private Animal AddDevice(int CompanyIndex) { this.SelectRandomUser(); if (this.SelectedUser != 0) { var values = new NameValueCollection(); values["Address"] = GenerateRandomString(8); values["CompanyId"] = this.WetuSystem[CompanyIndex].CompanyId.ToString(); values["UserKey"] = this.SelectedUser.ToString(); values["ModifiedDate"] = this.SelectRandomModifiedDate().ToString(); int result = post.GetDataInstance<int>(this.PostUrl + URLs.AddDevice, values); Animal ins = new Animal(); ins.AnimalId = result; ins.DeviceAddress = values["Address"]; return ins; } else { this.AddUser(this.SelectedCompanyIndex); this.SelectRandomUser(); var values = new NameValueCollection(); values["Address"] = GenerateRandomString(8); values["CompanyId"] = this.WetuSystem[CompanyIndex].CompanyId.ToString(); values["UserKey"] = this.SelectedUser.ToString(); values["ModifiedDate"] = this.SelectRandomModifiedDate().ToString(); int result = post.GetDataInstance<int>(this.PostUrl + URLs.AddDevice, values); Animal ins = new Animal(); ins.AnimalId = result; ins.DeviceAddress = values["Address"]; return ins; } }
public void AddAnimal() { Animal ins = new Animal(); ins = this.AddDevice(); if(ins.AnimalId != 0) { Console.WriteLine("Company " + this.SelectedCompanyIndex.ToString() + " Added Device: " + ins.DeviceAddress); int SexId = this.rand.Next(1, 3); var values = new NameValueCollection(); string Name = GenerateRandomString(8); values["Name"] = Name; values["Tag"] = GenerateRandomString(8); values["DeviceId"] = ins.AnimalId.ToString(); values["SexId"] = SexId.ToString(); values["Species"] = this.SelectRandomSpecies().ToString(); values["CompanyId"] = this.SelectedCompany.ToString(); values["UserKey"] = this.SelectedUser.ToString(); values["ModifiedDate"] = this.SelectRandomModifiedDate().ToString(); int result = post.GetDataInstance<int>(this.PostUrl + URLs.AddAnimal, values); if (result != 0) { ins.AnimalId = result; this.WetuSystem[this.SelectedCompanyIndex].Animals.Add(ins); Console.WriteLine("Company " + this.SelectedCompanyIndex.ToString() + " Added Animal: " + Name + " with Device - " + ins.DeviceAddress); if(SexId == 1) { this.WetuSystem[this.SelectedCompanyIndex].MaleAnimals.Add(ins); } else { this.WetuSystem[this.SelectedCompanyIndex].FemaleAnimals.Add(ins); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Failed to insert Animal"); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Failed to insert Device"); } }
private Animal AddChildDevice() { var values = new NameValueCollection(); values["Address"] = GenerateRandomString(8); values["CompanyId"] = this.SelectedCompany.ToString(); values["UserKey"] = this.SelectedUser.ToString(); values["ModifiedDate"] = this.SelectRandomModifiedDate().ToString(); int result = post.GetDataInstance<int>(this.PostUrl + URLs.AddDevice, values); Animal ins = new Animal(); ins.AnimalId = result; ins.DeviceAddress = values["Address"]; return ins; }