public static async Task SaveClaimToDb( [ActivityTrigger] WhatIfDemoDbDataContext.Claim claim, ILogger log) { var ctx = await WhatIfDemoDbDataContext.CreateAsync(); ctx.Claims.Add(claim); await ctx.SaveChangesIdempotentlyAsync(ex => { // Explicitly handling the case of duplicated execution. // Which might happen, if the process crashes or restarts. log.LogError($"Failed to add policy {} from userId {claim.userId}: {ex.Message}"); }); log.LogWarning($"Saved claim {} from userId {claim.userId}"); }
public static async Task <WhatIfDemoDbDataContext.Policy> SavePolicyToDb( [ActivityTrigger] WhatIfDemoDbDataContext.Policy policy, ILogger log) { // Saving the policy to Azure SQL DB var ctx = await WhatIfDemoDbDataContext.CreateAsync(); ctx.Policies.Add(policy); await ctx.SaveChangesIdempotentlyAsync(ex => { // Explicitly handling the case of duplicated execution. // Which might happen, if the process crashes or restarts. log.LogError($"Failed to add policy {} from userId {policy.userId}: {ex.Message}"); }); log.LogWarning($"Saved policy {} from userId {policy.userId}"); // Returning the Policy object back, just to show this context propagation mechanism return(policy); }
public static async Task Cleanup( [HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous, "get", Route = null)] HttpRequest request, ILogger log) { string userId = await Helpers.GetAccessingUserIdAsync(request, acceptedAuthProviders); // Loading user-specific data from Azure SQL database var ctx = await WhatIfDemoDbDataContext.CreateAsync(); // Removing all records for this user from SQL DB foreach (var policy in ctx.Policies.Where(p => p.userId == userId)) { ctx.Policies.Remove(policy); } foreach (var claim in ctx.Claims.Where(p => p.userId == userId)) { ctx.Claims.Remove(claim); } await ctx.SaveChangesAsync(); }
public static async Task <IEnumerable <Quote> > GetQuotes( [HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous, "get", Route = null)] HttpRequest request, // Getting all documents from Cosmos DB "Products" collection as a method parameter [CosmosDB(databaseName: "WhatIfDemoDb", collectionName: "Products", ConnectionStringSetting = "CosmosDBConnection", SqlQuery = "select * from c")] IEnumerable <Product> products, ILogger log) { string userId = await Helpers.GetAccessingUserIdAsync(request); // Loading user-specific data from Azure SQL database var ctx = await WhatIfDemoDbDataContext.CreateAsync(); int policiesCount = await ctx.Policies.CountAsync(p => p.userId == userId); int claimsCount = await ctx.Claims.CountAsync(c => c.userId == userId); // Giving 10% penalty for each claim, but not more than 200% decimal penalty = 1M + 0.1M * claimsCount; penalty = penalty > 2M ? 2M : penalty; // Giving 5% discount for each previously bought policy, but not more than 50% decimal discount = 1M - 0.05M * policiesCount; discount = discount < 0.5M ? 0.5M : discount; return(products.Select(p => new Quote { productId =, // Inferring quoteId from productId and the number of existing policies. // quoteId will then be used as identifier for order message, and this is how we deduplicate them quoteId = + "_" + policiesCount, title = p.title, price = p.price * penalty * discount })); }