new ProtocolTreeNode("iq", new[] { new KeyValue("id", id), new KeyValue("type", "get"), new KeyValue("xmlns", "w:g"), new KeyValue("to", WhatsApp.GetJID(gjid)) }, child); this.whatsNetwork.SendData(this.BinWriter.Write(node)); }
public Mensajes(string phoneNum, User user, WhatsApp wa) { this.user = user; this.wa = wa; this.phoneNum = phoneNum; InitializeComponent(); WpfsApp.MainWindow.MessageEvent += MainWindow_MessageEvent; this.typingTimer = new DispatcherTimer(); this.typingTimer.Tick += new EventHandler(typingTimer_Tick); this.typingTimer.Interval = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 5); this.patternEmojis = Utils.GetEmojiCompletePattern(); // Ocultar this.lblUser.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; this.imgUser.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; if (user.Img != null) { BitmapImage bi = new BitmapImage(); bi.BeginInit(); bi.StreamSource = new MemoryStream(user.Img); bi.EndInit(); this.imgUser.Source = bi; this.lblUser.Content = user.UserName; this.imgUser.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; this.lblUser.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } }
private static void Main(string[] args) { var tmpEncoding = Encoding.UTF8; System.Console.OutputEncoding = Encoding.Default; System.Console.InputEncoding = Encoding.Default; string nickname = "WhatsApiNet"; string sender = "316******3"; // Mobile number with country code (but without + or 00) string password = "******";//v2 password string target = "316********6";// Mobile number to send the message to string tempStr = "<message to=\"316********[email protected]\" type=\"text\" id=\"1404983842-0\"><x xmlns=\"jabber:x:event\"><server></server></x><body>ddddd</body><offline></offline></message>"; byte[] byteArray = WhatsApp.SYSEncoding.GetBytes(tempStr); WhatsApp wa = new WhatsApp(sender, password, nickname, true); wa.SendMessage(target, "ddddd"); //event bindings wa.OnLoginSuccess += wa_OnLoginSuccess; wa.OnLoginFailed += wa_OnLoginFailed; wa.OnGetMessage += wa_OnGetMessage; wa.OnGetMessageReceivedClient += wa_OnGetMessageReceivedClient; wa.OnGetMessageReceivedServer += wa_OnGetMessageReceivedServer; wa.OnNotificationPicture += wa_OnNotificationPicture; wa.OnGetPresence += wa_OnGetPresence; wa.OnGetGroupParticipants += wa_OnGetGroupParticipants; wa.OnGetLastSeen += wa_OnGetLastSeen; wa.OnGetTyping += wa_OnGetTyping; wa.OnGetPaused += wa_OnGetPaused; wa.OnGetMessageImage += wa_OnGetMessageImage; wa.OnGetMessageAudio += wa_OnGetMessageAudio; wa.OnGetMessageVideo += wa_OnGetMessageVideo; wa.OnGetMessageLocation += wa_OnGetMessageLocation; wa.OnGetMessageVcard += wa_OnGetMessageVcard; wa.OnGetPhoto += wa_OnGetPhoto; wa.OnGetPhotoPreview += wa_OnGetPhotoPreview; wa.OnGetGroups += wa_OnGetGroups; wa.OnGetSyncResult += wa_OnGetSyncResult; wa.OnGetStatus += wa_OnGetStatus; wa.OnGetPrivacySettings += wa_OnGetPrivacySettings; WhatsAppApi.Helper.DebugAdapter.Instance.OnPrintDebug += Instance_OnPrintDebug; wa.Connect(); string datFile = getDatFileName(sender); byte[] nextChallenge = null; if (File.Exists(datFile)) { try { string foo = File.ReadAllText(datFile); nextChallenge = Convert.FromBase64String(foo); } catch (Exception) { }; } wa.Login(nextChallenge); ProcessChat(wa, target); Console.ReadKey(); }
private static void Main(string[] args) { var tmpEncoding = Encoding.UTF8; System.Console.OutputEncoding = Encoding.Default; System.Console.InputEncoding = Encoding.Default; string nickname = "WhatsAPI Test"; string sender = "3526********"; // Mobile number with country code (but without + or 00) string password = "******";//v2 password string target = "316********";// Mobile number to send the message to WhatsApp wa = new WhatsApp(sender, password, nickname, true); wa.Connect(); wa.Login(); wa.PollMessages(); wa.Message(target, "Hi this is sent using WhatsApiNet"); wa.PollMessages(); ProcessChat(wa, ""); Console.ReadKey(); }